273041 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��^l���tl COU[IClI � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR �cil Resolution Presented B ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with the United States Depart— ment of Commerce whereby said Department will pay the City' s Fire Department $250.00 for each investigative report submitted involving fires related to thermal home insulation. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter �` J�Y 2 4 1979 Form A y C't or Adopted by C cil: Date �JSJ ! Certifie asse ouncil Secret�ry BY sy t t�ppro e INavor: Date Approved Mayor for Sub i io Council By _ By, �� JUN 2 19+�9 , ' ' ' ` U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ������';� TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE ORDER_ 1. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE—Inspection and acceptance 5. FOREIGN SUPPLIES—This contract is subject to the Bny wi11 be at destination, unless othecwise provided. Until delivery American Act(41 U.S.C. 10 a-d) as implemented by Executive Order and acceptance,and after any rejections, risk of loss will be on the 10582 of December 17, 1954, and any restrictions in appropriation Contractor unless loss results from negligence of the Govemment. acts on the procurement of foreign supplies. 2. VARIATION IN QUANTITY—No variation in the qaantity of any 6. CONVICT LABOR—In connection with the performance of work item called for by this contract will be accepted unless such varia- under this contract, the Contractor agrees not to employ any person tion hasbeen caused by conditions of loading,shipping, or packing, undergoing sentence of imprisonment except as provided by Public or allowances ia manufacturing, processes, and then only to the Law 89-176, September 10, 1965(18 U.S.C. 4082(c)�2) and Execu- extent, if any, specified elsewhere in this contract. tive Order 11755, December 29, 1973. 7. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT—No Member of or Delegate to 3. DISCOUNTS—Discount time will be computed from date of Congress or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share delivery at place of acceptance or from receipt of correct invoice at or part of this contract, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; the office specified bythe Govemment, whichever is later. Payment but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this rnatract is made, for discount purposes, when check is mailed. if made with a corporation for its general benefit. 4. DISPUTES—(a) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, 8. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES—The Contractor any dispute conceming a question of fact arising under this con- warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or tract which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the retained to solicit or secure this contract upon any agreement or Contracting officer, who shall mail or otherwise furnish a copy understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contin- thereof to the Contractor. This decision shall be final and conclu- gent fees,excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established sive unless, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Contractor for the the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes to the Contracting purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of this officer a written appeal addressed to the Head of the Agency. The warranty the Govemment shall have the right to annul this contract decision of the Head of the Agency oc his duly authorized repre- without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the contract sentative for the determination of such appeals shall be final and price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such conclusive nnless determinedto havebeen fraudulent,or capricious, commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. or arbitrary, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad 9. FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES—Eccept as may be faith, or not supported by substantial evidence. The Contractor otherwise provided in this contract, the contract price includes all shall be afforded,an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties in effect on in support of his appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute here- �e date of this contract but does not include any taxes from which under, the Contractor shall proceed diligently with the performance the Government, the Contractoi or this transaction is exempt. Upon of the contract and in accordance with the Contracting officer's request of the Contractor,the Govemment shall fumish a tax exemp- decision. (b) This "Disputes" clause does not preclude consider- tion certif�cate or similaz evidence of exemption with respect to any ation of law questions in connection with decisions provided for such tax not inciuded in the contract price pursuant to this clause. in (a) above; provided, that nothing in this contract shall be con- For the purpose of this clause, the term "date of this contract" strued as making final the decision of any administrative official, , representative, or board on a question of law. means the date of the contractor s quotation or, if no quotation, the date of this purchase order. 10. The following terms and conditions are incorporated by reference when (a)used for small purchases in excess of$2,500: (1) Employ- ment of the Handicapped-FPR 1-12.1304-1, (2) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standard Act-Overtime Compensation-FPR 1-12.12.303;(b) required by these regulations: (1) Service Contract Act 1965(Service Contracts in excess of$2500) FPR 1-12.9041, (2) Service Contract Act of 1965 (Service Contracts not exceeding$2500) FPR 1-12.9042. PAYMENTS 11ND BILLING INSTRUCTIONS Invoices shall be submitted in the ORIGINAL only, unless otherwise specified, and shall contain the following infoanation: contract num- ber (if any), order number, item number(s), description of supplies or services, sizes, quantities, unit prices, and extended totals. Bill of lading number and weight of shipment will be shown for shipments on Govemment bills of lading. If prepaid parcel post charges are billed, the gross weight and shipping point must be shown. NOTE—If desired, this order (or a copy thereo�may be used by the Contractor as his invoice, in lieu of a separate invoice, provided the following statement, (signed and dated) is entered on (or attached to) the order: "Payment is requested in the amount of$,,,,,,,,,,,,, No other invoice will be submitted." When several orders are to be invoiced to an ordering activity during the same billing period, consoli- dated periodic billings are encouraged. RECEIVING REPORT Quantity in the "Quantity Accepted" column on the face of this order has been: �inspected, �accepted, �received by me and conforms to contract, Items listed below have been rejected for the reasons indicated. Shipment Partial Date Received Signature of authorized U.S. Gowt. Representative Date Number Final Total containers Gross wieght Received at Title REPORT OF REJECTIONS Item No. Supplies or Services Unit Quantity Reason forRejection Rejected FORM CD-45B 14-78) USCOMM-DC 1043-P78 .�—v ur. r.._. v� c<.ti. t_re3 cvvi'J. ►AGt I01 �fAN����� �oR"` �e, �u�r 1906 �ONTlNUAT{ON SME�7 � o"'r��� �cico�i•i ci���if i�ioN . F'P-'19-SA-6-00388 � 2 2 r�a. ►roc• � or or►ero� oR ccT+r�uao� Bureau of F'ire Protr,ation - St. Paul, Miimesota IT[JA NO. SU�?LIES/SERVICES QUAN?�TY UNIT UNIT 1'R�� M�tOUM the fire ocene. The iTSFA will provide the inveetigative package d sgecifio guidelinee to the Contractor. Trainir.g aessione, technical a�sietance, and guidaxice r�il also be provided to the contra.ctor by the COTR. III� Contraating Officer's Technical Represantative OTR : Mr. I'om Blem Fire �ta Syateme Mvieion . U. S. Fire Administration P. o. B�x 1g518 Washington, D. C. 20036 Telep�one :10. (202) 2�l�-6020 IY. Coet�: The Contra.ctor shall be paid $250.00 for , e�ch inve�tigative report subnitted to IISFA tip . to nineteen (19). � 19 $250.00 $ l�,7�0.0� 9. Reports: Site viaits by. the �.��reati�ator shall e conducted �rithin 1} or 2 d�ye after occurrence and two copiee of the repo.rts sha.l.l bs nabmitted Within 30 da,ye after t2:e dri.te of occurrence to t e USFA for �cceptance. YI. Period Perfor.��nce s `1'he contract eha,ll be in effect for a �eriod of e?ght moat2-ie from the clat of arra_�. VII. Tha Contr�ctor ehall perform ws an indegsndent contrsictor erkd not ae an ;3g�±nt ef thQ U. S. Govern�ent. VIII The attached terr�e and conditions, CD--45B, �,re ma.de a p�rt of this contract. � . i •�—i o e �."'° "--'—'.,.,,._ ____ •U, 6, ('AVCpN�ICNT YNIM7IN0 U/TICL:liT� O• f��-if1 � STA�2DARD PORM 20, JUIY 196A P�GE Of ' GEt':ERAI SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AWAE2D/CONTRACT 1 '� y fED. /ROC. REO. (�1CfR) 1-tA.101 � �ppjTp,�(p�, JNft. IJcnr.)NO. 2. Ef►ECi1VE GATE �. RCtxJiStTqN/►UIKNASE REWEST/PROIECT Np. 1. CERTIFlED fOR NATIONAI DEFENSE UNDER �OSA REG. 2 AND/OR DMS REG. t. ` z�-?9-sA-A-oo388 �-79-sA-A-oo388 RATING: s. ISSUfD 6Y CODE 6. ADMINtSTERED 8� �ppE 7. DELIVERY Q. $. D@�.SiT ,�CAt. Of ri0ffi�OTC@ (/l otbn tbax blor4 �) FOB oEStl• � NATION Materiale and Servicee Contra.cta Div. OTHER(Se� Sma11 Purchasing Brauch, �toom 6078 �'� ��''��� ❑ b•���� s _ •. CONTIUCTOR CODE FAULJ7'Y CODE 9. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT NAME AND ADDRESS � � N@ f'. Btzreau of Ffre Proteation «R�;'s k, 101 Eset 10l�th Street "�Z1P`°�� St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 10. SU6MIT INVOICES (.f ropiei w�letr orberu�rse � I fperifStCJ TO ADORESS SMOWN IN 610CK—� L� Attnt Chief A�n Norgoren � 11. SHIP TO/MARK FOR CODE 12. PAYMENT Wlll 6E MADE BY CODE U. S. Degartment of Caramerce II. S. Department of Commerce U. S. Fire ldministration OFT�`�S, Accounting Onerationa Brarich M P. 0. Box 19518 Waehir.gton, D. C. 20230 �tfae�n�toz?r 1?. C. 2Q4 1�, 7HIS PROCUREMEM WAS � ADVER?ISED, � NEGOTIATFD, PURSUAM TO: � �0 U.S.C. 2301 (a)� ) � t l U.S.C. ]52 (cK Il. ACCOUNTWG ANO ArYROPR1AT10N DA�A I�l909/8207-QO/21-02/217 � (Firm fixed price) i s. � �s. ; i�. i a. i v. zo. ITEM NO. SUPPl1E5/SERVICES OUANTITY U/JIT UN�T PPICE AMOUNT I. To conduct c�tailed investiga.tion of fires whic � �IIVOZPA ther�31. home insulation. � ZI. :co e of works The Contrs,ctor ehall aubrait mon 'hly reporte on fire irve,�tiga,tions involviag the hame ineulation. The report will inclade, ae poseible, a rtarrative deecription of th3 s$quen e of eventer eurrcunding the fire; collectiort of s .ple �teriale directly involved in the fire, igiziti n source, burning cr�ar�.cteriRtice of the ineulati n, i.e., open fla�v3.ng or s��oldering; the epread o - fire or �moke; role of the ineulation in contri ut:ng to the corrosion of inetal or wiring ine�.slation; egecified ho•asir.g conatruati��n techaiquee that y relate to Plamability a.nd corroeion contributio s of the insulation; in�tallation prsi.cticee w�ich � contribute to eleatrical haza.rcio; and photograp e of 21• TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT S L��'TSQ�((;Q COA'TI�.SC'I7NG OFF/CER WILL COMPLE7'E BLOCK 22 OR 2G AS AYPIICABLE 22. � CONTRAGTOR'S f�tEGO1UTED nAGREfMENT (Cowtrw�ror ii rcqwirtd fo tigw �e. � AWARD (Coslrocfo• Ir no1 reqwiied to tig• �b„ e�:Y.�..Rr.� Your ofF�r tbii dxu�ntRt owd r7C�fP.� � Gte(,it1 !�itnring o�itt.f Conhoctw aqrws on Sol�citot�or.NumbK ,incl�dinp�M �o furni�h and d�iir�r oll il�m�or p�rfenn oll 16a ��rvic��ial foAh o�otAv..�N oddif�om or cAony��med�by you whlc�odd��cn�or cbonp•r w�vl foAh in fdl id�ntified alww ond on any roMinvation �MNf ia fM considerofion dofad henin. abw�,i�Mreby occephd o�lo tM it�m�fNod abovt ond on ony eontinuafioe sMM. TM ripM�ond ob�ipations of eM pomss ro fh��eonhad�Fall b�s�bj�A fo ond pov� Thi�orard tonwmmot��IA�eoetrod rhich co�ii�M o/M�iollowinp doru��NU(o) wnr!by M�Idlo�.inp Eocum�rti:(o)thi�ov+erd/coatrod,(b�fM wGci�oNon,if arq. M• Gowrnm�M'� wlicitafion on6 you oR�r, ond �b� Mi� owo.d/cofMOd. Ib and(c)wch prori�iom, r�pr�►�MOtiom,c�Mificafiom, and ip�cificaliont. o�o.� f�!tMr controctvol doam�ol i�n�ce�sory. onoch�d or inco.poratrJ Ey n(���nu A�r�io. (Altatbrwewff art lirleC berriw.f I7. NIMf Of CCldTRAROR I7. UNiTEO 5!ATFS Q` AMERIU {Y {� (Sipnatun oi p�rw�o�fhariz�d b sipn) - . — (S�p�o�u.s o!Con!rocnny O}FcM 7!. NAMf AI�O TliLE Of SIGNER (Tjpt K PriwfJ 23. DATE SICNED 2E. NAA4E q COMRACTING OifICER (7)Dr or`��i��) 29. DATE SIGhf� 26-106 � . _ �� T .. � ., .. : 1976-200-SBA 4 " . FI CHIE �pprove as to orm:Asst. City Atty. .� ' ''4+�M�or�qyy' � � � UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE March 23, 1978 � � ' The AssiStant Secretary for Administ�ation '`� �3 Washington, D.C. c0230 e a►. 'h�r[s� :��,�� Bureau of Fire Protection 101 East 104th Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 � Attn: Chief Dan Norgoren Sub3ect: FP-79-SA-A-00388 Gentlemen: Eaclosed is the origin.al aad three (3) copies of the sub3ect contract. P1easE sign and return the original a.nd t�ro (2) copiea as promptly as posaib�e, and no later thaa ten (10) da.ys after receipt to: II. S. Depaxtment of Commerce Procuremen.t Diviaion Small Purchasin.g Branch, Room 6078 ll�th & Constitution Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20230 gttn: Eileen F. Dove The fourth copy of the contra.ct ahould be retained for your files. IIpon eaecution of the sub3ect contract by the Government, a full� executed copy will be returned to you. Sincerely, _ , GC�i,. �ZCS%� , ,; ileen F. Dove, Acting Chief, 55na11 Purcha.sing Branch r'�closurea I