01-1010aR«R�AL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA coun�il File # Green Sheet # o�— l0\0 113552 a� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, to 3 participate in an Organized Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2002, and 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Benanav 8/akey Bostrom Coleman Hanis Adopted by Council: Date: �� �, a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By� `� a �-g ._ Approved by Mayor: Date: ��1 �? Q�� By: ��( _ /'`-/ DEATASKFORCEO'I-02 Appro Mayor fo • Su mi sion to Council: gy; �� Requested by Department of: „ DEP,p2TME�:70FFICEfCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �! ' Pofice s�24�ot GREEN SHEET No. 113552 ' ONT PER N & P E , , . ,. . WRWlDATE � � INfTIAI/DA7E ' -- WilliamFinttey 292-3588 1 nmxExrwrsECrors 4 couxca MOST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE} � ^ O� <O , ` �uliATfORHEY 1 1 �CLERIC u � u , p1NNRNG�I�SQMCESMR_ �WWCW-SER/INCCTG u �YOR(ORASSIS�ANTI_ �UN4NfdGNiS u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� enoN aenuesreo RECEfVED Signatures required on ffie attached co�mcil resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Deparnnent to enter into an agreement with the United States Department of Justice. SEP j 7 20 �� MAYOR'S OFFICE RECOMMENDATION Approve �A) or Reject �R) PERSON745ERVICE CoNTaAC75 MU57 AN5wER THe FOLLOWING qUE5T1oNS: 1. Ha5 this personffrtn ever worked under a contrad for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this psrson/fifin ever been a city employee? CiVIL SERVICE COMMtSStON YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfimrpossess a skill �rot rrortnally possessetl by any curterrt city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR _ YES NO Explain all yes answere on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY� The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will participate in the Drug Enforcement Administrarion Task Force with the United States Department of Justice. The Saint Paul Police Department wiR be reimbursed for overtixne expenses. �� Ragaa�Gtt ��nteC � � � ��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � ” The Saint Paul Police Department will continue to partieipate in the above mentioned Federal Task Force with other federal and local agencies. , , DISADVANTAGESIFApPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tlus federal task force. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ see the attached agreement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UnitCd $T2tes DepaitiIIeIIt Of 7uShCe ACTIVITY NUMBER credit revenue to 04000 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) O�_la�o DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMIlVISTRATION NIINNEA.POLIS-ST. PAUL DISTRICT OFFICE CHTCAGO FIELD DIVISION STATE ANB LOCAL TASK ROI2CE AGREEMENT This ab eement is made this first day of October 2001, between the United States Deparhnent of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administrarion (hereafter "DEA"), and the St. Paul Police Deparhnent (hereafter "DeparimenY'). WHEREAS there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul DBA District Office's area of responsibility which includes the State of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin and that such illegal activity has a substantial and detrimental effect on the health and general welfare of the people of Minnesota and Wisconsin, the parties hereto agree to the following: 1. The DEA Task Force will perform the activities and duties described below: a. disrupt the illicit dnxg traffic in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin by immobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. gather and report intelligence data relating to the trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs; and, c. conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in arder that the Task Force's activities result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and District Courts of the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 2. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, the Department agrees to detail one (1) experienced officer to the DEA Task Force for a period of not less than two (2) years. During this period of assignment, the officer will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the Task Farce. 3. The DeparhnenYs officer assigned to the Task Force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to AEA policies and procedures shall be grounds for dismissal from the Task Force. 4. The DeparhnenYs officer assigned to the Task Force shall be deputized as Task Force Officer of DEA pursuant to Title 21 U.S.C. Section 878. 5. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, DEA will assign a minimum of three (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. DEA will also, subject to availability of annually Q�_���,c appropriated funds or any continuing resolution thereof, provide necessary funds and equipment to suppozt the activities of the DEA Special Agents and Deparhnent officers assigned to the Task Force. This support will include: office space, office equipment and supplies, clerical support, travel funds, funds for purchase of evidence and information, investigative equipment, training, funds for overtime costs described below, gasoline, oil and oil changes for the Department owned vehicle that is utilized by the Task Force Officer for Task Force activities, and other support items. 6. During the period of assignment to the DEA Task Force, the Department will remain responsible for establishing the salary and benefits, including overtime, of the DepartmenYs officer assigned to the Task Force, and for making all payments due them. DEA will, subject to availability of funds, reimburse the Deparhnent for overtime payments made by it to the DeparimenYs officer assigned to the DEA Task Force for overtime, up to a sum equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-10, step 1, Federal employee (currently $9,461.00), per officer. Reimbursement for actual overtime hours worked as documented on DEA Form 352 by the Task Force Officer limited up to a maximum pay#nent of $2,365.00 per quarter (every three months) per officer. 7. In no event will the Department charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 8. The Department shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accardance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 9. The Department shall permit and have readily available for examination and auditing by DEA, the United States Deparhnent of 7ustice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. The Department shal] maintain all such reports and records until all audits and their examinations aze completed and , resolved, or for a period of three (3) years after termination of this agreement, whichever is sooner. 10. The Department shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act (as incorporated in the Civil Rights Act of 1991) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the Umted States Department of Justice implementing those laws, 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C D, and F. 11. The Depariment ag�ees that an authorized officer or employee will execute and return to DEA the attached OJP Forxn 4061/6, Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements. The Department acknowledges that this agreement will not take effect and no Federal funds will be awarded to the Department by DEA until the completed certification is received. o � -���o 12. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, the Department shall clearly state: (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project wluch will be financed with federal money and (2) the dollar amount of federal funds for the pro�ect or program. 13. The term of this agreement shall be from the date of signature by representatives of both parties to September 30, 2002. This agreement may be ternunated by either party on thirty (30) days advance written notice. Billings for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA within ninety (90) days of the date of termination of this agreement. DEA �vill be responsibie only for obligations incurred by the DepartmenYs officer during the term of this agreement. For the Drug Enforcement Administration Mich A. DeMarte, Special Agent in Charge Chicago �eld Division For the St. Paul Title: ty Service Director Date: Date: Date: a� �.o�- -�` 5 �g���� , �.�� ���� � 5�e� she�- ¢�r.�ss� '3171Oi�0 3YY MDIMM �/�M� GNV GtW� 'LrtfO� SAl10� Jf0 S]OV1��11 il�•tl M110f _�iu. aaAOpwa ow •wei0 aVl iaP� iuw+AOlauw }o uocuW+c� � se '1e41 lel Vae�BeuC Aq panrou wauauis wR w aaAqaws aiµ Bu!AWUN 101 :(q V�+��� AQ P luwu -aleu ayi ;o Aaa� t uau8 aq wr�6 ayl � a�uwioyatl wp u! pih6W YQ Ol DiAO1duW WQ� 1«A 7uWIW!(1GJ f L Bu1l�flN (�1 :1xW�W�w a41 ui 8uwtux wo!ulan asnq� 6rup io; waAO�au+a uoan Ptsoauu a9 .�aw uW sa?t� 041 H'1 pue :swe�8cia a�wupn wAOpuw P� 'uoaeviWKH� ��+!I�� d^+P RQ�I!�we AW (£) :a��IC�ow� wy-B+uP e Buiwnwtu+ )o A�ryotl a s�w��8 Wl (Zl :yx�aWOw� a41 w amqe 6rup;o uaEueP Wl It) _uqq� sw�opuw wia;u� oi w�iBoiA ssawnw�� oa{'3niP �� ut Bun�syqeis3 IQI :uonq�yo�tl y�ni;o uonsp�w io; iaWqduw iwu8e ua�n aq I4!M uyt suoux aw 6u�Ay��aCS pu� ax�tl�{wM s,aaluei8 a41 w PauQ!tMW st r�u'sWro PNlo+uw� �;o asn �o •uonsanod •Bwsuaanp 'uoiuWuis�P 'arqx;nuew �ryw�qun aR uw saaaolaw BuUy�lou wawauu e 6 ui4�!K1nd I►1 :Aq axttl�+ow� �ay-GUp e apuaC ol anuguw� ��iw� �o �Ilw. u 3e4t sa�y�va� iunpaar a41 'v —at9'L9 Oua 9L9'L9 suou�og L9 uod Hd� 8Z iQ Pou!;aP sa •saawai9 �o; • j vaaqnS 'L9 u�d Hd� 82 1a pawauwpwi P�� '8B61 io nV a�e1GWoM aa�j-Brud ay3 �q paimba� sy lSldf101Al4Nl NtlHl li3H10 S331NVM'JI a�ma�+aonn aaa�-�naa •s •uow�qoaa s�� oi uonaupaxa u! y�tylY pt�Y ay: io ay 'ucinoi{�va� siyi w sluawauii ay�;o Aw o3 A;�uao oi a�qsu� u wuqaa� aVi a+a4M 'fl pue :�tn�{a0 �o ason io� Gaiamuuai ��wao� io •ase3g 'IS�W�dI suonn�suan oi�Qna aiow io avo p�y uoq -eogtlaa siyl Bmpa�a�a pouatl �wA-aaiyi a u�yuM 3ou an�H IDl pu� :uonaoi;ivaa aiyi yo IQI(tl V���Beaa u� paluwmua safuayo ayl ;o Aua �o uo�sswwoo ypw� (�no� �o •ott3S 'IQ�a�dl �3uua Ioivawwano8 a Aq pa8nyo Ap�w�a io A��ewwuo as�wuaWO io �o; pai��pw AµuawiG 3ou atl (ol :,U�ada�tl uaiou Buinwr� �o 'nuau+ouss aa�a; Buq�w 'sP�oaa� ;a uo�i��+isaC +o uonng�s�a{ 'Aiapuq •A1GBlo; '1{iyl '1uiWa�zzYqwi ;o ualniwwa] �o aainleis isnisnur aing io �e�apaj lo uonv�oin :uon�asu�» �i�qr+a s�apun laanuoo io uon�eivau U�ol �o •aing 'Ia�apajl o!Iqna 'luawaa�8¢ eMiewOOOO �o •1u¢�8 'uou�asuan paiano� ayi p�aMa o1 sauiuualap aonsnf ;0 1uowLatlap eyi uayM pa�¢�tl oq ���M aaua9a� 4a�yM uaCn 1oe; ;o uoilQluaraitla� �auaiaw a sa Paiaa�i eQ Ilvyt suo�aani�ao a41 ..'lsluwg) aatp�oM aaij-Bnsp �e; s�uGUtat�nbay ap}re-luawwawa� pua �3uawa�nx�duoN� uoisuadsng pua luauu¢qaQ ap�M-luowwano�„ 'L9 Nad Fi3� SZ Pua „BwAqqo'7 uo suoilouKaa MaN„ • 69 yIId ti3� 8z �aPun swawaimbai uonao�;iliao yUM aaueyQwoa �; sapu�o�d u�o; siyl;o a�nxau8ig •uLa; siyl Buila�dwoo a�o;aq suo�1Q��Bai ay1 w papn�au� uoilQO!}woo �o; suo��rulsui ay1 w�a}na� os�a p�noys s1u¢agtltly •lsaus ol poi!�ai a�a Aa41 yo!4�`^ oi uoi3Q�!}�Lao ayi awuualYp oi Mo�aq pau� suou¢}�Bw ay1 01 �o;o� pinoys siuQOyddy Q 6WW10{!YC 10 'tOf1C0 OS &lCCYWSIt '6111WQO0 U1lM udi _�wuo� w asua}�o 1��eua� e�o P�+�+1 to uour�www +� wWt uu+a. vaw�a+ wwi6v�( 1!wn r v�� n;o Vo�wuoa wq uon -a�!par snµ Buip�.wia pouaa uaA-aaiyi e wyuw� 1ou wN lQ) :A�WG Jo luawi,�Oap �siapaj Aut Aq wonxfu�J1 pa�ano� uw+{ _ paQnhz� A�uaunWw io'Lttoa R+aO� io alel$ [ A7 �!SwW 10�3 i� P!wV e oi 0+��+s'alQi&lM+� qa,s�aap Yuwu _��qyp �oy p��ya •papu�CSns •pwpap A�suara�a wu �+V 1�1 :s�eCauuC a� pue 1! laW t+ywaa we�!1me xLL 'tl — OLS'L9 u�!�S 'L9 Wd Hi, 9L ie Pw4oP st 'auoR�+�A Po+O�w MtwuA u� uusCD�L�C �na -�WSO�G ,o} 'L9 i�ad 1ii� 8Z ls W3wwaltlw� pue 'uasuWSn$ pu� ivauu�4� "6/SL l�ap�p awiuUax3 AQ W+�nGi sV I1N31d1�3H 173tlia) Sb311tliY JWli81SNOdS3tl !l3H10 GHC' 'iYa1SN3dSRS '1N3WtlV83a Z 'N�+!D+�� �solnlp pu� A{Na� II�V� uuwar�a "QM Ilf 3�y1 WY �i7x11��QM PU� 'f1UiWiilB! 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Offiq of Justce R'oqr�mt. ATTN: Control Wak. 633 india�u Avanu�. N.W,. Wathinqton, D.C. 20531, Notica shaii inciud� the idan- afiear;on mxna.u! os ueh ,xxtad gnr,c Sfl Takirq on� of tP► folbwinp aation�, within 30 uNMr CtYS ot npivr�q noGd unWr subpvapraph fd1tZ1. with resP�et to +�Y �WWM wl�o �a ao ca+vic[W— 111 Tskf^9 aPMOP�an DRSOmM arnon +9+�na2 weA an emploYN. up to and inCiudinp tsrtmnaaM. cOnaiss�tft with ttr repuir�nts af ehs RahaOitincon Att of 1973, ss mtr�nded; or t21 Raquirinp weh �mploys� w PartiaP�a aansfacionly in a druq sbus� �ssisnne� or rehabilftatio� program apprcva6 for auch purpoa�s bv s fadxal. S4u. or Ixal huiM. 1aw anforce- m�nt. w atMr tpprcpnnt +9�': Ig! M�king a qood taitfi affort to tontinue ta maurta1n � Crug- fre� workplact 2hrough impbmant�uon of paragrapha lal, (bl. lel. tdl. lel, and lfl. B- The 9rsmea may ineert in tha sDaea prmidaE bNOw the sitelsl !or the parfo�nanu of wo�k Gona m eann�caon wrzn the spsafic gr�rrc: Plaee of Perfortnanee l5treat adtlrasa, etty, eounty, xate, zip cod�) As Me�y autt�orized reDreaentanva of the apphcani. I 1. Gra�tee Name St. Paui Poiic Department St. Paul, Minneso 2. AoPlieaoon NumWr antl�or Projact Name� Drug Enforcement Administr State and Local Task Force Ch�ck O ii thers xe workplaeax on tile Mat srs not indentifiW han. Sectiun 87, 630 of the regulanons orovides that s grantee thst ia a Ststa may elect to make one eertifieation in eac}f Fedxal fiseal yea�. A coOY of whrch should be inctuded vnth saGt �p' pliertion for Department of Just�ce funEing. Staies a�W State ayannea may Nect to ux OJP Form 4081l7. Chaek � if tAe Stata has elected ta complete OJP Form 40B7l7. DHUG-FflEE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES YYHO ARE INDIVIDUALS) As required by the Drug-Free Workptxe Act of 1988. and imD�emented at 28 CFR Part 67, Su6part K, for grantees. as dafined st 28 CFR Pert 67: Secnons 67.6t5 and 87_820— A. As a condttion of the grant. 1 cervry t�at I w01 not engaga in Me unlawful manufaCture. O�SAtbuLOn. G�epensing, pOfsla- atan, ar We OF s cOnttolllfl substanee m ContluCLn9 iny acvv�ry w�M ihe gran2: and 8. If convitteE of a cnminal drug offeme re:ultmg from a vwlanen occumng Ounng the eontluct af any grant aetivity. I w�il rcport Me canv�cnon. �n wnttnq, wiMin 10 caletMar dayt of the canvicc�on. to: Departmenc af Justiea. OHica et Justtce Progroma, ATTN: Control Desk. 633 Indiana Avenua N.W., Waahington, O.C. 2053i. certify that the applicant will comply with the above cerofieatians. 3. Grantee IRSNendor Number d. Typad Nm+s aM Tt1s af authonzed 5. Signsm�s 6. Date aR«R�AL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA coun�il File # Green Sheet # o�— l0\0 113552 a� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, to 3 participate in an Organized Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2002, and 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Benanav 8/akey Bostrom Coleman Hanis Adopted by Council: Date: �� �, a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By� `� a �-g ._ Approved by Mayor: Date: ��1 �? Q�� By: ��( _ /'`-/ DEATASKFORCEO'I-02 Appro Mayor fo • Su mi sion to Council: gy; �� Requested by Department of: „ DEP,p2TME�:70FFICEfCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �! ' Pofice s�24�ot GREEN SHEET No. 113552 ' ONT PER N & P E , , . ,. . WRWlDATE � � INfTIAI/DA7E ' -- WilliamFinttey 292-3588 1 nmxExrwrsECrors 4 couxca MOST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE} � ^ O� <O , ` �uliATfORHEY 1 1 �CLERIC u � u , p1NNRNG�I�SQMCESMR_ �WWCW-SER/INCCTG u �YOR(ORASSIS�ANTI_ �UN4NfdGNiS u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� enoN aenuesreo RECEfVED Signatures required on ffie attached co�mcil resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Deparnnent to enter into an agreement with the United States Department of Justice. SEP j 7 20 �� MAYOR'S OFFICE RECOMMENDATION Approve �A) or Reject �R) PERSON745ERVICE CoNTaAC75 MU57 AN5wER THe FOLLOWING qUE5T1oNS: 1. Ha5 this personffrtn ever worked under a contrad for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this psrson/fifin ever been a city employee? CiVIL SERVICE COMMtSStON YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfimrpossess a skill �rot rrortnally possessetl by any curterrt city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR _ YES NO Explain all yes answere on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY� The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will participate in the Drug Enforcement Administrarion Task Force with the United States Department of Justice. The Saint Paul Police Department wiR be reimbursed for overtixne expenses. �� Ragaa�Gtt ��nteC � � � ��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � ” The Saint Paul Police Department will continue to partieipate in the above mentioned Federal Task Force with other federal and local agencies. , , DISADVANTAGESIFApPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tlus federal task force. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ see the attached agreement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UnitCd $T2tes DepaitiIIeIIt Of 7uShCe ACTIVITY NUMBER credit revenue to 04000 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) O�_la�o DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMIlVISTRATION NIINNEA.POLIS-ST. PAUL DISTRICT OFFICE CHTCAGO FIELD DIVISION STATE ANB LOCAL TASK ROI2CE AGREEMENT This ab eement is made this first day of October 2001, between the United States Deparhnent of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administrarion (hereafter "DEA"), and the St. Paul Police Deparhnent (hereafter "DeparimenY'). WHEREAS there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul DBA District Office's area of responsibility which includes the State of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin and that such illegal activity has a substantial and detrimental effect on the health and general welfare of the people of Minnesota and Wisconsin, the parties hereto agree to the following: 1. The DEA Task Force will perform the activities and duties described below: a. disrupt the illicit dnxg traffic in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin by immobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. gather and report intelligence data relating to the trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs; and, c. conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in arder that the Task Force's activities result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and District Courts of the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 2. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, the Department agrees to detail one (1) experienced officer to the DEA Task Force for a period of not less than two (2) years. During this period of assignment, the officer will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the Task Farce. 3. The DeparhnenYs officer assigned to the Task Force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to AEA policies and procedures shall be grounds for dismissal from the Task Force. 4. The DeparhnenYs officer assigned to the Task Force shall be deputized as Task Force Officer of DEA pursuant to Title 21 U.S.C. Section 878. 5. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, DEA will assign a minimum of three (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. DEA will also, subject to availability of annually Q�_���,c appropriated funds or any continuing resolution thereof, provide necessary funds and equipment to suppozt the activities of the DEA Special Agents and Deparhnent officers assigned to the Task Force. This support will include: office space, office equipment and supplies, clerical support, travel funds, funds for purchase of evidence and information, investigative equipment, training, funds for overtime costs described below, gasoline, oil and oil changes for the Department owned vehicle that is utilized by the Task Force Officer for Task Force activities, and other support items. 6. During the period of assignment to the DEA Task Force, the Department will remain responsible for establishing the salary and benefits, including overtime, of the DepartmenYs officer assigned to the Task Force, and for making all payments due them. DEA will, subject to availability of funds, reimburse the Deparhnent for overtime payments made by it to the DeparimenYs officer assigned to the DEA Task Force for overtime, up to a sum equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-10, step 1, Federal employee (currently $9,461.00), per officer. Reimbursement for actual overtime hours worked as documented on DEA Form 352 by the Task Force Officer limited up to a maximum pay#nent of $2,365.00 per quarter (every three months) per officer. 7. In no event will the Department charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 8. The Department shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accardance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 9. The Department shall permit and have readily available for examination and auditing by DEA, the United States Deparhnent of 7ustice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. The Department shal] maintain all such reports and records until all audits and their examinations aze completed and , resolved, or for a period of three (3) years after termination of this agreement, whichever is sooner. 10. The Department shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act (as incorporated in the Civil Rights Act of 1991) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the Umted States Department of Justice implementing those laws, 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C D, and F. 11. The Depariment ag�ees that an authorized officer or employee will execute and return to DEA the attached OJP Forxn 4061/6, Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements. The Department acknowledges that this agreement will not take effect and no Federal funds will be awarded to the Department by DEA until the completed certification is received. o � -���o 12. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, the Department shall clearly state: (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project wluch will be financed with federal money and (2) the dollar amount of federal funds for the pro�ect or program. 13. The term of this agreement shall be from the date of signature by representatives of both parties to September 30, 2002. This agreement may be ternunated by either party on thirty (30) days advance written notice. Billings for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA within ninety (90) days of the date of termination of this agreement. DEA �vill be responsibie only for obligations incurred by the DepartmenYs officer during the term of this agreement. For the Drug Enforcement Administration Mich A. DeMarte, Special Agent in Charge Chicago �eld Division For the St. Paul Title: ty Service Director Date: Date: Date: a� �.o�- -�` 5 �g���� , �.�� ���� � 5�e� she�- ¢�r.�ss� '3171Oi�0 3YY MDIMM �/�M� GNV GtW� 'LrtfO� SAl10� Jf0 S]OV1��11 il�•tl M110f _�iu. aaAOpwa ow •wei0 aVl iaP� iuw+AOlauw }o uocuW+c� � se '1e41 lel Vae�BeuC Aq panrou wauauis wR w aaAqaws aiµ Bu!AWUN 101 :(q V�+��� AQ P luwu -aleu ayi ;o Aaa� t uau8 aq wr�6 ayl � a�uwioyatl wp u! pih6W YQ Ol DiAO1duW WQ� 1«A 7uWIW!(1GJ f L Bu1l�flN (�1 :1xW�W�w a41 ui 8uwtux wo!ulan asnq� 6rup io; waAO�au+a uoan Ptsoauu a9 .�aw uW sa?t� 041 H'1 pue :swe�8cia a�wupn wAOpuw P� 'uoaeviWKH� ��+!I�� d^+P RQ�I!�we AW (£) :a��IC�ow� wy-B+uP e Buiwnwtu+ )o A�ryotl a s�w��8 Wl (Zl :yx�aWOw� a41 w amqe 6rup;o uaEueP Wl It) _uqq� sw�opuw wia;u� oi w�iBoiA ssawnw�� oa{'3niP �� ut Bun�syqeis3 IQI :uonq�yo�tl y�ni;o uonsp�w io; iaWqduw iwu8e ua�n aq I4!M uyt suoux aw 6u�Ay��aCS pu� ax�tl�{wM s,aaluei8 a41 w PauQ!tMW st r�u'sWro PNlo+uw� �;o asn �o •uonsanod •Bwsuaanp 'uoiuWuis�P 'arqx;nuew �ryw�qun aR uw saaaolaw BuUy�lou wawauu e 6 ui4�!K1nd I►1 :Aq axttl�+ow� �ay-GUp e apuaC ol anuguw� ��iw� �o �Ilw. u 3e4t sa�y�va� iunpaar a41 'v —at9'L9 Oua 9L9'L9 suou�og L9 uod Hd� 8Z iQ Pou!;aP sa •saawai9 �o; • j vaaqnS 'L9 u�d Hd� 82 1a pawauwpwi P�� '8B61 io nV a�e1GWoM aa�j-Brud ay3 �q paimba� sy lSldf101Al4Nl NtlHl li3H10 S331NVM'JI a�ma�+aonn aaa�-�naa •s •uow�qoaa s�� oi uonaupaxa u! y�tylY pt�Y ay: io ay 'ucinoi{�va� siyi w sluawauii ay�;o Aw o3 A;�uao oi a�qsu� u wuqaa� aVi a+a4M 'fl pue :�tn�{a0 �o ason io� Gaiamuuai ��wao� io •ase3g 'IS�W�dI suonn�suan oi�Qna aiow io avo p�y uoq -eogtlaa siyl Bmpa�a�a pouatl �wA-aaiyi a u�yuM 3ou an�H IDl pu� :uonaoi;ivaa aiyi yo IQI(tl V���Beaa u� paluwmua safuayo ayl ;o Aua �o uo�sswwoo ypw� (�no� �o •ott3S 'IQ�a�dl �3uua Ioivawwano8 a Aq pa8nyo Ap�w�a io A��ewwuo as�wuaWO io �o; pai��pw AµuawiG 3ou atl (ol :,U�ada�tl uaiou Buinwr� �o 'nuau+ouss aa�a; Buq�w 'sP�oaa� ;a uo�i��+isaC +o uonng�s�a{ 'Aiapuq •A1GBlo; '1{iyl '1uiWa�zzYqwi ;o ualniwwa] �o aainleis isnisnur aing io �e�apaj lo uonv�oin :uon�asu�» �i�qr+a s�apun laanuoo io uon�eivau U�ol �o •aing 'Ia�apajl o!Iqna 'luawaa�8¢ eMiewOOOO �o •1u¢�8 'uou�asuan paiano� ayi p�aMa o1 sauiuualap aonsnf ;0 1uowLatlap eyi uayM pa�¢�tl oq ���M aaua9a� 4a�yM uaCn 1oe; ;o uoilQluaraitla� �auaiaw a sa Paiaa�i eQ Ilvyt suo�aani�ao a41 ..'lsluwg) aatp�oM aaij-Bnsp �e; s�uGUtat�nbay ap}re-luawwawa� pua �3uawa�nx�duoN� uoisuadsng pua luauu¢qaQ ap�M-luowwano�„ 'L9 Nad Fi3� SZ Pua „BwAqqo'7 uo suoilouKaa MaN„ • 69 yIId ti3� 8z �aPun swawaimbai uonao�;iliao yUM aaueyQwoa �; sapu�o�d u�o; siyl;o a�nxau8ig •uLa; siyl Buila�dwoo a�o;aq suo�1Q��Bai ay1 w papn�au� uoilQO!}woo �o; suo��rulsui ay1 w�a}na� os�a p�noys s1u¢agtltly •lsaus ol poi!�ai a�a Aa41 yo!4�`^ oi uoi3Q�!}�Lao ayi awuualYp oi Mo�aq pau� suou¢}�Bw ay1 01 �o;o� pinoys siuQOyddy Q 6WW10{!YC 10 'tOf1C0 OS &lCCYWSIt '6111WQO0 U1lM udi _�wuo� w asua}�o 1��eua� e�o P�+�+1 to uour�www +� wWt uu+a. vaw�a+ wwi6v�( 1!wn r v�� n;o Vo�wuoa wq uon -a�!par snµ Buip�.wia pouaa uaA-aaiyi e wyuw� 1ou wN lQ) :A�WG Jo luawi,�Oap �siapaj Aut Aq wonxfu�J1 pa�ano� uw+{ _ paQnhz� A�uaunWw io'Lttoa R+aO� io alel$ [ A7 �!SwW 10�3 i� P!wV e oi 0+��+s'alQi&lM+� qa,s�aap Yuwu _��qyp �oy p��ya •papu�CSns •pwpap A�suara�a wu �+V 1�1 :s�eCauuC a� pue 1! laW t+ywaa we�!1me xLL 'tl — OLS'L9 u�!�S 'L9 Wd Hi, 9L ie Pw4oP st 'auoR�+�A Po+O�w MtwuA u� uusCD�L�C �na -�WSO�G ,o} 'L9 i�ad 1ii� 8Z ls W3wwaltlw� pue 'uasuWSn$ pu� ivauu�4� "6/SL l�ap�p awiuUax3 AQ W+�nGi sV I1N31d1�3H 173tlia) Sb311tliY JWli81SNOdS3tl !l3H10 GHC' 'iYa1SN3dSRS '1N3WtlV83a Z 'N�+!D+�� �solnlp pu� A{Na� II�V� uuwar�a "QM Ilf 3�y1 WY �i7x11��QM PU� 'f1UiWiilB! 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'ZT - w�oj P�QWeiS uwQns pue alapw0� ��e�a pauBmYpun a43 'ww+w�ba anna�atlDOO io 1ue�B P�ap9j siys yuw� uou�auuo� ui :w�8uo� ;o �apwayy a;o aaAOlCwa ue io •�sai9uo� yo wAOpwa �o iaoy;o na 'ssa�Buo' �o iaquwy� a•AOUaBa Aua {o aWOpwa �o �a��po ua aouangw oi Cw3tluW1 -it �o Bwouangw io; uouaG Aur o3 pirtl oq ��iN. �o pi�E uap an�y apun{ paitudaatl� �aaDy uQW �ay3o spufy Aw;� �q1 :ivawaa�0e anne��tlooa W 1uu8 �Uapa� AW ;o uoRfO�;�pOw lo •luau+pUau+� 'W�MNWJ 'UORfnu0.W0'W�fuYlZa iyi pue'1uiuJiY18P an�iv/YtlooD Aw;o auu Buuawa aV3'iu��8 �i�apaj �uv �o Bur�tw nW yuw� uoi�au -WO ui sfuBuo� ;o �aquWyy e+a OaAOlawa uY �o •ssa8u0� ;o wAOfaw� �o iaoiµo uv 'ssa�8uo� yo �aquray� e•A�uaBe Au� � yo aaAO�tlwa �o �aaiµo ue aauangw oi 8unawalW Ja 8unuang •w �o; uosia0 Aue o1 'pw8�uapun aUi ;o y�syap uo �o Aq •pifa oQ II!M io O��e uaaq anay spurty pauuao�Cae p�a{wj op l :uW uy!uao tunqatle oy3 '69 Lad tld� 9Z ie pwyap eo'ppp'OOIf ���0 lYiWiYlB9 OM1GIDtlOO� lD �11138 • owi Buwwa suowe �o{ •69 uad H�J HZ ia Powauwltlw� pue 'GPO� �S'(1 aW io l£ 0 8 1 1 �ZB6l ua1L�a$ AQ PallebYl 4y 'JNIA880� 't S1N3W3aIf1D3H 3�b�'id�1�OM 332i� oNtJ �S�13111�fW �i11'1181SNOdS31i li3Hi0 atltd NOtSN3dSfIS "1N3WaVfl3a ��JNlAfl80l JNlaatfJ3�1 SNOIltf�1�LL�13� q1o1� �O aa�ioatdwo� �Hl �0 3�iddo swva�oaa 3�ta.snr ao 3��dao 3�I15(If d0 1N3W1MVd3C 'S'fl ', - \ � (tl AO+d� by tM nrma of tM sucerren[:�md (2I Notifi/ tM wnployv in wntlnq of his w Mr eonvietion for a vio�stp� of � aimiml Crup sudR� xWrtinq in t�s wutO�ap no later Uf�n fiw eWMU days ahar wch Conviction: ls/ Notityinp tM ap�ney, in wri�rp, within 70 oNrW�r dip ahr r�e�iq noon uWw suEparaqqph ltlll2l trom an amO�ovM or otl+wMriM nemin0 aew4 notiu of suet� eonvie- T10ff. �QIOy�fl Of CDItYiCty �rtlplpy�y mYft pfOVdf noOp. inehWirq positlon fltN. to: O�pvvn�nt af Ju�tip. Offiq of Justce R'oqr�mt. ATTN: Control Wak. 633 india�u Avanu�. N.W,. Wathinqton, D.C. 20531, Notica shaii inciud� the idan- afiear;on mxna.u! os ueh ,xxtad gnr,c Sfl Takirq on� of tP► folbwinp aation�, within 30 uNMr CtYS ot npivr�q noGd unWr subpvapraph fd1tZ1. with resP�et to +�Y �WWM wl�o �a ao ca+vic[W— 111 Tskf^9 aPMOP�an DRSOmM arnon +9+�na2 weA an emploYN. up to and inCiudinp tsrtmnaaM. cOnaiss�tft with ttr repuir�nts af ehs RahaOitincon Att of 1973, ss mtr�nded; or t21 Raquirinp weh �mploys� w PartiaP�a aansfacionly in a druq sbus� �ssisnne� or rehabilftatio� program apprcva6 for auch purpoa�s bv s fadxal. S4u. or Ixal huiM. 1aw anforce- m�nt. w atMr tpprcpnnt +9�': Ig! M�king a qood taitfi affort to tontinue ta maurta1n � Crug- fre� workplact 2hrough impbmant�uon of paragrapha lal, (bl. lel. tdl. lel, and lfl. B- The 9rsmea may ineert in tha sDaea prmidaE bNOw the sitelsl !or the parfo�nanu of wo�k Gona m eann�caon wrzn the spsafic gr�rrc: Plaee of Perfortnanee l5treat adtlrasa, etty, eounty, xate, zip cod�) As Me�y autt�orized reDreaentanva of the apphcani. I 1. Gra�tee Name St. Paui Poiic Department St. Paul, Minneso 2. AoPlieaoon NumWr antl�or Projact Name� Drug Enforcement Administr State and Local Task Force Ch�ck O ii thers xe workplaeax on tile Mat srs not indentifiW han. Sectiun 87, 630 of the regulanons orovides that s grantee thst ia a Ststa may elect to make one eertifieation in eac}f Fedxal fiseal yea�. A coOY of whrch should be inctuded vnth saGt �p' pliertion for Department of Just�ce funEing. Staies a�W State ayannea may Nect to ux OJP Form 4081l7. Chaek � if tAe Stata has elected ta complete OJP Form 40B7l7. DHUG-FflEE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES YYHO ARE INDIVIDUALS) As required by the Drug-Free Workptxe Act of 1988. and imD�emented at 28 CFR Part 67, Su6part K, for grantees. as dafined st 28 CFR Pert 67: Secnons 67.6t5 and 87_820— A. As a condttion of the grant. 1 cervry t�at I w01 not engaga in Me unlawful manufaCture. O�SAtbuLOn. G�epensing, pOfsla- atan, ar We OF s cOnttolllfl substanee m ContluCLn9 iny acvv�ry w�M ihe gran2: and 8. If convitteE of a cnminal drug offeme re:ultmg from a vwlanen occumng Ounng the eontluct af any grant aetivity. I w�il rcport Me canv�cnon. �n wnttnq, wiMin 10 caletMar dayt of the canvicc�on. to: Departmenc af Justiea. OHica et Justtce Progroma, ATTN: Control Desk. 633 Indiana Avenua N.W., Waahington, O.C. 2053i. certify that the applicant will comply with the above cerofieatians. 3. Grantee IRSNendor Number d. Typad Nm+s aM Tt1s af authonzed 5. Signsm�s 6. Date aR«R�AL Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA coun�il File # Green Sheet # o�— l0\0 113552 a� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, to 3 participate in an Organized Drug Enforcement Task Force from October 1, 2001 through 4 September 30, 2002, and 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Benanav 8/akey Bostrom Coleman Hanis Adopted by Council: Date: �� �, a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By� `� a �-g ._ Approved by Mayor: Date: ��1 �? Q�� By: ��( _ /'`-/ DEATASKFORCEO'I-02 Appro Mayor fo • Su mi sion to Council: gy; �� Requested by Department of: „ DEP,p2TME�:70FFICEfCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �! ' Pofice s�24�ot GREEN SHEET No. 113552 ' ONT PER N & P E , , . ,. . WRWlDATE � � INfTIAI/DA7E ' -- WilliamFinttey 292-3588 1 nmxExrwrsECrors 4 couxca MOST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE} � ^ O� <O , ` �uliATfORHEY 1 1 �CLERIC u � u , p1NNRNG�I�SQMCESMR_ �WWCW-SER/INCCTG u �YOR(ORASSIS�ANTI_ �UN4NfdGNiS u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� enoN aenuesreo RECEfVED Signatures required on ffie attached co�mcil resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Deparnnent to enter into an agreement with the United States Department of Justice. SEP j 7 20 �� MAYOR'S OFFICE RECOMMENDATION Approve �A) or Reject �R) PERSON745ERVICE CoNTaAC75 MU57 AN5wER THe FOLLOWING qUE5T1oNS: 1. Ha5 this personffrtn ever worked under a contrad for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this psrson/fifin ever been a city employee? CiVIL SERVICE COMMtSStON YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfimrpossess a skill �rot rrortnally possessetl by any curterrt city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targeted vendoR _ YES NO Explain all yes answere on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY� The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will participate in the Drug Enforcement Administrarion Task Force with the United States Department of Justice. The Saint Paul Police Department wiR be reimbursed for overtixne expenses. �� Ragaa�Gtt ��nteC � � � ��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � ” The Saint Paul Police Department will continue to partieipate in the above mentioned Federal Task Force with other federal and local agencies. , , DISADVANTAGESIFApPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in tlus federal task force. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ see the attached agreement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UnitCd $T2tes DepaitiIIeIIt Of 7uShCe ACTIVITY NUMBER credit revenue to 04000 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) O�_la�o DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMIlVISTRATION NIINNEA.POLIS-ST. PAUL DISTRICT OFFICE CHTCAGO FIELD DIVISION STATE ANB LOCAL TASK ROI2CE AGREEMENT This ab eement is made this first day of October 2001, between the United States Deparhnent of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administrarion (hereafter "DEA"), and the St. Paul Police Deparhnent (hereafter "DeparimenY'). WHEREAS there is evidence that trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs exists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul DBA District Office's area of responsibility which includes the State of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin and that such illegal activity has a substantial and detrimental effect on the health and general welfare of the people of Minnesota and Wisconsin, the parties hereto agree to the following: 1. The DEA Task Force will perform the activities and duties described below: a. disrupt the illicit dnxg traffic in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin by immobilizing targeted violators and trafficking organizations; b. gather and report intelligence data relating to the trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs; and, c. conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other traditional methods of investigation in arder that the Task Force's activities result in effective prosecution before the courts of the United States and District Courts of the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 2. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, the Department agrees to detail one (1) experienced officer to the DEA Task Force for a period of not less than two (2) years. During this period of assignment, the officer will be under the direct supervision and control of DEA supervisory personnel assigned to the Task Farce. 3. The DeparhnenYs officer assigned to the Task Force shall adhere to all DEA policies and procedures. Failure to adhere to AEA policies and procedures shall be grounds for dismissal from the Task Force. 4. The DeparhnenYs officer assigned to the Task Force shall be deputized as Task Force Officer of DEA pursuant to Title 21 U.S.C. Section 878. 5. To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, DEA will assign a minimum of three (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. DEA will also, subject to availability of annually Q�_���,c appropriated funds or any continuing resolution thereof, provide necessary funds and equipment to suppozt the activities of the DEA Special Agents and Deparhnent officers assigned to the Task Force. This support will include: office space, office equipment and supplies, clerical support, travel funds, funds for purchase of evidence and information, investigative equipment, training, funds for overtime costs described below, gasoline, oil and oil changes for the Department owned vehicle that is utilized by the Task Force Officer for Task Force activities, and other support items. 6. During the period of assignment to the DEA Task Force, the Department will remain responsible for establishing the salary and benefits, including overtime, of the DepartmenYs officer assigned to the Task Force, and for making all payments due them. DEA will, subject to availability of funds, reimburse the Deparhnent for overtime payments made by it to the DeparimenYs officer assigned to the DEA Task Force for overtime, up to a sum equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-10, step 1, Federal employee (currently $9,461.00), per officer. Reimbursement for actual overtime hours worked as documented on DEA Form 352 by the Task Force Officer limited up to a maximum pay#nent of $2,365.00 per quarter (every three months) per officer. 7. In no event will the Department charge any indirect cost rate to DEA for the administration or implementation of this agreement. 8. The Department shall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accardance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 9. The Department shall permit and have readily available for examination and auditing by DEA, the United States Deparhnent of 7ustice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. The Department shal] maintain all such reports and records until all audits and their examinations aze completed and , resolved, or for a period of three (3) years after termination of this agreement, whichever is sooner. 10. The Department shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act (as incorporated in the Civil Rights Act of 1991) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the Umted States Department of Justice implementing those laws, 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C D, and F. 11. The Depariment ag�ees that an authorized officer or employee will execute and return to DEA the attached OJP Forxn 4061/6, Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements. The Department acknowledges that this agreement will not take effect and no Federal funds will be awarded to the Department by DEA until the completed certification is received. o � -���o 12. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, the Department shall clearly state: (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project wluch will be financed with federal money and (2) the dollar amount of federal funds for the pro�ect or program. 13. The term of this agreement shall be from the date of signature by representatives of both parties to September 30, 2002. This agreement may be ternunated by either party on thirty (30) days advance written notice. Billings for all outstanding obligations must be received by DEA within ninety (90) days of the date of termination of this agreement. DEA �vill be responsibie only for obligations incurred by the DepartmenYs officer during the term of this agreement. For the Drug Enforcement Administration Mich A. DeMarte, Special Agent in Charge Chicago �eld Division For the St. Paul Title: ty Service Director Date: Date: Date: a� �.o�- -�` 5 �g���� , �.�� ���� � 5�e� she�- ¢�r.�ss� '3171Oi�0 3YY MDIMM �/�M� GNV GtW� 'LrtfO� SAl10� Jf0 S]OV1��11 il�•tl M110f _�iu. aaAOpwa ow •wei0 aVl iaP� iuw+AOlauw }o uocuW+c� � se '1e41 lel Vae�BeuC Aq panrou wauauis wR w aaAqaws aiµ Bu!AWUN 101 :(q V�+��� AQ P luwu -aleu ayi ;o Aaa� t uau8 aq wr�6 ayl � a�uwioyatl wp u! pih6W YQ Ol DiAO1duW WQ� 1«A 7uWIW!(1GJ f L Bu1l�flN (�1 :1xW�W�w a41 ui 8uwtux wo!ulan asnq� 6rup io; waAO�au+a uoan Ptsoauu a9 .�aw uW sa?t� 041 H'1 pue :swe�8cia a�wupn wAOpuw P� 'uoaeviWKH� ��+!I�� d^+P RQ�I!�we AW (£) :a��IC�ow� wy-B+uP e Buiwnwtu+ )o A�ryotl a s�w��8 Wl (Zl :yx�aWOw� a41 w amqe 6rup;o uaEueP Wl It) _uqq� sw�opuw wia;u� oi w�iBoiA ssawnw�� oa{'3niP �� ut Bun�syqeis3 IQI :uonq�yo�tl y�ni;o uonsp�w io; iaWqduw iwu8e ua�n aq I4!M uyt suoux aw 6u�Ay��aCS pu� ax�tl�{wM s,aaluei8 a41 w PauQ!tMW st r�u'sWro PNlo+uw� �;o asn �o •uonsanod •Bwsuaanp 'uoiuWuis�P 'arqx;nuew �ryw�qun aR uw saaaolaw BuUy�lou wawauu e 6 ui4�!K1nd I►1 :Aq axttl�+ow� �ay-GUp e apuaC ol anuguw� ��iw� �o �Ilw. u 3e4t sa�y�va� iunpaar a41 'v —at9'L9 Oua 9L9'L9 suou�og L9 uod Hd� 8Z iQ Pou!;aP sa •saawai9 �o; • j vaaqnS 'L9 u�d Hd� 82 1a pawauwpwi P�� '8B61 io nV a�e1GWoM aa�j-Brud ay3 �q paimba� sy lSldf101Al4Nl NtlHl li3H10 S331NVM'JI a�ma�+aonn aaa�-�naa •s •uow�qoaa s�� oi uonaupaxa u! y�tylY pt�Y ay: io ay 'ucinoi{�va� siyi w sluawauii ay�;o Aw o3 A;�uao oi a�qsu� u wuqaa� aVi a+a4M 'fl pue :�tn�{a0 �o ason io� Gaiamuuai ��wao� io •ase3g 'IS�W�dI suonn�suan oi�Qna aiow io avo p�y uoq -eogtlaa siyl Bmpa�a�a pouatl �wA-aaiyi a u�yuM 3ou an�H IDl pu� :uonaoi;ivaa aiyi yo IQI(tl V���Beaa u� paluwmua safuayo ayl ;o Aua �o uo�sswwoo ypw� (�no� �o •ott3S 'IQ�a�dl �3uua Ioivawwano8 a Aq pa8nyo Ap�w�a io A��ewwuo as�wuaWO io �o; pai��pw AµuawiG 3ou atl (ol :,U�ada�tl uaiou Buinwr� �o 'nuau+ouss aa�a; Buq�w 'sP�oaa� ;a uo�i��+isaC +o uonng�s�a{ 'Aiapuq •A1GBlo; '1{iyl '1uiWa�zzYqwi ;o ualniwwa] �o aainleis isnisnur aing io �e�apaj lo uonv�oin :uon�asu�» �i�qr+a s�apun laanuoo io uon�eivau U�ol �o •aing 'Ia�apajl o!Iqna 'luawaa�8¢ eMiewOOOO �o •1u¢�8 'uou�asuan paiano� ayi p�aMa o1 sauiuualap aonsnf ;0 1uowLatlap eyi uayM pa�¢�tl oq ���M aaua9a� 4a�yM uaCn 1oe; ;o uoilQluaraitla� �auaiaw a sa Paiaa�i eQ Ilvyt suo�aani�ao a41 ..'lsluwg) aatp�oM aaij-Bnsp �e; s�uGUtat�nbay ap}re-luawwawa� pua �3uawa�nx�duoN� uoisuadsng pua luauu¢qaQ ap�M-luowwano�„ 'L9 Nad Fi3� SZ Pua „BwAqqo'7 uo suoilouKaa MaN„ • 69 yIId ti3� 8z �aPun swawaimbai uonao�;iliao yUM aaueyQwoa �; sapu�o�d u�o; siyl;o a�nxau8ig •uLa; siyl Buila�dwoo a�o;aq suo�1Q��Bai ay1 w papn�au� uoilQO!}woo �o; suo��rulsui ay1 w�a}na� os�a p�noys s1u¢agtltly •lsaus ol poi!�ai a�a Aa41 yo!4�`^ oi uoi3Q�!}�Lao ayi awuualYp oi Mo�aq pau� suou¢}�Bw ay1 01 �o;o� pinoys siuQOyddy Q 6WW10{!YC 10 'tOf1C0 OS &lCCYWSIt '6111WQO0 U1lM udi _�wuo� w asua}�o 1��eua� e�o P�+�+1 to uour�www +� wWt uu+a. vaw�a+ wwi6v�( 1!wn r v�� n;o Vo�wuoa wq uon -a�!par snµ Buip�.wia pouaa uaA-aaiyi e wyuw� 1ou wN lQ) :A�WG Jo luawi,�Oap �siapaj Aut Aq wonxfu�J1 pa�ano� uw+{ _ paQnhz� A�uaunWw io'Lttoa R+aO� io alel$ [ A7 �!SwW 10�3 i� P!wV e oi 0+��+s'alQi&lM+� qa,s�aap Yuwu _��qyp �oy p��ya •papu�CSns •pwpap A�suara�a wu �+V 1�1 :s�eCauuC a� pue 1! laW t+ywaa we�!1me xLL 'tl — OLS'L9 u�!�S 'L9 Wd Hi, 9L ie Pw4oP st 'auoR�+�A Po+O�w MtwuA u� uusCD�L�C �na -�WSO�G ,o} 'L9 i�ad 1ii� 8Z ls W3wwaltlw� pue 'uasuWSn$ pu� ivauu�4� "6/SL l�ap�p awiuUax3 AQ W+�nGi sV I1N31d1�3H 173tlia) Sb311tliY JWli81SNOdS3tl !l3H10 GHC' 'iYa1SN3dSRS '1N3WtlV83a Z 'N�+!D+�� �solnlp pu� A{Na� II�V� uuwar�a "QM Ilf 3�y1 WY �i7x11��QM PU� 'f1UiWiilB! 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'ZT - w�oj P�QWeiS uwQns pue alapw0� ��e�a pauBmYpun a43 'ww+w�ba anna�atlDOO io 1ue�B P�ap9j siys yuw� uou�auuo� ui :w�8uo� ;o �apwayy a;o aaAOlCwa ue io •�sai9uo� yo wAOpwa �o iaoy;o na 'ssa�Buo' �o iaquwy� a•AOUaBa Aua {o aWOpwa �o �a��po ua aouangw oi Cw3tluW1 -it �o Bwouangw io; uouaG Aur o3 pirtl oq ��iN. �o pi�E uap an�y apun{ paitudaatl� �aaDy uQW �ay3o spufy Aw;� �q1 :ivawaa�0e anne��tlooa W 1uu8 �Uapa� AW ;o uoRfO�;�pOw lo •luau+pUau+� 'W�MNWJ 'UORfnu0.W0'W�fuYlZa iyi pue'1uiuJiY18P an�iv/YtlooD Aw;o auu Buuawa aV3'iu��8 �i�apaj �uv �o Bur�tw nW yuw� uoi�au -WO ui sfuBuo� ;o �aquWyy e+a OaAOlawa uY �o •ssa8u0� ;o wAOfaw� �o iaoiµo uv 'ssa�8uo� yo �aquray� e•A�uaBe Au� � yo aaAO�tlwa �o �aaiµo ue aauangw oi 8unawalW Ja 8unuang •w �o; uosia0 Aue o1 'pw8�uapun aUi ;o y�syap uo �o Aq •pifa oQ II!M io O��e uaaq anay spurty pauuao�Cae p�a{wj op l :uW uy!uao tunqatle oy3 '69 Lad tld� 9Z ie pwyap eo'ppp'OOIf ���0 lYiWiYlB9 OM1GIDtlOO� lD �11138 • owi Buwwa suowe �o{ •69 uad H�J HZ ia Powauwltlw� pue 'GPO� �S'(1 aW io l£ 0 8 1 1 �ZB6l ua1L�a$ AQ PallebYl 4y 'JNIA880� 't S1N3W3aIf1D3H 3�b�'id�1�OM 332i� oNtJ �S�13111�fW �i11'1181SNOdS31i li3Hi0 atltd NOtSN3dSfIS "1N3WaVfl3a ��JNlAfl80l JNlaatfJ3�1 SNOIltf�1�LL�13� q1o1� �O aa�ioatdwo� �Hl �0 3�iddo swva�oaa 3�ta.snr ao 3��dao 3�I15(If d0 1N3W1MVd3C 'S'fl ', - \ � (tl AO+d� by tM nrma of tM sucerren[:�md (2I Notifi/ tM wnployv in wntlnq of his w Mr eonvietion for a vio�stp� of � aimiml Crup sudR� xWrtinq in t�s wutO�ap no later Uf�n fiw eWMU days ahar wch Conviction: ls/ Notityinp tM ap�ney, in wri�rp, within 70 oNrW�r dip ahr r�e�iq noon uWw suEparaqqph ltlll2l trom an amO�ovM or otl+wMriM nemin0 aew4 notiu of suet� eonvie- T10ff. �QIOy�fl Of CDItYiCty �rtlplpy�y mYft pfOVdf noOp. inehWirq positlon fltN. to: O�pvvn�nt af Ju�tip. Offiq of Justce R'oqr�mt. ATTN: Control Wak. 633 india�u Avanu�. N.W,. Wathinqton, D.C. 20531, Notica shaii inciud� the idan- afiear;on mxna.u! os ueh ,xxtad gnr,c Sfl Takirq on� of tP► folbwinp aation�, within 30 uNMr CtYS ot npivr�q noGd unWr subpvapraph fd1tZ1. with resP�et to +�Y �WWM wl�o �a ao ca+vic[W— 111 Tskf^9 aPMOP�an DRSOmM arnon +9+�na2 weA an emploYN. up to and inCiudinp tsrtmnaaM. cOnaiss�tft with ttr repuir�nts af ehs RahaOitincon Att of 1973, ss mtr�nded; or t21 Raquirinp weh �mploys� w PartiaP�a aansfacionly in a druq sbus� �ssisnne� or rehabilftatio� program apprcva6 for auch purpoa�s bv s fadxal. S4u. or Ixal huiM. 1aw anforce- m�nt. w atMr tpprcpnnt +9�': Ig! M�king a qood taitfi affort to tontinue ta maurta1n � Crug- fre� workplact 2hrough impbmant�uon of paragrapha lal, (bl. lel. tdl. lel, and lfl. B- The 9rsmea may ineert in tha sDaea prmidaE bNOw the sitelsl !or the parfo�nanu of wo�k Gona m eann�caon wrzn the spsafic gr�rrc: Plaee of Perfortnanee l5treat adtlrasa, etty, eounty, xate, zip cod�) As Me�y autt�orized reDreaentanva of the apphcani. I 1. Gra�tee Name St. Paui Poiic Department St. Paul, Minneso 2. AoPlieaoon NumWr antl�or Projact Name� Drug Enforcement Administr State and Local Task Force Ch�ck O ii thers xe workplaeax on tile Mat srs not indentifiW han. Sectiun 87, 630 of the regulanons orovides that s grantee thst ia a Ststa may elect to make one eertifieation in eac}f Fedxal fiseal yea�. A coOY of whrch should be inctuded vnth saGt �p' pliertion for Department of Just�ce funEing. Staies a�W State ayannea may Nect to ux OJP Form 4081l7. Chaek � if tAe Stata has elected ta complete OJP Form 40B7l7. DHUG-FflEE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES YYHO ARE INDIVIDUALS) As required by the Drug-Free Workptxe Act of 1988. and imD�emented at 28 CFR Part 67, Su6part K, for grantees. as dafined st 28 CFR Pert 67: Secnons 67.6t5 and 87_820— A. As a condttion of the grant. 1 cervry t�at I w01 not engaga in Me unlawful manufaCture. O�SAtbuLOn. G�epensing, pOfsla- atan, ar We OF s cOnttolllfl substanee m ContluCLn9 iny acvv�ry w�M ihe gran2: and 8. If convitteE of a cnminal drug offeme re:ultmg from a vwlanen occumng Ounng the eontluct af any grant aetivity. I w�il rcport Me canv�cnon. �n wnttnq, wiMin 10 caletMar dayt of the canvicc�on. to: Departmenc af Justiea. OHica et Justtce Progroma, ATTN: Control Desk. 633 Indiana Avenua N.W., Waahington, O.C. 2053i. certify that the applicant will comply with the above cerofieatians. 3. Grantee IRSNendor Number d. Typad Nm+s aM Tt1s af authonzed 5. Signsm�s 6. Date