273038 WHITE - CITV CLERK ^����^ • f L 7 PIN1� - FINANCE COUIICII � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y � S A I N T PA� .L � i Q � �` BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. CO CZZ S � Presented By LICENSE COMMIT`.I'EE � Referred To mmi ee: te Out of Committee By ate RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at e addresses stated be and the k same are hereby granted. Kelly's Pub, Inc. 11 W. Tenth St. Restaurant C-2 Appn. 5430 Renew �� '� Tavern �' �' �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �� �� '� Cigarette �' �� 0'Gara Bar & Grill, Inc. 164 N. Snelling Av. Restaurant C-2 5530 �� �� �� Cigarette �' �' Harold Berget 1960 University Av. Restaurant C-2 557� �� Robert Jack, Inc. 1964 University Av. Restaurant C-2 5599 " �� �� Tavern �' �' �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �� �� �' Cigarette �� �� Winchell's Donut House 785 E. 7th St. Bakery-B 5771 �' �� �� Restaurant C-1 �� �� Dennis Dietsch 260 E. 5th St. Restaurant C-1 5865 " Peter M. Schlosser 631 Universi�y Av. Fds. Original Cont.-D 5890 �� Clarence L. Law 1176 N. Dale St. Gas Station 3 pumps 5948 �� �� �� General Repair Gar. �� �� William Erb 1537 White Bear Av. Drive-In Restaurant C-3 5977 �� James M. Morelli 421 E. 7th St. Restaurant C-2 6010 �' Ceorge Darveaux 9 W• 5th St. Restaurant C-2 6116 " . Norman W. Wendt 385 N. Lexington Av. Grocery A-2/Fr. Foods 6129 " �� �� Off Sa.le Malt '� �' �� " Cigarette �' " " F. W. Woolworth 81-93 E. Beventh St. Cigarette 6131 " Southland Corp. #1�040 2051 Grand Av. Grocery A-2/Fr. Foods 6132 " �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �� Southland Corp. #17055 2065 Randolph Av. Grocery A-2/Fr. Foods 6133 �� �� �� Off Sale Malt �� �� J. Henningsgard 1820 Grand Av. Fds. Original Cont.-D 6137 " Bro-Tex Sanitary Wiping Cloths Co. 800 Hampden I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6138 " �� �� 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �� Carl Kuhl 4421 4th St. N. E., Mp1s.I Fds. V.M. Oper. 6139 �� i� ii ii n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . Requested by Department of: Rosalie Butler David Hozza In Favor Ruby Hurit Leonaxd Levine _ __ Against BY -- Ron Maddox Joanne Showalter Adop���S�rCc3U�t���.'CO Date — Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK •Y����� PINIj - FINANCE - G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council h � CANARV - D�PARTMENT� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LI�� ��TT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE 2 Carl Kuhl 4421 4th St. N.E. , Mpls. 37 add'1 I Fds V.M Appn. 6139 8enew Consolidated Electric Co. 141 S. Lafayette Rd. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6140 " Sheehy Construction Co. 36o W. Larpenteur Av. I Fds. V..M. Loc. 6141 " Ryan Transfer & Storage Co. 888 M�ckubin St I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6142 �� John P. Tracy 1345 Marshall Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6143 '� Raymond J. Vanek 380 W. Maryland Av. Cigarette 6144 �� " �' I Fds. V.M. T,oc. �' " Vincent W. Christenson 69 N. Milton 8est/Nurs Home 6145 '� �� �� Food Estab M �� �� Brad Stanius 1340 Payne Av. Cigarette 6150 '� Municipal Services, Inc. 649 Pelham Blvd. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6151 �� Applebaums Fd. Mkts., Inc.1574 University Av. Cigarette 6152 " Applebaums Fd. Mkts., Inc.80 N. Snelling Av. Cigarette 6153 " Applebaums Fd. Mkts., Inc.342 F�zlton Cigarette 6154 " Applebaums Fd. Mkts., Inc.2195 Hudson Rd. Ci$arette 6156 '� Applebaums Fd. Mkts., Inc.900 E. Maryland Av. Cigarette 6157 �� . Applebaums Fd. Mkts., Inc.2128 Ford Pkwy Cigarette 6158 �� Applebaums Fd. Mkts., Inc.222 W. Plato Blvd. Cig. V.M. Oper. 6159 �� �� �� 1 add'1 cig. V.M. �� �� American Can Co. 747-g5 N. Prior Av. Cigarette 6160 " Bethany Convent 1870 Randolph Av. I Fds. V.M. 7�oc. 6161 �� Appliance Parts, Inc. 964 Rice St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6164 �' Capitol City State Bank 1020 Rice St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6165 '� �' �� 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �� Leonard Falconer 1104 Rice St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6166 �� �' �� 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. " �� St. Bernard's High School 170 W. Rose Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 616g �� Minnesota Museum of Art 305 St. Peter St. Restaurant C-2 6171 �' Michael Gjerdahl 1278 Selby Av. Bicycle Dealer 6172 �' Boehm, Inc. 1592 8elby Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6174 �� Margaret Hylton 1815 Selby Av. Beauty Shop 6175 " Harley Davidson Bt. Paul Co. ,Inc. 1209 W. 7th $t. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6183 �� Como Park Lutheran Church 1547 Sheldon St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6184 �� u COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yea�osalie Butl rays David Hozza . In Favor Ruby Hunt Leonard Levine __ Against BY — Ron Maddox Joanne Showalter Victor Tedesco < Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� _ Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By WHITE - CITV CLERK - e�����f�k�[� � PINK - FINANCE 1 � �� �� CAN�ARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICIl (�w � BLUE - MAVOR � . Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By LI�� ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �TTINUID PACE 3 J. W. Maker 660 N. Snelling Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. Appn. 6186 Renew R. B. Whitacre & Co. 105 State 3t. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6187 �� Byerly Foods, Inc. 1959 Suburban Av. Grocery A-2/Butcher 6189 �' �� �� Restaurant G2 �� �� �� u Bakery B " �� �� �� Off iSale Malt " '� St. Paul Police Pistol Club, Inc. l00 E. lOth St. Firearms 6190 �' Electro Watchman, Inc. 567 University Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6191 " �� �� 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �� Gerry H. Tepley 1347 University Av. Cigarette 61.92 �' �� '� Cig. V.M. Oper. " " �� �� I Fds. V.M. Loc. �� �� Linda S. Bowman 1695 E. ?th St. Beauty Shop 6193 �� Tobacco Raod, Inc. 2 E. 7th St. Cigarette 6194 �' Regency Manor, Inc. 445 Galtier Av. Rest/Nurs Home 6196 �� ll7.phild Neville 219 Bates Cigarette 61g8 �� • Oakland Cemetary Association 75 E. Sycamore St. Priv. �zel Pump 6199 �� St. Paul Linoleum & Carpet, Inc. 1505 University Av.I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6200 �� Midway National Bank 1578 University Av. Cigarette 6201 �' K. F. Merrill Co. 1731 University Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6202 �� General Electric Co. 2225 University Av. Elec. Appliance Repair 6204 �' Hercules, Inc. 2285 University Av. Cigarette 6205 " Griffin Radial Tire Co. 2375 University Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6206 �' �� �� T add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �� Hammel, Green & Abrahamson, Inc. 26?5 Univer. rm208 I Fds. V�lM. Loc. 6209 �' Arrigoni Bros. Co. 817 Vandalia St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6210 " St. Peter Claver Church 459 Wabasha St. Bingo Hall 6212 " All Nations Ins. Co. 555 Wabasha St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6213 �� �� '� 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �' " Robert Bode 55 E. 5th St. , Lobby I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6217 �� Gary Heit 50 Columbus Circle I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6219 �' Loyal Order of Moose 1795 E. 7th St. Bingo Hall 6230 " Hoffman Corner Oil Co. 719 Payne Av. Gas Station 5 pumps 6238 '� A1 Stombau h 1449 Hague Av. T. V. Master Repair 6346 '� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yea�oSali.e Butl�ys David Hozza [n Favor Ruby Hunt Leonard Levine __ Against BY — Ron Maddox Joanne Showalter V1CtOY' TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Vlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY• OF SAINT PAUL File- NO. '��� BLUE - MAYOR � �� �- Council Resolution Presented By ZI�� ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee. By Date CONTINUED PAGE 4 � St. Paul City Parks Dept. 1100 N. Hamline Av. I Fds. V.M. I�oc. Appn. 6348 Renew �� �� 1 add'1 fds. V.M. �� �� Sareant Peppers Pizza 191 N. Western Av. Cigarette 634g �� Judy Fearn 390 N. Robert 6t. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6350 �' �� t 3 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �� ' John Barrett, Jr. 1105 Selby Av. Cigarette 6352 �� Canteen Corp. State Capital Cigarette 6353 �� Midway Nursing Home 425 Aldine St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6354 �� John E. Larsen 1135 Arcade St. I Fds. V.M. I,oc. 6356 �� Phil J. Kormann '719 Burr St. Cigarette 6357 �� Standard Battery 2286 Capp Rd. Cigarette 6358 �' �� " I Fds. V.M. Loc. �� � �� �� 2 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �� Alpha Gamma Rho 2060 Carter Av. I Fds. V.M. I,oc. 6361 �� The Club, Inc. 470 S. Cleveland Av. Cigarette 6362 �' Peham Plastics, Inc, 1263 Donahue Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6363 �� " �' 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �' �� Robert T. Helfman 674 Grand Av. Cigarette 6365 �� Vomela Specialty 321 Grove St. Cigarette 6366 �� Minn. Diversified Prod., Inc. 2281 Hampden I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6367 �� Space Center, Inc. 1145 Homer I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6368 " Bob Gates Dog Training Ctr.809 Hubbard Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 636g �� Romalo & James Monda 1047 Hudson Rd. Cigarette 6370 �' �� �� Cig. V.M. Oper. �� �� Internat'1 House of Pancakes 2217 Hudson Rd. Cigarette 6371 �'' Penny's Super Mkt., Inc. 1645 Kasota Av. Cigarette 6372 �' �� �� I Fds. V.M. Loc. �� �� �� �� 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �' Worum Chemical Co. 2130 Kasota Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 6373 �' Con�ainer Corp. of Amer. 1050 Kent St. Cigarette 63?4 �� Alvira I. Isaak 458 E. Marpland Av. Cigarette 6375 �� Lyngblomsten Retirement Ctr. 1Z98 N. Pascal I Fds. V.M. Loc. • 6376 �' Delores Beatty 880 Payne Av. Beauty Shop 6377 " " " I Fds. V.M. Loo. �' " COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yea�OSall@ Butl rays David Hozza In Favor Ruby Hunt Leonard Levine __ Against BY -- Ron Maddox Joanne Showalter Adopted bor�Tede�sCO Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Vlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — BY ,;� N'H17E - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF� SAINT PAUL Council •f�)w' /_('J'� ('� CANARV - DEPARTMENT FSle NO. �"' + " `�`-^ ' BLUE . - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By LI(�1SE COMMIT'I'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE 5 James M. Mullaly 719 Pelham Blvd. Cigarette Appn. 6379 Renew John C. Hoikka 238 Pleasant Av. Cigarette 6380 �' �� �� I Fds. V.M. I,oc. �� �� Vogel's Fd. Mkt. , Inc. 1810 Randolph Av. Ci�arette 6381 �� Beta Chapter of Clovia 1502 Raymond Av. I Fds. V.M. I�oc. 6382 �� Credit Bureau of St. Paul, Inc. 350 Robert St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. . 6384 �' Jerald D. Engevik 472 S. Snelling Av. Restaurant C-2 7684 �� ►� �� On �3ale Malt a �� �� �� Off Sale Malt �� " �� �' Cigarette �� �� Dolores L. Spallocci 1437 N. Cleveland Av. On Sale Malt 79�5 " �! �' Ci�arette �� �� � Volkfest, Inc. 301 Summit Av. Catering B 8141 " Cecelia L. Leist 242 6. Haznline Av.. Mercantile Broker 8152 �' James W. Curran 467 N. Bnelling� Av. On Sale Malt 8188 �' +� �� Restaurant C-1 '� " Highland Chateau, Inc. 2319 W. 7th Bt. Rest/Nurs Home $245 F' �� �� Food Estab �� �� Rice F�Zrniture Barn, Inc. 1550 Rice St. Carpet Dealer 8252 " Al Michalski 414 Belby Av. 2nd Hand Dlr. Gen. 8260 '� Phillip Hafvenstein 2175 Ford Pkwy Restaurant C-2 8261 �� Country Club Mkt., Inc. 688 E. 3rd St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 8277 �' Country Clb Mkt., Inc. 1657 Rice St. Ga.garette 8281 �� James L. & Gerard M. Miller 360 Wabasha St. On Sale Malt 8351 " Hamline Hotel, Inc. 545 N. Snellin� Av. � Cigarette 8374 " Bars Unlimited, Inc. 880 E. 7th St. Ci�. V.M. Oper. 8378 " General Tradin� Co. 475 N. Prior Av. I Fds. V. M. Loc. 8381 '� �� �� 1 add'1 Fds. V.M. �' �� Knox Lumber Co. 602 N. Prior Av. Cigarette 8382 " �� �� Cig. V.M. Oper. �� '� �t �� I Fds. V..M. Loc. �� rt �� . �� 2 add'1 Fds. V.M. �� �� Pharmacies, Inc. 619 Grand Av. Grocery A-1 8387 �� ii COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . Requested by Department of: Rosalie Bulter David Hozza In Favor Ruby Hunt Leonard Levine - __ Against BY — Ron Maddox Joanne Showalter Ado�t����rC�ign��s�� Date — Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Couneil Secretary BY By Approved by 17ayor: Date _ ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WH17E - CiTV CLERK PIN14 - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ����� CANARY - DEPARTMENT t � BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO• ' Council Resolution Presented By LI�� ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE Pharmacies, Inc. 619 Grand Av. Cigarette Appn. 8387 Renew Marianne L. Clark 1483 N. Western Av. Beauty Bhop 8390 �� Evelyn Swanson 73? N. Snelling Av. Beauty Shop 8392 �� Road Rescue, Inc. 2161 University Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 8398 �� �� " 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. �� �� Dr. D. L. Sime 687 S. Cleveland Av. Vet Hospital 8394 '� Midway Manor, Inc. 375 N. Lexington Pkwy I Fd.s V.M. Loc. 8396 �� Norsk Enterprises, Inc. 86� University Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 8403 " Jack Wong 1611 Rice St. Restaurant C-2 8406 " � Southland Corp 605 Stryker Av. Restaurant C-1 8440 '� Southland Corp. 97 E. Annapolis Restaurant C-1 8441 �' Southland Corp. 970 University Av. Restaurant C-1 8446 " Ben Mintz 187 Concord St. Ldy/D.C. Pick Up Station 84?1 " Neighborhood House Assoc. 179 E. Robie St. Food Estab M 8475 " Fred's Tire Co., Inc. 519 University Av. General Re�air Gar. 8541 " Donald R. Ziskousky 156A W. 7th St. Barber 8545 " Leo Robben 658 Cedar St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 85�9 " �� �� 1 add'1 I Fds. V.M. " " Patrick Barron 996 Front St. Barber 8561 �� . Joseph Francis 2038 Ford Pkwy Barber 8575 �� Richard A. Witham 306 A Skyway Bld$. Optician 8576 '� Clark Oil & Refining 201 N. Snelling Av. Gas Station 4 pumps 8579 �� Clark Oil & Refining 201 N. Snelling Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 8580 �� Richard Hernandez 408 St. Peter St., Lobby Barber 8584 �' Ritter Beauty Enterprises 754 S. Cleveland Av. Beauty Shop 8587 �� Gamma Omicron Beta 2067 Carter Av. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 8589 �� Sheet Metal Specialty Co. 976 W. Minnehaha Av. I F�s. V.M. Loc. 8591 " Key Corporation 233 W• 5th St. I F���s. V.M. Loc. • 8592 �� Diane J. Kadrie 2069 Ford Pkwy I Fds��. V. �M. Loc. 859;5�� Hamilton P. Flores 7618 Rimbley Rd. , Woodbury I-Fds. , V.M. Oper. 8599 w �� �� 2 I Fds. V.M. Loc. �� �� Marigold Foods, Inc. 226 N. Smith Av. Cigaxette 8609 �� Midwest Federal Savings & Loan 360 Cedar St. Cigarette 8610 �' Builders Exchan e 445 Faxrin ton St. Ci arette 8612 �' COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor _ __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by'17ayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - — BY WNITE - CITV CLERK .y�r PINK - FINANCE COUnCII /'��� . CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File �NO. � �� BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By LICINSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE 7 Brandtgen & Kluge 653 Galtier S . Cigarette Appn.8613 Renew Gateway Glass Co. 889 Pierce Bu�ler Rte. Cigarette 8614 " Metro Masda 1197 University Av. Cigarette 8615 " George J. Deutsch 1675 Rice St. Cigarette 861.6 '� Dept. of Public Works 877 N. Dale St. Cigarette 8617 '� Anderson Tool 2631 University Av. Cigare�te 8618 " Interstate Express 2334 University Av. Cigarette 8619 �� Bartusch Packing Co. 567 N. Cleveland Av. Cigarette 8620 " Plating, Inc. 888 N. Prior Av. Cigarette 8621 " Cole Sewell 2288 University Av. Cigarette 8622 " Community Reatreat Corp. 532 Ashland Av. Cigarette 8631. �' North Star Bldg. Assoc. 408 Main St. Bingo Hall 8632 " Lan-O-Sheen 1 W. Water St. I Fds. V.M. Loc. 8636 " �� �� 2 add'1 I Fds. V.M. " " Donald Burns 1111 University Av. Cigarette 8637 " �� �� Cig. V.M. Oper. �� �� �� �� I Fds. V.M. Loc. �� �� �� �' 2 add'1 I Fds. V.M. " " Donald F. Burns N. Lexingtnn & I-94 Cigarette 8638 " �� �� I Fds. V..M. Loc. • �� �� �� �� 1 �.dd'1 I Fds. V.M w �� Wilkins Dodge, Inc. 1013-39 Univesity Av. New Mtr. Veh. Dlr.- 8639 �� �� �� 2nd Hand Mtr. Veh. Dlr. �� �� �� �� Dealer Repair Garage �� �� Wilkins Dodge, Inc. 1041 University Av. 2nd Hand M.V. Dlr,2nd loc.8640 �� Clark Oil & Refining 2236 W. 7th St. Cigarette 8642 �� Clark Oil & Refining 201 N. Snelling Av. Cigarette 8643 �� C�ark Oil & Refining 301 W. 7th St. Cigarette 8644 �� Clark Oil & Refining 637 Rice St. Cigarette 8646 '� W�lgreen Drug Stores, Inc.1530 University Av. Cigarette $653 " Walgreen Drug Stores, Inc.425 N. Wabasha St. Cigarette 8654 �� Butler Manufacturing Co. 1000 Berry St. Cigarette 8655 " Holman Administration Bldg. Municipal Airport Adm. Bldg. Cigarette 8656 M er W rehouse Service 0 Selb Av. Ci arette 8657 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, /approved by A7avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By WH17E - CITV CLERK ����[� PINIC� - FINANCE ' � COIII�CLI t ��� CANAR� =�D�PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: �ate Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE 8 Whitaker Buick Co. 1205-45 University Av. Cigarette Appn. 8659 Renew Remmele Engineering Co. 1211 Pierce Butler Rte Cigarette 8660 �� Fisher Nut Co. 2327 Wycliff St. Cigarette 8661 �� Superamerica Stations, Inc.399 N. Lexington Av. Cigarette 8662 �' Superamerica Stations, Inc.1625 Rice St. Cigarette 8663 �' Superamerica Stations, Inc.1734 W. 7th St. Cigarette 8664 �' Superamerica Stations, Inc.577 S. Smith Av. Cigarette 866g " Superamerica Stations, Inc.1440 Marshall Av. I Fds. V. M. Loc. 8670 �' �' " Cigarette �' " Superamerica Stations, Inc.1580 Ford Pkwy Cigarette 86'72 �' Austin P. Keller Const. 481 Front Av. Priv. Fuel Pump 86'74 �� Frank Refrigeration Svc. 2912 27th Av.S., Mpls. Elec. Appliance Repair 8677 �� Hamel Cycle Works, Inc. 585 University Av. Motorcycle Dealer 8682 �� '� " Dealer Repair Gar. �� '� Nelson's Interiors, Inc. 1670 Grand Av. Carpet Dealer 8693 �� Luvern Goodman 2165 University Av. Cigarette 8694 �' 740 River Drive 740 Mississippi River Blvd. Cigarette 8696 �� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��. "� In Favor Mnnt - t�a+rint rsa�foX - __ A ga i n s t BY — �Aowatte► � �p�( 2 4 19�9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Date — Certifi Passe Counci cre ry BY B � App ;Navor: Dat _�I � 5 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv - — By - t�sKF�D JUN 2 1979