273031 WHITE - CITV CLERK �^�:����` PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. '1�+ ' � BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation ofti�e Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1979 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $60,000 to: Operation and Maintenance Department of Comnunity Services Parks and Recreation Admin�stration 03100-537-000 Transf�r or Contribution to Special Fund $60,000 (For Mississippi River Corridor Project; imrolves Metro Council & Other gra�ts in the amount of $767,500) Approved as Funding: Appr�v�di _. ,. . _ . � �.. ,:: , � "`� �.�,���,:. D ��t�Y�, partm�nt of nance and ge re tei� - - ���� � ���ent S rvices ��� �s�j�, �,��J. � . �.� COUNCILM�N Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Community Services ��— In Favor Hunt Levine �__ Against BY �'� Maddox Showalter ��'n�e Form Approved by Cit Att ney Adopted oun 'I: Date � fi�tr Cert� ied P- •- by Counci].Sec tary By '� By. � � � i� 979 t i Appr d b Mavor: Date Appro ed Mayor fo Submiss n ouncil By By � l�Bt�ED JU N 2 1979 � � ��� . . �, L ITY Or ���I.\'T I��1I L ����`�� , . ,�- ,{ O:F17C� O:I' TF37: 1IAZ 01: ',;::� `. 3-1.7 CI7'T ll_II.L (:F.C)1t(:li I.A'1'[>IER SAIST Y<1i"7.,�II\\LSOT.1 :�.510'_' JI<�1"OIt i(SL", �4)F�--l:i`;3 30 April 1979 Councilman David Hozza Council President City Hall and Court House Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Councilman Hozza: The attached report of the A4etropolitan Council Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for Parks and Recreation shows that Saint Paul has been contributing about 12`�0 of the h4etro Capital Improvement funds but will receive 200 of those funds next year and more than 15� of the total Capital Improvement funds to be spent over the next , five years. Saint Paul ' s favorable balance of trade in parks funding can be attributed in a large part to our advanced planning for design work so that when money becomes available we are prepared to accept and use it . The $22 million scheduled for Saint Paul parks in the next five years by the h�etropolitan Council does not reflectthe part we played in securing the Great River Road grant of $8 . 5 million for �Uarner Road nor does it reflect the money available for the Shephard Road seg►nent of the Great River Road and the potential for funds for Saint Paul under the Urban Parks Recovery Act . The opportunity for improving an already favorable balance of payments for the parks and recreation, and in particular the River Corridor, hinges on the completion of the River Corridor 114aster Plan. This plan can be completed within six months, at a cost of about �22 ,0�0 . Specific recreational site plans for Harriet Island, Fish Hatchery/Battle Creel� and Shephard Road which have excellent prospects for non-property tax funds , will cost about �38, 000. �Ye urge the City Council to look favorabl5� upon this request for $60,000 in order to expedite this endeavor. The requested funds will be utilized in the following manner : RIVER RECREATION MASTER PLAN A. Landscape Architect . . . . . . $12 ,000 B. Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5, 000 C. Graphics/Printinb Services . . . $ 5 ,000 Subtotal . . . . $22 , 000 . . • � . j � - 2 - RIVER RECREATION SITE PLANS A. Harriet Island Master Plan . . $18,000 B. Fish Hatchery/Battle Creek . . $ 8 000 , C. Shephard Road (Great River Road) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 ,000 Subtotal . . . �38,000 RIVER RECREATIOiV MASTER PLAN & SITE PLANS TOTAL. . �60,000 The R4aster Plan should be completed in about six months . Most of the elements of the riaster Plan necessary to initiating the Harriet Island Site Plan should be identified and completed in about three months so work on the Harriet Island Site Plan may commence in the Fall of 1979 . After completion of the Master Plan, we would also be eligible to compete for federal money for development . Some funds have already been allocated by the Metropolitan Council for the City of Saint Paul . Completion of this r+laster Plan would allow the City to collect these funds and begin the development of additional site plans . . Sincerely . 0 TIMER Ma o GL: ne , � • - � l�TRO�.TrI'V COU:JCILS FIVE YEhR C�aITAI. IMYROVy"•L-... PRQGR�M 2�,` �. ��i-.� A:AL7FSI�CITY OF SA2t1T P:,CrZ PRJJECTS � prc'ect Category 1979 1980 1981 I982 19d3 R°GIOtiA: RF,CR:e`,TIO� OPE;7 SPACE Acauisition Phalen RP, (Phalen-Keller-Gervais Xe) 150,000 Pig's Eye EL� 1,637,792 553,Oo3 • Develooment Battle Creek Ra 500,000 500,000 Como Park 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 Fish Hatchery R? •605,000 Aazriet Islar.d, St. Paul 500,000 710,000 REGIONAL TRAZLS Develooment Mississippi River Corridor in St. Paul 2,120,000 Johnson Pkwy. (coanecting Phalen to Indian N.oun.a.s Pazk-part of Battle Creek/ Fish Hatche=-y) 856,000 REGIO�AL SPECIAL RECREATION USE Cor.q Zoo, St. Paul 4,800,000 • Co�o Park Conservatory, St. Paul 1,200,000 Fiarriet Islazd Marina, S:. Paul 1�800,000 8I5,000 ' Crosby t3ature Center, St. Paul 731,000 TOTAL PR0.7ECTS FO� CITY OF ST. PAUL 8�437,942 5,873,063 4,261,000 1,815,000 1,9:I,000 . GR�:iD TOTAL: 22,326,OOi SUMt�R1C TOTAL FOR FIVE-YE,1R CAPITAL I:PRO�'r.1�:IT YROGP,At4 FO?t t•fETRO AREA Acquisition 15,204,016 8,198,192 4,295,250 5,27�,235 1,707,750 Development 15,303,978 15,382,246 17,139,031 14,125,573 11,811,293 ;rail Corridos 4�802�400 Si742�213 3�390.200 3�252�775 2�035�500 Special Recreation Use 5�865�000 2�265�500 2�549�550 1�282�250 1�726�150 System Studies 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 *!-.'Tr20 2`OiAIS: 41,375,394 35,788,751 27,574,091 24,137,833 17,480,693 145,350,720 Percent of St. Paul Projects 20.4 16.9 15.4 7,5 11.1 15.3 M.O.B.S.:G.N.B.:4/13/79 � : _ � �.L'1'�Y �7�!` ►..���.��:' � .c-�.U��1 _ �� v:� ,- , �`���� � � �����'�,�v�� �L� �':LE'.. �iir��� �it�l���iTr� F _ i� l ���' �:.� � � . i' /,' �.' .,��\( �� ��` � c � 1' '1t . ' ' . i ��.'�`-� 4j_� Dcr t e : pqay 23, 1979 ` \- ` :�, � � ��i ��i �i� � � n �' � � � �� :.,._ i�1 L c i 0 : St�in-'r °ctui Ci;y Counci� . � . F� O �I � CO;?1ii�ii�72°.'. OCl F iVANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEt RUBY HU;VT� haifman, m�kes the foflc:�iing . repori on C. F. � Ordi.nance . �2) Q Re�otu'rcon � � . - . - � O�her i I 1 1...� . - The Finance Committee, at its meeting of May 21 , 1979; recommended approval of the following: 1 . � Resolution transferring funds from contingency for negotiated salary ' increases. � 2. Resolution aroviding $60,000 for Alississippi RTVer Carridor Project. � �Resolutions' already transmitted to Mike Sirian).. � � � r `t' iL��I.L Sr��E�;TH �?I.COR 5:'1?\T Fr1L�Z., �fE���SO-F:1 SSt�? I }Y�^� �l.��T�� ��� �.t1.��r.� ��..�� `� .� � - �� ���='� '` �'`= o�.��+�x�r o-�� zrzr: c::�e r cv��c7L +'� �;' t.,.-- l(i i . ; ', � .� _:�:�'1,�, ; � � � ` � ;;l 1: i �"�'��..� �t �~•, .�`_`� ' Ma 23 _ _ . �� �.�` D a t e . y 1979 -� , . � � �di ��i �i� � � �' � � � � I T O : �ainf �'uul Cir�t Council � . F t� O �� = C a;71 i7'f 1��'G� O i"l F NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ' RUBY HUNT� airman, makes the folla�,•�ing , repo�t on C.F. [� Ordinance ' (2) Q Resol�tion : "- • � Oiher - . � �I�� : - _ The Finance Committee, at its meeting of May 21 , 1979, recommended approval - of the following: - � 1 . � Resolution transferring funds from contingency for negotiated salary � increases. - 2. Resolution providing $60,000 for Mississippi River Carridor Project, . � (Resolutions already transmitted to Mike Sirian). • ::�[�' i.IALL SEVENTF-i FI.00R S:'1ItiT PALZ, 1�fI\�LSOT:1 SSiQ2