01-101OR�GI�IAL Council File # Q�� �17� Green Sheet # �(� �C�Z� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date o� � RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Stare (License ID No. 0087087), located at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thiriy (30) days ofthe adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the December 13, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the November 28, 2000 Tobacco Compliance Check Form. The facts were not disputed by the licensee. r-,—�r--1�� Requested by Department of: BY: ���'�-�^'�i � '�-�`<N Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � �"" � ��--�-c_.�J�_ C � (� { Approved by Mayor: Date ��J �� �( By: RESOLUTION A�T PAUL, MI TA � / . BY= Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � � `1 `bOG'� �— o� -10� GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer 266-8710 � .��=a : February 7, 2001 - Consent opoee TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES No106021 anca+e� ❑ an�no�xtr � arcc�nc ❑ wrwcwu�xaaon. ❑ n�.,r�y.miw,cno ❑ r�voRroR�rarr�xn ❑ (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Resolution recommending adverse action against the Cigazette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright, dba Centennial Store, 658 Cedar Street. :� PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION iF r� m�s ce�� �• wo�m und�. e wn�a wr m�s aeaammema VES NO tias min pereaNfirm aer been e cky empbyce9 YES NO Oaes tMC G�� P� e slaq � no�ma�ND� bY anY wrreM ctitY emWoyee7 YES NO Is Mb persanlfNm a tafpetetl vendoYt VES NO AMOUNT OF TRANSACTICN S COfT/REVQlUE BUOCiETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNITY Nt11116ER �\-\�\ UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street Wednesday, February 7, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: November 28, 2000 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Form 5. License information OFFICE OF "I HE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson. Jn, City Attornry Q, �,Q` CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norne Colemnn, Ma}'or Civi! Division 400 Ciry Hal1 IS Wut Kellogg Blvd. Saint Pntd, hlinnuotn 5510? Teleph on e: 6� I 166-87! 0 Facsimile: 65I 298-5619 January 26, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Ms. Cecilia M. Albright Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a , Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedaz Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0087087 Dear Ms. Albright: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation conceming the unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���'�`'� ��,� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: �cy_And__erson, Assistant Council Secretary Roger Curtis, Direct�dr, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River CounciUDist �17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W850, St. Paul, MN 55101 OFFIC' �F THE CITY ATTORi�iEY Clnyton, , obinsors,Jc,Cig•Aftorrsey �`�`Q` OF SAINT PAUL lemnn. .4lrsyor cirit Divicion 400 City Hn!! 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Snint Pa�d, bfinnuotn SSlO? Telephone: 65/ 166-8710 Fncsimile: 65! 298-�619 December 13, 2000 Ms. Cecilia M. Albri�ht Centennial Store 658 Cedaz Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: CigarettelTobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright dlb{a , Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0087087 Dear Ms. Albright: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November 28, 2000, a minor entered the premises of the Centennial Store at 658 Cedar Street as part of a tobacco compliance check. The individual purchased a package of Marlboro cigarettes without being asked for identiTication. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 324.07 to sell tobacco to a person under the age of 18. Since this is a first violation, the licensin� office will recommend a�200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you �vill need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to NIs. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine �vill be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. Page 2 Cecilia N1. Aibright December 13, 2000 O� -�O\ 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council, you �vill need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requestin� a public hearin�. We will need to receive your letter by Wednesday, December 27, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearin� to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You Gvi11 have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. � 3. Ifyou do dispute the above facts, a hearing wi11 be scheduled before an Administrati��e Law Jud�e. At that hearing both you and the City �vill be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Fangbom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearin�. He can be reached at 2b6-8710. If we have not heard from you by `Vednesday, December 27, 2000, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it Qlaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, L/��"� ��� �� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Or�anizer, Capitol River CounciUDist =17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W850, St. Paul, MN 55101 ��-�o� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss_ COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 14, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Cecilia M_ Albright Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN. 55155 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� .. i /7 i G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of December, 2�0�. '�/� / � `.�. PETER P PANGBORN Notary Ptlbl � � gY N�TM2YPUBlJGM�NNESOTA ��, • M�'GOMMISSION �ti.,,.,. EXPIRES JAN.37, 2005 o� -�o� � � 0 a x N W � � O � � o y U � � ,J � a , r, -a � � � ,m � � O. N � ,U > O � Q W O C d N C d p — �- J .� C � m � O a� U U C m = 1 O 0 o — M N � � � � Z N r U � J O �I @I 3N �F- � N � i N iQ '�IQ a � � Q IU tn � � W � O � � z!z Q I, W m,F �,W _'U F- _ U —� m � Q m � Z C Q D,J a'w � U �U C 10 U L N , � � � '�,, m 0 ;a' x W , N i C �' i� �� Z. IU i,o, a IU � N 7 N C – IN � N z T C � Q � 0 U � U � @ 7 y G � �I �I � � Z' �% c o ,v d y l� N ,N N ''^ C � � m � � .� H � _iM , � 0 ai o' U; �, �l O, U i L V � i � L - p N a� 3 I � � ' �m a 0 I y Y U Q � � L Us U�a'� ;y ' oc�i@ �U � G"O d � � �N Q�hp_ � N fl - �� � '� U�EX>,w U U o' m y � U � (6 N y �� mN� � � � � N � d O � �p N O �O N (6 m � I- � N p �'U 0�= �aKJL... � U��' m � F�� °'Ud QQ ooLa� � O O Q � , 00.-QNO� '� J LLj N N �- (6 � O) C� �-NVidNN U� �NCUO� ' U c` —� N��U�° b\-��\ � R � Q X N W O 'y � O N y O d ,U N � J I� �p M a ch _o N 3 O �' d h � �c:a� L ' U ''� O ;J Q • R � .�-�. N c 3 d � � c � V U J I� � i�A H � � N N,� C � U (0 J � _U 0 0 M N � � N E � Z � O U ~ W � ° o � �, �I N _ � � � '�� a W � Q U � �� —� � W � � � �,� E'.a Z z m � Z W _U H _ C� — � N m � Q m � Z C Q � J a w _U �U C 7 O U'' IU L h � �� � N N i � . Q x W jc: � . � i� i � � �? Z ��a : U ; �a U c N i� N c IN � W Z � � m d � O U � U C m 7 ly L C a� �: E, 7 Z I N O � a ��v N N N N ^ C .� � m � � � H � � _' <o y C O 'O C O C.J � c a� � E O U L U � a � � — �o � � � U � � � om a U � U Y � ULU��" V Q n' N '� oc�i� U CC'047 � @ V � N C N d C � Q CL- � d N E X T� V U O�C-N y jU�(6y N y � � � N � N C U p t� O�ON[6� �l- `��N ' a�S Q°�L�� C7 Q � �-- ���L�N m � ����° °'i�a Q Q oo ya � 00 � Q � 00'` J W ' NNLL I06)O) �U 07 . � N C U O . N-- —.0 c�o .— N��U�° LicenseGroupCOmmentsText �,i�D�, 12/1�l2000 Licensee: CECILIA M ALBRIGHT �BA� CENTENNIALSTORE License #: 0087087 12/11l2000 To CAO for adverse action. CAR 1'I/28/2000 F_ailed tobacco wmpliance check wnducted by Rich Jents. First failure, 5200 matrix penalty. Clerk was owner, Cece4ia Albright, who is le9alry blintl.'CAR �, � �2/02/98—COngratulationslettersent. PJW 10/52/98 — Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW o�_�o� Address } Licensee � CoMact � License � Cardholder, 1 TYpe: C property !' Licensee t� Unofficisl (� AII SYreet #� 58 Street Name: EDAR Street Type: <All> � Direction: cAll> �.. Unit #: r CAY' <Atl> -- - - `--�� - - - .. _ .. _ _ 22�57 0 $ERVICE AMERIC� TENNIAL OFF - . . . . __ _ ... ___.. _.._ _.._ .. 27493 0 'JOHN F1EMP �JOHN'S VENOWG —_—_� _ 66093 0 '(INACTNE 7-303CENTENNIAL OFI 69000 0 HEST INC ;HEST INC AT CEI r:;� ; "'Fiiid;, �° ; :.��_� , "o���'s �:: "'NB"t�v $��F`C�1`' �:�a:tlelP'C:`-.�: � «,��.. �� rerd 14 Hrs 1Canceled 0823l7993 'I Of2971994658 � ----- - - — - --- teRobacco (Csn ce4�d 0911811989 031311199U 658 c .._____�. ___�__..__�.___..__v _ I CoMainer Canceled 09119t1989 03t31 ri 99� 658 � rard(B)-moCanceletl ~ �� OSN11799406I30f1997858c rant (8) - moACiive _ License PrirRed �07l23t1997 07723I2001 658 � ,__ __ __ _ 7, __ ___ �Original Cor�tainer Active LiCense Printed 04N1 ti 991 63(31 f2�01 658 c _' '. _. _ _ _._ _. ___ ___ _ . _ _ .. 990�00094 0 MICHAELMARTIM1IMICHAELMARTIN � ���� �Pood Manager (C) Canceled License Defmhwn Canceied 01 N61I999 01 N6f2001 65S � � m�x.�ma �...,�......»_-m-,s � x1 �>�-.'.��: 8F� �� �..�:� ! '� � �."�`�' : •'„ � . .� ;,3�,. �. ..a":�f l . ,`.>-,,5.;., �ir' 3:119 PM - o� -�o� ''� �"� � � � � A'`� �- � _ _��.�-,�. Licensee ECILIA M ALBRIOH7 TypE ��,Pay Pncrt a ;7.c+as r �?,„ �,�,�mcnx DBA ENTENNIAL STORE � Stre License � Licensee � tic. Types , 1�uranCe � Bond � RequiremerRs � Stre ! C property {" Licensee �' Unofficiel � ProjedFscil'dator. ASUNCION,COWNNE :. Dire� �, Sfreet #: �� Adverse Action CommeMs �� ; j SYreet Name: EDAR C � y: ; i SYreet Type: ..y_.- ST �_� Direction: � � f LJnd Ind: � Unit #: �- '! City: T PAUL Lioense Group C ommerrts: ;� State: �AN Zip: _ 55155 � 12000 To CAO for adverse action. CAP. Wartl: � 1 Q82000 Failed tobaeco compliance check conducted — ��—� y Rich Jents. First falure, $200 matrix penatty. Clerk � Dist Council: 17 — as owner, Cecelia Albright, who is legaily pGnd. CAR -- --- — 2N2i58 - - Conqrffiulstions letter seM. PJJ � _ -___._-_..'.__—_'_'�.__^_.___` �_�___.___ ' _.___.-. I Licensee: CI�IA M ALBRIGHT Licensee ; � 66A ENTENNfAL STORE Commertts: ��� i ."°_�'L�%';�: ; Ssles Tax Id: 158736 Bus Phone: 65112� 27-1424 � `�L iaei Cice`nSe:fy�' ��'. 1497�; CigaretteJrobaecc 1791�; OriginaiCoritainer 2205�; � � � �� ` 2749i:. # �7087 �e waived for the Save Changesto 03t31R001 N i ��._._______.._..__._ �. 0 3131 12 0 01 N $5�.00 7otaL•� ^_ 1 $SOAO sss ssa < 987 6s8 c 994 65& < ' 990 658 t - 930 ESZ c " 997 6�8 � 001 658 � ��Q � ,`" � � -��' �'�► 3 09 Phi ��—\O\ Type, She' Stre Stre Dire� LJntt Cdy M ""'�""`"'"`"'"�"'� �"�"w`x' -"°"`�"" DBA �ENTENNIAL STOF license Licensee � Lic. Types l Insurance �� Bond , RequiremeMs � Licensee Name: ECILIA M A�6RIGHT DBA: ENTENNIALSTORE Sales Tax Id. 158736 Non-Profd: r Worker's Comp: O,TJON000 A.4 CorRrect Rec'd: ON010000 qq 7reining Rec'd: OrU0N0�0 FA fee Colleded: OrDOND90 DiscouM Rec'd: � s �_; �"��J�, Prnper�ies:.. ` � , Other Agency licenses Finanaat Hold Reasons ,� . ..,:_, -� man .se .r �,�--: mw� .w*.>. Ottier Lioensin tLicen e.: . . �`r'x,ttse #a'� "' �' "�"� `---�� � � „_,9.�L9aSttq,N§m:�. i't7.�`ak? Re k..,�.. . ActiweT �". �':Date i CorltactsfnrthisLicwnsPr+ �Mail License To. — f' Mail So CorM1act t' License Adtlress 1497e3 1791� �-: zzos,; �' �"�'�'.`��4� 2�4y�: Background Check Required �' 66035 License # Save Changes ta History Mail 4ovoice To: --; I �` Mail To CoMact � �' License Address ; � u- rtt�o �tt.�" f986:658t t ss7 ssa � f994653t 199Q65E[ 199065Z c 1997fi58� 2001 65P � r �� �I G�:� 3is� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIO>iS AT"D ENVIRONMt?VTqLPROTECTiOti . Robert Kessler, Direcror CITY OF S�"T PAUL Nonn Co[einan. Mny�or O�-lo1 Telephone�6lZ-266-9G90 Facsimile: 612-166-9099 612-166-9f?1 LO1VRY PROFESS70.VdL BL'ILDlNG Suire 300 3�0 St. PeterSlreet Sainr P¢u{ ,Ltinnuom 55103-li10 TOBACCO CO VIPLL�NCE CHECK FO&�1- YEAR ? 000 � �':���� bv _ . C.N. �DATE: -/ ' i t TME: �G � LICEtiSE I.D. NL1.1dBER: �; � r Si ? NA?v1E OF OMPLIANCE CHECKER: �✓ C'Ul.��'�� `-�� �� NAVIE OF ADULT SUPERVISOR:� ' � �l CENTENNIAL STORE NAME & ADDRESS OF LICENSED VEr�OR: 658 CEDAR ST � ST PAUL, MN 55155-1603 _ License Type: License # Cigarette/Tobacco( 0087087 TYPE OF ESTABLISHMEIv"I':_• �/� (�, WAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE? ASSISTED?�_ WHERE WAS THE MACHINE LOCA SALE WAS VLADE: MACHI\B?_ �/�� NA�fE OF CLERK: l{j �� I�<ti �l`"� �� � t�' i /1 �if!'�i � E„eC�4 �r'c� �/�(/: Cl �r� �- � �.�o r-� ,�, .� ��� � �' � �GIS C HOVIE ADDRESS _ r' �(i` �j ? j v �' �,-'L �V` �. �� ``S�lG�O ( } ,-- i' ;DESCRIPTION OF CLERK S - "1"f/�y� ��l �� S� � 3 � f : '� �} DRNER'S LICENSE f/ OTHER I.D. TYPE OF I.D. � r - ��. I.D. � i�-^ �/%�G- I I� — S�S ' 3 �� AMOUI`T SPEiv'T ON PURCHASE� � r�'� �� � , ,i I , G .� IF A SALE WAS NOT MADE: REASON (CAECK ONE) �' /��, � n Q ,� i1 �� �� ��� / r-� Z� � 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED .�` , � � lj 1n p.�f L � n - � % { � ��_.7�✓t.�.i �� '/y %• I" (� �" 2) BUSI�'ESS CLOSED ��`"`� l� G� / i7 '� 3) OliT OF BliSINESS 4) IJNSATISFACTORY COti'DITIONS l.(.� f y'-'`^ � .� V `/� � / �j � 5) DOES NOT SELL TOBACCO � Revised 022000 OR�GI�IAL Council File # Q�� �17� Green Sheet # �(� �C�Z� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date o� � RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Stare (License ID No. 0087087), located at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thiriy (30) days ofthe adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the December 13, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the November 28, 2000 Tobacco Compliance Check Form. The facts were not disputed by the licensee. r-,—�r--1�� Requested by Department of: BY: ���'�-�^'�i � '�-�`<N Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � �"" � ��--�-c_.�J�_ C � (� { Approved by Mayor: Date ��J �� �( By: RESOLUTION A�T PAUL, MI TA � / . BY= Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � � `1 `bOG'� �— o� -10� GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer 266-8710 � .��=a : February 7, 2001 - Consent opoee TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES No106021 anca+e� ❑ an�no�xtr � arcc�nc ❑ wrwcwu�xaaon. ❑ n�.,r�y.miw,cno ❑ r�voRroR�rarr�xn ❑ (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Resolution recommending adverse action against the Cigazette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright, dba Centennial Store, 658 Cedar Street. :� PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION iF r� m�s ce�� �• wo�m und�. e wn�a wr m�s aeaammema VES NO tias min pereaNfirm aer been e cky empbyce9 YES NO Oaes tMC G�� P� e slaq � no�ma�ND� bY anY wrreM ctitY emWoyee7 YES NO Is Mb persanlfNm a tafpetetl vendoYt VES NO AMOUNT OF TRANSACTICN S COfT/REVQlUE BUOCiETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNITY Nt11116ER �\-\�\ UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street Wednesday, February 7, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: November 28, 2000 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Form 5. License information OFFICE OF "I HE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson. Jn, City Attornry Q, �,Q` CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norne Colemnn, Ma}'or Civi! Division 400 Ciry Hal1 IS Wut Kellogg Blvd. Saint Pntd, hlinnuotn 5510? Teleph on e: 6� I 166-87! 0 Facsimile: 65I 298-5619 January 26, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Ms. Cecilia M. Albright Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a , Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedaz Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0087087 Dear Ms. Albright: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation conceming the unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���'�`'� ��,� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: �cy_And__erson, Assistant Council Secretary Roger Curtis, Direct�dr, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River CounciUDist �17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W850, St. Paul, MN 55101 OFFIC' �F THE CITY ATTORi�iEY Clnyton, , obinsors,Jc,Cig•Aftorrsey �`�`Q` OF SAINT PAUL lemnn. .4lrsyor cirit Divicion 400 City Hn!! 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Snint Pa�d, bfinnuotn SSlO? Telephone: 65/ 166-8710 Fncsimile: 65! 298-�619 December 13, 2000 Ms. Cecilia M. Albri�ht Centennial Store 658 Cedaz Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: CigarettelTobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright dlb{a , Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0087087 Dear Ms. Albright: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November 28, 2000, a minor entered the premises of the Centennial Store at 658 Cedar Street as part of a tobacco compliance check. The individual purchased a package of Marlboro cigarettes without being asked for identiTication. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 324.07 to sell tobacco to a person under the age of 18. Since this is a first violation, the licensin� office will recommend a�200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you �vill need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to NIs. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine �vill be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. Page 2 Cecilia N1. Aibright December 13, 2000 O� -�O\ 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council, you �vill need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requestin� a public hearin�. We will need to receive your letter by Wednesday, December 27, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearin� to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You Gvi11 have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. � 3. Ifyou do dispute the above facts, a hearing wi11 be scheduled before an Administrati��e Law Jud�e. At that hearing both you and the City �vill be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Fangbom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearin�. He can be reached at 2b6-8710. If we have not heard from you by `Vednesday, December 27, 2000, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it Qlaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, L/��"� ��� �� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Or�anizer, Capitol River CounciUDist =17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W850, St. Paul, MN 55101 ��-�o� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss_ COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 14, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Cecilia M_ Albright Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN. 55155 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� .. i /7 i G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of December, 2�0�. '�/� / � `.�. PETER P PANGBORN Notary Ptlbl � � gY N�TM2YPUBlJGM�NNESOTA ��, • M�'GOMMISSION �ti.,,.,. EXPIRES JAN.37, 2005 o� -�o� � � 0 a x N W � � O � � o y U � � ,J � a , r, -a � � � ,m � � O. N � ,U > O � Q W O C d N C d p — �- J .� C � m � O a� U U C m = 1 O 0 o — M N � � � � Z N r U � J O �I @I 3N �F- � N � i N iQ '�IQ a � � Q IU tn � � W � O � � z!z Q I, W m,F �,W _'U F- _ U —� m � Q m � Z C Q D,J a'w � U �U C 10 U L N , � � � '�,, m 0 ;a' x W , N i C �' i� �� Z. IU i,o, a IU � N 7 N C – IN � N z T C � Q � 0 U � U � @ 7 y G � �I �I � � Z' �% c o ,v d y l� N ,N N ''^ C � � m � � .� H � _iM , � 0 ai o' U; �, �l O, U i L V � i � L - p N a� 3 I � � ' �m a 0 I y Y U Q � � L Us U�a'� ;y ' oc�i@ �U � G"O d � � �N Q�hp_ � N fl - �� � '� U�EX>,w U U o' m y � U � (6 N y �� mN� � � � � N � d O � �p N O �O N (6 m � I- � N p �'U 0�= �aKJL... � U��' m � F�� °'Ud QQ ooLa� � O O Q � , 00.-QNO� '� J LLj N N �- (6 � O) C� �-NVidNN U� �NCUO� ' U c` —� N��U�° b\-��\ � R � Q X N W O 'y � O N y O d ,U N � J I� �p M a ch _o N 3 O �' d h � �c:a� L ' U ''� O ;J Q • R � .�-�. N c 3 d � � c � V U J I� � i�A H � � N N,� C � U (0 J � _U 0 0 M N � � N E � Z � O U ~ W � ° o � �, �I N _ � � � '�� a W � Q U � �� —� � W � � � �,� E'.a Z z m � Z W _U H _ C� — � N m � Q m � Z C Q � J a w _U �U C 7 O U'' IU L h � �� � N N i � . Q x W jc: � . � i� i � � �? Z ��a : U ; �a U c N i� N c IN � W Z � � m d � O U � U C m 7 ly L C a� �: E, 7 Z I N O � a ��v N N N N ^ C .� � m � � � H � � _' <o y C O 'O C O C.J � c a� � E O U L U � a � � — �o � � � U � � � om a U � U Y � ULU��" V Q n' N '� oc�i� U CC'047 � @ V � N C N d C � Q CL- � d N E X T� V U O�C-N y jU�(6y N y � � � N � N C U p t� O�ON[6� �l- `��N ' a�S Q°�L�� C7 Q � �-- ���L�N m � ����° °'i�a Q Q oo ya � 00 � Q � 00'` J W ' NNLL I06)O) �U 07 . � N C U O . N-- —.0 c�o .— N��U�° LicenseGroupCOmmentsText �,i�D�, 12/1�l2000 Licensee: CECILIA M ALBRIGHT �BA� CENTENNIALSTORE License #: 0087087 12/11l2000 To CAO for adverse action. CAR 1'I/28/2000 F_ailed tobacco wmpliance check wnducted by Rich Jents. First failure, 5200 matrix penalty. Clerk was owner, Cece4ia Albright, who is le9alry blintl.'CAR �, � �2/02/98—COngratulationslettersent. PJW 10/52/98 — Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW o�_�o� Address } Licensee � CoMact � License � Cardholder, 1 TYpe: C property !' Licensee t� Unofficisl (� AII SYreet #� 58 Street Name: EDAR Street Type: <All> � Direction: cAll> �.. Unit #: r CAY' <Atl> -- - - `--�� - - - .. _ .. _ _ 22�57 0 $ERVICE AMERIC� TENNIAL OFF - . . . . __ _ ... ___.. _.._ _.._ .. 27493 0 'JOHN F1EMP �JOHN'S VENOWG —_—_� _ 66093 0 '(INACTNE 7-303CENTENNIAL OFI 69000 0 HEST INC ;HEST INC AT CEI r:;� ; "'Fiiid;, �° ; :.��_� , "o���'s �:: "'NB"t�v $��F`C�1`' �:�a:tlelP'C:`-.�: � «,��.. �� rerd 14 Hrs 1Canceled 0823l7993 'I Of2971994658 � ----- - - — - --- teRobacco (Csn ce4�d 0911811989 031311199U 658 c .._____�. ___�__..__�.___..__v _ I CoMainer Canceled 09119t1989 03t31 ri 99� 658 � rard(B)-moCanceletl ~ �� OSN11799406I30f1997858c rant (8) - moACiive _ License PrirRed �07l23t1997 07723I2001 658 � ,__ __ __ _ 7, __ ___ �Original Cor�tainer Active LiCense Printed 04N1 ti 991 63(31 f2�01 658 c _' '. _. _ _ _._ _. ___ ___ _ . _ _ .. 990�00094 0 MICHAELMARTIM1IMICHAELMARTIN � ���� �Pood Manager (C) Canceled License Defmhwn Canceied 01 N61I999 01 N6f2001 65S � � m�x.�ma �...,�......»_-m-,s � x1 �>�-.'.��: 8F� �� �..�:� ! '� � �."�`�' : •'„ � . .� ;,3�,. �. ..a":�f l . ,`.>-,,5.;., �ir' 3:119 PM - o� -�o� ''� �"� � � � � A'`� �- � _ _��.�-,�. Licensee ECILIA M ALBRIOH7 TypE ��,Pay Pncrt a ;7.c+as r �?,„ �,�,�mcnx DBA ENTENNIAL STORE � Stre License � Licensee � tic. Types , 1�uranCe � Bond � RequiremerRs � Stre ! C property {" Licensee �' Unofficiel � ProjedFscil'dator. ASUNCION,COWNNE :. Dire� �, Sfreet #: �� Adverse Action CommeMs �� ; j SYreet Name: EDAR C � y: ; i SYreet Type: ..y_.- ST �_� Direction: � � f LJnd Ind: � Unit #: �- '! City: T PAUL Lioense Group C ommerrts: ;� State: �AN Zip: _ 55155 � 12000 To CAO for adverse action. CAP. Wartl: � 1 Q82000 Failed tobaeco compliance check conducted — ��—� y Rich Jents. First falure, $200 matrix penatty. Clerk � Dist Council: 17 — as owner, Cecelia Albright, who is legaily pGnd. CAR -- --- — 2N2i58 - - Conqrffiulstions letter seM. PJJ � _ -___._-_..'.__—_'_'�.__^_.___` �_�___.___ ' _.___.-. I Licensee: CI�IA M ALBRIGHT Licensee ; � 66A ENTENNfAL STORE Commertts: ��� i ."°_�'L�%';�: ; Ssles Tax Id: 158736 Bus Phone: 65112� 27-1424 � `�L iaei Cice`nSe:fy�' ��'. 1497�; CigaretteJrobaecc 1791�; OriginaiCoritainer 2205�; � � � �� ` 2749i:. # �7087 �e waived for the Save Changesto 03t31R001 N i ��._._______.._..__._ �. 0 3131 12 0 01 N $5�.00 7otaL•� ^_ 1 $SOAO sss ssa < 987 6s8 c 994 65& < ' 990 658 t - 930 ESZ c " 997 6�8 � 001 658 � ��Q � ,`" � � -��' �'�► 3 09 Phi ��—\O\ Type, She' Stre Stre Dire� LJntt Cdy M ""'�""`"'"`"'"�"'� �"�"w`x' -"°"`�"" DBA �ENTENNIAL STOF license Licensee � Lic. Types l Insurance �� Bond , RequiremeMs � Licensee Name: ECILIA M A�6RIGHT DBA: ENTENNIALSTORE Sales Tax Id. 158736 Non-Profd: r Worker's Comp: O,TJON000 A.4 CorRrect Rec'd: ON010000 qq 7reining Rec'd: OrU0N0�0 FA fee Colleded: OrDOND90 DiscouM Rec'd: � s �_; �"��J�, Prnper�ies:.. ` � , Other Agency licenses Finanaat Hold Reasons ,� . ..,:_, -� man .se .r �,�--: mw� .w*.>. Ottier Lioensin tLicen e.: . . �`r'x,ttse #a'� "' �' "�"� `---�� � � „_,9.�L9aSttq,N§m:�. i't7.�`ak? Re k..,�.. . ActiweT �". �':Date i CorltactsfnrthisLicwnsPr+ �Mail License To. — f' Mail So CorM1act t' License Adtlress 1497e3 1791� �-: zzos,; �' �"�'�'.`��4� 2�4y�: Background Check Required �' 66035 License # Save Changes ta History Mail 4ovoice To: --; I �` Mail To CoMact � �' License Address ; � u- rtt�o �tt.�" f986:658t t ss7 ssa � f994653t 199Q65E[ 199065Z c 1997fi58� 2001 65P � r �� �I G�:� 3is� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIO>iS AT"D ENVIRONMt?VTqLPROTECTiOti . Robert Kessler, Direcror CITY OF S�"T PAUL Nonn Co[einan. Mny�or O�-lo1 Telephone�6lZ-266-9G90 Facsimile: 612-166-9099 612-166-9f?1 LO1VRY PROFESS70.VdL BL'ILDlNG Suire 300 3�0 St. PeterSlreet Sainr P¢u{ ,Ltinnuom 55103-li10 TOBACCO CO VIPLL�NCE CHECK FO&�1- YEAR ? 000 � �':���� bv _ . C.N. �DATE: -/ ' i t TME: �G � LICEtiSE I.D. NL1.1dBER: �; � r Si ? NA?v1E OF OMPLIANCE CHECKER: �✓ C'Ul.��'�� `-�� �� NAVIE OF ADULT SUPERVISOR:� ' � �l CENTENNIAL STORE NAME & ADDRESS OF LICENSED VEr�OR: 658 CEDAR ST � ST PAUL, MN 55155-1603 _ License Type: License # Cigarette/Tobacco( 0087087 TYPE OF ESTABLISHMEIv"I':_• �/� (�, WAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE? ASSISTED?�_ WHERE WAS THE MACHINE LOCA SALE WAS VLADE: MACHI\B?_ �/�� NA�fE OF CLERK: l{j �� I�<ti �l`"� �� � t�' i /1 �if!'�i � E„eC�4 �r'c� �/�(/: Cl �r� �- � �.�o r-� ,�, .� ��� � �' � �GIS C HOVIE ADDRESS _ r' �(i` �j ? j v �' �,-'L �V` �. �� ``S�lG�O ( } ,-- i' ;DESCRIPTION OF CLERK S - "1"f/�y� ��l �� S� � 3 � f : '� �} DRNER'S LICENSE f/ OTHER I.D. TYPE OF I.D. � r - ��. I.D. � i�-^ �/%�G- I I� — S�S ' 3 �� AMOUI`T SPEiv'T ON PURCHASE� � r�'� �� � , ,i I , G .� IF A SALE WAS NOT MADE: REASON (CAECK ONE) �' /��, � n Q ,� i1 �� �� ��� / r-� Z� � 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED .�` , � � lj 1n p.�f L � n - � % { � ��_.7�✓t.�.i �� '/y %• I" (� �" 2) BUSI�'ESS CLOSED ��`"`� l� G� / i7 '� 3) OliT OF BliSINESS 4) IJNSATISFACTORY COti'DITIONS l.(.� f y'-'`^ � .� V `/� � / �j � 5) DOES NOT SELL TOBACCO � Revised 022000 OR�GI�IAL Council File # Q�� �17� Green Sheet # �(� �C�Z� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date o� � RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Stare (License ID No. 0087087), located at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thiriy (30) days ofthe adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the December 13, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the November 28, 2000 Tobacco Compliance Check Form. The facts were not disputed by the licensee. r-,—�r--1�� Requested by Department of: BY: ���'�-�^'�i � '�-�`<N Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � �"" � ��--�-c_.�J�_ C � (� { Approved by Mayor: Date ��J �� �( By: RESOLUTION A�T PAUL, MI TA � / . BY= Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � � `1 `bOG'� �— o� -10� GREEN SHEET Virginia Palmer 266-8710 � .��=a : February 7, 2001 - Consent opoee TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES No106021 anca+e� ❑ an�no�xtr � arcc�nc ❑ wrwcwu�xaaon. ❑ n�.,r�y.miw,cno ❑ r�voRroR�rarr�xn ❑ (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Resolution recommending adverse action against the Cigazette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright, dba Centennial Store, 658 Cedar Street. :� PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION iF r� m�s ce�� �• wo�m und�. e wn�a wr m�s aeaammema VES NO tias min pereaNfirm aer been e cky empbyce9 YES NO Oaes tMC G�� P� e slaq � no�ma�ND� bY anY wrreM ctitY emWoyee7 YES NO Is Mb persanlfNm a tafpetetl vendoYt VES NO AMOUNT OF TRANSACTICN S COfT/REVQlUE BUOCiETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNITY Nt11116ER �\-\�\ UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street Wednesday, February 7, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: November 28, 2000 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Form 5. License information OFFICE OF "I HE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson. Jn, City Attornry Q, �,Q` CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norne Colemnn, Ma}'or Civi! Division 400 Ciry Hal1 IS Wut Kellogg Blvd. Saint Pntd, hlinnuotn 5510? Teleph on e: 6� I 166-87! 0 Facsimile: 65I 298-5619 January 26, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Ms. Cecilia M. Albright Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a , Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedaz Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0087087 Dear Ms. Albright: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation conceming the unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���'�`'� ��,� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: �cy_And__erson, Assistant Council Secretary Roger Curtis, Direct�dr, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River CounciUDist �17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W850, St. Paul, MN 55101 OFFIC' �F THE CITY ATTORi�iEY Clnyton, , obinsors,Jc,Cig•Aftorrsey �`�`Q` OF SAINT PAUL lemnn. .4lrsyor cirit Divicion 400 City Hn!! 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Snint Pa�d, bfinnuotn SSlO? Telephone: 65/ 166-8710 Fncsimile: 65! 298-�619 December 13, 2000 Ms. Cecilia M. Albri�ht Centennial Store 658 Cedaz Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: CigarettelTobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright dlb{a , Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0087087 Dear Ms. Albright: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Cecilia M. Albright d/b/a Centennial Store for the premises at 658 Cedar Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November 28, 2000, a minor entered the premises of the Centennial Store at 658 Cedar Street as part of a tobacco compliance check. The individual purchased a package of Marlboro cigarettes without being asked for identiTication. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legisiative Code § 324.07 to sell tobacco to a person under the age of 18. Since this is a first violation, the licensin� office will recommend a�200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you �vill need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to NIs. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine �vill be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. Page 2 Cecilia N1. Aibright December 13, 2000 O� -�O\ 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council, you �vill need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requestin� a public hearin�. We will need to receive your letter by Wednesday, December 27, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearin� to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You Gvi11 have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. � 3. Ifyou do dispute the above facts, a hearing wi11 be scheduled before an Administrati��e Law Jud�e. At that hearing both you and the City �vill be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Fangbom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearin�. He can be reached at 2b6-8710. If we have not heard from you by `Vednesday, December 27, 2000, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it Qlaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, L/��"� ��� �� U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Or�anizer, Capitol River CounciUDist =17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W850, St. Paul, MN 55101 ��-�o� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss_ COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 14, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Cecilia M_ Albright Centennial Store 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN. 55155 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� .. i /7 i G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of December, 2�0�. '�/� / � `.�. PETER P PANGBORN Notary Ptlbl � � gY N�TM2YPUBlJGM�NNESOTA ��, • M�'GOMMISSION �ti.,,.,. EXPIRES JAN.37, 2005 o� -�o� � � 0 a x N W � � O � � o y U � � ,J � a , r, -a � � � ,m � � O. N � ,U > O � Q W O C d N C d p — �- J .� C � m � O a� U U C m = 1 O 0 o — M N � � � � Z N r U � J O �I @I 3N �F- � N � i N iQ '�IQ a � � Q IU tn � � W � O � � z!z Q I, W m,F �,W _'U F- _ U —� m � Q m � Z C Q D,J a'w � U �U C 10 U L N , � � � '�,, m 0 ;a' x W , N i C �' i� �� Z. IU i,o, a IU � N 7 N C – IN � N z T C � Q � 0 U � U � @ 7 y G � �I �I � � Z' �% c o ,v d y l� N ,N N ''^ C � � m � � .� H � _iM , � 0 ai o' U; �, �l O, U i L V � i � L - p N a� 3 I � � ' �m a 0 I y Y U Q � � L Us U�a'� ;y ' oc�i@ �U � G"O d � � �N Q�hp_ � N fl - �� � '� U�EX>,w U U o' m y � U � (6 N y �� mN� � � � � N � d O � �p N O �O N (6 m � I- � N p �'U 0�= �aKJL... � U��' m � F�� °'Ud QQ ooLa� � O O Q � , 00.-QNO� '� J LLj N N �- (6 � O) C� �-NVidNN U� �NCUO� ' U c` —� N��U�° b\-��\ � R � Q X N W O 'y � O N y O d ,U N � J I� �p M a ch _o N 3 O �' d h � �c:a� L ' U ''� O ;J Q • R � .�-�. N c 3 d � � c � V U J I� � i�A H � � N N,� C � U (0 J � _U 0 0 M N � � N E � Z � O U ~ W � ° o � �, �I N _ � � � '�� a W � Q U � �� —� � W � � � �,� E'.a Z z m � Z W _U H _ C� — � N m � Q m � Z C Q � J a w _U �U C 7 O U'' IU L h � �� � N N i � . Q x W jc: � . � i� i � � �? Z ��a : U ; �a U c N i� N c IN � W Z � � m d � O U � U C m 7 ly L C a� �: E, 7 Z I N O � a ��v N N N N ^ C .� � m � � � H � � _' <o y C O 'O C O C.J � c a� � E O U L U � a � � — �o � � � U � � � om a U � U Y � ULU��" V Q n' N '� oc�i� U CC'047 � @ V � N C N d C � Q CL- � d N E X T� V U O�C-N y jU�(6y N y � � � N � N C U p t� O�ON[6� �l- `��N ' a�S Q°�L�� C7 Q � �-- ���L�N m � ����° °'i�a Q Q oo ya � 00 � Q � 00'` J W ' NNLL I06)O) �U 07 . � N C U O . N-- —.0 c�o .— N��U�° LicenseGroupCOmmentsText �,i�D�, 12/1�l2000 Licensee: CECILIA M ALBRIGHT �BA� CENTENNIALSTORE License #: 0087087 12/11l2000 To CAO for adverse action. CAR 1'I/28/2000 F_ailed tobacco wmpliance check wnducted by Rich Jents. First failure, 5200 matrix penalty. Clerk was owner, Cece4ia Albright, who is le9alry blintl.'CAR �, � �2/02/98—COngratulationslettersent. PJW 10/52/98 — Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW o�_�o� Address } Licensee � CoMact � License � Cardholder, 1 TYpe: C property !' Licensee t� Unofficisl (� AII SYreet #� 58 Street Name: EDAR Street Type: <All> � Direction: cAll> �.. Unit #: r CAY' <Atl> -- - - `--�� - - - .. _ .. _ _ 22�57 0 $ERVICE AMERIC� TENNIAL OFF - . . . . __ _ ... ___.. _.._ _.._ .. 27493 0 'JOHN F1EMP �JOHN'S VENOWG —_—_� _ 66093 0 '(INACTNE 7-303CENTENNIAL OFI 69000 0 HEST INC ;HEST INC AT CEI r:;� ; "'Fiiid;, �° ; :.��_� , "o���'s �:: "'NB"t�v $��F`C�1`' �:�a:tlelP'C:`-.�: � «,��.. �� rerd 14 Hrs 1Canceled 0823l7993 'I Of2971994658 � ----- - - — - --- teRobacco (Csn ce4�d 0911811989 031311199U 658 c .._____�. ___�__..__�.___..__v _ I CoMainer Canceled 09119t1989 03t31 ri 99� 658 � rard(B)-moCanceletl ~ �� OSN11799406I30f1997858c rant (8) - moACiive _ License PrirRed �07l23t1997 07723I2001 658 � ,__ __ __ _ 7, __ ___ �Original Cor�tainer Active LiCense Printed 04N1 ti 991 63(31 f2�01 658 c _' '. _. _ _ _._ _. ___ ___ _ . _ _ .. 990�00094 0 MICHAELMARTIM1IMICHAELMARTIN � ���� �Pood Manager (C) Canceled License Defmhwn Canceied 01 N61I999 01 N6f2001 65S � � m�x.�ma �...,�......»_-m-,s � x1 �>�-.'.��: 8F� �� �..�:� ! '� � �."�`�' : •'„ � . .� ;,3�,. �. ..a":�f l . ,`.>-,,5.;., �ir' 3:119 PM - o� -�o� ''� �"� � � � � A'`� �- � _ _��.�-,�. Licensee ECILIA M ALBRIOH7 TypE ��,Pay Pncrt a ;7.c+as r �?,„ �,�,�mcnx DBA ENTENNIAL STORE � Stre License � Licensee � tic. Types , 1�uranCe � Bond � RequiremerRs � Stre ! C property {" Licensee �' Unofficiel � ProjedFscil'dator. ASUNCION,COWNNE :. Dire� �, Sfreet #: �� Adverse Action CommeMs �� ; j SYreet Name: EDAR C � y: ; i SYreet Type: ..y_.- ST �_� Direction: � � f LJnd Ind: � Unit #: �- '! City: T PAUL Lioense Group C ommerrts: ;� State: �AN Zip: _ 55155 � 12000 To CAO for adverse action. CAP. Wartl: � 1 Q82000 Failed tobaeco compliance check conducted — ��—� y Rich Jents. First falure, $200 matrix penatty. Clerk � Dist Council: 17 — as owner, Cecelia Albright, who is legaily pGnd. CAR -- --- — 2N2i58 - - Conqrffiulstions letter seM. PJJ � _ -___._-_..'.__—_'_'�.__^_.___` �_�___.___ ' _.___.-. I Licensee: CI�IA M ALBRIGHT Licensee ; � 66A ENTENNfAL STORE Commertts: ��� i ."°_�'L�%';�: ; Ssles Tax Id: 158736 Bus Phone: 65112� 27-1424 � `�L iaei Cice`nSe:fy�' ��'. 1497�; CigaretteJrobaecc 1791�; OriginaiCoritainer 2205�; � � � �� ` 2749i:. # �7087 �e waived for the Save Changesto 03t31R001 N i ��._._______.._..__._ �. 0 3131 12 0 01 N $5�.00 7otaL•� ^_ 1 $SOAO sss ssa < 987 6s8 c 994 65& < ' 990 658 t - 930 ESZ c " 997 6�8 � 001 658 � ��Q � ,`" � � -��' �'�► 3 09 Phi ��—\O\ Type, She' Stre Stre Dire� LJntt Cdy M ""'�""`"'"`"'"�"'� �"�"w`x' -"°"`�"" DBA �ENTENNIAL STOF license Licensee � Lic. Types l Insurance �� Bond , RequiremeMs � Licensee Name: ECILIA M A�6RIGHT DBA: ENTENNIALSTORE Sales Tax Id. 158736 Non-Profd: r Worker's Comp: O,TJON000 A.4 CorRrect Rec'd: ON010000 qq 7reining Rec'd: OrU0N0�0 FA fee Colleded: OrDOND90 DiscouM Rec'd: � s �_; �"��J�, Prnper�ies:.. ` � , Other Agency licenses Finanaat Hold Reasons ,� . ..,:_, -� man .se .r �,�--: mw� .w*.>. Ottier Lioensin tLicen e.: . . �`r'x,ttse #a'� "' �' "�"� `---�� � � „_,9.�L9aSttq,N§m:�. i't7.�`ak? Re k..,�.. . ActiweT �". �':Date i CorltactsfnrthisLicwnsPr+ �Mail License To. — f' Mail So CorM1act t' License Adtlress 1497e3 1791� �-: zzos,; �' �"�'�'.`��4� 2�4y�: Background Check Required �' 66035 License # Save Changes ta History Mail 4ovoice To: --; I �` Mail To CoMact � �' License Address ; � u- rtt�o �tt.�" f986:658t t ss7 ssa � f994653t 199Q65E[ 199065Z c 1997fi58� 2001 65P � r �� �I G�:� 3is� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIO>iS AT"D ENVIRONMt?VTqLPROTECTiOti . Robert Kessler, Direcror CITY OF S�"T PAUL Nonn Co[einan. Mny�or O�-lo1 Telephone�6lZ-266-9G90 Facsimile: 612-166-9099 612-166-9f?1 LO1VRY PROFESS70.VdL BL'ILDlNG Suire 300 3�0 St. PeterSlreet Sainr P¢u{ ,Ltinnuom 55103-li10 TOBACCO CO VIPLL�NCE CHECK FO&�1- YEAR ? 000 � �':���� bv _ . C.N. �DATE: -/ ' i t TME: �G � LICEtiSE I.D. NL1.1dBER: �; � r Si ? NA?v1E OF OMPLIANCE CHECKER: �✓ C'Ul.��'�� `-�� �� NAVIE OF ADULT SUPERVISOR:� ' � �l CENTENNIAL STORE NAME & ADDRESS OF LICENSED VEr�OR: 658 CEDAR ST � ST PAUL, MN 55155-1603 _ License Type: License # Cigarette/Tobacco( 0087087 TYPE OF ESTABLISHMEIv"I':_• �/� (�, WAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE? ASSISTED?�_ WHERE WAS THE MACHINE LOCA SALE WAS VLADE: MACHI\B?_ �/�� NA�fE OF CLERK: l{j �� I�<ti �l`"� �� � t�' i /1 �if!'�i � E„eC�4 �r'c� �/�(/: Cl �r� �- � �.�o r-� ,�, .� ��� � �' � �GIS C HOVIE ADDRESS _ r' �(i` �j ? j v �' �,-'L �V` �. �� ``S�lG�O ( } ,-- i' ;DESCRIPTION OF CLERK S - "1"f/�y� ��l �� S� � 3 � f : '� �} DRNER'S LICENSE f/ OTHER I.D. TYPE OF I.D. � r - ��. I.D. � i�-^ �/%�G- I I� — S�S ' 3 �� AMOUI`T SPEiv'T ON PURCHASE� � r�'� �� � , ,i I , G .� IF A SALE WAS NOT MADE: REASON (CAECK ONE) �' /��, � n Q ,� i1 �� �� ��� / r-� Z� � 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED .�` , � � lj 1n p.�f L � n - � % { � ��_.7�✓t.�.i �� '/y %• I" (� �" 2) BUSI�'ESS CLOSED ��`"`� l� G� / i7 '� 3) OliT OF BliSINESS 4) IJNSATISFACTORY COti'DITIONS l.(.� f y'-'`^ � .� V `/� � / �j � 5) DOES NOT SELL TOBACCO � Revised 022000