� ouncil Resolution
Presented By •
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution adjusting the rate of pay
� for Recreation Aide and Recreation Leader I in the
Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution.
RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution
be amended by striking out of Section II B where they appear under the
heading "Special Employments" the following:
"Recreation Aide 2. 50 an hour"
"Recreation Leader I 3. 50 an hour"
and by substituting in lieu thereof the following:
"Recreation Aide
1 st 500 hours of emp].oyment 2. 75 an hour
2nd 500 hours of employment 3. 00 an hour
3rd 500 hours of employment & thereafter 3. 25 an hour"
"Recreation Leader I
1 st 500 hours of employment 3. 75 an hour
2nd 500 hours of employment 4. 00 an hour
3rd 500 hours of employment & thereafter 4. 25 an hour" .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
R���� [n Favor 1'ERSONNEL FF E
Hun�t --.` .
Levine _ __ Against BY
Showalter 2 4 1979
esco �''�� Form Ap City tt ne
Adopted by uncil: Date
Certi d Passe y Council Secretary BY
R�pp ove Mavor: Da `-_�� 197°� Appro by Mayor for ssion to Council
By �— BY
�eUSMtE�D J U N 2 1979 `
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��,�\� LI���" DatQ : May 14, 1979
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� O : Sain:� �'ctu� Ci►;� Councii " .
��; {� �'� = C 0 Z'!i73 i��7�? fJ i3 FINANCE, �1ANAGEMENT A��D. PERSOPdNEL
RU�Y HUNT , ct�oi�man, makes fihe fo� lc�,•�ing
repor� on G• F- [� Ordinance -
(9) � Resot�'rion . _
'. . - � O'rh er -
� �11�� : - -
The Finance Committee, at their meeting of May 14, 1979, recomm?nd�d ap�sroval of
� the follou�ing:
1 . Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase .
rates of pay for Senior Pool Attendant and�Swimming Poo1 S�pervisor. �
- 2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates ofi Compensation Resolut7on to increase
rates of pay for Life Guard, Life Guard (Indoor Pool ) and ldater Safety Instru�tor.
3. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolutifln to increase
rates of pay for 'Recreatior� Aide and Recreation Leader I .
4. Resolution •to change title of !�latchman I to Security Officer to in�icate both -
men and women may apply and to revise the minimum age requirement to conform -
' � with present practice. � �
- 5. Resolution to reorganize and sim�}ify the Civil Service Rules. -
6. Resol.ution revising minimum qualifications in clas� specifications for Technician�.II -
� level nositions for urhich exnerience in any of the titles will qualify far exam�n-
ation in others .
7. Resolution establishing title of Disbursement Auditing Cierk-Schoo]s in Grade 30
� - of Clerical occupational group in the grad�ldivision. Also establ�shes class spec-
ification for the neu� title.
. 8. Resolution creating title and specifications for Workers ' Compensation Clerk in
� Grade 19 of the Clerical Occupational Group.
9. Resolution transferring $62,599.60 in 1977 CIB funds from projects where they are
not needed to the Oiled Street Repaving Program where they are needed.
::� r�' iG�i_L SEVE:�;TI: ��x.00: s:'11\T P_�v-t., 1r=��;�so�:� ss!��
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� . . � . . . - . . f . . .' � . .��-. .
' . .; � . . . - . . � ..
: �o'�not tf�tach this r�ora�lur� froen t�e :
. , reso{ution so that this laformation wHl b�
availabfe #o the 'City �oun�il.
......�.�........,.. ,.,..._,� . '�
Dats: April 2�4 , 1979
� ,� �; �;'k �/ ,� � �
, . � , MAY �
T0. MAY4R il$�SGE LATII�R }p��
• , _ NIl�4�t{�'s p1�FFICE .
�R: Pe�sa�el Of f ice
. RB: Rasolution far submiss�o� to Citq Council :
�..._�, .,..r.�.�—
: We reccx�m►end your app�tova3, and submiesion af tht� Re�oluticm .CO t� Ci�y Council.
" j . . . ' . . ' . ' � � . . .. . . ' . . . . � .
� _ '`t
Z'hia R�esolution amends the Salaz•y-P1aa and Rates of C`om�reaeatia!3a '
Resolutioa to ancrease the rates of pay for Recrea�ior�.Aide ssnd ' ° �
Recreatioa Leader I. It also granta l.ougev�.ty ir�creaees:for thes� "
., tit�les`after 500 and 1,QQ0 hours. Theee iac�eaYses are necess�r'y to '
' recrtu� a.ad retaia pat�-ti.nae and tempo�ary employee� to a�s�i�st w�h �.
recrea�ion�al programs. 'I'�ieee increa�es �re v�i:thixi, or nat eubject
to, Pressclent�.a� C.u.i:delines. }
Recr�atian Aide - currcn�F.l.y:$2.50 an haur - p�opos�d as fo�lowsz
1 st 500 houre of erriploymen� 2. 75 an hotir "
� � 2ad 500 ho��s of empl.oyment 3.00 ass hour
: 3rd 50� hour� of employment & i�ereafte� 3. 25 sn hozt� �
Recreati.on Lsad�r I - curreatl.y $3. 50 az�hour - propaoed a� fa]1a�u�: �f
� i st 500 houre of employment 3. 75 aa hour `
2nd 50U hours of employmeat 4.40 an. hour' ,
3rd 500 hours of employmexst & th�ersafter 4.25 an ho�s�
, �
Resolution aad cop� #or tha� City Clerk. �
f. ; �•.'�`�� �.l�, .Z I �.i.i, 1.,L 1.�l...� w� Jl. �.1.�_�J �
- '',�'_ ' ,
j..-��' � '��:.� �.��i��.�v T'i �L'� ��=l.1': Ci:.��:i' CU C7��;tL
+� `�yr.` �`-, •�`i, ,
�. .:��' . _' ••a j: t� • -
`'����.� ��.�<�;� Dote : �ay 14, 1979
C � �d i �'�; �i� � � �`i C t-�- � � i�
i O : �oin7 °�ul Ciiy Councii " -
F F� O �`� = C 0 s�"f�i i i�i 7�� O il FINANCE, P1ANAf,EMENT AP�D PERSOtdNEL _ . -
RUBY HUNT ; choirman, mc�kes fihe TVfIG:�ing
repo�t� on C. F. [] Ordir�ance _ -
• � �9� [� Resolv'rion - .
� '. - . - [� Orh er - . - �
� _ i
' • - i
. • +
i �IL� : . ' - ;
The Finance Committee, at their meeting of May 14, 1979, recommended approval of - i
� the following: - I
1 .� Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase . j
rates of pay for Senior Pool Attendant and Swimming Poo] Supervisor. - ?
2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and. Rates of Compensation Resolutian to increase �
rates of pay for Life Guard, Life Guard (Indoor Pool�) and tJa�er Safety Instru�tor. `
3. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase '
rates of pay for 'Recreation Aide and Recreation Leader I. �
4. Resolution •to change title of !�)atchman I to Security Officer to indicate both
men and women may apply and to revise the minimum age requirement to conform -
� � vui th present practi ce. �� � -
5. Resolution to reorganize and simplify the Civil Service Rules. -
6. Resolution revising minimum qualifications in class specifications for T�chnician �II - �
� level nositions for which exnerience in any of the titles will qualify far examin-
ation in others. � .
7. Resolution establishing title of Disbursement Audi�ing Clerk-Schools in Grade 30 '
' of .Clerical occuaatic�nal group in the grad�idivision. Also establishes class spec-
ification for the new title. �
. 8. Resolution creating title and soecifications for Workers' Compensation C7erk in
Grade 19 of the Clerical Occupational Group. �
9. Resolution transferring $62,599.60 in 1977 CIB funds from projects where they are �
not needed to the Oiled Street Repaving Program where they are needed. �
[� �GiI_L St�'E:�IE-: FJ_CO: 5:11\I' F:�LZ, Z:i�`:�SOiA SSI�?'_