273025 WHITE - GTV CLERK ' ' ` �
PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ���fii��
File N .
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Re solution revising the minimum
qualifications in the Clas s Specifications for certain
titles in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be amended by striking
from Section 49 the Class Specifications for the titles of Public Buildings
Technician II, Public Works Technician II, Traffic Technician II, Valuation
and Assessment Technician II and Water Department Technician II, and by
substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the attached Class Specifications
for the titles of Public Buildings Technician II, Public Works Technician II,
Traffic Technician II, Valuation and Assessment Technician II and Water
Department Technician II.
L�G�Z�L � f'�
Civil Service Commi sion
COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�---__ In Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY
�_ q Form A e y Ci t rne
Adopted b uncil: Date M� 7 � �g19 C
Cert ed Yas y Council Secr�kar BY
lappr ved, b Mavor: Date �Y � � App d by Mayor for S b ssi o ouncil
BY - — �
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�i; � �� = C fl�T!i i�t�i 7�°.'. O i 1 FINANCE, PIANAGEP�IENT A��D PERSOfdNEL
RU�Y HUNT ; choirman, mcs�ces the fottc.-�ing .
repor-fi on C. F. � Ordinance .
�9� [� Resai�'rion _ - -
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The Finance Committee, at their meeting of May 14, 1979, recommended aFproval of
� the following:
_ 1 . Resolution amending Salary PTan and Rates of Compensation resolutio�u to increase .
� rates of pay for Senior Pool Attendant and Swimming Pool Supervisor.
� 2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to increase
rates of pay for Life Guard, Life Guard (Indoor Pool ) and LJater Safety InstruCtor.
3. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resoluti�n to increase
rates of pay for �Recreation Aide and Recreation Leader I .
4. Resolution -to chan�e title of [.AJatchmar I to Security Officer tfl ind�cate both = �
men and women may appl,y and to revise the minimum age requirement tc� conform -
� � with present practice. � �
5. Resoiution to reorganize and simplify the Civil Service Rules. -
6. Resolution revising minir�um qualifications in class specifications for.Technician .II
� level nositions for which exoerience i.n any of the titles will qualify for examin-
ation in others. �
7. Resolution establishing title o.f Disbursement Auditing Clerk-Schools in Grade 30
� of Clerical occupati�nal group in the gradei division. Also es_tabliS�res class spec-
ification for the ne�! ti.tle. �
. 8. Resolution creating title and saecifications for Workers ' Compensation Clerk in
Grade 19 of the Clerical Occupational Group.
9. Resolution transferring $62,599.60 in 1977 CIB funds from projects where they are
not needed to the Oiled Street R�epaving Program where they are needed.
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'v �� �` po no# detach this m�amar�ndum ##�tn the`
resofution so that this ir�formatior� witl be�
available to the City Counci�:
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Date: Apri� 19,. 1979 : � i � i: � �� � �
' MAY 4 ���'9
T0: MAYOx GBORGB LATTi�R ���,'�'�
�R: Personael OEfi:ce, .
; RE: 8eeoluti.on for snba�i+asioa to City Ccuacii
�, . �
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We reccm�eead your appranal and �u�mission of this R+eaolutic�t to tht City Cc►wacil.
This resolution will revise the mix��.xnum q�alificatiaus in the cl,ass s�c�fcatitms
fo.r the Techaician II level poeitioas far which esperieace ia'any qf�the ti�i,es wi11
q�a:lify.for e�samination in the otl�ers. The language which perm3ts ���ence.3n �
Ai�de titles to:replace fifteen,credit hoars of education was omitted dn e��veara7, ti�les; .
ia.,�the�preceeding resolutioa, .
. ,
• ATTt�C�1TS s .
Resolution and ca;py for City Clerk.
� Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine engineering or architectural work in
survey3ng, drafting, plan checking, and inspection of public and private
buildings and facilities; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To review the less complex plans and specif ications to determine conforma.nce
with the codes.
To make routine inspeetions of buildings under construction and the instal-
lation of equipment and facilities.
To prepare detailed drawings and renderings of public buildings and
To assist in preparing cost estima.tes and specifications.
To make surneys for the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public
To make basic computations to determine safe loads and the strength of
various parts of buildings.
To make inspections of buildings to determine the legality of proposed
architectural and structural changesd
� To make investigations and reports on explosions, fires, floods, etc.,
which may occur in the Gity.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and at least 30 credit hours acceptable toward the
basic engineering certificate as given by the University of Minnesota
(certain courses ma.y be substituted for those required far the basic
engineering eertificate; a list of such substitute courses is main-
tained in the Personnel Office) ; and two years' experience as an
Architectural Draftsman II, Engineering Draftsman II, Pub].ic Works
Technician I, Traffic Technician I, Instrumentman, Valuation and
Assessment Technician I, Water Department Technician I, or equivalent.
Each additional qear of qualifying experience my be substituted for
f ive credit hours.
Effective March 17, 1979
• Tit�e of elass:
Duties and responsibilities:
Uader supervision, to do inspection work on compl�x public works pro3ects;
to perfo�n routine engineering work iu the iavestig�tion, draftiag, and
design of public works pro�ects; aad to perform related work as assigaed.
Examples of work performed:
To inspect concrete paving pro�ects for conformity to plans and
specif ieationa.
To iaspect ma�or sewer pro3ects.
To act as chief in�pector and supervisor on asphalt surfacing pro3ects.
To supervise lower level tectin.icians oa minor pnblic works pro,�ects.
To make reports, estimates, and progress xecords.
To assist in the preparation of plans, specif ications aad estimates of
large public works pro�ects.
To do desiga work independently on small public works pro3ects.
To compute quantities and casts.
To prepare scale drawings and maps from field survey notes.
To act as drafting squa.d leader on Iess complex grading plans.
. Minimum qualif�.cations:
High school graduation and at least thirty credit honrs acceptable toward
the basic engineering cextificate as given by the Uaiversi.ty of
Mi.aaesota (certain courses may be sub�tituted for those required for the
basic engiaeering certificate; a list of snch substitute courses is
maiatained in the Personnel Office); and two qears` experi�nce as a
Public Works Technician I, Engineering Draftsman II, Traffic Technician
I, Instrument..maa, Architectural Draftsma.a II, Valuatioa sad Assessmeat
Technician I, Water Department Technician I, or equivalent. Each
sdditional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five
credit hours. Additional experieace as sa Engiaesring Aide II,
Engineering Draftsman I, Traffic Engineering Aide TI, Architectural
Draftsman I, Valuatio� and Assessmeat Aide II is qualifying for the
first f if teen credit hours.
Effective March 17, 1979
iTitle of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine valuation engineering or architectural
work in drafting, plan checking, building measurements, propertq research,
plan preparation, and preparatioa of estimates of assessable property
frontages; to be responsihle for the work in connection with the
valuation and sale of t�-forfeited property, and the spreading of
assessments for local improvements; to supervise work of lower level
technicians; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To prepare detailed drawings of buildings or property for appraisal and
condemnation purposes.
To prepare scale drawings and maps fram field survey notes.
To supervise and train lower 1eve1 technicians on minor pro3ects.
To make preliminary investigations and reports on street or alley
vacation pro3ects.
To gather and maintain statistical information on matters pertaining
to valuations.
To locate property from plat by legal description, and to abstract
� the same from field notes.
To research ownership and encumbrances on real propertq.
To prepare reports, correspondence and resolutions regarding assess-
ments and tax-forfeited lands for City Council action.
To revise assessments as required for platting or sale of lands.
To assist and advise the Valuation and Assessment Eagineer regarding
the sale and disposal of tax-forfeited lands.
To write and revise legal descriptions.
To explaia individual assessments to property owners and to give general
information as to procedure on assessments, condemnations, street
vacations, real estate taxes, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
High school gradt�ation and at least 30 credit hours scceptable toward the
basic engineering certificate as given by the University of Minnesota
(certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic
engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is �aintained
in the Personnel Office) ; and two years' experienee as a Valuation and
Assessment Techniciaa I, Public Works Technician I, Traffic Technician I,
Water Department Technician I, Architectural Draftsman II, Engineering
Draftsman II, Instrumentman, or equivalent. Each additional year of
quslifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours.
Effective March 17, 1979
+ Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine engineering work in the investigation,
drafting, and design of water works projects; and to perform related
work as assigned.
F�camples of work performed:
To assist in the platting of frontages, making of cost estimates, clearing
with property owners, etc. , in connection with water main petitions.
To compute size of water service connections for residential and commercial
new construction as well as replacement connections.
To compute deposit estimates on all larger service connectians, a�tomatic
fire connectioas, and temporarq mains.
To assist in the preparation of plans, specif ications, and estimates of
large water works pro3ects.
To do design work independently on small water works projects and to compute
quantities and costs.
To act as inspector on water works projects.
• Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and at least thirty credit hours acceptable toward
the basic engineering certificate as given by the Universitq of Minnesota
(certain eourses may be substituted for those xequired for the basic
engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained
in the Personnel Office); and two years` experience as a Water Department
Technician I, Engineering Draftsman II, Public Works Technician I, Traffic
Technician I, Instrumentman, Architectural Draftsman II, Valuation and
Assessment Technician I, or equivalent. Each additional year of qual-
ifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours.
Effective March 17, 1979
� Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine engineering work connected with
traffic operations, surneqs, or plans; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To investigate and report findings on traffic complaints and suggestionse
To inspect and report upon the materials and methods of construction used
on traffic signal contracts.
To plan, organize, and conduct traffic surveys.
To prepare charts, summa.ries, and tables showing survey results.
To perform drafting, computations or assembly work on plans, charts and
To supervise the work of sign and marking installation.
To direct and coordinate the work of parking meter operations.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and at least thirty credit hours acceptable toward
� the basic engineering certifica.te as given by the University of
Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for
the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses
is maintained in the Personnel Office); and two qears' experience as
a Traffic Technician I, Public Works Technician I, Engineering Drafts-
man II, Instrumentman, Architectural Draftsman II, Valuation and
Assessment Technician I, Water Department Technician I, or equivalent.
Each additional year of qualifying egperience may be substituted for
five credit hours. Additional experience as aa Engineering Aide II,
Engineering Draftsman I, Traffic Engineering Aide II, Architectural
Draftsman I, Valuation and Assessment Aide II is qualifying for the
f irst f if teen credit hours.
Effective March 17, 1979
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�� � �11 = C 0 s`T�!�i3!�i T�.� O i 1 FINANCE, PiANAGEMENT AP�D PERSO�dNEL . . �
RUBY HUNT ; chairman, makes fihe Toilc:�ing
reporf on C. F. � Ordir+ance _ -
. �9� [� Resotu'rion � - � .
� '. . - [� O"rher - -
� tiLF • . - � -
The Finance Committee, at their meeting of May 14, 1979, recommended approval of -
� the following:
7 . Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase .
rates of pay for Senior Pool Attendant and�Swimming Poo7 Supervisor. `
• 2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and. Rates of Compensation Resolutian to increase
rates of pay for Life Guard, Life Guard (Indoor Pool) and tJater Safety InstruCtor.
3. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase
rates of pay for 'Recreation Aide and Recreation Leader I . �
4. Resolution -to change title of !�latchman I to Security Officer to indicate both �
men and women may apply and to revise the minimum age requirement to conform -.
� � with present practice. �� �
5. Resolution to reorganize and simplify the Civil Service Rliles. -
6. Resolution revising minimum qualifications in class specifications for T�echnician _II
� level nositions for whtch exnerience in any of the titles will qualify for examin-
ation in others. � .
7. Resolution establishing title of Disbursement Auditing Gler�-Schools in Grade 30
' of .Clerical occupational group in the grad�idivision. Also establishes class spec-
ification for the new ti.tle.
, 8. Resolution creating title and specifications for Workers ' Cor�pensation Clerk in
Grade 19 of the Clerical Occupational �roup. � � _
9. Resolution transferring $62,599.60 in 1977 CIB funds from projects where they are
not 'needed to the Oiled Street Repaving Program where they are needed. �
. -
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