273023 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � 'p' � File N 0. �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Workersi Compensation Clerk in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 under the heading "Clerical" Group by inserting the title of Workers� Compensation Clerk in Grade 19; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 49 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Workers� Compensation Clerk. Appr ove d: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �,.- PERSON EL OF E �,_ __� [n Favor Hunt Levine _ _ Against BY Maddox Showalter Adopted o���►l: Date MAY 2 4 1979 Form Ap by C' y rn c Cer ied Pas-ed Council Secretary BY B � t. /�1pp y 17a r: Date ; _ �'►AY 2 5 Ap o ed by Mayor for Su o Council BY - �'tlBt.tSt�F.D JUN 2 i979 � tl .�+`��r� � Title of class: . WORKERS' COMPTNSATION CLERK DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Per€orms skilled clerical work of a complax nature in the handling of workers' compensation claims; handles all routine matters relating to Industrial Commission reports and forms; and performs related duties as required. Supe�vision Received: Works under the general .technical and administrative supervision of an attorney. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within a unit, division or department ' immediate or close technical or administrative supervision directly over ' lower level clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Opens files after receipt of report of injury; sets up follow-up dates for file review regarding receipt of necessary medical and time loss reports. Prepares correspondence requesting medical reports from physicians and/or hospitals; requests further information from employees necessary to process claims if this information is not contained in first Report of In j ury. Computes the amount of time loss, the weekly compensation rate and any supplemental benefits for temporarily totally disabled employees and computes payment for permanent partial disability based on State Industrial Commission schedules. Prepares administrative orders for approval\of compensation payments. Prepares pay vouchers for injury-related expenses and for weekly benefit payments for temporary total disability and permanent partial disability. Maintains records of all payments made for every injury. . Reports the amount of compensation paid by the city for work-related injuries in order to obtain reimbursement. 'Prepares the annual workers' compensation report for the Industrial Commission. Forwards all routine medical, time loss and payment reports to the Industrial Commission. Prepares other Industrial Commission forms such as requests for time exten- � sion, final payment receipts and dependent coverage in death cases. Types complex, technical or involved materials that require independent judgment and the ability to rearrange, expand, segregate and tabulate. . Prepares legal documents and fills out�legal forms for attorney's signature. Handles phone inquiries, searches files and supplies information; directs individuals to others when a thorough knowledge of the regulations is required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the policies and procedures of handling workers' compensation claims. Considerable ability to type with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to read and interpret complex regulations and fee schedules. • Considerable ability to perform difficult arithmetic calculations with . speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to deal with the public in a tactful and effective manner. (continued on reverse side) WORKERS' COMPENSATION CI.ERK (continued) Considerable ability to follow complex oral and written instructions. Some ability to understand medical billing terminology. Considerable ability to perform clerical functions with little close supervision. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' clerical experience; at .least one year of which must have involved handling insurance or workers' compensation claims as a primary duty. \ � � �:L'1'�Y i���` ,��'��Lz;.�� ���T��"�r� _ _�� , - � , � � - ' � .•, o��:���.�:��r o: ��:i��: c:.�t�r ct�,s�c=_r� , � - ��: :�� -���� �;. - ������:� :' .�,` � . _ � �� J�� ����\` .�j=;�' D a t e : f�Iay 14, 1979 � .:� � � i�1 +'�i ��� � � � �i i:_. #��' � 't�`�' � `T� O : 5c�int °ctu! Ci i*� CQ�ncii - . �t; � �� = C a;�3 i i�!�7€.'L a 7 FINANCE, T1ANAGEMENT AP�D PERSOfdNEL . , RUBY HUNT , chaifnan, mc�kes fih�e foElc:^�ing report on C. F_ � O�dinance � t9� [� Resol�fron � '� . - � Oi-h er - . � � j L� ; - - The Finance Committee, at their meeting of May 14„ 197.9, recommended approval of � the following: 1 . Resolution amending Salary PTan and Rates of Compensation resolutior� to increase _ � rates of pay for Senior Pool Attendant and Swimming Pool Supervisor. � 2. Resolution amending Salar,y Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to increase rate� of pa,y for Life Guard, Life Guard (Indoor Pool) and Z�later Safety Instru�tar. 3. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase rates of pay for �ReCreation Aide and Recreation Leader I . 4. Resolution •to change title of !�latchman I to Security Officer to indicate both men and women may apply and to revise the minimum age requirement tQ conform - � � � with present practice. � 5. Resolution to reorganize and simplify the Civil Servic� Rules. 6. Resolution revising minimum qualifications in class specifications for Technician -II � level nositions for which exnerience in any of the titles will qualify far examin- ation in others. � 7. Resolution establishing �itle of Disbursement Auditing Clerk-Schools ir� Grade 3Q - of Clerical occupational group in the gradeidivision. Also es_tablishes class spec- ification for the new ti.tle. _ 8. Resolution. creating title and soecifications for Workers ' Compensation �lerk in Grade 19 of the: Clerical Occupational Group. . 9. Resolution transrerring �62,599.60 in 1977 CIB funds from projects u�here they are not needed to the Oiled Street Repaving Program where they are neQded. � ; r ��� �r��1_� s�vE:��-� ��r_.co: s:11\T F:�liL, 1.����so�:� ssi�= l ' �' no� detach #his t�'�emoratrdum from �th� � � � � � �� � � �� . �� ;� . ` - �4 rmation wili b� C�'� Fesolution so �hat this info . available to the City Councii. ��,� : E�7CPLANATIflN OB AUMTNZ3�&A�VE 4RDSR3 . RESOLU't3 5, � ��D CBS , , ...�_... � ,._..� � , Date: April 20, 19'�9 � � �. � � �iidt � � . � MAY 4 �9?'9 �:. . T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATI.I�R ,�'��R�� � FR: Fe�sont�el Office FiL: Resolution far sub�.saioa �o City Cowa�il ' ACTIQN_RB(��TESTED We recc�nd your �tpp�ava7, and aubmission a� thia��solut�oa to tbe Cf.tg Couac�,7.. PURPOSE ANA RAT�ON�#L$� FaR T��B ACTTON: � �������MF�������II+II Y ��� 1 . . . � . ' , ' " . This resolutian crea�es �the title and specifica�iQn for Wor"kers� Compea�sa.�io� Glerk i� Grade 19 of the Clerical Occupa.tianal Group. �he bi-weekly salary, ra.n.ge �or Grad,e 19 is shorovn belaw: A B � D E F l0.yr. 15`yr. 20 �rr. 2�yr. 407.06 423.45 442,.48 462.57 483. 19 5�.8b' •51$,61 531.82 542.32 554.8� � � ; , $.10,,624.40 $14.3'7&�,� �. .4 , r .� ,,_, �1TTA�CI�fENTS: : _- Resc�lution and copy #or City C1erk. : - -; , .a � .� z,, ,; ...:�_ �:C'�,�C �> • , � , . f• , , _`� � V 3i �l 1.�� r...� JC.E�tJ _�J `, f�-=£ �\ � � ; >� I;�! ::} O.t�l�'.[�E Oi' s�:l1•; C:'�:i' COCT��tL � % .:�°':`.':` \►. l � '``� t�; •a j: i � ������f i ���'��� �".��.�,� D a t e . May 14, 1979 -��;`�;/ � � ��i �'�i ��i � � � �i C t-�' � � t� i O : �oi�7 °�ui Ciiy Councii " _ F� � �,'� = C 0��'2�i f 1 i T�� O il FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AP�D PERSO�dNEL � RUBY HUNT ; choirman, m�kes the Toltc:��ir�g report on G. F. C] Ordinance _ . � � � , �9� [� Resot��ion � . � � - •. - - [.� O'rh er - . � i �iL� ; . - � � . The Finance Committee, at their meeting of May 14, 1979, recommended approval of � � the following: . . ' 1 .� Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase . rates of pay for Senior Pool Attendant and Swimming Pool Supervisor. 2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and. Rates of Compensation Resolutian to increase rates of pay for Life Guard, Life Guard (Indoor Pool�) and l�fater Safety InstruCtor. 3. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to increase rates of pay for 'Recreation Aide and Recreation Leader I. � . 4. Resolution -to change title of !�latchman I to Security Officer to indicate both men and women may apply and to revise the minimum age requirement to conform - � � with present practice. �� � 5. Resolution to reorganize and simplify the Civil Service Rules. - 6. Resolution revising minimum qualifications in class specifications for T�echnician _II - � level nositions for which exnerience in any of the titles will qualify for examin- ation in others. � . 7. Resolution establishing title of Disbursement Auditing Clerk-Schools in Grade 30 " of .Clerical occuaati�nal group in the grad�idivision. Also establishes class spec- ification for the new title. . 8. Resolution creating title and specifications far Workers ' Compensation C7erk in Grade 19 of the Clerical Occupational Group. � 9. Resolution transferring $62,599.60 in 1977 CIB funds from projects where they are � not needed to the Oiled Street Repaving Program where they are needed. � C� i[i�i_L S��'E:�"I"E-: FLCO: SAI�r P_1LZ, 1:f�::�SJiA S�!t?,