D001099CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • • IJ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No: �iJ Iv I� Da[e: � � - � L- � '1 C! ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor on Secfion 10.07.4 ot the City Charter and based on the request of Director of the Division of Parks and Recrearion to amend the 1996 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Depar4nent of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said hudget in the following manner Current R�id et Department of Community Services Division of Parks and Recreation General Fund Spending P1an 001-03180-4132 Not Certified - TemplSeasnl 001-03180-0373 Gas Incl Botfle 001-03180-0439 Fringe Benefits 001-Q3180-Q521 Refund 001-03180-0898 Building Improvements 001-03181-0132 Not Certified - Temp/Seasnl 001-03181-0286 Rental - Other Equipment 001-03181-0439 Fringe Benefits 001-03181-0521 Refund 20,601.00 16,500.00 36,768.00 3b5.00 19,646.00 10,248.00 0.00 26,372.00 200.00 � �_. 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,700.00 75.00 (15,281.00) 4,300.00 1,498.00 (1,700.00) (92.00) Amended B.udget 24,101.00 17,500.00 38,468.00 440.00 4,365.00 19,548.00 1,498.00 24,672.00 108.00 Tota1 L3n,�oo no � n� �3n �nn_no ADJU5T 1996 BUDGET TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOUNTING FOR MAINTAINING NORMAL OPERATIONS P�R THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR. I`� 5 �--�---� App ed by: Mayor �j �� % S�S� Date !�/ L(/ �6 Date �-1��1 �� Date Requested by: Department Director OFPARTMENTlOPFICE/CaUNCLL ' Parks and Recreation OATEW(TIpTED GREEN SHEET �� ��N0��37127 7 2f03l96 GoNiACT PEflSON AND PHONE ' Vic Wittgenstein 266-6409 GN UMBERFOP MUST BE ON COUfiGfL AGEN�A BV �DATE7 � NDEP TOTAL N OF SIGNATt/qE PAGES �__ �CIIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATLRk] WITIAL(DATE INITIAI.lOATE __L_DEPAfSTMEPIT DIRfCiOR _� __ ,.LbUDGETDIRECTOa __ _MAYOF IOfl ASSISTANT) QP( COUNpL�__ __ _ _ _�.C�N CIEAIL_ _ ___ ____ "_" ___ _FIN.BMGT.SEFVICES�Ift.____ _4_ Chinf A�ro� nranr ___ _ _ ACTION REQUESTED: Approvai of Administrative Order amending the spending plan of General Fund. RECOMMENDATONS: Aporove IA) or Re�ect Ift) _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _QVILSERVIGECOMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE _ _A-STPFF _.___ __ �DISiRICT COUNqL __ __ SUGPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVP INITIATING PROBLEM,155UE, OPPORTUNITV NJho, What, When, Whe.q P9250NALSFAVICECONTRIICTS MUST qN5Wp2 THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. He3 Ynis persoNfirm ever worked uMer a connact ior [fi�S depar[menR YES NO 2. Has tMS person/fmm eve� Ceen a ncv emWoyee� VES NO 3. Does [M1is persoNfi�m possess 2 skill no� no�mally possessetl by any cvr�e�t ory employee� YES NO �ddn ell yea enawera on sepamre sheev entl aaech io qreen sM1eer. Ad'}usi the 1996 budget to reflect proper spending autfiority for anticipated year end expenditures. A�VANTAGES IF APPROVED� Proper spending authority will be in place and payments can be made. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. RECEIVED None DEC ��21996 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGESIFNOT APPR�VEO: Invoices wil! not be paid and the budget wili not be in compliance with the City Charter. iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION fUNDING50URCE GenPral Furul (l01 FINANCIALINPORMATIOM (EXPl,A1N� COST/REVENUEBUDGETEDICIRC�EONE� VES NO ACTIVITYNUMSFR f141R0-031R"I____,___ _, _ V�