01-1005�������,�L RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA rr��a ay Refernd to co�ca.�u o. _ �eos � � ��# iioo�� Commriree:Dare: I WHEREAS, the St Paul City Cotmcil adopted U� 2001 STAR budget for the Neighbo�ood 7nves�ent 2 Initiative Pmgam, St Paul Parks and Recreation will administer Star Project # 77515, the Como Park 3 Lakeside Pavilion and Shoreline Iwprovement Projeck 5 WHEREAS, STAR fimds of $50,000 have been allocated for tlris project, and the Division of Parks and 6 Reereation desines to establish a Snancing and spending plan for the STAR Project, and 8 WHEREAS, the City commiUed matching fimds for the project from its Regional Pazks Operation & 9 Maintenance Graut Fund 860. 10 I 1 Wf�REAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Chatter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify tl�at 12 there are available for appropriation, funds of $50,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that tl�e following additions be made to the 2001 budget: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCINGPLAN: BUDGET CHANGE3 BUDGET 18 860 - Parks and Recrwtion - Grants�Aid 19 33193-RagionalParkMsintenance 20 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - GrantslAid 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 0882 - Iwprovements of Land 0883 - Arclritect Fee 0898 - Building Improvements 0 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 45,200 0 45,200 99,357 0 99,357 28,000 SQ000 78,000 172,557 50,000 222,557 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVF,D, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the chauges to the 2001 budget. � Adopted by Councit: Date: � b 2 J a� Form Approved City A1tome� � Adoptio �Ce�tified 6y Couacil Secretary ' BS" D X-X/ LC.l�^ti/ii BY `\- . �. .�-�c� PPmved by or fot Submission to � Counc( Cj`�� Approved by Mayor. Dau: /���� � B: � G:�FMlQNfl1WP'v�1.001.wb3 Pe� 1 DEP4RTMFM/�FflCE/COUNQL DATEINITIAT� GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 1�10077 Parks and Recreation 09/07/O7 O�— � 005 CONTACT PEIi$ON AND PHONE INfTIALIDATE � C� I/G�G( "'"'°"� Vic wttgenstein 266-6409 � DEPARfMBlTDIflELTOR � 'l� _�,cmcouxc�� � wreEx 3 cmwrr«wEr cmc�.euc MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� p� �_ RNANpA1 S6INCF5 DNi. 7/ 7 PMcs & Rec�eation ASAP 4 wwroataeasasru�l _�oFS-Accounrin� TOTALfi OF SK,NATIRiE PAGES _(CLV All {pC/�TpN6fOREqM11�1�1 ACTiON RE�UESi�: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to provide sufficieM funding at the budget coMrol level of tfie Division of Parks and Recreation's 200t Grants/Aid Special Revenue Fund (8601. pECOMMENOATONS: Appreve W a Rejeet 64 P6IBON/LLS9MCE CON71U1CTS MUBT Mi5W9t TFE FOLLOYVIN6 CU65iWN5: ��PLANNING COMlAISSION �CIVilSERNCE COMMtS90N �. Hr tle WnaNkm evr WerkeO udx a cmtr�et fw Cim Aepxtmxrti CIB COMMITTEE VES NO A srnFF 1. Nr Mi. pwaaJl�rm m.. eeen, tlev �aw�r DISTWCTCOUNCIL Y � � — — S. Dor tl�is praWfrm poaa�s a altill rot normNlY Y�d W em �eM city employes7 SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTVE7 YES NO ew+� r r....w«. on »wm.nr[.na.toecn m o«n.�we. INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y ryJho. Wh�t, Nfim, N(nve. Wny�: Fundi�g from the Neighborhood STAR P�ogram has been allocated to the Como Pa�k Lakeside Pavilion and shoreline improvement project . -. _:��-_ ,y P a,�iS�.'�s`(v; � 1+0:.... ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��• !7 The financing and spending for the project will match. ��� � � '. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. /+�,,,. �ma.+YtQ DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ' � � C��� MAYOR'g p�� TOTAI AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION $ 50.000 cosr,nEVeYUe suuoer� tcne� oHO rFS xo WNpNOSOUpCE STAR nem�nx�wes� 860 - 33193 FlNANCIALINFORMATION: �IXPLAINI - G:\FMIQ71Jf3\WP\greensheetadmin860.wpd �������,�L RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA rr��a ay Refernd to co�ca.�u o. _ �eos � � ��# iioo�� Commriree:Dare: I WHEREAS, the St Paul City Cotmcil adopted U� 2001 STAR budget for the Neighbo�ood 7nves�ent 2 Initiative Pmgam, St Paul Parks and Recreation will administer Star Project # 77515, the Como Park 3 Lakeside Pavilion and Shoreline Iwprovement Projeck 5 WHEREAS, STAR fimds of $50,000 have been allocated for tlris project, and the Division of Parks and 6 Reereation desines to establish a Snancing and spending plan for the STAR Project, and 8 WHEREAS, the City commiUed matching fimds for the project from its Regional Pazks Operation & 9 Maintenance Graut Fund 860. 10 I 1 Wf�REAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Chatter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify tl�at 12 there are available for appropriation, funds of $50,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that tl�e following additions be made to the 2001 budget: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCINGPLAN: BUDGET CHANGE3 BUDGET 18 860 - Parks and Recrwtion - Grants�Aid 19 33193-RagionalParkMsintenance 20 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - GrantslAid 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 0882 - Iwprovements of Land 0883 - Arclritect Fee 0898 - Building Improvements 0 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 45,200 0 45,200 99,357 0 99,357 28,000 SQ000 78,000 172,557 50,000 222,557 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVF,D, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the chauges to the 2001 budget. � Adopted by Councit: Date: � b 2 J a� Form Approved City A1tome� � Adoptio �Ce�tified 6y Couacil Secretary ' BS" D X-X/ LC.l�^ti/ii BY `\- . �. .�-�c� PPmved by or fot Submission to � Counc( Cj`�� Approved by Mayor. Dau: /���� � B: � G:�FMlQNfl1WP'v�1.001.wb3 Pe� 1 DEP4RTMFM/�FflCE/COUNQL DATEINITIAT� GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 1�10077 Parks and Recreation 09/07/O7 O�— � 005 CONTACT PEIi$ON AND PHONE INfTIALIDATE � C� I/G�G( "'"'°"� Vic wttgenstein 266-6409 � DEPARfMBlTDIflELTOR � 'l� _�,cmcouxc�� � wreEx 3 cmwrr«wEr cmc�.euc MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� p� �_ RNANpA1 S6INCF5 DNi. 7/ 7 PMcs & Rec�eation ASAP 4 wwroataeasasru�l _�oFS-Accounrin� TOTALfi OF SK,NATIRiE PAGES _(CLV All {pC/�TpN6fOREqM11�1�1 ACTiON RE�UESi�: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to provide sufficieM funding at the budget coMrol level of tfie Division of Parks and Recreation's 200t Grants/Aid Special Revenue Fund (8601. pECOMMENOATONS: Appreve W a Rejeet 64 P6IBON/LLS9MCE CON71U1CTS MUBT Mi5W9t TFE FOLLOYVIN6 CU65iWN5: ��PLANNING COMlAISSION �CIVilSERNCE COMMtS90N �. Hr tle WnaNkm evr WerkeO udx a cmtr�et fw Cim Aepxtmxrti CIB COMMITTEE VES NO A srnFF 1. Nr Mi. pwaaJl�rm m.. eeen, tlev �aw�r DISTWCTCOUNCIL Y � � — — S. Dor tl�is praWfrm poaa�s a altill rot normNlY Y�d W em �eM city employes7 SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTVE7 YES NO ew+� r r....w«. on »wm.nr[.na.toecn m o«n.�we. INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y ryJho. Wh�t, Nfim, N(nve. Wny�: Fundi�g from the Neighborhood STAR P�ogram has been allocated to the Como Pa�k Lakeside Pavilion and shoreline improvement project . -. _:��-_ ,y P a,�iS�.'�s`(v; � 1+0:.... ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��• !7 The financing and spending for the project will match. ��� � � '. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. /+�,,,. �ma.+YtQ DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ' � � C��� MAYOR'g p�� TOTAI AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION $ 50.000 cosr,nEVeYUe suuoer� tcne� oHO rFS xo WNpNOSOUpCE STAR nem�nx�wes� 860 - 33193 FlNANCIALINFORMATION: �IXPLAINI - G:\FMIQ71Jf3\WP\greensheetadmin860.wpd �������,�L RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA rr��a ay Refernd to co�ca.�u o. _ �eos � � ��# iioo�� Commriree:Dare: I WHEREAS, the St Paul City Cotmcil adopted U� 2001 STAR budget for the Neighbo�ood 7nves�ent 2 Initiative Pmgam, St Paul Parks and Recreation will administer Star Project # 77515, the Como Park 3 Lakeside Pavilion and Shoreline Iwprovement Projeck 5 WHEREAS, STAR fimds of $50,000 have been allocated for tlris project, and the Division of Parks and 6 Reereation desines to establish a Snancing and spending plan for the STAR Project, and 8 WHEREAS, the City commiUed matching fimds for the project from its Regional Pazks Operation & 9 Maintenance Graut Fund 860. 10 I 1 Wf�REAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Chatter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify tl�at 12 there are available for appropriation, funds of $50,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that tl�e following additions be made to the 2001 budget: 15 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCINGPLAN: BUDGET CHANGE3 BUDGET 18 860 - Parks and Recrwtion - Grants�Aid 19 33193-RagionalParkMsintenance 20 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - GrantslAid 33193 - Regional Park Maintenance 0882 - Iwprovements of Land 0883 - Arclritect Fee 0898 - Building Improvements 0 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 45,200 0 45,200 99,357 0 99,357 28,000 SQ000 78,000 172,557 50,000 222,557 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVF,D, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the chauges to the 2001 budget. � Adopted by Councit: Date: � b 2 J a� Form Approved City A1tome� � Adoptio �Ce�tified 6y Couacil Secretary ' BS" D X-X/ LC.l�^ti/ii BY `\- . �. .�-�c� PPmved by or fot Submission to � Counc( Cj`�� Approved by Mayor. Dau: /���� � B: � G:�FMlQNfl1WP'v�1.001.wb3 Pe� 1 DEP4RTMFM/�FflCE/COUNQL DATEINITIAT� GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 1�10077 Parks and Recreation 09/07/O7 O�— � 005 CONTACT PEIi$ON AND PHONE INfTIALIDATE � C� I/G�G( "'"'°"� Vic wttgenstein 266-6409 � DEPARfMBlTDIflELTOR � 'l� _�,cmcouxc�� � wreEx 3 cmwrr«wEr cmc�.euc MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� p� �_ RNANpA1 S6INCF5 DNi. 7/ 7 PMcs & Rec�eation ASAP 4 wwroataeasasru�l _�oFS-Accounrin� TOTALfi OF SK,NATIRiE PAGES _(CLV All {pC/�TpN6fOREqM11�1�1 ACTiON RE�UESi�: Approval of the attached Council Resolution to provide sufficieM funding at the budget coMrol level of tfie Division of Parks and Recreation's 200t Grants/Aid Special Revenue Fund (8601. pECOMMENOATONS: Appreve W a Rejeet 64 P6IBON/LLS9MCE CON71U1CTS MUBT Mi5W9t TFE FOLLOYVIN6 CU65iWN5: ��PLANNING COMlAISSION �CIVilSERNCE COMMtS90N �. Hr tle WnaNkm evr WerkeO udx a cmtr�et fw Cim Aepxtmxrti CIB COMMITTEE VES NO A srnFF 1. Nr Mi. pwaaJl�rm m.. eeen, tlev �aw�r DISTWCTCOUNCIL Y � � — — S. Dor tl�is praWfrm poaa�s a altill rot normNlY Y�d W em �eM city employes7 SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTVE7 YES NO ew+� r r....w«. on »wm.nr[.na.toecn m o«n.�we. INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y ryJho. Wh�t, Nfim, N(nve. Wny�: Fundi�g from the Neighborhood STAR P�ogram has been allocated to the Como Pa�k Lakeside Pavilion and shoreline improvement project . -. _:��-_ ,y P a,�iS�.'�s`(v; � 1+0:.... ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��• !7 The financing and spending for the project will match. ��� � � '. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. /+�,,,. �ma.+YtQ DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ' � � C��� MAYOR'g p�� TOTAI AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION $ 50.000 cosr,nEVeYUe suuoer� tcne� oHO rFS xo WNpNOSOUpCE STAR nem�nx�wes� 860 - 33193 FlNANCIALINFORMATION: �IXPLAINI - G:\FMIQ71Jf3\WP\greensheetadmin860.wpd