272986 WHITE - C1TV CLERK � � PINK �7FINANCE ((('''������{{{ ///��� /� C/INARy -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COUIICll �� (�Q� BLUL� �Mld/OR File N O. 7�`� Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. '��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 438 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to unlawful display to minors of indecent publications, pictures or articles. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 438 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "438.09. Public Dis�la� to Minors; Prohibited. (1) It shall be unlawful to knowingly display to view at newsstands e� a�.� e��e�s business establishmentss or an other lace frequented by minors under the age of eighteen 18) years or where said minors are or may be invited as a --� - part of the general public, any motion picture, or any still picture, or any photograph� or any newspaper, tabloid, book, pocket book, pamphlet or magazine the cover of which exploits, is devoted to, or is principally made up of descriptions or depictions or illicit sex or sexual immorality or which is iewd, lascivious, or indecent, or which consists of pictures of nude or partially denuded figures posed or presented in a manner to provoke or arouse lust or passion or to exploit sex, lust or perversion for commercial gain or any article or instrument of indecent or immoral use. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt . Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Atto Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � , , ��1 ��[� Page 2. (2) Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (3) As used in this section, the terms defined herein shall have the following meanings ascribed to them: (a) "description or depictions of illicit sex or immorality" means: (1) human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (2) acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; (3) fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female breast. (b) "nude or partially denuded figures" means: (1) less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic areas, buttock, and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and (2) human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. (c) "knowingly" means having knowledge of the character of the publication or failure on notice to exercise reasonable inspection which would disclose the character of the same. " WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK : FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ������,` CqNAHY - DEPARTMENT BLU�E :?MAVOR File NO. y� �� • Ordin�nce Ordinance �1�.��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance amending Chapter 438 of the St. Paul Legis- lative Code will remain in effect for two (2) years from the date of enactment. Before the date of expiration, the City . Council will review the ordinance and ma.y re-enact it with or without amendments. In the event the Council does not so re-enact, Chapter 438 shall rema.in in full force and effect as passed by Ordinance Number 16322 (Council File �k2691Fi8) . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � `-B�ier �c m� In Favor Hozza�' Hunt I.evine �_ Against BY Maddox Showalter �`� SEP y 1919 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P Cou ' Se ar BY By Ap o by Mayor: Da SEP 1 0 1� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY ` BY Pl�US�t� S E P 15 1979 . - C ��� � �--� � � ,*,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL -_`'�`'TY °';::, (�FFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ����' ��;� �y � .tl: �= -�iii's=t� -" SUZANNE E. FLINSCH, CITY ATTORNEY ';�, y,?i'ttln' '= e ,, . 647 City Hal�,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,n�, ,.-,_- 612-298-5121 GEGRGE LATIMER MAYOR "',1 � rsay 17 , 1979 ��� � �� ��.� � ��� ��R'�Y 171�79 . riErIORA,.'tiTDVi�1 c����c�:.�{�a�v T0: Councilman Ron Ma� ox +:�i`� �������X FROr1: Beryl A. Nord ', ' Attached are the ordinance changes WY11CY1 y011 have requesteci clealiiig �aith dissemination and display of mater�.als to minors. These chaizges may make it possible to prosecute persons for free clistribution or display of materials in the sky��rays. The ba.sic changes in the present ordinances are : (1) Expandin� Section 438.09 of the Legislative Code to cover a11 public places where minors frequent, rather than just "business establishments" ; and (2) �zpanding Chapter 475 of the Legis].ative Code -to include free distribution of materials rather than just those which are given for monetary consideration. Passage of these amendments does not mean tha�t any particular publication can be banned from the skyways. Prosecution must proceed on a case by case basis . A particLiZar issue of the rietropo"li�an Forum would have to come within the definition � of ��harmful to minors" in order to be prosecuted under Chapter Lf75 . Each issue must be judged separately and as a �1�io1e. Under Section 438. 09, the cover sloizld have to fall t�ithin -the proscription of Section 438.0�(�) . Additionally, S1ith both ordinances we must prove "knowledge" of the charaeter � o_f the publication in order to prosecute anyone. BAtif m1a � Attachments cc : Suzanne Flinsch Edivard Starr ,.,,,., - ------ - - - - --� � � -r��. , . � / r:�'Z" � r '. c I ist � �a Znd 7 � / _ - ( J- 3rd _ Adopted � • �/,�. _ Yeas Nays ��� i, BUTLER �� �..� HUNT . ��� 2'72��5 � � ► i MADD�7C ; / i SHOWALTER . � 1�HLS`CQ' i PRESIDENT (HOZZA)--- i . . . .. . . .. .. ..._,. . . _. .. ._, r... .... ..- � ..... �.-�t,�`,� ._. ... _.. . . _ ..�. �/ .. _ : . �� 0[++i Ol: 12f 19?� _ Rev.: 9/8�7& _ �XPLANATION OF ADMINTSTRATIVE ORQERS, ��R�` RESOLITTIONS, AND ORDINA�'�CES ��: _ ..�,,,_: Date: �p �3, 1979 . .� ,_. 43 �, • �. � �.. �. _ � � _ : : MAIi` � 1 '.�.79 T4: MAYOR GEOAGE LATIMER , MA�(OR'�S'�. FR: Cou���mau &�n' Madtlax : gE. Qrdf�ee �mend.iag Ghaptsr- 438 of the:S-ti�= .Pau1 I.��,At���A �c� pertai�ing ta un�:a�€�]. dis�lay ta �a3nd��t o� iadec�� �"��ati�s, - - P�ctt}res or articles. - ACTIC}�I RE4UESTLD:;< , : ' - - , . �►�?�ea��. _ . , . ,, ; . ; . _ ; . , . , . ; . , � _ _ , _ . - t _ . , -- _ . . ;,,, . . , . , ._ _ . : . �. � � � : PURPOSE AND RATICZNAi,E FOR� THIS ACTION: . . ' . . ...� .. . .. . . .. ��. . .., , . . . . .. ...' �..'d . . � �� ��G�i�i.�,��'�i. �ZiQ!������. ��� '"'g".;+l���i������ ��-. . . . �`�±�+d,txt.�xlQ��'i� �.tt �1p �xi.0 �e•.���M+�.!�''� �• ATTACHMENTS: `. : _ , ._ , ; , , . WH�7E: - C�TV CLERK � PINi( - FINqNCE �OI1IlC11 �' � GANARY - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT YAL1L 1 . BLUE - MAYOR , Flle -NO. I OrGLZIZG�.IZCP. Ordinance NO. � , � Presented By � ; . Referred To Committee: Date ; . � Out of Committee By Date ; i � � An ordinance amending Chapter 438 i � ;/' � of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining . ; � � to unlawful display to minors of indecent publications, pictures or articles. THE COUNCIL OF T�-IE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OftDAIN: Section l. That Chapter 438 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "438. 09. Public DisPla� to Minors; �'rohibited. (1) It shall be unlawful to knowingly display to viesv at newsstands e� a�.3� e��s�i business . ; establishmentsi or any other lace frequented� by minors under the age of eighteen 18) years or where said minors are or may be invited as a part of the general public, any motion picture, or any still picture, or any photograph, �or any news�a.per, tabloid, book, pocket book, pamphlet or magazine the cover of which exploits, is devoted to, or is principally made up of descriptions or depictions or illicit sex or. � sexual immorality or which is 3ewd, lascivious, � or indecent, or which consists of pictures of nude or partially denuded figures posed or presen.ted in a manner to provoke or arouse lust or passion or to exploit sex, 1List or perversion for commercial gain or ar3y article or instrument of indecent or immorai use. COUIVCILh4E1V Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of: Butler Hozra In Favor — Hunt . I,evine Against BY -- �vladdor Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Atto Adopted b}� Council: Date � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � __ . F3y _ _ ' Page 2. (2) Any person who shall violate the provisions . of t�.is section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (3) As used in this section, the terms defined herein shall have the following meanings ascribed to them• (a) "description or depictions of . illicit sex or immorality" means: (1) human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; ' (2) acts of human �asturbation, sexual intercourse or soclomy; (3) fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocl�s or female breast. (b) "nlide or partially denuded figures" means : (1) less than completely and � opaquely covered human genitals, pubic areas, biittock, and female - breast below a point immediately above the top oF the areola; and � (2) human male genitals in a discernibl� turgid state, even i�f cam�letely ancl opaquely covered. (c) "knowinaly" 'means having knowledge of the character of the publication or failure on notice to exercise reasonable inspection w�iich tiJOUld disclose the character of the same. " WH.ITE - UTV CLERK PINK - Ft�JANCE GITY OF SAINT I ALT7. Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT � File� NO. BI.UE - MAVOR O/ i�YZ/`LZ/`CG Ordinance N O. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . Page 3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (,30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUh'CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas NaS�s $u�ler Hozza [n Favor — — -- Hunt Levine Against BY -- — _ _ �laddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY -- . ? ; � < • • . . .. . i ., .. . � . � :. . � . �� �� . �!�� �� :. � � : � . . . . � - . � . ' �1 . ' ` � . . , . . .' , . . _ . � � ' . . . . . . . /. . . . ' . - ' 1 . . .. � , � . � . � . . � .. . . . . \ I .. . . . , ' / ' . . . . . . . � . . . , �. . � � . � � . . . .. � � . � ` ..� . . � . ' . . � � , , , ` ! �4V 2�c f .l� ; . . , , Councilmaa l�on �Ig�idwc � �� • Chairma�n,' Legi�Iatlo� Co�i�Le�► , � Roo� 'T�i3, City Hal� : - ' ; . 5t. Fsul, Minrttaota ' ' Re t C.F. Xn. 2T29� - An�Ordi�s►aae ae�nding Chspt�r k38 oP t,�ei . . I,e;gislative Code �rLe��ia6 to unisM!'ul diepl,a,y to �inors of Zhe ir�decectt pub].icatione; pictnre� or ,ar�icl�a, , ' � Dear Caunc�.lman�Madda�c i ' . ' The aborre wss referred for coa�itf•ee rer�o�e�ati�n by '�2�e City � , s �ouncil st i.ts May 22nc�, 197� m�e�Ling. �. _ ' , Very truly yours, � ;. , � � . : - ' ♦ , , � ' � Roge l�ix , . ' � Ci�►. Clerk 1 , _ ; � . . - , , � _ , � Y�S:Ia ` , � � � a _ , '. . ' , , � , , , . ;-; . . , � ; , , , . � , . , . , , , , , , . � _ ' , ! . , ,/ - . _. CzT� O� ���.xz�7Y.� ��..�r�. 1��� � ,� :�.�.�� _ � ' F`�`''` OFI'ICF OF` T�:L GZ��Y COU�ti C�L ,��_ �.� 1-. , f � (�, � :1�: ; 3 � 5i:��, ► i - - �� ,�� Da t e . July 12, 1979 �.; _ '�,.� cor{� n�� ��r �.� � �. � � � � �' O : Sain� Pau! Cit� Councii F R O � � C 0�1 i7i('�7�.'� 0 Cl LEGISLATION - Ron �ddox ; choirman, maSces the foito���ing report on C. F. [� Ordinance [� Resolution - � � Ofiher . � (� �-� : Dissemination of materials to minors � Committee action: Committee members agreed to pass this - ----- - item out of committee without � recommendation to the City Council . for discussion. . Please remove this item from Che list of committee action required by the Legislation �ommittee. - CITY N�I_L SEYENTH FLOOR Sr�I:�T PAUT� �t'II�'ti�0'Ft1 5�102 _-.�� �'J ���� ,.� _ . VO�.UME 2 I�� APRI��1rAY 6,1979 � O O YOUR ENTERTA►INMENT Q GUIDE TO THE T'�IN CIT'IES � � , , , � � � . : i � ; i � � � � � , , � � ..jN . . ... .:.. ... .,-:.. , . . . . . . . - . - . .. . . . .- - . _ .. . .... ..... .� � . . ... i _ . .. . . . . ' .,/ ...'. .,. .-. . .� .. . . .. . .. - � . ' y�r ..... � ; ". � � � �� ���� " � . �. ' -..... �,: r. ��. ' � -..��'. _...� . �f . , . , . . . . ... � .. .,,:... . .�. . . . . . - ' . � .v...,�.�:....... :,.... . .. . . .. . .<..�:...,._ 4,_�_,..r. . . . �:�'. -•:. � _ , _ . . . . . � . - - __.._; -..__._:..' ......."� . . . � �.. . �.., . . . .. �'�F . �`� • � -sf . � � � - . , _ .f - .. � .. . . . ., . . . .� .' • •.�, .' ... .- . . i . .. . "I ... • " ' .'..�..�.. . . " . .�. . � .,. � '.. �w. .i. . .. .. �:.'.'.. . .-_.�' .. '.. ' ' .. -.._'. �-. :." . ..-.� . . �.....: '. � � "Ths wages of sin is - gonorrhea as a ]rind of sptead, and your whole par+ently was giuing out aome people wish theq � deatli." divine vengeance for body ahriveled up and a lot more than Ban� would die when the Thus saye the Bible,in ce�tain promiscuoua no- fell off—in other worda, Aida on those bat- eymptome Sret app�t. what ie, �without no's:You stick your you- you croaked. Even ae tle�elda). .. 3ti11, people have question, one of the know-what where-it'a recentlq ee a c�ntury Fortunately, things quostiona about greateat acare-tactica not supposed to be, it ago, world•famoua are diff�ent in our owm venereal diseaee, wltich ever devised.What's so ahrivels up and falle off. people were still dying of time. The development is yet one more �eat about it, is that Simple as that Divine ayph—among the�more of penicillin,aulfa drugs, manifestetion of morbid it's true—or at least it justice. illnatrioua were Niet- and Lhe Baggie 6ave curioeity among jaded, nsed to be true in the But of courae, in the asche(who went insane meant that people can thrill-eeeldng, perverted reelm of carnal ein. It old daqa, the effecte of in the procesa/, Oecar avoid V.D., or at least humane. In the public doean't take a par- eyphillis and gonorrhea Wilde �and (3od only cnre it before it geta out intereat, therefore, •we ticulaely acute � only started ia the knows wher+e he picked of hand. No one has to areproudtopresentthie ' theological mind to genital zone. Even- his up►, and Fiorer.ce die of syph symponium which ie of think of syphilia and . tnally, the dieaasee Nightingale (mho ap- anymore—alt6wgh Continued on page 3 INSIDE _ �EIIt@Pt81III11@Ilt PAGE4 �POP�BAI?@I PAGE30 ��S�Ol`t8 PAGE 7 •��t-Takes PAGE 11 •Boondoggle pAGE er �Classified �AGE ts Page 16 �, �qi„ <,�� � ` Vf�� �� Spring Special • ' � � � . . � � All Services �5.00 Off �. �. ���.�. i�r�� l��;J i ,,;,;,,.. �'�"< e�# F`���g� � ��I��.II e .� . • Whirlpool �h��� Body Shampoo �x� �`�� Turkish Towel >� �i'Y,,i�I� ->��r: • ��. �' �� . � ` Encounters _ �' �� �' �� Rap Sessions ; .��� �� � . �� .� �� <z,- �,�� �. The � -- - _• • - - . - , I909 Central N.E. . � Minneapolis, MN , - - �ss-oo2i OPEN 24 Hrs. � At Least Two Girls . On Duty At All Times —..� .. -...�►– v � ���s� . Nr :�z ...� �� � ,� ��:� _ �� � � �� � � �0 b � r� � Q A���� ���� � � � ,�� � o 0 �� � �� � R' S ��0.�� �Yb• ����..4 ! � - ` .. � . 1. ��� �.���',� II . .�.�.f'I ' � _. . . . . � �� � � «I'�� ' � ��4�, � .f '�up� � � � v �`� r; ,�,, " o � "�,� � r ni _ _ � � � ,�• ' €z � , i �• . �.n° � �, � 'r # 5'��:�; 'J"_�����q I _ . � P �� � . . `F �� � rr �S' ���. w � , ' . . � i I �o �,� ����i �%�- ... . 3���. � ... - OO . - ' . ,�. �.�� .. . � ��, � . � � 7= �� � • — � . — . ....,�... ...... .. . ... �.�R � ',&, . 'I i - : . . . . s�T � suN. - EvExY OPEN 24:HRS. DAILY THING 1/2 OFF WITH AD. - - � _ - - s � 4 ;���...�. � � g ..: , , . � _ , � " '� , • �o�; l WHIRLPOOL SPECIAL-1/2 OFF WITH AD J61N ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL GIRLS IN A LEISURE �,� r��_., � -°� WHIRIrPOOL M�1DE FOR TWO WITH MASSAGE AND ���� � MOilIE — UNLY $25:00 — 45 MIN. LONG — ��� � ,� ��,�. .�� �s �� . DAYTIME ONLI ' UP TO 112 OFF ALL MASSAGES DAYTIME ONT.Y WITH AD . �_° s�;, . _ , • � � - �,;: ` � ' • Exchanges _ •� Watexbed - - " - • � � - • 1�lirror Rooms �„. �. - M�vies �. � � ,� .:�� � - � I�ody �ham�oos • Private Steam EVERYTHING 1/2 OFF Q - ROOl7LS ,%rom 3 u.m. to noon duili� V V 7�VOOo - �withAd! 6708 L 1 �t'iLE AVE. S�. NEWGIRLS _ tf� t3t.00KS NOft"I�N OF �ty� �l• LYNUALE �