272985 CITY OF ST.PAUL COU1�j�.iL� FILE NO. . � � FINAL ORDER 9 '� y/'' B ..��iL/+Yw+ `!� �.X �"�v...r."E.j..�'�s �` . Y File No. �'�j In the Matter of �'� �1� � �'� ���,����p�r! �,� ���� !o �0 !a� a� o! ��li� �u ia a�ttiettt�r �3 i lA vn�ts 1r�r " l�r��� 1� k�d l�rs��ra. br�' awucl+�� 'e�► i��1�a�d.e�ars ra��s ' E� l�ss +� �t iNmi�3 +r*�► a� �r *►rla�� of as�ait a�a a t�a��d �.�s Y��, owtarlr s�rls+�+�►t � tc�q�ix'+�wt at e�w� lesa��ra�r* �n��► t� �R� ��r►I a�nst li��i� sa►a�, +Moid al� o�e �!e �r�a�► � �uet�ta� �t�r �#d la�rev�. ;, unde approved_ under Preliminary Order �����"'�'� approved � ? 4 �� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAY 2 2 197'9 Yeas Nays � Cer ' ' as by Council Secretary Y 2 5 1975 � r �.?;,��a In Favor B `u"� °-�::�t � ��,��i n� Against �����Cj u 177f M3yOT �S;:,IIOWa�iCB� ��-- �L�ED ,!U N 2 1979 � " ► �� ) �j�� �, ) e�►����� �` ;: • __:iti��TY'��;;; CITY OF SAINT PAUL _� �.. :;. =; � ��, DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS >� ni�t[�uu 9� ':,� "-" �i�'� �- DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR �aa• .�-� 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 - 612-298-4241 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR February 23, 1979 Mr. Bernard J. Carlson Director of Fina�ce Room 109 City Hall BUILDING Attention: Paul Desch Re: City Projects 79-V-0455A and 79-P-o691A Summit Avenue - Mississippi River Boulevard to 300' East of Snelling Avenue. Dear Mr. Carlson: Attached is a Summary of Engineering Recommendations for the above referenced projects. Please proceed with the public hearing for this projects as soon as possible after the date of the Public Information Meeting which is scheduled for March 8, �979. Yours very truly, �'r j ->:�/��r 3 ����i !/�W`-�l. � � � � " � l'(� t�.� (��� Donald E. Nygaard 1-! Director of Public Works � DEN/gh �� Attachments ' , l � �� � -�'? l: � �, � `��=�,,� � �1'� .�-' �� l� � iy t J ��• . . � �... +�4 � y...3'Y+. ... �O a . . � Summary of Engineering Recommendations �~����� Repo�t Prepared - February 23, 1979 Public Hearing - ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY PROJECT: Improve Summit Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to 334 feet East of Snelling Rvenue in Districts 13 � 14 under the Minnesota State Aid program, by overiaying the bituminous roadways (service lanes are not included) with a new surface of asphalt over a recycled bituminous base� curb repiacement as required at various locations, refurbish the existing ornamental street lighting system, and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. All street surface improvements shall be referred to as Public Works Project No. P-0691A. The street lighting work will be Pubiic Works Project No. V-o455A. INITIATING ACTION: The improvements described in this order were initiated by the Department of Public Works. SPECtAL CONSIDERATtONS: This project has been approved through the Capital improvement Budget Process. The original limits of this job were from MtssIssippi River Boulevard to Lexington Avenue. This proposal did not anticipate the large amount of deteriorated curbing that was found when a comprehensive street evaluatiorr was mac►e in t.".e Fall of 1978. Therefore. *.� stay with;n the budget the eastern . limit of the job had to be moved from Lexingt�n Ave. to 330' East of Snetling Ave. Funding for the remainder, from 330' East of Snelling to Lexington, will be requested for construction in 1981 . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT: A new bituminous roadway will be placed over the existing roadway after tt has been recycled by heater-scarifying and retompacting. The roadway will 'remain the same width but a good portion of the curbing will be replaced. Pedestrtan ramp.s . will be placed where radius curb at the intersections is replaced. The extsting sidewatks are in generally good condition and wili not be repaired under this contract. The service walks which will be disturbed by the construction of the new curbing will be reeonnected but not entirely rebuilt. Sodding of the boulevards will consist of replacing the portton which is d3sturbed by the proposed construction. Driveway damage is considered to be minimal , but some curb radii will have to be replaced without rebuilding the drives. The existing ornamental street lighting will be preserved and refurbished as followsr Broken or missirtg parts will be replaced, poles will be repainted, new electrical wiring will be installed, and the light source will be chang�d from incandescent to high pressure sodium which will reduce the energy consumption to 20� of the present amount. ' ,�� � Q..�_`.,. �� ���` � �--_ � � . ; , . . .. ° 2. ry � . - ' ��(���� ALTERNATtVES: (1) Resurface the roadway without reconstructing any of the curbing. (2) Take no action at this time. We would be slowiy ioosing our butlt- in equity and resources in this roadway, through increased maintenance costs. POSITIVE BENEFITS: ' Complete improvement of the public roadway will greatly enhance the ride and serviceability of a portion of one of St. Paul 's finest "Avenues". ADVERSE EFFECTS: Mino� disruption to the area during construction will cortsist of traffic detays caused by detours while repaving. No long term adverse effects are anticipated. TIME SCHEDULE: Construction should be completed in 45 caiendar days or less, and it is expected that the entire project wtll be completed before freeze-up in the Fall of 197g. COST ESTIMATE: Construction $250,000 Engineering � Inspection 48�000 Lighting 154,000 Traffic Control 2,000 TOTAL 5 ,000 ESTtMATE� FINANCING: MSA $285,000 CIB 154,000 PIA 15,000 TOTAL $ 5 ,000 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Roadway improvements: Thomas Kuhfeld, Department of Publtc Works , Street Engineer€ng, 298-5311 • Street Lighting: James W. Stahnke, Department of Public Works , Traffic Engineering, 298-4701. - RECOMMENDA710N: The Department of Public Works Engineering Recommendation Is for approval of the order. Respectful ly submi tted, , � ��-�;� /� l � nt :��� � �`� �,�t u2`,�.c�� � �� C���C� � :��� �� � � Donald E. Nygaard • Di �ector of Public Works . `�����f'V � r���!"3. 1 ,,,r, ,_ _ ..., ,,,�_�,� �,, a � , �� �.��� , � m_•k-:, bu� ' d.--���?, ' t�giZT `G. rif�'r:+�'� / i' '� _ ` .�� ��_ 4;� 'h I� I�. 3., } -� . _, ..� f�I��l ' ' ��� p I ,� k�l� . ;f, �.'+'' . ' L � �� ��s � �, � F �.i a� � us, i. Tl�t i `k` !U �.�� iik.:.. �, i.. � �i ��� �. � + �.. � 7Yie� : -�-«�- `t � •.i � �����l�� 3�� �y C I � 'l ���. `.. � � li..:� �-;�-`.: °�' � CZ':P� O�' �'.��z?�� �.��JL _ ,,:-,:r..;� .. �'='j J ^ Vf;j L�`�` O:l�'I.'I.�.I� fl�� �'1'zll�: CI'_L�1C CO�'1 C?L f 1��� � �� .:j [ � ( ' ' ' �.� t • �� '� � 1. y Date ; 4�+�. i�~_ May 11, 1979 �iJ 1_ ._'°iw�� - � \ _ ".._. J V . C. � �e� �� � � � � � �u �. d � � � 70 : Sain� Paut Cifi;r Cour�cii . FROIV� � COiZt�l���:� Oi� PUBLIC WORKS ROSALTE BUTLER , ct�oifman, makes the follo�,vinq report on C. F. �] Ordinance [] Resolu�ion : � � �] Oiner � �"�'L E : Improvement of Summit Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Snelling Avenue - Preliminary Order File No. 18027 � . At its meeting.of May 11, the Committee recommended approval of the improvement of Summit Avenue contingent on the Public Works Department checking with the Pollu�ion Control Agency . to make certain the agent to be sprayed on the surface of the - street to recapture some of the elasticity is not toxic. ' CITY il1�LL SE`'F;:�";CH F1.OrJ'.Z Sr�I\T YAliL, 1:fI\'�:f;S;�Ts1 SjtO? � ,� Summary of Enginee� ing Recommendations � ' Report Prepared - February 12 � 1979 � Public Hearing - May 22 , 1979 � ADV I SAQ I L I TY 11N D DES I RAE3 I L I TY PROJECT: Improve Summit Avenue from Mississippi River E3oulevard to 33o feet East of Snelling Avenue in Districts 13 6 14 under the Minnesota State Aid program, by overlaying the bituminous roadways (service lanes are not included) with a new surface of asphalt over a recycled bituminous base, curb replacement as required at various locations , and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. All improvements shall be referred to as Public Works Project No. P-o691A. Street lighting work be done under a separate contract P�o. V-0455A. INITIATING ACTi01d: � The improvements described in this order were initiated by the Department of Public Works. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS : This project has been approved through the Capital Improvement Qudget Process. The original limits of this job were from Mississippi River Boulevard to Lexington Avenue. This proposal did not anticipate the large amount of deteriorated curbing that was found when a comprehensive street evaluation was made in the F�11 of 1978. Therefore to stay within the budget the eastern limit of the job had to be moved from Lexington Ave. to 330' East of Snelling Ave. The remainder from 330' East of Snelling to Lexington will be requested in 1980. PROPOSEO IMPROVEMENT: A new bituminous �oadway will be placed over the existing roadway after it has been recycled by heater-scarifing and recompacting. The roadway will remain the same width but a good portion of the curbing wil ) be replaced. Pedestrian ramps , will be placed where radius curb at the intersections is replaced. The existing sidewalks are in generally good condition and will not be repaired under this contract. The services walks which will be disturbed by the con,truction of the new curbing wil ) be reconnected but not entirely rebuilt. Sodding of the boulevards will consist of replacing the portion which is disturbed by the curb work. Driveway damage is considered to be minimal , but some curb radius will have to be replaced without rebuilding the drives. Sodium Vapor energy efficient lighting will be installed under a separate contract in 1979. ALTERNATIVES : (1 ) Resurface the roadway without reconstructing any of the curbing. (2) Take no action at tliis time. We vrould be slo�vly loosing our built in equity and resources in this roadway, through increased maintenance costs . z. • � , � POSITIVE BErJEFITS: Complete improvement of the public ro�,�.:•,-ay will greatly enhance the ride and serviceat�ility of a portion of one of S[. Paul 's finest "Avenues". ADVERSE EFFECTS : Minor disruption to the area during construction wil ) consist of traffic delays caused by detours while repaving. P�o long term adverse effects are anticipated. TI t1E SCHEDULE : Construction should be completed in 45 calendar days on less , and it is expected that the entire project will be completed before freeze up in the Fall of 1979. COST ESTIMATE : Construction $250 ,000 • � Engineering b Inspection 48,000 Ligtiting 154 000 Traffic Control 2 ,000 • TOTAL $�54,000 . ESTIMATED FINANCING: �1SA $2E5 ,000 C�a " 154 ,000 P�A 15 ,000 TOTAL $�5 0 SOURCE OF ADDITIOt�AL INFORMATION: Contact Thomas Kuhfeld� Department of Public Works , Street Engineering; Telephone 298-5311 . RECOMr�ENDAT I ON : The Department of Public 1Jorks Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the order. Respectfully submitted, Donald E. PJygaard Director of Public Works � I �� �Gl l•.J U J lJ ��, �is��--+u` �--+���olixN��w�p�is�c �dbix�..l Il`'c °�U �I��I�i� ( � � � � .�i� � ' � � � - ' � y . , . . . .. 9U .1:�! � \ / � T•TVi ^II� � ..... .�. � �� � ' ` � �1 n 4 ,9 � I 1 E-� � '' �vu�e�l ��v'� •avtUl('v,N�'r ;.t � �t a• bt7 �n I � �,'n� - �0�4,°�,:i.l��l� l 0 K � Y�_� � 1 �� ��0�1�sJ v NnoJ ' o Y : .:,,�V W ��.. �.� . ► r �RG)�k� . : > W = � 1 d 3V�.Y3n ..r�� n� � ,...�r � 1 0 . � � �� � �� .�� { �� 1� �� � ��& ��� ;aa E �4�0�.8 ! � � � �� � �� � t� :., r � .. � � A �a N� � ; � =���� �r N a 3�� NA � - o�� �-� .1 a o a f��� ����� � a a o a r �8 8� �! . �� : ; •� •' � `� � �� � � a � a �' � or-�- [,�.1[�"��; _ W � > � W Z ; � s . ';`� ; V �° . �� -���� �� < i i' �� � Z ; a � --Jd, � . . ':;'.�, . 1'JI�I��� .. A ; . . A S tl . .. :... .'. 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