272960 WHITE .— CITV CLERK 1 �� PINK — FINANCE COUIICIl `],j�� � CANARV — DEPARTMENT OF S I PAITL File NO. ��`�`����J .BLUE — MAVOR . a' n 'l R olution Presented ByLICNESE COMMITTE � Referred To om it ee Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates and hours indicated on the application, be and the same are hereby granted. St. Charles Society for Little Sisters of the Poor 459 Wabasha Bingo (S1 prds) App. 8827 Renew Eastside Skating Club, Inc. 862 White Bear Ave. Bingo (25 prds) 8828 " Shop Pond Gang, Inc. 1079 Rice St. Bingo (51 prds) 8829 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � [n Favor Nossa Nvnt d � __ Against BY — -- -'�. �AowaSt�a �� _�, � � ,e,�A Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i3t7— Certifie P s e by Counc� , ret BY By � . Approved , vor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY =� BY — �,�St�ED MAY 2 6 t979 • � � Z7z �' �'c� ,....,,,,�,,,,,R '_�.�`°`T� °,L,`, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _=.� s%. -� :�',, �� �5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;,� uii�iiiii c� '�• ;= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J`'°""lm,��`c°''� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR May 2, 1979 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the �ity Council Saint Paul, r�innesota �r. President and Honorable t'�embers: The St. Charles Society for the Little Sisters of the Poor makes application for pex�mission to conduct Bingo games for 51 periods at 1t59 Wabasha Street, beginnin� May 13, 1979. The application has been made by Richard H. Martens, Jr., President, and Kathryn Snyder will be managing t,he ganes, which will be played on Sunday afternoons, between the hours of 3:3� � 7:3� P.i�. Very truly ours, �7't CS��%"",'C�"'�, Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �O . , . � . � � - . � , , , � . ' � � � - � � . � � � April 2T, 19?9 � � � . � � �� " . . ` Mr. �cliard H. Nartena� Jr.� PreBident 29 Battle Creek Place st. Paul, Minnesota 55119 _ Dear Sir s . , ' - Bingo (St. Charlea Society, L3ttle Si,atsrs of , the Poor) � i , . � , Mey 2, z979 � � 9:00 A.M. Council �hambars� third floor� City Hall _ �, � � ' . I ' • , � \ . / r' � , � - � . � � . ' . . � � � .. � . ' . . r.'. .� . � . . � . . . . . . �- . . . . . . . � . . . � ' � . � � .. � . . , , 1 . 1 : . . . . . . . � - . .,J' � � �� � � �� ��� _�:`CLT:�pO.� . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL _� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES =� i{ii�i 1�ii '' �`��• "_� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `'�-� �... ; "''im,�,,.....�°�� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR M�y 2, 1979 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota �'ir. President and Honorable Members: The 5hcyp Pond Gang, Inc. makes application for pexmission to conduct Bingo games for 51 periods at 1079 Rice Street, beginning May 24, 1979. The application has been made by Phi].ip J. Kos- tolnik, Treasurer, and Robert �usterman will be managing the games, which will be played on 'I'hursday evenings, be- tween the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 P.P�;. Very trul y ours, � . � Joseph �'. Carchedi License Inspector �O . �- `l I . � - , � � . , . / • . . Ap�il 2T, 1979 . , ' . , . , � , . ; . . Mr. Philip J. Kostolnik, �reasurer � � , 1270 W. Larpenteur ,�venue, Apt. 203 ; _ . " St. Paul, �'tinnesota 55113 " . , Dear Sirs � \ , � a�.a�o (Shop Pond Gatag� It�.) _ . , � : . , � � � � � ' , . � � . " May 2, 19'�9 , , � 9:00 A.M. �Counc3l Chambers��thirci fioor, City Hail , , . � _ � ; � , . . f i � � , . , . , � � , , � • � ,'- � , � , , . � � • r • . l y " ' � .� April 27, 1979 � ; � � - , ,. 2'ir. Kobert Kur�termaa� Manager 92l�`Conao'Avenwe : st. Paul, r4innesota 55103 � . Dsar Sirt � , �l.ngo (Shop Pond Gang� Inc.) , , ; �. \ Ma�Y ?, 1979 . 9a00 A.M. Council �hambers� third Yloor� City Hall � , • � � , ; , � . � �� � �7z ��o� � �i ..�.�����p�p0 '����``t' °'�''' C ITY OF SA I NT PAU L _=.� •'�� _� ;�-,,, �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES s: ���i i��ii ;; '��• '�_� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J°0j,lm,',,;��°°� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 30, 1979 Mr. Pres3dent and Honorable Members of the City Council Sa3nt Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: The East Side Skating Club, Inc. ma.kes application for permission to conduct Bingo games for 25 periods at 862 White Bear Avenue beginning May 27, 1979. The application has been made by Helen Emeott, Bingo Treasurer, and Kay �schida will be managing the ga¢nes, which will be played on Sunda.y evenings, between the hours of 7:00 and 11:00 P.M. Very truly ours� Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �� . ± , � , . ; . . ,. , _ � � " � , � , . � � . April 27, 1979 . � , . . . . . . . /F . .. . , . . . Ms. Helen Emeott� �easurer � ' , � 2120 Nortonia Avenu�s st. Paul, M3.nuesota 551i9 : �, , D4ar Madass ; � � Bingo (Eaet -Side Skating �lub, Inc.) : � , , , , . �ey 2, 1979 9:00 A.M. Council �hamber.s� „third iloor� City Ha11 . � , , ` , � . . _ , , , , . � , . . . . . . r . . ,. . . . . � � . � . � . . . � .. � . � .. � � � . . .. . . � _ � . . . ' � . . . . � . i � � . . � . . � � . � � . . � � . . � . _ , i � _ ` . I ' • ; ` '. � . , . . . , . . � �♦ . . . . . . . . � .. .. ' .. � - . � ' �', ! - � . . ,_ � . ' . � , � � � . . . . . . . . . . � . ' . . �� , . . ' � . � . . . ' . . . ' ' . / ' � . . . � � , � . . . . ., April 27, 1979 , : Iis. Kay,Tsahida� Mansger � - 702T - 13th straet N. oakdale� ,Minn�eaota 55119 . Dear Madant � Hiugo (Eset Side Skating �lub� Inc.) . . � , - May.2, 1979 � . 9:00 A.M. Council Chambera� third floor, �City Hall . � � • � , . � � , . ` . � , �