272946 WH17'�- CITV CLERK �' • ���(ti p� PIN1. - FINANCE C OF SAINT PALTL Council � `��t CANARV -DEPARTMENT M �-�� � �Cl"E -MAVOR File NO. • ? Ordindnce Ordinance N0. � v `� J � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7502, adopted August 23, 1933, pertaining to the City Market Revolving Fund. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Administrative Ordinance No. 7502 be amended to read as follows: "Section l. The E�tp-A4a�3�et9 Parking Fund is hereby appropriated, set up and constituted a continuing �e�e���r�g enterprise fund, de5ignated as "City A4a�#e�s-�e�s��r}�Q Parking Fund. " '°5ection 2. Al1 revenues derived from the mainte- nance and operation of public markets, owned and operated by the City of St. Paul, shall be credited to said Re�e���r�g enterprise Fund, and all expendi- tures for the maintenance, operation and improvement of such public markets of the City of St. Paul shall be made from said Re*ae�*a}�Q enterprise Fund. The '� fund may also be used for the ol owing purposes: a) Plannin studies related to improving the parking supp� an or operation of existing parking facilities. b) Costs to examine the necessity and feasibility _ of additional or expanded facilities. /F COUNCILMFN . Yeas Nays , Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt �" Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by ity Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - By ` Approved by Mayor: Date Ap rov d by Mayor for Sub s i to C ncil By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK �f- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �y..� ��� CANr4RY - DEAARTMENT �[.UE -MAVOR File N0. f�i • O/ in�nce Ordinance N 0. / � �J �'�- Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date c) Costs for the maintenance, o eration, re air, improvement, constructing or remo e ing o parking faci'�ities. "Section 3. The said City Pqa�3�e�s-�e*�e��a�ng Parking Fund hereby created shall be a continuing �e�e ���g enterprise fund, and all unexpended balances to the credit of said �e*ae����g enterprise fund at the end of this and each succeeding fisca year shall be re- tained therein with all revenues inuring to said Re- �te��r��g enterprise Fund, used and expended for the purposes aforesaid. Section 4. The Council ma , by resolution, designate other sources of revenue to be cre ite to the Par ing Fund, to be used for the purposes set forth in this ordinance. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Admini- strative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropi- ate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrative Code. -2- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor � Hunt - I.evine fl Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco MAY 3 � 1979 Form Approved by C' y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified s d y Counc' re BY �"'� ` B Ap by Mayor: D t L��N 4 �9�9 Ap ove y May r for Subm ssi n Council By By �8�t'S� JU N 9 1979 OM O1: I2/I975 Rev. : 9/8/�6 ����� � EXPLANATZQN �0� ADMINI,STRATIVE' �OR'DrEI�S . S.Q I. � �. . 0. .I Date: February 12, 1979 TO: MAXQR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Gerald Mangl�, Parking Administrator � RE: Establishing a Parking Fund ACTION RE tTESTED: Permit the ataff to proceed to seekthe necesaarq authorisations fron the City Council to establiah a parkix�g fund. PURP�'SE� AND RATIONALE �'4R TH'I�S� ACTION: To e�tablish a parking fund credited by. revenues deriv�d from the op+�ration of the City Mark�t for use in naintenaace, operation, repair aad improvement to city-ortn�ed parking far�.lities. 4�; ATTACHNIE�TTS : ' 1. Ordi,nance for approval , .� �'f.� .. .. . , . ,,y _ ._.....__.._�,�r.- --..�.._ _... .� � � � . lst , '�/ � '� 2nd ��/�=� � 3rd �� /c��-� Adopted `7 _ � � , Yeae Nays BUTLER HUNT s•��-.,� t�;� LEVINE �'��. k�`�, � MADDOX / V SHOWALTER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)