272932 WHITE - GTV CLERK ° PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ������ CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE� =,tiA�OR � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. WHEREAS, it is desirable to promulgate a policy for mortgage allocation for condominium conversion projects in Redevelopment Areas limited to projects determined by the City Council as designed to primarily benefit low and moderate income households or otherwise serve public redevelopment objectives. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the allocation of BMIR homeowner's mortgage fund commitments for the Redevelopment Area Projects identified and in the amounts set forth in Schedule A hereto attached, is hereby approved, and commi.tments for $7,346,000 are hereby authorized, subject to the condition of execution of builder-developer, lender agreements in form acceptable to and approved by the City Attorney. RESOLVED FURTHER that in making future allocations of $996,000 of BMIR funds reserved from this allocation, the City Council determines that commitment requests for condominium conversion projects in Redevelopment Areas will be considered -only if- such pre�ects will primarily serve and benefit low and moderate income home purchasers, or will subserve other significant public objectives for the Redevel- opment Area in which the project is located. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � De�'I�CIP.,TIt of P1ai111inQ alld FApT1p[[LLC ],�2V�CIL�CIP,Ilt Hozza [n Favor Hunt I.evine _ � __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedes MAY � p �g'19 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted Council: Date � Ce �fied Y- - by Co cil Secretary� BY /�r� " � �1ppr e y �Navor: Date MAY 1 5 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By �.�EO M AY 19 1979 WNITE — C�TV CLERK � , �• ✓" �,£ !, PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � CANARV — DEPARTMENT COUIICIl a '�' B��€' —a���oR... File NO.��A' � t CityAttn�/I�2�, Council Resolution Presented B `! Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ALLOCATING BELOW MARKET INTEREST RATE (BMIR) HOMEOWNER MORTGAGE FUNDS IN REDEVELOPMENT AREAS AND ADOPTING A POLICY FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION PROJECT COMMITMENT ALLOCATIONS WHEREAS, the City is in receipt of over $10.5 million in requests and there is available for allocation $8. 3 million of BMIR mortgage funds for homeowner's mortgage commitments in Redevelopment Areas ; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has submitted to and the Finance, Management and Personnel Committee has recommended mortgage fund allocations upon criteria giving priority to areas involving land publicly acquired for redevelopment purposes and areas where completion of redevelopment was dependent upon such mortgage assistance, giving consideration only to condominium conversion projects in Redevelopment Areas which will pro- vide new homeownership opportunity for low and moderate income house- holds, and providing an unallocated mortgage fund reserve by allocating no more than two-thirds of each commitment request; and WHEREAS, the allocations set forth in Schedule A attached meet these recited criteria with the exception of the College Hill Project, a condominium conversion project serving middle income households, as to which it is determined (1) that building has been vacant for an extended period of time, (2) that it has been demonstrated that financing is not presently or likely to become available, (3) project completion is dependent upon BMIR financing, and (4) the project is located in the Downtown Area in which the provision of additional housing for all income groups has been a long standing public objective in accomplishing the revitalization of this Area of the City; and COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler D2�dl�Ittent Of P1di1I1i11g �id FpCt]�C[IL'LC D2VElo�[r�.'11t Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine _ __ Against By ��� � "J Maddox � - Showalter ������ Tedesco Form A pproved by City ttorney _ Adopted by Council: Date �. ) Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY `� By l/ t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By ���l���9/UL� . . F • r • 'n; j� �. R 212 S ITE 400,000 ,` ���., . ASHLAND AVE. CONDO�IINIUMS ) . ) KEh'T SQUARE EAST � .� ) ) _ ) CATHEDRAL PI.�CE CONDONINIUM � 1,440,OOd GOR.tifAN SCHOOL 300,000 PAN�.'�iA FLATS 872,000 UPPER LANDING 350,000 SL��fIT PLACE 1,360,OQ0 CENTRAL VILLAGE 2,434,OOQ COLLLGE HILL 740,000 GARDNER ROW 195,OQ0 NARROW LOT FROTO TYPE 255,000 TOTAL 7,34b,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE 8,342,�00 -7,346,000 NET RE:KAINING FOR ALLOCATION 996,000 SCHEDULE A