01-100QRIGI�l�L Presented By Referred to Co�ittee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 7 WFIEREAS, The City of Saint Paul provides a variety of recreational acrivities including special events; and WAEREAS, A family ice fishing event is deemed as an appropriate winter activity; and WI�REAS, For a number of years a successful family fishing event has been provided;and WI�REAS, This year an event is being planned for February 3, 2001 at Round Lake located in the City of Maplewood, Ramsey County; and 8 WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Sheriff s Office has jurisdiction ov� the County's 9 lakes and waters, and requires a hold harmless statement from the users of said lakes and lo waters. 11 i n r R � �Q� BE TT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul hold hazmless Ramsey 12 County and the City of Maplewood for its use of Round Lake for a family ice fishing event on 13 February 3, 2001. Requee d by: Divi i n of Parke VGBYz ��� Adopted by Couacil: Date �-� � �� r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � a- 1�—�., Approved by Ma.� Date:1�'� / .� By: / RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAINT PAU�, MtNNESOTA Council File # � �� �p6 Green Sheet # 1 � 1 '-k � � �3 Form Approved by Cit At/torney B V � �C��,-�n Approved by Mayor for Submiesion to Council By: ����- � � ° �'"'�"� T ` ° �"�` ° "" ° ` ° "�"'�' a � GREEN SHEET t9 �� NO 711438 Parks and R�reation 1/12/01 p 1— Io0 CONTACTP6l40NANpR10NE MiU1WATE MAIMAATE Yince Gillespie 266-6408 �� 1 oa�wabcrac 4 ancouxca. �we� _�crtrwrrawEV _cm'a.eac MUST BE ON COUNCY. AGBIDA BY DATE7 fl0 �� nwwp,u �cFS oas i Parks & Recreetion OflD9t �_MAYOR fOR A651SfAMT/ TOTALtOP31�iATUREPAG6 � ICVALIlAGA710N6PoRm01111TUB /1CTIOM xE4UE5f�: Approve �esolution holding Ramsey County aad the City o# Maple�nrood harmless #� its use of Round Lake fw the family fishing event. RECOMMBlDATONS Apprera W x Pejact NI P9tW1UL d61VICE CON7MCTd MU6T AW W6l TE WIWW W� tl1�710N6: �PIANNINOCOMM1390N �_qVIL3ERVICECOMM13910N 7. H�sUiipswYMmavsx�aekWUdsseaYac[faMiudapr4Mnt7 CIB COMMtTTEQ � YES NO A STAff 2. H� tlw WnaK/m war Oer� � eily anqo�as7 � YES NO _W5fAICTCOUNpI _� S. DemtleMW��mD����k7nxm+n/hO�WtiYana[atY�npoyan? SUPPORTSNMICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVET YES NO �0�� i'M wWr� a� Mpr�Y YMR Md �lO�aM tl srn Nwt. INITIATNG PROBLBd, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY M1Nw. NTR, Wlw�, Where, NTYI: The City of Saint Paul provides a variety of recreationa4 activities inGuding special eve�ts. A family fishing event is planned on February 3, 2001 at Round Lake if the City holds Ramsey County and the City of Maplewood harmless. novarr�ES iF �wvnovve�: �A��s� ' . . The City will be allowed to use Round Lake for the ice fishing event. ,, ,,- n�g��°� DISADVANTAQESIFAPPRO�: -/'-'_ ' ��:���e � �� None J�� 1 'l ���� �o��� �'i� v$ i��� DISADVANTAGES IF N0T IIPPROVED: The City would have to find another location for the event. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRqNSACTION S COBTMEVBIYEBIAOET�(C/1CLEONp Y66 MO AlI1pN0 iOINCE /1Gi1VRl' qU1BB1 flNANC1qL INFOflMATION: IIXPWN) p � -\oo t�►/�luf1] To: Vince Gillespie F�-om: Mike Windey Re: FamiZy Ice Fishing on Round �ake January S, 2001 The North Area Recreation Centers wzll hold a family ice fishing contest on Round Lake, February 3, 2001. I have attached is a copy of the flyer and the permit fi-om the Ramsey County Sher�'s DepaYtment. This is the same contest that we held last year. Joe's S�orting Goods and �lack Bear Co, ffee I�ouse is our co-sponsor. Ron Fisher f�om Joe's will bYing the bait, auger, poles, dooY pNizes and a ice house. We hope to stay waYfn. .I am again filling out the perinit foN this event. Thank you for your support of our efforts to provide our family special ice fishing event. If you have atzy question please give me a call at West Minnehaha Recreation Center. �ll'1'W JRN-02-2001 14:46 SQUaD ROOM . q . ,� „ Sgt. Tom T.aBatne =�; R9mscyCoantySherifPSDepartmersf � ' ` Wxtar patroI Uait 65� W. Coua'ry 12oad E, Shorev'iew, N�N 55326 6514904508 P.01/01 O1—\4� (61Z) 48�-3366 {612) 481-1312 AI�PI.iCATIO;�` FOR PER'�'IIT T'(3 CO\'DTJCT WATER EKHIBITFOti A:YD PLACEM�tiT OF ST32T�CTIIRES TN TH� LAXES TIiAT ARE RELATEA TO THE EXHIBiTI�J� Applican: agraes w defend, ha:d Hanr,Eess 2rid ps�• on behaif of the County of Ra TS2y, it5 1Mun:C±pa1�jP5, :.hC 4V?:itC $22f Lai:C COi.SeC�'a[:J.^, Distritt and t4e elec:ed e;, z�er.cie<_, an8 emp;oyees oi eacn, 2�y demar.ds or suits adsi!:m out nf actir.rs a the app!ican: u.^.•des �h� permii. Applisaa[ wili obcain and pay� For a Ccmprehens:ve Genera? Liability insuranee poticy i.^. ;hz amounc af S Gq0 0, The policy shz�' name chc County of Ramsey, its ldunicipatitles, [,".e �Yhize Bear J�ke Conserva:ion Dstrict a,^.0 [he eicc[ed a�ci;,)s, n;encies, and emp,oyees ef eacn zs additiona] insureds fo: the iccm of the permic C�riiC:ate ot insurance zhalt uc nuached to ;his compCeted apptication s,nd 5c noncsnceqabEe. Sbk.t Zi R�.CES, CO:�1P£I'FR1�p:�S, AND E1HIBiTFOM13, (a) A petson mey'notbde'+�• y�spnsor any scheduled or public r2t:, rCgetta, toumament or o�nar compc:ition ar exhihiii�n, or triai rac� on water o.* ice. �chethtt ar not inv0iti•ing a::ccexafi, a�ithont firse hacing obtained a wnttert permi! fkam ihz chuif; of;{:_ ecunt}' u't;ere ;;+.t event is ;o origina!e {bj Fhe sheriR. ia tAe p-'�si. Ma� c'lert:ot wstererah from any of Fhe prevsion; a.*ihis ct�sp;tr rctatiae te inc iicer,si::�, ooerztion, and cauiomzn, af 5IGNA'RJKE OF�;�tt�# Dacc VILLAG�REC��iL:s1T[ONFORAPPItQVAL AUTHORIZEPSIGNATURE PF.£+1�9'IS.SUED AND APPROVED BY THE hAMSEY COCi�7Y SHERiFF'S DEPARTMEhT Date 41'pTER PABAfi?dLVF3YJRlZED SIGiVA.TifRE. PERMIT �UMBEft ACSll�OeAe! T6TAL P.01 hE'F.:1�H' A DJAGRAM 6F LAKE WITH LOCATfON O� �QUIPMEKT pR EXHISITIOti. 1 anrce ta obsere aY!'rSr�;�rrS regulations relafing to the u=_e Qf wate: a�d watercraft. I uidtrstar,d thet this peim:t dozs no[ reli�ve mc in any wa} irom an} respeirx�-�,'�,. or.liabiSiry. i ntay incur ir. conaec:ion wic�� any activicies naderta.ken persw��t te th'ss pem�it. o�- �ao 2041 NORTH AREA FAMILY � ICE FISHING CONTEST ROUND LAKE - PHALF'T " . "T' $5/FAMILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2001 REGISTRATION: 11:45 TO 12:15 P.M. FISHING: 12 NOON - 2 P.M. (Round Lake Phalen Park) SPONSORED BY: "30E'S SPORTING G�ODS", THE NORTH AREA AND WEST/CENTRAL RECREATION CENTERS, COMMUNITY EDUCATION, AND RECREATION CENTERS BOOSTER CLUBS. We will ha�e prizes for all age groups. Ice fishing equipment will be provided for those who don't have any. Your whole family is invited. You may register at your local � Recreation Center (Northwest Como, Orchard, North Dale, McDonough, Sylvan, ; Rice, Front, Scheffer, West Minnehaha, Hancock), Community Education, Black Bear Crossing, and Joe's Sporting Goods, on Dale and Front. l � �1_ CITY: ADDRESS: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(HOME): (WORK): � � � � , � � , , rrT-m;--r++-1-++++ � �Tr'-�-�++++++ ��-�-�-rrr++++-r-r;-r++-f STAFF PAID:(CHECK}(CASH} DATE RECEIVED: BY: Check made Payable to: (City of St Paul) JfN-02-2001 14-46 SQURD RODM ,� 9 Sgt. Tom LaSathe , : ; Rsmscy County 5heriffls Degartment ` WaferPatrolUni! 655 W. Cottn `ty Itoafl �, Stzorei�i�w, NLV 55226 6514904508 P.�1/01 O \'� �Op (6i2�48�-3366 (612j 38b3312 ?�'PI,iCATTO�' FOR PERIVFIT T� COl'DLTCT WAY'ER E�iFI3BTTI0� A:\'D PLAC£.4FEi�"i OF ST12TiCTtiRES T;V "I� LAKES'TTiA'C ARE RELATEA TO TEi� E�$iTTO\ Applitant agrees ta defznd, baid ha-�r:?ess acid puy an b:F.aif of the Couniy of Ramsey, i:; M�nic;pzticies, thc 4�c:�c Bezr iake Cn,^.srr.-aiion Disuiet and Lne elec:ed e;f•eia}s, zter.:ies, and craployees of excc, any demznds or sui:s arisu:q out c; acti :r.s ci the appiicao: under eh= permit. ` Applisactt u;;i obtai� aad pag for a Ccmprel�znsiva Gener� Liabifiry insuraaee policy i:� the &:.oun: or S i l . The policy sha;! nant eh� Cnunty of Ramsey, its �3u�.'cipa:icles, d-.e Whice 8exr L3t;e Conservation Disuia a:d [he ekeced oificiels, a;endxs, nr.d rn�Pl4yeis ef each zs additional ins.ueds fo: tJss ic.1n ofthe permic Cerii6^ate of insurance shall be attsche3 to th3s complettd application an3 be none�ncalYebte. � gfik.1? i&aC ES, CO�te E7)97p?i5, AND E1HSBiTtOtiC (ny p persoa may not ndr sr tponsor any scheduied or pubfic ac:, tegenn, tocrosment or other w:npc:i:ion c: cxhb:tian, or triai ratc on nater or itt. �chether or not im�ol+'ine ��s:cznfi, w fiist havfng obiaixd a wriIIer. pcmi! fiom tLe <her:t:'ef �:c :ou�ty u:e:e eh: event is ;o originate. (b) Tha sh=: iff, in cbe �.+: ,ys, ni� e�rp: wau:cca:4 ttoin an}• et:he ptev :(o;u af ih[s cti_p;:r xiaii�� :c c: iimr,si::g, ap.sxt:ec.. ;nd cquipn;en: of SIGNATURE OF�IN3�T� ' Dxce VILLAGERECLiW.kCL�:rlTi�2QF0RAPPRpV:4i. AU7HORIZEDSlGNATURE � PF.��'�'S4'f ISSU£D AND AFPROVE� BY THE }2AMSEY COCiN'FY SHEftIFF'S DEPAR7MEN7 R'ATER PATR�Za1.L•'L3C7RlZED S3GNA'Ft1RE.. Date PERMIT?JUtvtBER _ ACSO�OOM) TOTRL P.01 k4F;S�FF A DlAGRAM OF LAKE WiTH LOCATION OF� EQUIPMEIiT OR EXI'.iBSTIO�. 1 aorct to observ¢ allrk+;4rxt regu!ations relating to the use of wate: tnd watr.craEt. T uader:Yand ihet this �,oirr�$ dots nct relicve s.e in am wa}� irom any ros�ir•xr��j,�or.liabitiry, f may incur ir cor.aec:ion u�it5 z�:y aciivities uzdertalczn persu=�t to this pzm�it. QRIGI�l�L Presented By Referred to Co�ittee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 7 WFIEREAS, The City of Saint Paul provides a variety of recreational acrivities including special events; and WAEREAS, A family ice fishing event is deemed as an appropriate winter activity; and WI�REAS, For a number of years a successful family fishing event has been provided;and WI�REAS, This year an event is being planned for February 3, 2001 at Round Lake located in the City of Maplewood, Ramsey County; and 8 WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Sheriff s Office has jurisdiction ov� the County's 9 lakes and waters, and requires a hold harmless statement from the users of said lakes and lo waters. 11 i n r R � �Q� BE TT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul hold hazmless Ramsey 12 County and the City of Maplewood for its use of Round Lake for a family ice fishing event on 13 February 3, 2001. Requee d by: Divi i n of Parke VGBYz ��� Adopted by Couacil: Date �-� � �� r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � a- 1�—�., Approved by Ma.� Date:1�'� / .� By: / RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAINT PAU�, MtNNESOTA Council File # � �� �p6 Green Sheet # 1 � 1 '-k � � �3 Form Approved by Cit At/torney B V � �C��,-�n Approved by Mayor for Submiesion to Council By: ����- � � ° �'"'�"� T ` ° �"�` ° "" ° ` ° "�"'�' a � GREEN SHEET t9 �� NO 711438 Parks and R�reation 1/12/01 p 1— Io0 CONTACTP6l40NANpR10NE MiU1WATE MAIMAATE Yince Gillespie 266-6408 �� 1 oa�wabcrac 4 ancouxca. �we� _�crtrwrrawEV _cm'a.eac MUST BE ON COUNCY. AGBIDA BY DATE7 fl0 �� nwwp,u �cFS oas i Parks & Recreetion OflD9t �_MAYOR fOR A651SfAMT/ TOTALtOP31�iATUREPAG6 � ICVALIlAGA710N6PoRm01111TUB /1CTIOM xE4UE5f�: Approve �esolution holding Ramsey County aad the City o# Maple�nrood harmless #� its use of Round Lake fw the family fishing event. RECOMMBlDATONS Apprera W x Pejact NI P9tW1UL d61VICE CON7MCTd MU6T AW W6l TE WIWW W� tl1�710N6: �PIANNINOCOMM1390N �_qVIL3ERVICECOMM13910N 7. H�sUiipswYMmavsx�aekWUdsseaYac[faMiudapr4Mnt7 CIB COMMtTTEQ � YES NO A STAff 2. H� tlw WnaK/m war Oer� � eily anqo�as7 � YES NO _W5fAICTCOUNpI _� S. DemtleMW��mD����k7nxm+n/hO�WtiYana[atY�npoyan? SUPPORTSNMICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVET YES NO �0�� i'M wWr� a� Mpr�Y YMR Md �lO�aM tl srn Nwt. INITIATNG PROBLBd, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY M1Nw. NTR, Wlw�, Where, NTYI: The City of Saint Paul provides a variety of recreationa4 activities inGuding special eve�ts. A family fishing event is planned on February 3, 2001 at Round Lake if the City holds Ramsey County and the City of Maplewood harmless. novarr�ES iF �wvnovve�: �A��s� ' . . The City will be allowed to use Round Lake for the ice fishing event. ,, ,,- n�g��°� DISADVANTAQESIFAPPRO�: -/'-'_ ' ��:���e � �� None J�� 1 'l ���� �o��� �'i� v$ i��� DISADVANTAGES IF N0T IIPPROVED: The City would have to find another location for the event. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRqNSACTION S COBTMEVBIYEBIAOET�(C/1CLEONp Y66 MO AlI1pN0 iOINCE /1Gi1VRl' qU1BB1 flNANC1qL INFOflMATION: IIXPWN) p � -\oo t�►/�luf1] To: Vince Gillespie F�-om: Mike Windey Re: FamiZy Ice Fishing on Round �ake January S, 2001 The North Area Recreation Centers wzll hold a family ice fishing contest on Round Lake, February 3, 2001. I have attached is a copy of the flyer and the permit fi-om the Ramsey County Sher�'s DepaYtment. This is the same contest that we held last year. Joe's S�orting Goods and �lack Bear Co, ffee I�ouse is our co-sponsor. Ron Fisher f�om Joe's will bYing the bait, auger, poles, dooY pNizes and a ice house. We hope to stay waYfn. .I am again filling out the perinit foN this event. Thank you for your support of our efforts to provide our family special ice fishing event. If you have atzy question please give me a call at West Minnehaha Recreation Center. �ll'1'W JRN-02-2001 14:46 SQUaD ROOM . q . ,� „ Sgt. Tom T.aBatne =�; R9mscyCoantySherifPSDepartmersf � ' ` Wxtar patroI Uait 65� W. Coua'ry 12oad E, Shorev'iew, N�N 55326 6514904508 P.01/01 O1—\4� (61Z) 48�-3366 {612) 481-1312 AI�PI.iCATIO;�` FOR PER'�'IIT T'(3 CO\'DTJCT WATER EKHIBITFOti A:YD PLACEM�tiT OF ST32T�CTIIRES TN TH� LAXES TIiAT ARE RELATEA TO THE EXHIBiTI�J� Applican: agraes w defend, ha:d Hanr,Eess 2rid ps�• on behaif of the County of Ra TS2y, it5 1Mun:C±pa1�jP5, :.hC 4V?:itC $22f Lai:C COi.SeC�'a[:J.^, Distritt and t4e elec:ed e;, z�er.cie<_, an8 emp;oyees oi eacn, 2�y demar.ds or suits adsi!:m out nf actir.rs a the app!ican: u.^.•des �h� permii. Applisaa[ wili obcain and pay� For a Ccmprehens:ve Genera? Liability insuranee poticy i.^. ;hz amounc af S Gq0 0, The policy shz�' name chc County of Ramsey, its ldunicipatitles, [,".e �Yhize Bear J�ke Conserva:ion Dstrict a,^.0 [he eicc[ed a�ci;,)s, n;encies, and emp,oyees ef eacn zs additiona] insureds fo: the iccm of the permic C�riiC:ate ot insurance zhalt uc nuached to ;his compCeted apptication s,nd 5c noncsnceqabEe. Sbk.t Zi R�.CES, CO:�1P£I'FR1�p:�S, AND E1HIBiTFOM13, (a) A petson mey'notbde'+�• y�spnsor any scheduled or public r2t:, rCgetta, toumament or o�nar compc:ition ar exhihiii�n, or triai rac� on water o.* ice. �chethtt ar not inv0iti•ing a::ccexafi, a�ithont firse hacing obtained a wnttert permi! fkam ihz chuif; of;{:_ ecunt}' u't;ere ;;+.t event is ;o origina!e {bj Fhe sheriR. ia tAe p-'�si. Ma� c'lert:ot wstererah from any of Fhe prevsion; a.*ihis ct�sp;tr rctatiae te inc iicer,si::�, ooerztion, and cauiomzn, af 5IGNA'RJKE OF�;�tt�# Dacc VILLAG�REC��iL:s1T[ONFORAPPItQVAL AUTHORIZEPSIGNATURE PF.£+1�9'IS.SUED AND APPROVED BY THE hAMSEY COCi�7Y SHERiFF'S DEPARTMEhT Date 41'pTER PABAfi?dLVF3YJRlZED SIGiVA.TifRE. PERMIT �UMBEft ACSll�OeAe! T6TAL P.01 hE'F.:1�H' A DJAGRAM 6F LAKE WITH LOCATfON O� �QUIPMEKT pR EXHISITIOti. 1 anrce ta obsere aY!'rSr�;�rrS regulations relafing to the u=_e Qf wate: a�d watercraft. I uidtrstar,d thet this peim:t dozs no[ reli�ve mc in any wa} irom an} respeirx�-�,'�,. or.liabiSiry. i ntay incur ir. conaec:ion wic�� any activicies naderta.ken persw��t te th'ss pem�it. o�- �ao 2041 NORTH AREA FAMILY � ICE FISHING CONTEST ROUND LAKE - PHALF'T " . "T' $5/FAMILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2001 REGISTRATION: 11:45 TO 12:15 P.M. FISHING: 12 NOON - 2 P.M. (Round Lake Phalen Park) SPONSORED BY: "30E'S SPORTING G�ODS", THE NORTH AREA AND WEST/CENTRAL RECREATION CENTERS, COMMUNITY EDUCATION, AND RECREATION CENTERS BOOSTER CLUBS. We will ha�e prizes for all age groups. Ice fishing equipment will be provided for those who don't have any. Your whole family is invited. You may register at your local � Recreation Center (Northwest Como, Orchard, North Dale, McDonough, Sylvan, ; Rice, Front, Scheffer, West Minnehaha, Hancock), Community Education, Black Bear Crossing, and Joe's Sporting Goods, on Dale and Front. l � �1_ CITY: ADDRESS: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(HOME): (WORK): � � � � , � � , , rrT-m;--r++-1-++++ � �Tr'-�-�++++++ ��-�-�-rrr++++-r-r;-r++-f STAFF PAID:(CHECK}(CASH} DATE RECEIVED: BY: Check made Payable to: (City of St Paul) JfN-02-2001 14-46 SQURD RODM ,� 9 Sgt. Tom LaSathe , : ; Rsmscy County 5heriffls Degartment ` WaferPatrolUni! 655 W. Cottn `ty Itoafl �, Stzorei�i�w, NLV 55226 6514904508 P.�1/01 O \'� �Op (6i2�48�-3366 (612j 38b3312 ?�'PI,iCATTO�' FOR PERIVFIT T� COl'DLTCT WAY'ER E�iFI3BTTI0� A:\'D PLAC£.4FEi�"i OF ST12TiCTtiRES T;V "I� LAKES'TTiA'C ARE RELATEA TO TEi� E�$iTTO\ Applitant agrees ta defznd, baid ha-�r:?ess acid puy an b:F.aif of the Couniy of Ramsey, i:; M�nic;pzticies, thc 4�c:�c Bezr iake Cn,^.srr.-aiion Disuiet and Lne elec:ed e;f•eia}s, zter.:ies, and craployees of excc, any demznds or sui:s arisu:q out c; acti :r.s ci the appiicao: under eh= permit. ` Applisactt u;;i obtai� aad pag for a Ccmprel�znsiva Gener� Liabifiry insuraaee policy i:� the &:.oun: or S i l . The policy sha;! nant eh� Cnunty of Ramsey, its �3u�.'cipa:icles, d-.e Whice 8exr L3t;e Conservation Disuia a:d [he ekeced oificiels, a;endxs, nr.d rn�Pl4yeis ef each zs additional ins.ueds fo: tJss ic.1n ofthe permic Cerii6^ate of insurance shall be attsche3 to th3s complettd application an3 be none�ncalYebte. � gfik.1? i&aC ES, CO�te E7)97p?i5, AND E1HSBiTtOtiC (ny p persoa may not ndr sr tponsor any scheduied or pubfic ac:, tegenn, tocrosment or other w:npc:i:ion c: cxhb:tian, or triai ratc on nater or itt. �chether or not im�ol+'ine ��s:cznfi, w fiist havfng obiaixd a wriIIer. pcmi! fiom tLe <her:t:'ef �:c :ou�ty u:e:e eh: event is ;o originate. (b) Tha sh=: iff, in cbe �.+: ,ys, ni� e�rp: wau:cca:4 ttoin an}• et:he ptev :(o;u af ih[s cti_p;:r xiaii�� :c c: iimr,si::g, ap.sxt:ec.. ;nd cquipn;en: of SIGNATURE OF�IN3�T� ' Dxce VILLAGERECLiW.kCL�:rlTi�2QF0RAPPRpV:4i. AU7HORIZEDSlGNATURE � PF.��'�'S4'f ISSU£D AND AFPROVE� BY THE }2AMSEY COCiN'FY SHEftIFF'S DEPAR7MEN7 R'ATER PATR�Za1.L•'L3C7RlZED S3GNA'Ft1RE.. Date PERMIT?JUtvtBER _ ACSO�OOM) TOTRL P.01 k4F;S�FF A DlAGRAM OF LAKE WiTH LOCATION OF� EQUIPMEIiT OR EXI'.iBSTIO�. 1 aorct to observ¢ allrk+;4rxt regu!ations relating to the use of wate: tnd watr.craEt. T uader:Yand ihet this �,oirr�$ dots nct relicve s.e in am wa}� irom any ros�ir•xr��j,�or.liabitiry, f may incur ir cor.aec:ion u�it5 z�:y aciivities uzdertalczn persu=�t to this pzm�it. QRIGI�l�L Presented By Referred to Co�ittee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 7 WFIEREAS, The City of Saint Paul provides a variety of recreational acrivities including special events; and WAEREAS, A family ice fishing event is deemed as an appropriate winter activity; and WI�REAS, For a number of years a successful family fishing event has been provided;and WI�REAS, This year an event is being planned for February 3, 2001 at Round Lake located in the City of Maplewood, Ramsey County; and 8 WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Sheriff s Office has jurisdiction ov� the County's 9 lakes and waters, and requires a hold harmless statement from the users of said lakes and lo waters. 11 i n r R � �Q� BE TT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul hold hazmless Ramsey 12 County and the City of Maplewood for its use of Round Lake for a family ice fishing event on 13 February 3, 2001. Requee d by: Divi i n of Parke VGBYz ��� Adopted by Couacil: Date �-� � �� r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � a- 1�—�., Approved by Ma.� Date:1�'� / .� By: / RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAINT PAU�, MtNNESOTA Council File # � �� �p6 Green Sheet # 1 � 1 '-k � � �3 Form Approved by Cit At/torney B V � �C��,-�n Approved by Mayor for Submiesion to Council By: ����- � � ° �'"'�"� T ` ° �"�` ° "" ° ` ° "�"'�' a � GREEN SHEET t9 �� NO 711438 Parks and R�reation 1/12/01 p 1— Io0 CONTACTP6l40NANpR10NE MiU1WATE MAIMAATE Yince Gillespie 266-6408 �� 1 oa�wabcrac 4 ancouxca. �we� _�crtrwrrawEV _cm'a.eac MUST BE ON COUNCY. AGBIDA BY DATE7 fl0 �� nwwp,u �cFS oas i Parks & Recreetion OflD9t �_MAYOR fOR A651SfAMT/ TOTALtOP31�iATUREPAG6 � ICVALIlAGA710N6PoRm01111TUB /1CTIOM xE4UE5f�: Approve �esolution holding Ramsey County aad the City o# Maple�nrood harmless #� its use of Round Lake fw the family fishing event. RECOMMBlDATONS Apprera W x Pejact NI P9tW1UL d61VICE CON7MCTd MU6T AW W6l TE WIWW W� tl1�710N6: �PIANNINOCOMM1390N �_qVIL3ERVICECOMM13910N 7. H�sUiipswYMmavsx�aekWUdsseaYac[faMiudapr4Mnt7 CIB COMMtTTEQ � YES NO A STAff 2. H� tlw WnaK/m war Oer� � eily anqo�as7 � YES NO _W5fAICTCOUNpI _� S. DemtleMW��mD����k7nxm+n/hO�WtiYana[atY�npoyan? SUPPORTSNMICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVET YES NO �0�� i'M wWr� a� Mpr�Y YMR Md �lO�aM tl srn Nwt. INITIATNG PROBLBd, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY M1Nw. NTR, Wlw�, Where, NTYI: The City of Saint Paul provides a variety of recreationa4 activities inGuding special eve�ts. A family fishing event is planned on February 3, 2001 at Round Lake if the City holds Ramsey County and the City of Maplewood harmless. novarr�ES iF �wvnovve�: �A��s� ' . . The City will be allowed to use Round Lake for the ice fishing event. ,, ,,- n�g��°� DISADVANTAQESIFAPPRO�: -/'-'_ ' ��:���e � �� None J�� 1 'l ���� �o��� �'i� v$ i��� DISADVANTAGES IF N0T IIPPROVED: The City would have to find another location for the event. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRqNSACTION S COBTMEVBIYEBIAOET�(C/1CLEONp Y66 MO AlI1pN0 iOINCE /1Gi1VRl' qU1BB1 flNANC1qL INFOflMATION: IIXPWN) p � -\oo t�►/�luf1] To: Vince Gillespie F�-om: Mike Windey Re: FamiZy Ice Fishing on Round �ake January S, 2001 The North Area Recreation Centers wzll hold a family ice fishing contest on Round Lake, February 3, 2001. I have attached is a copy of the flyer and the permit fi-om the Ramsey County Sher�'s DepaYtment. This is the same contest that we held last year. Joe's S�orting Goods and �lack Bear Co, ffee I�ouse is our co-sponsor. Ron Fisher f�om Joe's will bYing the bait, auger, poles, dooY pNizes and a ice house. We hope to stay waYfn. .I am again filling out the perinit foN this event. Thank you for your support of our efforts to provide our family special ice fishing event. If you have atzy question please give me a call at West Minnehaha Recreation Center. �ll'1'W JRN-02-2001 14:46 SQUaD ROOM . q . ,� „ Sgt. Tom T.aBatne =�; R9mscyCoantySherifPSDepartmersf � ' ` Wxtar patroI Uait 65� W. Coua'ry 12oad E, Shorev'iew, N�N 55326 6514904508 P.01/01 O1—\4� (61Z) 48�-3366 {612) 481-1312 AI�PI.iCATIO;�` FOR PER'�'IIT T'(3 CO\'DTJCT WATER EKHIBITFOti A:YD PLACEM�tiT OF ST32T�CTIIRES TN TH� LAXES TIiAT ARE RELATEA TO THE EXHIBiTI�J� Applican: agraes w defend, ha:d Hanr,Eess 2rid ps�• on behaif of the County of Ra TS2y, it5 1Mun:C±pa1�jP5, :.hC 4V?:itC $22f Lai:C COi.SeC�'a[:J.^, Distritt and t4e elec:ed e;, z�er.cie<_, an8 emp;oyees oi eacn, 2�y demar.ds or suits adsi!:m out nf actir.rs a the app!ican: u.^.•des �h� permii. Applisaa[ wili obcain and pay� For a Ccmprehens:ve Genera? Liability insuranee poticy i.^. ;hz amounc af S Gq0 0, The policy shz�' name chc County of Ramsey, its ldunicipatitles, [,".e �Yhize Bear J�ke Conserva:ion Dstrict a,^.0 [he eicc[ed a�ci;,)s, n;encies, and emp,oyees ef eacn zs additiona] insureds fo: the iccm of the permic C�riiC:ate ot insurance zhalt uc nuached to ;his compCeted apptication s,nd 5c noncsnceqabEe. Sbk.t Zi R�.CES, CO:�1P£I'FR1�p:�S, AND E1HIBiTFOM13, (a) A petson mey'notbde'+�• y�spnsor any scheduled or public r2t:, rCgetta, toumament or o�nar compc:ition ar exhihiii�n, or triai rac� on water o.* ice. �chethtt ar not inv0iti•ing a::ccexafi, a�ithont firse hacing obtained a wnttert permi! fkam ihz chuif; of;{:_ ecunt}' u't;ere ;;+.t event is ;o origina!e {bj Fhe sheriR. ia tAe p-'�si. Ma� c'lert:ot wstererah from any of Fhe prevsion; a.*ihis ct�sp;tr rctatiae te inc iicer,si::�, ooerztion, and cauiomzn, af 5IGNA'RJKE OF�;�tt�# Dacc VILLAG�REC��iL:s1T[ONFORAPPItQVAL AUTHORIZEPSIGNATURE PF.£+1�9'IS.SUED AND APPROVED BY THE hAMSEY COCi�7Y SHERiFF'S DEPARTMEhT Date 41'pTER PABAfi?dLVF3YJRlZED SIGiVA.TifRE. PERMIT �UMBEft ACSll�OeAe! T6TAL P.01 hE'F.:1�H' A DJAGRAM 6F LAKE WITH LOCATfON O� �QUIPMEKT pR EXHISITIOti. 1 anrce ta obsere aY!'rSr�;�rrS regulations relafing to the u=_e Qf wate: a�d watercraft. I uidtrstar,d thet this peim:t dozs no[ reli�ve mc in any wa} irom an} respeirx�-�,'�,. or.liabiSiry. i ntay incur ir. conaec:ion wic�� any activicies naderta.ken persw��t te th'ss pem�it. o�- �ao 2041 NORTH AREA FAMILY � ICE FISHING CONTEST ROUND LAKE - PHALF'T " . "T' $5/FAMILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2001 REGISTRATION: 11:45 TO 12:15 P.M. FISHING: 12 NOON - 2 P.M. (Round Lake Phalen Park) SPONSORED BY: "30E'S SPORTING G�ODS", THE NORTH AREA AND WEST/CENTRAL RECREATION CENTERS, COMMUNITY EDUCATION, AND RECREATION CENTERS BOOSTER CLUBS. We will ha�e prizes for all age groups. Ice fishing equipment will be provided for those who don't have any. Your whole family is invited. You may register at your local � Recreation Center (Northwest Como, Orchard, North Dale, McDonough, Sylvan, ; Rice, Front, Scheffer, West Minnehaha, Hancock), Community Education, Black Bear Crossing, and Joe's Sporting Goods, on Dale and Front. l � �1_ CITY: ADDRESS: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(HOME): (WORK): � � � � , � � , , rrT-m;--r++-1-++++ � �Tr'-�-�++++++ ��-�-�-rrr++++-r-r;-r++-f STAFF PAID:(CHECK}(CASH} DATE RECEIVED: BY: Check made Payable to: (City of St Paul) JfN-02-2001 14-46 SQURD RODM ,� 9 Sgt. Tom LaSathe , : ; Rsmscy County 5heriffls Degartment ` WaferPatrolUni! 655 W. Cottn `ty Itoafl �, Stzorei�i�w, NLV 55226 6514904508 P.�1/01 O \'� �Op (6i2�48�-3366 (612j 38b3312 ?�'PI,iCATTO�' FOR PERIVFIT T� COl'DLTCT WAY'ER E�iFI3BTTI0� A:\'D PLAC£.4FEi�"i OF ST12TiCTtiRES T;V "I� LAKES'TTiA'C ARE RELATEA TO TEi� E�$iTTO\ Applitant agrees ta defznd, baid ha-�r:?ess acid puy an b:F.aif of the Couniy of Ramsey, i:; M�nic;pzticies, thc 4�c:�c Bezr iake Cn,^.srr.-aiion Disuiet and Lne elec:ed e;f•eia}s, zter.:ies, and craployees of excc, any demznds or sui:s arisu:q out c; acti :r.s ci the appiicao: under eh= permit. ` Applisactt u;;i obtai� aad pag for a Ccmprel�znsiva Gener� Liabifiry insuraaee policy i:� the &:.oun: or S i l . The policy sha;! nant eh� Cnunty of Ramsey, its �3u�.'cipa:icles, d-.e Whice 8exr L3t;e Conservation Disuia a:d [he ekeced oificiels, a;endxs, nr.d rn�Pl4yeis ef each zs additional ins.ueds fo: tJss ic.1n ofthe permic Cerii6^ate of insurance shall be attsche3 to th3s complettd application an3 be none�ncalYebte. � gfik.1? i&aC ES, CO�te E7)97p?i5, AND E1HSBiTtOtiC (ny p persoa may not ndr sr tponsor any scheduied or pubfic ac:, tegenn, tocrosment or other w:npc:i:ion c: cxhb:tian, or triai ratc on nater or itt. �chether or not im�ol+'ine ��s:cznfi, w fiist havfng obiaixd a wriIIer. pcmi! fiom tLe <her:t:'ef �:c :ou�ty u:e:e eh: event is ;o originate. (b) Tha sh=: iff, in cbe �.+: ,ys, ni� e�rp: wau:cca:4 ttoin an}• et:he ptev :(o;u af ih[s cti_p;:r xiaii�� :c c: iimr,si::g, ap.sxt:ec.. ;nd cquipn;en: of SIGNATURE OF�IN3�T� ' Dxce VILLAGERECLiW.kCL�:rlTi�2QF0RAPPRpV:4i. AU7HORIZEDSlGNATURE � PF.��'�'S4'f ISSU£D AND AFPROVE� BY THE }2AMSEY COCiN'FY SHEftIFF'S DEPAR7MEN7 R'ATER PATR�Za1.L•'L3C7RlZED S3GNA'Ft1RE.. Date PERMIT?JUtvtBER _ ACSO�OOM) TOTRL P.01 k4F;S�FF A DlAGRAM OF LAKE WiTH LOCATION OF� EQUIPMEIiT OR EXI'.iBSTIO�. 1 aorct to observ¢ allrk+;4rxt regu!ations relating to the use of wate: tnd watr.craEt. T uader:Yand ihet this �,oirr�$ dots nct relicve s.e in am wa}� irom any ros�ir•xr��j,�or.liabitiry, f may incur ir cor.aec:ion u�it5 z�:y aciivities uzdertalczn persu=�t to this pzm�it.