274011 WNITE - CITV CLERK �� J����
cil Resolution
Presented By ,
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed
to execute an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Health whereby the
City will administer the Minnesota Special Supplemental Food Program for
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) within Ramsey County for a period of one
year commencing October 1 , 1979; the City to be paid by the State a sum not
to exceed $218,770 for said services.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
H ozza �
Hunt In Favor Communi t S Vi C S
L�VI;Ie �
M�r1doX d
�,��,�,;;rn _ _ Against Y
Shu�•r r
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Ado ed by Council• Date NOV i 3 1979 Form proved Cit r y
ertified Pas d by unc� retary BY
Appr by ;Vlavor: Da �' N0�'' 1 � A ro d by Mayor for b i siola to Council
PU3i,.s�;�� ;�;�U 2 � 19�9
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' (`r�iC =rogram)
'"'.:is agre�*�ent by and between the :iinnesota Depart,:.ent or uealth (:�ereir, r�Terrec
_o as �::e Sta�e :?g�ncy) and St. �a�,zl Divi�icn of P alic '?ealth
(^erein r�ferred to as t:�e Local �gency) is made in order to ad�:inister *he
�'�n;�esota Soecial Supplemental Food Prograr� for Women, In�ants, and Chil3ren
(herein referred to as WIC). This �greement shall be in efrect �ro� October l, lc^c�
�o Septer.►ber 30, 19 80.
'viH����S, the State Ager.cy pursuant to Public Law �5-027 and the
Regulations, instructions and guidelines issued �y t':e United States
Depart�ea� Of :.g�•iC'1��i1T`2� �'ood ar.d ;ZlitT'1��OT: Serv_cc ����i z-c�is� _..
acc�re�ance Taith t'�at Law, ;aisnes to administ�r the iJIC ?rogr�m �ait^in
the jLrisdiction of the state, and
SdH�RE�S, the State Ageacy has determinec t'.:roug� review o� t::e
"Apnlication �or tr.e ?.dr,:=:,istrat=or. of a Local �IIC P:o;ect" subritt�c
t'r.at the �ocal Agency mee`s all reeuire^�e^ts to edr�?nister a local `.aTC
proiect. •
I'" IS, Tu�RE:ORE, AGREiD BY r1.JD 3�'?'.dEEi1 ':^Hi iW0 PA:,TIES TFiz: :
1. :he Local agency shall administer a �r7IC Program witnin =ts designated �erv:ce
area in �an efficient and er"fect=ve manner pursuant to �he L'SL��-=`1S Re,,FL'�dt�ons
issued in accordance with Yublic Law 95-627, t�e State �g�.^.cy 3p�roved
"aaplication for the Administration of a �ocal .�1IC rro;ect", ard a��l�cable
state :eeulations, pol�c_�s, and �rccedures. Speci�ically, t?�e �oca? :?aenc�-
agrees to:
�. j''_dV2 �,. ± -� r` �-�*.�l � �1 �+=c�'S ..�.:'iG� Zr-��-�n2�_ -�c`acc�r..
^e COii D2 c�T:'`_ L,2^O_ SS_v.�..�5� 3C... i� � _ _ __
�� �Zri�;rr� t�2 "_^neso�3 , _.. �="C��di�l C°`"__�_C3�_�n _rcc��u;�� ,
. , . -2-
b. �etermir.e and certify eiigi�le rersons �or t�e ?rogram accordine to
� established cert�:ication procedures, �ocument certifiCation �ctions
on the ?articipant Certirication/Inout Form, provide ?rogram benefits
- � to those certified on a timely basis, and reasses eligibility at the
�rescribed intervals.
c. �ake available a�oropriate health services to t�IG participants.
d. Provide nutrition education services to WZC participants in accordance
with state policy and procedures and consistent with the local nutritien
education plan.
e. O�erate the Minnesota WIC Program Automated Food Delivery and �?anage-
ment Information System in accor�ance with state pnl�cy and procedures,
including; establishing and maintaining on a timely basis the hIC
Participant t�'asterfile, and maintain�ng accour.tability and inver.tor5•
controls over �JiC rood vouchers.
f. Contract *aith retail food vendors within the service area, and train
and monitor those contracted vendors to assure compliance to ?rcgram
� g. ?4aintain complete and accurate Program and fiscal records and riles in '
accordance with the financial management reouirements and consistent
with the Federal WIC Regulat�ons, Federal �'.anagement Circular 74-4,
Qfrice of Management and Bucget Circular P.-102, and ao�licable state
regulations, policies, and procAdures, includin� source eocumentation
to support Program activities and expenditures made under the terms or
this Agreement.
h. Subrit �y the seventeenth (17�h) of each month the Claim for ReiTburse-
ment/Report o= �x�enditures for�, which sha11 summarize the funcs
actualy� exgende� curing 'he �report �eriod by bud�et 1=ne item, *�e
amoLnt of �unds current�y oDliga�ed, -�e amoun� oT Funds eYpe^ced, •
OJZ_�dt2�� cnC�Or y�2 JZ�L'2 Ot in-�ind �er:'_C°5 COn�r��llt2� r°_=a�cQ _O
• � ` -3-
. nutritien educat;^n a::d tne status o� the '�IC cas� on hand. Exre*�di-
tures and obligat�or.s shall he cor.sistent with *_he ��1IC '�udaet inc'_u�ed.
as a part or the approve� "Apolication for the �dministration of a
Local WTG Proj e.ct'' .
i. Provide access to authorized representatives of the '�innesota Derartr�ent
or Health, JS�A, the L'nited States General rccour.ting Office, or an5' cf
their duly authorized representatives , to all records, files, and cocu-
mentation related to this Agreement for purposes of inspection, auditin?,
or copying. '
j. Comply with various state and federal �aws and _Ttegulations to assure
that no �erson is discriminated against on account of age, race, coler,
sex, handicap, relig�ous creed, national origin, or �olitical beli�`s.
k. Obtain written consent from the State Agency rrior to the assi�nment or
transfer of any interest ia this �Agreement, exceot that claims for
money due or to '�ecome due to the Local P.gency from the State Agency rr�ay �
be assigned to a bank or other financial institution �aithout suc'�
l. Assure that no interest exists, directly or indirectly, which cou;d con-
flict in any manne^ or degree *aith the per�ormanc� of services reauired
to �e performe� under yhis Agreement.
m. 0'�tain written approval from the State Agency prior to the subcontract-
ing of any work or services covered by this Agree�:ent. �
n. Accept reduced �unding in the event t:�e authorized ?•'IC participatien
and/or expenditure levels outlined in the 3D�2^OV@Gz ''ADDlicatior. Lor the
9dministration of a Local ,1IC project" and '�ud�e` are not adhere? to.
2. The State Agency agrees to:
a. ?rovide �•_.^.c_n= �a �cccr�ance Ta��^ t'�::s `�ree-;er.* in an �r,:oun� .... _ �=
exceed i:21s�77�.�� rOY' '_CCdi �_ET1�:V � _C dG�P11I1�5-T'c`1Ve CCSt'c
sub;ect to `�e =o1lew:n� cor.di*=ons :
. .. . _u_
�1� TY:at t�:2 State .SgencV :'°_C°_1VQS rllIlaS =':''GTit ±ti':°_ L'r.i*_ed States
De*�artment or" 9�riculture. �
(2) That the Local Agency submits a �ro�erlv completed Claim for
Reir.►bursement/??eport of Expenditures form on a timely basis.
(3) That the Local P.gency exDencs run�s at a :ate conmensurate ±o the
authorized k'IC �artici�ation and ex�enditure levels outlined in
the approved "Application for the Administrat_on of a Local 47T_C
Project" and budeet. The State P.gency reser�es the right �o re-
duce the funding provided under �his A�reement if such levels
. are not being accom�lished.
� b. Provide technical assistance and consultation to enable the Local
9gency to esta�lish and adr.►inister a WIC Program.
c. Provide appropriate �orms and materials necessart� to establish anC
adr�inister a �•:T_C Program. �
d. Provide copies o� the L'SJA-FNS rJIC Regulat�ens, tne '-linnesota ��+=C
Program Operations "^,anual, and other instruct�ons and guidelines on a
timely basis necessary to establish and aZr�in�ster a I•�IC Program.
e. Designate Greg S�^ith, State w'IC Ac�min=strator, as its authorized agent
for the purpose of administration of this Agreernent. Such agent shall
have full responsibility for the SL1DE:'Vision of the��rork involved under
this Amreement and shall certi�y each claim s;ibmitted pursuant to para-
graph 2a. that the serv�ces �or �ah�ch payment is reouested have been
rendered in a satisfactory mar.ner.
3. This 9�reement na� be eancelled �r=or to its ter�_nat?on date '�y e�the^
DdY'��7 UDOA S1X�j� �EO� G�a,.'S �r'_,*en IlOt_C°. iA 'he e•�ent OL C3P.C°?�'�+?�7'.,
dl.l. r1:1:.5ti'':2'� or LI:r�:115Y:2C �CC�r..ents� '�2.�c� S�'1C�25� SllT'1@VS� �T'3:�'1:,�5 �
i.^.Z�S� itlGdels, ��10tOET'd�i?5 � T'OL�Oi tS� e�C. � :T`2�dT'�G� L'L' ��':e �OC�i ��2I:C_:' �?:�
related t0 3Ild ��1:1�2'� !Il '`�3T`'� Or .;!''.�^,1c j�; , _!_' c.^.?1�� d: t�:° O```�OIl �- ±�'=°
C�cL= �,=°_:1Cj� i°CO?.^.° _�S DY'Or,e.-.�_.., ??�-':!z.^.i 5::�=� JE.' :'?'r'G�P =QT' :2:", �Cac
:1°P.�er�2� �L''_"512T1t t0 •:t-i,j S�.-�aom�n� -., _^e �'--_- --�;.� �3�.� n_ C3I:C°_�_3`�.?.^,:7.
. . � . . _S_
4. Any c'.:anges tc this Agreement :•rill �e valid only i` r:ace �n wr?tinQ anc
acceDted bv all �arties to this r.ereement. �
5. Ia the event the contingency addressed �n ln. occurs, funding :or t:�e �
period followine the occurrence shall be provided at a level based on the
caseload funding rate (original funding grant ; original authorized
annual participation) times the mutually accE�table revise� participation
6. The individuals or officers signing this Agreement for the Local P.genc;�
must be authorized to sign and execute 'his 4greement on behal� of the
responsible governing board, official, or agency; and certiry that all
terns of this 4greement �aill be a�propriately adhered to; and, that
r�cords and detailed documentation for `�e ?•lIC Prograr:i caill be r�aintained
for a period of not less than three (3) years from the c�ate of the s���m_s-
sion or the final expenditure report or until audit �indings have been
resolved. -
Special ?,ssistant Attorney General Date
gy; � .
Commissioner of P_dmini.stration ' �ate
Administration De�artment
Gecrge R. Pet*ersen, :�!.D. �a�e
• Co�ru�nissioner of �±ealth
. . .� . �����_�
• . � -6- r
r0p THE LOCAL AGENCY: Funding Code: 332�7
ame�; ; � Date
City of Saint Paul
i•lame` Pate
Director, Finance and t•tanagement Services
Title •
City of Saint Paul
� Organization
Name - Date
Director, Cor�munity Services
City of Saint Paul
� Approved as to form:
Assista t Ci y Attorney
"T_� 3 CQT'�OT'�`i0i1� C1'_j'� OT' COL'P,t�/� t�•70 CO!^�02^dt2 O�:1C@T'S ^L'St c�:'T'i.
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. E TION OF P.►DMINIST�T D�DE�S, ������ �
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D��e z .Qctfl�er 29, 19.79 :
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- A1�`�'a
-�`R: Thc�s 3, Icelley : . �
R�s Agr�ent betwee� t�e City �f Satint Pau1 , Divisia� of P�1� H�a�lth and the
` , M'[nnesota Deparl�ent`of Heal th .
„ � �tEt�UBS�'ED: -
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.:- _ executfive np{���v�l and s�tgnature _ : , ;
The Saint. Paul Divisian af Public Healt� has administered _t�ie. Mint3es�ta Spec4a]`
Suppl�entnl Food Progrinn .for Wanen, Tnfan�s and Childr�n (WICa since 1974. This
agree�aent designates the Division as the 1qca1 WIC �gen�y for Ramsey County ��nd
specifies cert.�in services to be per�#`orm�d,: The Division will be rei�ursed by
the S�t� up ta �218,770 for administering;the program.
. Cou�►ci l R+�sal ution�- one copy
Agreement - six �optes _ _