274003 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT � //���'iy/ pA� p BI.UE - MAYOR File� NO.���,����`� Council Resolution �� �� Presented By � �� �f ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that Lease No. 6266 between the City and State of Minnesota for lease of space in Room 260, City Hall Annex, for use by the Pollution Control Agency as a carbon monoxide monitoring facility, is hereby approved for execution on behalf of the City by the Mayor, City Clerk and Director of the Department of Finance and Manage- ment Services. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hozza Finan nd ent Services Hunt In Favor � ! Levine Maad°" __ Against B McM11ahOn Showalter Tedesco p 1979 Form Approved by City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Nnv _L�.__ � Certified Y•s e Council S etar BY B� - ' orove 'Navor: Da e �" ' Ap ved by Mayor for Subm s to Ceuncil --�1�-- – — B �t�t�sx�b ,';;�,� 2 "� i979 �-,,;<� � ����'.� . � n > > ��:: ,. . w�.a� i: `�;, -..r" �...v�m,n: . '�'' CITY OF SAINT PAUL `1�..��CjTY ��p� _ •t�� ��/''ii ""' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 'o .� a�; ;.� iiii�i�ii ii �: <:� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY . +ee• ,. ` � 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 '^•m�c�..�oo`` . 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR October 11, 1979 To: Richard Manning, Property Manager From: Cheryl Coughlan�C� Re: State of Minnesota Lease 6266 Transmitted herewith are four copies of Minnesota Lease 6266 between the State of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul, together with a Council Resolution authorizing execution of same. As per our telephone conversation of yesterday, I contacted Al Dorich of the State' s Real Estate Management Department. �Ir. Dorich indicated that paragraph 7 of the proposed lease should have contained a reference to the duration and terms of any lease renewal. I have made the necessary changes in this paragraph with Mr. Dorich' s concurrence. Please contact me if I may be of any further assistance. Encs. ����i��� Q�T �2 1919 ��� ��r���� ,p . c� �� i2,/�.s�s �.v.s ��a/�r� , ;EXPl.RNAtION f� ADM3MISTRA7IVE F�D�R3� R 0 U 3OM�' ANfl ORD :A1 � ; ' , ��r�f��� ' . , .Qatet Octbber 24, 19�9 : , : : y� , ��������� � �Ttls MAYOR G�ECtt��E LATINt�R �}�• � � � -' T�tUs Berr�ard J. Carl�on = ���, ` FR; Richard L. Mannin���,�f� � �� ..,�.- REt 5�.ate of .Minnesota Lease 6266 . - ' AC,�ON RE�UE�TEC1s Cc��il� artd e�cuti.ve �ct�c�n oa this leaas wi�3.�. e�nta,�tu� �he ; .+� �n n��W w •Ir�..� . . present l:ease for a carb� monoxa:de �nitoring stert�on in t�e�City Ha��. An�iex. , Ak1FRPOSE AA1D RA7IQAIA� �QR.IH�,S, ACT�OAtt This is the continuation o� the c�r�,ant 7.ea$� : ' ,�� � �.. , , .y. . ._........ o'�"�'�c"�'�a�y �or a cne-year peryod witti opt�:Qn to renew for an addi�ional �€ear. The carbon monaxide �anito� is a public servi.ce. It uses a m5.nimal space in the A,n�e�c seccnd floor. � - '. : •�...�,�,�}�1FNT�t Four epPies of the l�ase " � Resolution ��� �ks������ M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Richard Manning Property Manager FROM: Edward P. Starr City Attorney DATE: October 2, 1979 I have received your letter of september 25, 1979 ���t�x�x��as����xx�s�$�a�x�� concerning State of . Minnesota Lease 6266 - City Hall Annex _ _.._.__._ ' Ms. cheryl P. cou h --- n�,- � office has been assigned to prepare this mat er by october 16 . W kload, vacation schedules or other' problems s deadline not being met, but if not, I have asked the assigned attorney to communicate with you in � writing as to his or her progress with your request. If our proposed deadline does not meet your needs, please advise me or John Martin, and we wi11 try to accommodate circumstances which require special consideration. �t_. �,t' �t,�" EPS:jr R���' Y L� • OCT 21y/� P�OPERTY A�ANAGEMENT. ����,�, i� _ � 7 `� ��