273936 wH�TE — cirr c�eRK C011IIC11 ��(����
�l ' C ' Resolution
� �
Presented By
Referred To � C i . ate
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Independent School District No. 625 has declared the Mattocks School
site as surplus school property; and
�IHEREAS, the recently adopted Park and Recreation Plan for the City of
Saint Paul identifies Mattocks School site as an appropriate location for passive
recreation space in the District 14/Macalester Groveland corranunity; and
Ir�HEREAS, neighborhood organizations have studied and asked that the Mattocks
School site be developed as a passive recreational area (no building construction and
no city staff assigned to the site to operate formal recreation programs) ; and
�IHEREAS, the "Saint Paul Capital Allocation Policy: 1980" document contains
2 policies that pertain to the proposal for the city to acquire and develop the
Mattock's School site:
J. Generally, the City will consider budgeting acquisition funding
for new projects under the following conditions:
2c) If the property being acquired has tax exempt status and
the proposed use has been clearly identified and is
consistent with adopted City plans, policies, and priorities
for capital expenditure.
R. Given the City's fiscal constraints it is desirable to allocate
municipal capital to projects in 1980 which will not result in a
net increase in City operating and maintenance responsibilities.
WHEREAS, the City Council requested the administration to conduct a cost impact
study, and the Mattocks School Building Report dated October 23, 1979, was transmitted
to City Council with the Mayor's recommendation to acquia^e the site; now, therefore,
be it
RESOIVED, Tfiat the proper city officials are authorized to notify Indep�ndent
School District 625 by November 1, 1979, that the City of Saint Paul desires to acquire
the Mattocks School site for public purpose to develop it as a neighborhood park and a
Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of:
Butler In Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
/�pproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ — BY
�@l'UE - MAVOR File NO.
! Co�ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 2
passive recreatio� area; and be it
RESOLVED, That the Division of Parks and Recreation, after receiving title for
the property, board up and secure the building until it can be demolished and that no
operating expenses be incurred at the site as there is no money available in the
City's current budgets for a new service activity; and be it,
RESOLVED, That the Division of Parks and Recreation submit budget requests in the
1980 Unified Capital Improvement Program and Budget Process to:
1. Demolish the building and fill the site ($62,000) and comnence design
studies which will involve neighborhood imput ($18,000) at an estimated total
cost of $80,000;
2. And that for the year following first budget funding that $155,000 be
requested for site development and inspection;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the design process for the development of the site recognize the
1. A need for both park area and passive recreation area with an understand-
ing that no building will be constructed and that no parks and recreation
staff will be assigned to the site to operate formal recreation programs:
2. That a comnittment to finance annual operation and maintenance activities
for the site, once it is developed, will be limited to approximately
$4,000 per year for part time grounds maintenance and $1,500 per year
for utilities and supplies
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
KXXXxx��� McMahon � In Favor U I Y SERVICES
Hunt �
Levine _ 0 __ Against BY •
s r Acting Director
edesco Form Ap oved b ity Attorney
Ad ted by Counc' . Date nr7 � �i 1479 G��
ertified Ya_ d b Council ecret�ty
�1ppr v by Vlavor. D _v � A r d y Mayor for S m' iQn to Council
By — BY
��S�E� N OV 3 1979
. =� ����,;�
iiii�e ii ii
�Y�$ (612) 298-4323
October 24 , 1979
Council President Joanne Showalter
� and Members of the City Council
City Hall, Seventh Floor
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council Members :
On September 25, 1979, City Council passed Council Resolution
#273748 recognizing the need for neighborhood recreation
space in the vicinity of the Mattocks school site and asking
that the administration conduct a cost-impact study on the
proposai for the city to acquire and develop the Mattocks site.
I am transmitting the requested cost-impact report "Mattocks
School Building Report" dated October 23 , 1978 prepared by
the Division of Parks and Recreation.
After reviewing the requested report and consulting with
staff of the Planning Division, I am recommending that the
city acquire the Mattocks school site and develop it for
park and passive recreation use.
My recommendation is consistent with the "Saint Paul Capital
Allocation Policy: 1980" document as long as the development
of the site is designed to require a minimum amount of
annual maintenance and operating expenses.
I am transmitting a resolution that will direct the proper
city officials to notify the school district by November l,
1979 our desire to acquire the site for public purpose as
clearly identified.
R spectfu y subrnitted
cc: Mr. Thomas Kelley
Mr. Robert Piram
Mr. Richard Schroeder
Mr. Richard Manning
Mr. Edward Banai
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�L\1"02i (6l_i =fl8-43?3
October 24, 1979 �
Council President Joanne Showalter
and Members of the City Council
City Hall, Seventh Floor
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council Memb�rs:
On September 25, 1979, City Council passed Council Resolution
� #273748 recognizing the need for neighborhood recreatian
space in the vicinity of the Mattocks school site and asking
that the administration conduct a cost-impact study on the
proposal for the city to acquire and develop the Mattocks site.
�� . ���.�t�,g the �,�quested cost-impact report "iKattocks
Sahciol Building Report� dat�d October 23, I978 prepared by
� the Division of Parks and Recreation.
After reviewir�g the requested report and consulting with
staff of the Planning Division, I am re�m�ending t�at the
cit acquire the Mattocks school site and develop i"t far
pa�� arii� ��a��ive re�reation us�.'
My recommendation is consistent with the "Saint Paul Capital
Allocation Policy: 1980" document as long as the development
of the site is designed to require a minimum amount of
annual maintenance and operating expenses.
I. am tran�itting a resolutiori that will direct the proper
� city officials to notify the school district by November 1,
1979 our desire to acquire the site for public purpose as
clearly identified.
R spectful y submitted
cc: Mr. Thomas Kelley �
Mr. Robert Piram
Mr. Richard Schroeder
Mr. Richard blanning
Mr. Edward Banai
WHI7E - CiTV CLERK - � � .
B�-VE - MAYOF File NO. ,
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Independent School District No. 625 has declared the Mattacks School
site as surplus school property; and
V�HEREAS, the recently adopted Park and Recreation P1an for the City of
Saint Paul identifies Mattocks School site as an appropriate location for passive
recreation space in the District 14/Macalester Groveland comnunity; and
' 4�HEREAS, neighborhood organizations have studied and asked that the Mattocks
School sjte be developed as a passive recreational area (no building construction and
no city staff assigned to the site to operate formal recreation programs}; and
WHEREAS, the "Saint Paul Capita] Allocation Policy: 1980" document contains
2 policies that pertain to the proposal for the city to acquire and develop the
- Mattock's School site:
J. Generally, the City will consider budgeting acquisition funding
for new projects under the following conditions:
2c) If the property being acquired has tax exempt status and
the proposed use has been clearly identified and is
consistent with adopted City plans, policies, and priorities
� for capital expenditure.
R. Given the City's fiscal constraints it is desirable to aliocate
municipa] capital to projects in 1980 which wi11 not result in a
net increase in City operating and maintenance responsibTlities.
WHEREAS, the City Council requested the administration ta conduct a cost impact
study, and the Mattocks School Building Report dated October 23, 1979, was trartsmit�ed
to City Council with the Mayor's recommer�dation to acquire the site; now, therefare,
be i t
RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are authorized to notify Independent
School District 625 by Noverr��r 1, 1979, that the City of Saint Paui desires to acquir�
. the Mattocks School site for public purpose to develop it as a neighborhood park and a
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler [n Favor
Levine A gai n s t BY
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted hy Council: Date i
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by :Ylavor. Date _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�y - — BY
CINK - FINANCE G I TY. O F SA I NT PA IT L Council , � �
' 9LUE - MAVOR File NO.
Co�nc�l IZesolution
Presented By
RPferred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date --
Pa e 2
passive recreatio� area; and be it
RESOLVEQ, That the Division of Parks and Recreation, after receiving title for
the property, board up and secure the building until it can be demolishect and that no
. operating expenses be incurred at the site as there is na money available in the
City's current budgets for a riew service activity; and be it,
RESOLVED, That the Division of Parks and Rec"rea�ion submit budget requests in th�
1980 Unified Capital Improvement Program and Budget Process to:
. 1. Demolish the building and fill the site �$62,000) and comnence design
studies which will involve neighborhood imput ($18,000) at an estimated total
cost of $80,000;
2. And that for the year following first budget funding that $155,000 be
requested for site development and inspection;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the� design process for the development of the site recognize the
following: •
1. A need for both park area and passive recreation area with an understand-
ing that no building will be constructed and that no parks and recreation
staff will be assigned to the site to operate farmal recreation programs-
2. That a comnittm�nt to finance annuai operation and maintenance activities
for the site, once it is developed, will be limited to approximately
$4,000 per year for part time grounds maintenance and $].,500 per year
for utilities and supplies
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor n_ � �
Hunt ���
Izvine A gai nst gY
Showalter Acti ng Di rector
Tedesco Form Ap�oved b ity Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date � �
Certified Yassed by Cauncil Secretary �`�'�'�
B, -
Approved by :41avor: Date A r v d y Mayor for S m' ion to Council
� By BY
�. J ����y
� i�+♦•�_ijll �>�' .
w i_�'a°�e �:.,�
T0: George Latimer - `
FROM Robert Piram
SUBJECT: Mattocks School Building Report
DATE: October 23, 1979
As directed in the September 25 City Counci] Resolution (Number 273748) and the
October 4 letter from Peter Hames, this division has reviewed the status of
Mattocks School site. The following information regarding the acquisition,
development, and operation of the surplus school site has been campiled for your
� use. �
The market value appraisal of the 161,209 square foot site was out7ind in a
letter to Doug Ford from Jene Sigvertsen of the School District. The School
District's appraisal placed a value of $521,500 on the property if the land and
building were to be used as a school facility. Without the buiTding the resi-
. dentially zoned site was valued at $322,418. We can acquire the land from the
School District for $1.00.
Based on current information provided by Jene Sigvertsen af the School District,
the 1979-80 fiscal year b�dget for maintenance and operation of the facility as a
school is estimated at $47,000. .
. Budget items include:
Energy (steam heat, gas or oil fuei ) $I9,256.00
Security ' 534.00
Waste Removal 577.00
Janitars (1.5 FTE) 25,773.00
Other I,970.00
The school building has 26,000 gross square feet and 19,900 net square feet of
space divided into the following rooms:
2 Kindergartens
. 18 Classrooms
1 Gym
1 General Office
1 Health Suite
1 Teachers' Lounge
1 Principal 's Office
The Parks and Recreation Division has no use for the school buiiding and it would
be our recommendation that the building be demolished to clear the site far devel-
opment. Both the neighborhood and the division have proposed that the site be
_ developed as a passive recreation area. The total cost of $235,001 for development
of the site includes: '
d.. �
• 'i����l�
li.i �.�'A � y•�-,
George Latimer
Page 2
October 23, 1979 `
Preliminary Design $ 3,000.00
Construction Plan 15,000.00
Acquisition 1,00
Demolition 62,Oa0.00
Site Development , 150,000.00
Inspection 5,000.00
TOTAL 235,0O1.OG
The increased cost in the city budget for the maintenance and operation of the
passive recreation site will be about $5,500 per year. This includes a part time
groundsman ($4,000 per year) and utilities and supplies ($I,500 per year) to
maintain a passive recreation site with a floaded ice rink and lighted walkways.
Development of the Mattocks Schooi site as a passive park is specifically identi-
fied in and consistent with the Park and Recreation Master Plan recently adopted
by the City Council .
Please contact me if you require any additional information.
mk '
cc: Richard Manning
Douglas Ford
Gregory Blees
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i'�wit — Firin'.CE � .. COUTICII •"� `I �•�
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C'ou�acil �es�l�tio�
� r� . -;. , .� ��' -� � — �`�����
Presented Qy � i li, �'c '� %�`-�
Referred To Commi ttee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
:IttEP.E1�S , tfie Elattocks Sc��oal site ;sas bee� declared surp7us pro�erty
by Inde�t,�dent Schoot �istrict yG25, and
� �!l1Ei��aS, the� District 14 t� 15, and Parks and P1ay��rounds Goi:��re�ensive
P1ars call for passive park usage for tne site , and .
.JNE4EAS , ne�ghbors of . tl�e property have studied ar�ct aske3 t�tat th2
�la�tocks si te b�cone a recreati onal area (��i th no beci i di n� or for�al
recreatioiial proyra�n) , and
�lHE2EAS, a p]an is needei3 for desi�gn and fundirig of tfz� park, and
t�;}IEE:�i,S, t�� Council recognizes� the n�ed for ad;titional recreatianai
s��ce in that c�►:��:;�nity,
GE iT RESOLL'ED t;�at the ci�y Council requ�sts tlie ad�niclistration to
- con��ct a� cost i��act stucly, v�hic� �rould' ii�cTude costs for acquisition
and ��ev�7opc��nt, annuai operation ard r�3ir�tenance, aird ir�pact on tax
base; and to r�port its finclings r�ithin 3? days I�efo��e rejection or �
acceptance af th� +iattocks SchooI site, and
QE IT FU�Ti�ER i2E5OLVED tyat the adninistration work with tne con,�u:�ity
to hear their plans and answer th2ir concerns.
� -�- �ui�t� ks�, ebsfs , e.-�-
Yeas Na}•s / Requested by Depactment of:
—Bin�er ::c':a��an (
'� In Fa�•or
- llun.t � \ _
Lx�•ine _ J _ Against BY
Tedesco -
�Advpicd h�� Cuuncil: Date S�P 2 5 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney
- i
Certi(ird Yassed b�• Council Secretary BY ---- t ,
ppPro�•ed b�• 1lavor: Date _______ Approved by 4tayor for Subinission to Council
BY ---- ---- — BY -- —
- .