00-1123oRi��NA� Green Sheet # 10345 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, {NNESOTA 9/ '� . � Refened To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Adnunistrative Resolution establishing the rate pay for the unclassified position titled Administrative As 'stant-LIEP Dare 35 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the unclassified pq�ition titled Admiuistrative Assistant LIEP be that set forth in Grade 16 of the Employee Group 1�, Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it FiJRTHERRESOLVED, thattlus take effect and be in force beginning the first pay period following its passage and approval. Council File # � 0 + ��e�� Requested by Deparunent oE Senanav Blakey Bo�a� caleman I 3atris Ianhy Reiter Adopted bp Adoption G �' — Human Resources Office �y:�c ��,. � Form Apprwed by City Attomey ++�: ]�Y \\'� ' �� VT ��SIo{�� 1: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � by Council Secretary �p,�� , $Y� Approved by Mayoi: Date � GVS6azed�HRCOMI✓•ONVSHOCKLEYNdxmnPsstLlEPpayxes.wpd By: � AEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCQ.: HUMAN RFSOIJRCES CONTACIPERSON & PHONE: 30HI3 HAMII�TON 266-6470 ar JOI�N SHOCKI.EY 2G6-6482 1RRIBEOIJCODNCQ.AGEI�A 8Y(DATE) TOTAL# OF DATE INiTIATED � GREEN SHEET No.: 10345 io-oa-oo IHITWJDATE in�nnn�rr f6 .155[CavFD zcrrr.mo�sr � N06�EBFOB R0017NG 3F3NANQALSE0.Y ORDFdt •leAYOa(bRASSr.) ncrioa neQimsrEn: Reque.st approval of resoluti� establishing the tate of pay for the imclassified positi� titled Adnrinistrative Assistant LIEP m�ade 16 of the Eu�loyee Group i'T,1�Ion R�reseated City Manageas Salary Schedule. R&COL4�IDAIIONS: APA��� (� g�l� Pt) PLANNA*G CODM4.4SION CID COb4.4T1'SC CIVII. SERVi(:G CO2�A4S5 PERSONAL SII2VtCE CONTRACTS MOST ANS WER TH8 FOLLOW R�TG QIIEtiT10NS: 1. Hasihisp�/�evawtdcedimdaaemha�tfor9tisdepmnnm[? Ycc No 2. HasthispasoN6meva6cmnalymploya? Yes No s. nasthispmw/fimpossessadaumtmmeuse��br�r��rmm�ru? Yes No 4. IxihiaPa%m7f� atmg�iW vmda'! Y« No Espinin all yes aoawen on sepvau ehcet aod rttach W�een ahret ATI7ATING PROBLEM, ffiSOE� OPPORTONITY (R'h0. �aS �ro, ��n+�7)� The Office of Lic�ose, Inspecrions, and �vironmentat Protecti� (IdEP} has requested that the positi� titled Administrative Assistant-LIEP be established 'm the �mclassified seavice. This,position will be primarily resp�sible for coordination of the Mayor's Housing Initiative. Other responsibilities will be adnrinistraiive, to include confid�tial policy developx�t and complaint resolutiaa Similazly situated Administrative Assistant positions in the Deparm�t of Fire and Safety Services and the Police Deparm�t aze in the unclassi&ed service.(5ee attached request fromthe Director of LIEP, rt�ort, and advisory class snecification) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Approval of this resoluti� will establish equitable compensaiion for this newly created vnclassified Administratave Assistant position in the Office of LIEP. DtSADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: ���' DISADVANTA6ES II�' NOT APPROVED: Equitable comp�satiari will not be established for the position. TOTAI. AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: oone FUNDINGSOURCE: FINANCWLINFORMA170N: (EERPLAIN) cosrixEVExoE avncETm: ACTiVSTY NUMBER: cr,.r�,:r.,�w ..GT^ul'F±�,7�'� a0-l\�.3 �.tr�:_ c� � � vr a ` } ~ �` .~� � ...... % � . . ; . . �.. . _.. ... �. l.Mt 1 T � 9 �Q�IV�� "_ . R�3��r!�, ���t4�� 1 . �i, G�T ,_ ✓ oo-��a CfI'Y OF SAII9T PAUL INTERDEPARTMENi'AL MED40RANDUM September 15, 2000 To: John Hamilton, Human Resources D'uector John Shockley, Classification and Compensaiion Manager Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director (� 1 Re: Request For Appointment of Unclassi8ed Administtaiive Assistant This is a fiuther clarification of my eazlier memorandum on the need for an appointed unclassified administrative assistant position for the Office of LIEP. As you know, constnaction activity in the City continues at a record pace. 1999 was the fifth record year in a row with substantial increases in the nu.mber of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues and 2QOQ is ahead of last year's record pace. Unri11998, LIEP staff could handle the increased work load through efficiencies, worldng smarter, the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors and support staff. In 1998, it was necessary for us to add one pian reviewer, a building inspector, and a piumbing inspector to keep pace with the increase in the number of pernuts and inspections. The above mentioned three positions, plus a Project Facilitator II position in the 2000 budget, were the only increases in the total complement of LIEP staff since the Office was created in1942. (There was a transfer of three PED staff in 1995, who came with the responsibilities for site plan review, heritage preservation, and staffing the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. You may recall that these services were provided by PED with five and a half-fuil time staff, wlule LIEP absorbed the responsibilities wath the transfer of only three (3) FTE's). In addition, you also know we have created a number of new positions within our existing complement of staff, (System Aelp Desk, Project Facilitator I, ECLIPSlAMANDA Project Manager, PowerBuilder Programmer Traittee, LIEP Accountant, etc.) reduced the number of managers (Eliminating Dick Amey's and CCary Pechman's management positions), and achieved a number of significant improvements in our operations tbrough Pracess Redesign, again, all within our approved complement of staff. In 2000, our overall workload increased by more than 150% compared to 1994, wlrile our stafl' complement has increased by oniy b%; 3% if you do not count tfie staff transferred from PED who brought substantial new responsibilities with them. The 835 housing units in the pipeline for production this year represent a 700% increase over the average annuat figure for the past five years. And most significantly, new housing construction requires the most intensive inspection and oversight of all types of cons�uction. Ciearly, without ECLIPS/AMANDA we would be hopelessly buried, but even with the new system we are close to being overwheimed with work, and as a result we received appmval to add five new FTE's in 2000/2001 to keep pace with our workload. One of the positions added, was that of au *++;n;�five assistant whose primary responsibility is the coordination of the Mayor's Aousing Initiative, and other duties of an administrative nahue including complaint resolution, and policy formulation. We believe that this position should be designated as an unclassified, "will and pleasura" position because of the policy responsibilities inherent in the job. 7ohn Hamilton & 7ohn Shockley September 15, 2000 Page 2 O o -\��'!� In addition, an organizafion the size of LIEP, now )arger than 110 FTE's, justifies the need for another unclassified policy position to assist the director in carrying out the iaitiatives and directives of the administration. We believe that the LIEP D'uector should be able to appoint ane lugh level position who can articulate the Ad priorities and provide policy direction on general matters and specific direction on certain high prior'sty projects such as the housing initiative for the Office. Therefore, we aze seeking your support to bring this matter to the City Council for approval. Please let me I�ow if you need additional informatian, or if you have any questions or concems. c: Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor Mark Robertson, Human Resources Mike Foley, Human Resources Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Sheila Reed, LIEP Accountant LIEP Senior Managers , •; .G_ %; _ � c .. - � 4 ,.. 5 . . � . - .;:-�. � CLASS4'ICATION STUDY REPORT POSITION STUDIID: Administrative Assistant INCUMBENT: Provisional STUDIED BY: John Shockley DATE STIIDIED: September 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Back2round o a •t�a3 In September of 2000, the Office of Aumaa Resources received a request from the Direckor of the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) to create a posirion tifled Adttunistrative Assistant in the unclassified sarvice. Section 12.03.1 of the City Charter establishes the Civil Service divisions of the City of Saint Paui. Section 12.03.2 states that the unclassified service shali consist of: Elected Officials, Department Heads, Secretary to the Mayor, the City Attorney, Deputy City Attorneys, and Assistant City Attorneys, the Fire Chie� the Police Chie� the E3uman Resources Director, the City Clerk, memhers of boards and com�nissions, and such additional positions as shall be assigned by ordinance to the unclassified service, with the consent of the Civil Service Commission. Stedv Comnonents Interview with the Director of LIEP Review of the City Charter Review of the duties and responsibilities of the position Comparison of the duties with other similar unclassified positions QES analysis of the position Job Description T}ris position has been created to perform highly skilled professional work as a confidentiat assistant to the Director of LIEP. The responsibilities include coordination of the Gity's Housing Initiatives, developing policies, pianning and implementing programs and speciai projects, complaint resolution, and coordinating administrative activities. General supervision is provided by the Director of LIEP. Supervision exexcised by the position is detemvned by the Director of APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURC'ES DIRECTOR O b �tl a'3 T"�p and may include technicaUor general supervision over assigned staff Spec3fic duties that may be performed are descnbed ia the attached advisory claass specification �om�rison to Other Posifions T4ie duties that have been assigned to the position in question are consistent with those of other positions titled Administrative Assistant that have been placed in the unclassified service. There aze no specific criteriafor determiningwhethzrpositions should or shouidn'ibeplacedintheunclassified service in accordaace with the provisions ofthe City Charter. Positions that have been placed in the unciassified service have either reported directly to the Mayor, had responsibility for carrying aut the initiatives of the Mayor's Adminisuation or the Ciry Councii, or reported directly to a departmeirt head and provided assistance ia carrying out such activities. Such positions have also beea assigned to perfocm policy development, long range planning, and other administrative activities under the confidential direction of a departrnent head. There are similar unciassified positions titled Administrative Assistant in the Police Departrnent and the Fire Depattment. There is aiso a vacant unclassified Adminisu�ative Assistant position in the Housing Code Enforcement unit. In the past, there were similar unclassified gositions, titled Administrative Assistant, in the Departmem of Planning and Economic Developmem, and the former Department of Finance and Management Services. Other similar unciassified positions created by ordinance ofthe City Council have been the Special Events Coordinator, the Energy Conservation Speciaiist, Financiai Analysts and Policy Ana(ysts, Legai Assistants, and Legislative Aides. 9. E. S. Evaluation and Anat� Z'he QES anatysis supports assigning the position to grade 16 of the Nontepresented City Managers Sa1ary Schedule. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the Administrative Assistant class and assigned to grade 16 of the Nonrepresented City Managers Salary Schedule. Proposed Title of Class: Code' 1268 0 0� 11a3 �DMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANI'-LIEP BU: 17 Effertive: 1 ��r- - i�� . � u-.. Peaforms responsi'ble and highly sidlled pmfessi�al administrative worlc in providing staffaSSistance to, management in the Office of License, Inspedions and Fnvironmental Protection (I.TEP) includin8 Poli�3' developme�, P�8 ��PI��B Progazns and projects, and coordinating administrative activities; and gerforms other relaxed d�es as assigned. � lw � � '�t' . .. ,. .�.:. . � ,.� � i «.. , i�• . .� �, �. ,. .., : TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�camples may nar include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Director in developing, planning, and implementing Office of LIEP programs, projects, policies and procedures. Provides management and coordination of special projecis and initiatives relating to building pernriu. Plans and coordinates administmtive acavitiea such as hurtian resources, budget pceparation aad cointrd, management information systems, and speciat wanagdnent projects. Studies aad evaluates various phases of the Office of LIEP operations in order to create new systems or revise estahlished procedures for an efficiea� an�d effective opuation. Pmvides research and analysis needed for managemem planning, problem solving, progrem evaluation, and decision making. PrePazes rePorts and recommendations on a wide variety of subjeds or issues as assigned. Investigates complaints regarding office activiries and prepazes formal responses to inquiries or requests for infonnation. Writes or edits reports aad correspondence prior to release or publication. Provides general and technical iaformation tegarding office fiusdions and policies to the public, state and lopi agencies and iesponds to inquiries or requests for inforn�arion. Provides liaison with city departments, laal nnits ofgovernment, pnblic aad private agencies, news media, neighborhood and community groups, business leaders, business associations, and trac� unions. Provides staff support to the Business Review Council and other councils and/or committees. (ADMINIS'TRATIVE rLSSISTAIVT-LIEP) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Cade: 126B ADMIIdISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-LIEP BU: 17 O O—\ �'i�', Effedive: Represerns the office at various committees and meetings to pmvide data � curreat issues and to participate ia developing responses. "�.. . L� �� �U �•`J .11 1�0 .1• • 1�1 V �>�. 41�111. YY. � R�%� 1 A 11L\0 n 1.C.1JlJa..� �11WLJa �� • r-`� Al\L 1i�1�lCD ll.�l\�.� r_� Considetable ]mowledge of current management and leadership theories and principles. C�siderable l�owledge of Office of LIEP and City of Saint Paul fiinctiions, strucwre, policies, procedures, and resources. C�siderabie ability to coordinate, plan, and organize work Considerable abiliry to conduct research aad analysis. Considecable ability to analyze and solve problems. Considerable ability to prepare and prese� comprehensive reports and recommendations. Considerabie ability to plan and impiemem special projects. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people and groups including management, employees, other city departments, public and privaie agencies, the news media, and tl�e general pnblic. C�siderable ability to communicate effectively, both onlly and in writing, and to make presentation to individuals and/or groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in managemem, business administration, public administration, or a related field and four years of professional experience in responsble administrative work or an equivateut combination of educarion and/or experience. (ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-LIEP) Page 2 of 2 oRi��NA� Green Sheet # 10345 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, {NNESOTA 9/ '� . � Refened To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Adnunistrative Resolution establishing the rate pay for the unclassified position titled Administrative As 'stant-LIEP Dare 35 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the unclassified pq�ition titled Admiuistrative Assistant LIEP be that set forth in Grade 16 of the Employee Group 1�, Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it FiJRTHERRESOLVED, thattlus take effect and be in force beginning the first pay period following its passage and approval. Council File # � 0 + ��e�� Requested by Deparunent oE Senanav Blakey Bo�a� caleman I 3atris Ianhy Reiter Adopted bp Adoption G �' — Human Resources Office �y:�c ��,. � Form Apprwed by City Attomey ++�: ]�Y \\'� ' �� VT ��SIo{�� 1: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � by Council Secretary �p,�� , $Y� Approved by Mayoi: Date � GVS6azed�HRCOMI✓•ONVSHOCKLEYNdxmnPsstLlEPpayxes.wpd By: � AEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCQ.: HUMAN RFSOIJRCES CONTACIPERSON & PHONE: 30HI3 HAMII�TON 266-6470 ar JOI�N SHOCKI.EY 2G6-6482 1RRIBEOIJCODNCQ.AGEI�A 8Y(DATE) TOTAL# OF DATE INiTIATED � GREEN SHEET No.: 10345 io-oa-oo IHITWJDATE in�nnn�rr f6 .155[CavFD zcrrr.mo�sr � N06�EBFOB R0017NG 3F3NANQALSE0.Y ORDFdt •leAYOa(bRASSr.) ncrioa neQimsrEn: Reque.st approval of resoluti� establishing the tate of pay for the imclassified positi� titled Adnrinistrative Assistant LIEP m�ade 16 of the Eu�loyee Group i'T,1�Ion R�reseated City Manageas Salary Schedule. R&COL4�IDAIIONS: APA��� (� g�l� Pt) PLANNA*G CODM4.4SION CID COb4.4T1'SC CIVII. SERVi(:G CO2�A4S5 PERSONAL SII2VtCE CONTRACTS MOST ANS WER TH8 FOLLOW R�TG QIIEtiT10NS: 1. Hasihisp�/�evawtdcedimdaaemha�tfor9tisdepmnnm[? Ycc No 2. HasthispasoN6meva6cmnalymploya? Yes No s. nasthispmw/fimpossessadaumtmmeuse��br�r��rmm�ru? Yes No 4. IxihiaPa%m7f� atmg�iW vmda'! Y« No Espinin all yes aoawen on sepvau ehcet aod rttach W�een ahret ATI7ATING PROBLEM, ffiSOE� OPPORTONITY (R'h0. �aS �ro, ��n+�7)� The Office of Lic�ose, Inspecrions, and �vironmentat Protecti� (IdEP} has requested that the positi� titled Administrative Assistant-LIEP be established 'm the �mclassified seavice. This,position will be primarily resp�sible for coordination of the Mayor's Housing Initiative. Other responsibilities will be adnrinistraiive, to include confid�tial policy developx�t and complaint resolutiaa Similazly situated Administrative Assistant positions in the Deparm�t of Fire and Safety Services and the Police Deparm�t aze in the unclassi&ed service.(5ee attached request fromthe Director of LIEP, rt�ort, and advisory class snecification) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Approval of this resoluti� will establish equitable compensaiion for this newly created vnclassified Administratave Assistant position in the Office of LIEP. DtSADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: ���' DISADVANTA6ES II�' NOT APPROVED: Equitable comp�satiari will not be established for the position. TOTAI. AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: oone FUNDINGSOURCE: FINANCWLINFORMA170N: (EERPLAIN) cosrixEVExoE avncETm: ACTiVSTY NUMBER: cr,.r�,:r.,�w ..GT^ul'F±�,7�'� a0-l\�.3 �.tr�:_ c� � � vr a ` } ~ �` .~� � ...... % � . . ; . . �.. . _.. ... �. l.Mt 1 T � 9 �Q�IV�� "_ . R�3��r!�, ���t4�� 1 . �i, G�T ,_ ✓ oo-��a CfI'Y OF SAII9T PAUL INTERDEPARTMENi'AL MED40RANDUM September 15, 2000 To: John Hamilton, Human Resources D'uector John Shockley, Classification and Compensaiion Manager Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director (� 1 Re: Request For Appointment of Unclassi8ed Administtaiive Assistant This is a fiuther clarification of my eazlier memorandum on the need for an appointed unclassified administrative assistant position for the Office of LIEP. As you know, constnaction activity in the City continues at a record pace. 1999 was the fifth record year in a row with substantial increases in the nu.mber of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues and 2QOQ is ahead of last year's record pace. Unri11998, LIEP staff could handle the increased work load through efficiencies, worldng smarter, the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors and support staff. In 1998, it was necessary for us to add one pian reviewer, a building inspector, and a piumbing inspector to keep pace with the increase in the number of pernuts and inspections. The above mentioned three positions, plus a Project Facilitator II position in the 2000 budget, were the only increases in the total complement of LIEP staff since the Office was created in1942. (There was a transfer of three PED staff in 1995, who came with the responsibilities for site plan review, heritage preservation, and staffing the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. You may recall that these services were provided by PED with five and a half-fuil time staff, wlule LIEP absorbed the responsibilities wath the transfer of only three (3) FTE's). In addition, you also know we have created a number of new positions within our existing complement of staff, (System Aelp Desk, Project Facilitator I, ECLIPSlAMANDA Project Manager, PowerBuilder Programmer Traittee, LIEP Accountant, etc.) reduced the number of managers (Eliminating Dick Amey's and CCary Pechman's management positions), and achieved a number of significant improvements in our operations tbrough Pracess Redesign, again, all within our approved complement of staff. In 2000, our overall workload increased by more than 150% compared to 1994, wlrile our stafl' complement has increased by oniy b%; 3% if you do not count tfie staff transferred from PED who brought substantial new responsibilities with them. The 835 housing units in the pipeline for production this year represent a 700% increase over the average annuat figure for the past five years. And most significantly, new housing construction requires the most intensive inspection and oversight of all types of cons�uction. Ciearly, without ECLIPS/AMANDA we would be hopelessly buried, but even with the new system we are close to being overwheimed with work, and as a result we received appmval to add five new FTE's in 2000/2001 to keep pace with our workload. One of the positions added, was that of au *++;n;�five assistant whose primary responsibility is the coordination of the Mayor's Aousing Initiative, and other duties of an administrative nahue including complaint resolution, and policy formulation. We believe that this position should be designated as an unclassified, "will and pleasura" position because of the policy responsibilities inherent in the job. 7ohn Hamilton & 7ohn Shockley September 15, 2000 Page 2 O o -\��'!� In addition, an organizafion the size of LIEP, now )arger than 110 FTE's, justifies the need for another unclassified policy position to assist the director in carrying out the iaitiatives and directives of the administration. We believe that the LIEP D'uector should be able to appoint ane lugh level position who can articulate the Ad priorities and provide policy direction on general matters and specific direction on certain high prior'sty projects such as the housing initiative for the Office. Therefore, we aze seeking your support to bring this matter to the City Council for approval. Please let me I�ow if you need additional informatian, or if you have any questions or concems. c: Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor Mark Robertson, Human Resources Mike Foley, Human Resources Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Sheila Reed, LIEP Accountant LIEP Senior Managers , •; .G_ %; _ � c .. - � 4 ,.. 5 . . � . - .;:-�. � CLASS4'ICATION STUDY REPORT POSITION STUDIID: Administrative Assistant INCUMBENT: Provisional STUDIED BY: John Shockley DATE STIIDIED: September 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Back2round o a •t�a3 In September of 2000, the Office of Aumaa Resources received a request from the Direckor of the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) to create a posirion tifled Adttunistrative Assistant in the unclassified sarvice. Section 12.03.1 of the City Charter establishes the Civil Service divisions of the City of Saint Paui. Section 12.03.2 states that the unclassified service shali consist of: Elected Officials, Department Heads, Secretary to the Mayor, the City Attorney, Deputy City Attorneys, and Assistant City Attorneys, the Fire Chie� the Police Chie� the E3uman Resources Director, the City Clerk, memhers of boards and com�nissions, and such additional positions as shall be assigned by ordinance to the unclassified service, with the consent of the Civil Service Commission. Stedv Comnonents Interview with the Director of LIEP Review of the City Charter Review of the duties and responsibilities of the position Comparison of the duties with other similar unclassified positions QES analysis of the position Job Description T}ris position has been created to perform highly skilled professional work as a confidentiat assistant to the Director of LIEP. The responsibilities include coordination of the Gity's Housing Initiatives, developing policies, pianning and implementing programs and speciai projects, complaint resolution, and coordinating administrative activities. General supervision is provided by the Director of LIEP. Supervision exexcised by the position is detemvned by the Director of APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURC'ES DIRECTOR O b �tl a'3 T"�p and may include technicaUor general supervision over assigned staff Spec3fic duties that may be performed are descnbed ia the attached advisory claass specification �om�rison to Other Posifions T4ie duties that have been assigned to the position in question are consistent with those of other positions titled Administrative Assistant that have been placed in the unclassified service. There aze no specific criteriafor determiningwhethzrpositions should or shouidn'ibeplacedintheunclassified service in accordaace with the provisions ofthe City Charter. Positions that have been placed in the unciassified service have either reported directly to the Mayor, had responsibility for carrying aut the initiatives of the Mayor's Adminisuation or the Ciry Councii, or reported directly to a departmeirt head and provided assistance ia carrying out such activities. Such positions have also beea assigned to perfocm policy development, long range planning, and other administrative activities under the confidential direction of a departrnent head. There are similar unciassified positions titled Administrative Assistant in the Police Departrnent and the Fire Depattment. There is aiso a vacant unclassified Adminisu�ative Assistant position in the Housing Code Enforcement unit. In the past, there were similar unclassified gositions, titled Administrative Assistant, in the Departmem of Planning and Economic Developmem, and the former Department of Finance and Management Services. Other similar unciassified positions created by ordinance ofthe City Council have been the Special Events Coordinator, the Energy Conservation Speciaiist, Financiai Analysts and Policy Ana(ysts, Legai Assistants, and Legislative Aides. 9. E. S. Evaluation and Anat� Z'he QES anatysis supports assigning the position to grade 16 of the Nontepresented City Managers Sa1ary Schedule. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the Administrative Assistant class and assigned to grade 16 of the Nonrepresented City Managers Salary Schedule. Proposed Title of Class: Code' 1268 0 0� 11a3 �DMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANI'-LIEP BU: 17 Effertive: 1 ��r- - i�� . � u-.. Peaforms responsi'ble and highly sidlled pmfessi�al administrative worlc in providing staffaSSistance to, management in the Office of License, Inspedions and Fnvironmental Protection (I.TEP) includin8 Poli�3' developme�, P�8 ��PI��B Progazns and projects, and coordinating administrative activities; and gerforms other relaxed d�es as assigned. � lw � � '�t' . .. ,. .�.:. . � ,.� � i «.. , i�• . .� �, �. ,. .., : TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�camples may nar include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Director in developing, planning, and implementing Office of LIEP programs, projects, policies and procedures. Provides management and coordination of special projecis and initiatives relating to building pernriu. Plans and coordinates administmtive acavitiea such as hurtian resources, budget pceparation aad cointrd, management information systems, and speciat wanagdnent projects. Studies aad evaluates various phases of the Office of LIEP operations in order to create new systems or revise estahlished procedures for an efficiea� an�d effective opuation. Pmvides research and analysis needed for managemem planning, problem solving, progrem evaluation, and decision making. PrePazes rePorts and recommendations on a wide variety of subjeds or issues as assigned. Investigates complaints regarding office activiries and prepazes formal responses to inquiries or requests for infonnation. Writes or edits reports aad correspondence prior to release or publication. Provides general and technical iaformation tegarding office fiusdions and policies to the public, state and lopi agencies and iesponds to inquiries or requests for inforn�arion. Provides liaison with city departments, laal nnits ofgovernment, pnblic aad private agencies, news media, neighborhood and community groups, business leaders, business associations, and trac� unions. Provides staff support to the Business Review Council and other councils and/or committees. (ADMINIS'TRATIVE rLSSISTAIVT-LIEP) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Cade: 126B ADMIIdISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-LIEP BU: 17 O O—\ �'i�', Effedive: Represerns the office at various committees and meetings to pmvide data � curreat issues and to participate ia developing responses. "�.. . L� �� �U �•`J .11 1�0 .1• • 1�1 V �>�. 41�111. YY. � R�%� 1 A 11L\0 n 1.C.1JlJa..� �11WLJa �� • r-`� Al\L 1i�1�lCD ll.�l\�.� r_� Considetable ]mowledge of current management and leadership theories and principles. C�siderable l�owledge of Office of LIEP and City of Saint Paul fiinctiions, strucwre, policies, procedures, and resources. C�siderabie ability to coordinate, plan, and organize work Considerable abiliry to conduct research aad analysis. Considecable ability to analyze and solve problems. Considerable ability to prepare and prese� comprehensive reports and recommendations. Considerabie ability to plan and impiemem special projects. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people and groups including management, employees, other city departments, public and privaie agencies, the news media, and tl�e general pnblic. C�siderable ability to communicate effectively, both onlly and in writing, and to make presentation to individuals and/or groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in managemem, business administration, public administration, or a related field and four years of professional experience in responsble administrative work or an equivateut combination of educarion and/or experience. (ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-LIEP) Page 2 of 2 oRi��NA� Green Sheet # 10345 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, {NNESOTA 9/ '� . � Refened To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Adnunistrative Resolution establishing the rate pay for the unclassified position titled Administrative As 'stant-LIEP Dare 35 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the unclassified pq�ition titled Admiuistrative Assistant LIEP be that set forth in Grade 16 of the Employee Group 1�, Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it FiJRTHERRESOLVED, thattlus take effect and be in force beginning the first pay period following its passage and approval. Council File # � 0 + ��e�� Requested by Deparunent oE Senanav Blakey Bo�a� caleman I 3atris Ianhy Reiter Adopted bp Adoption G �' — Human Resources Office �y:�c ��,. � Form Apprwed by City Attomey ++�: ]�Y \\'� ' �� VT ��SIo{�� 1: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � by Council Secretary �p,�� , $Y� Approved by Mayoi: Date � GVS6azed�HRCOMI✓•ONVSHOCKLEYNdxmnPsstLlEPpayxes.wpd By: � AEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCQ.: HUMAN RFSOIJRCES CONTACIPERSON & PHONE: 30HI3 HAMII�TON 266-6470 ar JOI�N SHOCKI.EY 2G6-6482 1RRIBEOIJCODNCQ.AGEI�A 8Y(DATE) TOTAL# OF DATE INiTIATED � GREEN SHEET No.: 10345 io-oa-oo IHITWJDATE in�nnn�rr f6 .155[CavFD zcrrr.mo�sr � N06�EBFOB R0017NG 3F3NANQALSE0.Y ORDFdt •leAYOa(bRASSr.) ncrioa neQimsrEn: Reque.st approval of resoluti� establishing the tate of pay for the imclassified positi� titled Adnrinistrative Assistant LIEP m�ade 16 of the Eu�loyee Group i'T,1�Ion R�reseated City Manageas Salary Schedule. R&COL4�IDAIIONS: APA��� (� g�l� Pt) PLANNA*G CODM4.4SION CID COb4.4T1'SC CIVII. SERVi(:G CO2�A4S5 PERSONAL SII2VtCE CONTRACTS MOST ANS WER TH8 FOLLOW R�TG QIIEtiT10NS: 1. Hasihisp�/�evawtdcedimdaaemha�tfor9tisdepmnnm[? Ycc No 2. HasthispasoN6meva6cmnalymploya? Yes No s. nasthispmw/fimpossessadaumtmmeuse��br�r��rmm�ru? Yes No 4. IxihiaPa%m7f� atmg�iW vmda'! Y« No Espinin all yes aoawen on sepvau ehcet aod rttach W�een ahret ATI7ATING PROBLEM, ffiSOE� OPPORTONITY (R'h0. �aS �ro, ��n+�7)� The Office of Lic�ose, Inspecrions, and �vironmentat Protecti� (IdEP} has requested that the positi� titled Administrative Assistant-LIEP be established 'm the �mclassified seavice. This,position will be primarily resp�sible for coordination of the Mayor's Housing Initiative. Other responsibilities will be adnrinistraiive, to include confid�tial policy developx�t and complaint resolutiaa Similazly situated Administrative Assistant positions in the Deparm�t of Fire and Safety Services and the Police Deparm�t aze in the unclassi&ed service.(5ee attached request fromthe Director of LIEP, rt�ort, and advisory class snecification) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Approval of this resoluti� will establish equitable compensaiion for this newly created vnclassified Administratave Assistant position in the Office of LIEP. DtSADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: ���' DISADVANTA6ES II�' NOT APPROVED: Equitable comp�satiari will not be established for the position. TOTAI. AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: oone FUNDINGSOURCE: FINANCWLINFORMA170N: (EERPLAIN) cosrixEVExoE avncETm: ACTiVSTY NUMBER: cr,.r�,:r.,�w ..GT^ul'F±�,7�'� a0-l\�.3 �.tr�:_ c� � � vr a ` } ~ �` .~� � ...... % � . . ; . . �.. . _.. ... �. l.Mt 1 T � 9 �Q�IV�� "_ . R�3��r!�, ���t4�� 1 . �i, G�T ,_ ✓ oo-��a CfI'Y OF SAII9T PAUL INTERDEPARTMENi'AL MED40RANDUM September 15, 2000 To: John Hamilton, Human Resources D'uector John Shockley, Classification and Compensaiion Manager Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director (� 1 Re: Request For Appointment of Unclassi8ed Administtaiive Assistant This is a fiuther clarification of my eazlier memorandum on the need for an appointed unclassified administrative assistant position for the Office of LIEP. As you know, constnaction activity in the City continues at a record pace. 1999 was the fifth record year in a row with substantial increases in the nu.mber of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues and 2QOQ is ahead of last year's record pace. Unri11998, LIEP staff could handle the increased work load through efficiencies, worldng smarter, the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors and support staff. In 1998, it was necessary for us to add one pian reviewer, a building inspector, and a piumbing inspector to keep pace with the increase in the number of pernuts and inspections. The above mentioned three positions, plus a Project Facilitator II position in the 2000 budget, were the only increases in the total complement of LIEP staff since the Office was created in1942. (There was a transfer of three PED staff in 1995, who came with the responsibilities for site plan review, heritage preservation, and staffing the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. You may recall that these services were provided by PED with five and a half-fuil time staff, wlule LIEP absorbed the responsibilities wath the transfer of only three (3) FTE's). In addition, you also know we have created a number of new positions within our existing complement of staff, (System Aelp Desk, Project Facilitator I, ECLIPSlAMANDA Project Manager, PowerBuilder Programmer Traittee, LIEP Accountant, etc.) reduced the number of managers (Eliminating Dick Amey's and CCary Pechman's management positions), and achieved a number of significant improvements in our operations tbrough Pracess Redesign, again, all within our approved complement of staff. In 2000, our overall workload increased by more than 150% compared to 1994, wlrile our stafl' complement has increased by oniy b%; 3% if you do not count tfie staff transferred from PED who brought substantial new responsibilities with them. The 835 housing units in the pipeline for production this year represent a 700% increase over the average annuat figure for the past five years. And most significantly, new housing construction requires the most intensive inspection and oversight of all types of cons�uction. Ciearly, without ECLIPS/AMANDA we would be hopelessly buried, but even with the new system we are close to being overwheimed with work, and as a result we received appmval to add five new FTE's in 2000/2001 to keep pace with our workload. One of the positions added, was that of au *++;n;�five assistant whose primary responsibility is the coordination of the Mayor's Aousing Initiative, and other duties of an administrative nahue including complaint resolution, and policy formulation. We believe that this position should be designated as an unclassified, "will and pleasura" position because of the policy responsibilities inherent in the job. 7ohn Hamilton & 7ohn Shockley September 15, 2000 Page 2 O o -\��'!� In addition, an organizafion the size of LIEP, now )arger than 110 FTE's, justifies the need for another unclassified policy position to assist the director in carrying out the iaitiatives and directives of the administration. We believe that the LIEP D'uector should be able to appoint ane lugh level position who can articulate the Ad priorities and provide policy direction on general matters and specific direction on certain high prior'sty projects such as the housing initiative for the Office. Therefore, we aze seeking your support to bring this matter to the City Council for approval. Please let me I�ow if you need additional informatian, or if you have any questions or concems. c: Susan Kimberly, Deputy Mayor Mark Robertson, Human Resources Mike Foley, Human Resources Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Sheila Reed, LIEP Accountant LIEP Senior Managers , •; .G_ %; _ � c .. - � 4 ,.. 5 . . � . - .;:-�. � CLASS4'ICATION STUDY REPORT POSITION STUDIID: Administrative Assistant INCUMBENT: Provisional STUDIED BY: John Shockley DATE STIIDIED: September 2000 PERSONS CONTACTED: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Back2round o a •t�a3 In September of 2000, the Office of Aumaa Resources received a request from the Direckor of the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP) to create a posirion tifled Adttunistrative Assistant in the unclassified sarvice. Section 12.03.1 of the City Charter establishes the Civil Service divisions of the City of Saint Paui. Section 12.03.2 states that the unclassified service shali consist of: Elected Officials, Department Heads, Secretary to the Mayor, the City Attorney, Deputy City Attorneys, and Assistant City Attorneys, the Fire Chie� the Police Chie� the E3uman Resources Director, the City Clerk, memhers of boards and com�nissions, and such additional positions as shall be assigned by ordinance to the unclassified service, with the consent of the Civil Service Commission. Stedv Comnonents Interview with the Director of LIEP Review of the City Charter Review of the duties and responsibilities of the position Comparison of the duties with other similar unclassified positions QES analysis of the position Job Description T}ris position has been created to perform highly skilled professional work as a confidentiat assistant to the Director of LIEP. The responsibilities include coordination of the Gity's Housing Initiatives, developing policies, pianning and implementing programs and speciai projects, complaint resolution, and coordinating administrative activities. General supervision is provided by the Director of LIEP. Supervision exexcised by the position is detemvned by the Director of APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURC'ES DIRECTOR O b �tl a'3 T"�p and may include technicaUor general supervision over assigned staff Spec3fic duties that may be performed are descnbed ia the attached advisory claass specification �om�rison to Other Posifions T4ie duties that have been assigned to the position in question are consistent with those of other positions titled Administrative Assistant that have been placed in the unclassified service. There aze no specific criteriafor determiningwhethzrpositions should or shouidn'ibeplacedintheunclassified service in accordaace with the provisions ofthe City Charter. Positions that have been placed in the unciassified service have either reported directly to the Mayor, had responsibility for carrying aut the initiatives of the Mayor's Adminisuation or the Ciry Councii, or reported directly to a departmeirt head and provided assistance ia carrying out such activities. Such positions have also beea assigned to perfocm policy development, long range planning, and other administrative activities under the confidential direction of a departrnent head. There are similar unciassified positions titled Administrative Assistant in the Police Departrnent and the Fire Depattment. There is aiso a vacant unclassified Adminisu�ative Assistant position in the Housing Code Enforcement unit. In the past, there were similar unclassified gositions, titled Administrative Assistant, in the Departmem of Planning and Economic Developmem, and the former Department of Finance and Management Services. Other similar unciassified positions created by ordinance ofthe City Council have been the Special Events Coordinator, the Energy Conservation Speciaiist, Financiai Analysts and Policy Ana(ysts, Legai Assistants, and Legislative Aides. 9. E. S. Evaluation and Anat� Z'he QES anatysis supports assigning the position to grade 16 of the Nontepresented City Managers Sa1ary Schedule. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the Administrative Assistant class and assigned to grade 16 of the Nonrepresented City Managers Salary Schedule. Proposed Title of Class: Code' 1268 0 0� 11a3 �DMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANI'-LIEP BU: 17 Effertive: 1 ��r- - i�� . � u-.. Peaforms responsi'ble and highly sidlled pmfessi�al administrative worlc in providing staffaSSistance to, management in the Office of License, Inspedions and Fnvironmental Protection (I.TEP) includin8 Poli�3' developme�, P�8 ��PI��B Progazns and projects, and coordinating administrative activities; and gerforms other relaxed d�es as assigned. � lw � � '�t' . .. ,. .�.:. . � ,.� � i «.. , i�• . .� �, �. ,. .., : TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�camples may nar include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Director in developing, planning, and implementing Office of LIEP programs, projects, policies and procedures. Provides management and coordination of special projecis and initiatives relating to building pernriu. Plans and coordinates administmtive acavitiea such as hurtian resources, budget pceparation aad cointrd, management information systems, and speciat wanagdnent projects. Studies aad evaluates various phases of the Office of LIEP operations in order to create new systems or revise estahlished procedures for an efficiea� an�d effective opuation. Pmvides research and analysis needed for managemem planning, problem solving, progrem evaluation, and decision making. PrePazes rePorts and recommendations on a wide variety of subjeds or issues as assigned. Investigates complaints regarding office activiries and prepazes formal responses to inquiries or requests for infonnation. Writes or edits reports aad correspondence prior to release or publication. Provides general and technical iaformation tegarding office fiusdions and policies to the public, state and lopi agencies and iesponds to inquiries or requests for inforn�arion. Provides liaison with city departments, laal nnits ofgovernment, pnblic aad private agencies, news media, neighborhood and community groups, business leaders, business associations, and trac� unions. Provides staff support to the Business Review Council and other councils and/or committees. (ADMINIS'TRATIVE rLSSISTAIVT-LIEP) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Cade: 126B ADMIIdISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-LIEP BU: 17 O O—\ �'i�', Effedive: Represerns the office at various committees and meetings to pmvide data � curreat issues and to participate ia developing responses. "�.. . L� �� �U �•`J .11 1�0 .1• • 1�1 V �>�. 41�111. YY. � R�%� 1 A 11L\0 n 1.C.1JlJa..� �11WLJa �� • r-`� Al\L 1i�1�lCD ll.�l\�.� r_� Considetable ]mowledge of current management and leadership theories and principles. C�siderable l�owledge of Office of LIEP and City of Saint Paul fiinctiions, strucwre, policies, procedures, and resources. C�siderabie ability to coordinate, plan, and organize work Considerable abiliry to conduct research aad analysis. Considecable ability to analyze and solve problems. Considerable ability to prepare and prese� comprehensive reports and recommendations. Considerabie ability to plan and impiemem special projects. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people and groups including management, employees, other city departments, public and privaie agencies, the news media, and tl�e general pnblic. C�siderable ability to communicate effectively, both onlly and in writing, and to make presentation to individuals and/or groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in managemem, business administration, public administration, or a related field and four years of professional experience in responsble administrative work or an equivateut combination of educarion and/or experience. (ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-LIEP) Page 2 of 2