273925 WM17E - C�TV CLERK COURCII ������ PINK - FINANCE R CANARV..� DEPAR7MENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �LUE� - MAVOR � �� Flle NO. REPUI�N COPY TO VALUAT �U ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution C.F. 273523, adopted August 14, 1979, did vacate that section of public street loCated in the City of 5aint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: That portion of South Wheeler Street located between the north line of Morgan Avenue and the north line extended of Lot 1, Block 2, Granport Addition; and WHEREAS, said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities, public utility easements contained therein and thereon; and WHEREAS, the Council has been requested to waive the retained easements, and the affected City Departments, Northern States Power Company, and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have filed written certificates of intended non-use with the office of the City Clerk, which Certificates are incorporated herein by reference; and � WHEREAS, the affected City Departments aMd the above men- tioned utilities have consented to waive all their retained ease- ments in said vacated property as fully set forth in their certificates of intended non-use as heretofore mentioned; COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Fi�ance & 1� nt Servicea Hozza [n Favor Hunt D ir�etor Levine _ __ Against B Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary �� �`� 9� � By. _ /#pproved by 1rlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .. l�`i'�,.� BY — — BY __C� `r�.!L.� WMITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll �J����� PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE. � MAVOR � FIIe NO. RETtJRN COPY TO VALUATION BUREAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � -2- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 22.06 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code, as amended, does hereby waive, release and extin- guish the retained easements in the vacated public streets as specifically set forth in thi.s resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above mentioned waiver and release of said easements are for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public instrumentality. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: XS� McMahon Fina and Mana Services Hozza In Favor Hunt ry B Dire�tar' Levine __ Against - Maddox Sho esco ��19'�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt by Counc� . Date C rtified d by C cil SecreTary a�� �� 2�7� ♦ �1p o by iVlavor: e _ tl�+� � " ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY P�tts�E� N OV 3 1979 wMITE - C�Tr CIEpK /�. / y7�/.�/ �^��� OINK ��FIN�NCE ` COU�ICIl 2 !�) CANAR• - DEPARTMENT ������� SA I NT PAiTL "� v ,DLiE -M��OR O� File �0. � - a il solution � ������ , '�Z�i.e►�.+ �� .� � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date`� -- - � RESOLVED, That.upon the petition of Jam es P. Snavely and others, that section of public street hereinafter described, be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public street: • That portion of South Wheeler Street located between the north line of � Morgan Avenue and the north line � extended of Lot l, Block 2, Granport Addition; �_ subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations; 1. �That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That the petitioner be required to pay to the City the sum of $7,000.00 for the •vacation and to furnish the City with a bond in the amount . of $10,000.00. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Dep�rtment of: Yeas Nays � =��;:�- Ho,�a In Favor Hun t -�«�e_ � Against BY Maddox Showalter T`a`� AUG 1 4 1979 Form Approved by City Attocney Adopted by uuncil: Date . __ �,,sQ,tt.. ��1_,c- Ct:tii� Pa�acd Co nc' Approv d by v - . - . ' APP����y�I►a [a Sobai:sim to Co+reil :i;;��,� } .� By ey �., - `M:��: :;:F TF� HONORABI.E MAYOR AND MEI�+lBERS � OF T1� COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE _... The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights ia the follon,ring described realty; That portion of South Wheeler Street located - � north of Morgan Avenue and adjoining Lot 1, Block 2 and Lot 14, Block 1, all in Granport Addition. • Dated July 2 , 19 79 ' Director of Public Works City of Sa.int Pa.ul General Msnager, Water Department City of Saint Paul Northern States Poirer Compe.r�y � BY "_ �*_� �� (SEAL) �,,,,;,, �Torth�estern Bell Telephone Compaqy , '��,\;\IIJ;�� ',, �, �t �,� ,��'� . � '�I 1 i ,, F I �SLi'lJ.I, 'r` ,'?. � � ? '' RAMSEY COUNTY � , I�Ay Commhalon ExPUN Ap►.! 19b1 , . '`�`/; • �/ , ,;,, '•'tl�j�1"t'���,�•�\. . ���.,,,, . : y��, � �:-: . � ,. . ���- � � � :����:� THE HOI�ORABLE MAYOR AI�@ MEMBER3 � OF THE COUNCII, OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INl'ENDED NON USE .,.._ The undersigned hereby certi�r tha.t they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follawing described realty: that portion of 3outh Wheeler Street located north of Morgan Avenue and ad�joining Lot 1, Block 2, axid Lot 14, Block l, all in Granport Additivn. . � Dated J��y S � 19� � Director of Public Works City of Saint Pa.ul GeneYal Manager, i�e►ter Department City of Saint Pau�l Rorthern Statea Poi+er Compa.r�}r � .By (SEEIL) s North►�estern Bell Telephone Co�pa.qy By (SEpy} 4`; ' �r<y � TF� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS � OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL IrPI'ENDED NON-USE . _ The undersigned hereby certify tha.t they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follo�ring described. realty: that portion of Sauth Wheeler Street located north of Morgan Avenue and ad�joini.ng I,ot l, Block 2, and I,ot 1�+, Block l, a11. in Granport Addition. - Datea Ju1y 5 , 19�� " irector of ic ks City of Saint General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Pa.ul Horthern States Po�rer Compa.�r By (SEAL) � North�estern Bell Telephone Compa.n�y By (SEAL} � ���,. ��:��; . . . _�> t. k TF� HONORABLE MAYOR API1D MEMBERS � OF T� COUNCII, OF THE CERTI�'ICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDEA NON-USE .__ The undersigned hereby certit� tha.t they do not intend to exercise the�r utility easement rights in the follo�wing described rea].ty: That portion of South Wheeler Street located North of Morgan Avenue, and adjoining Lot 1, Block 2, Grandport Addition, and Lot 14, Block 1, Grandport - ' Addition. � Dated �v� � s 19 � � . - � ' Director of Public Woxks . _� . City of Saint Paul General Msnager, Water Department � City of Saint Paul Northern States Prnrer Compa�r � � By � (SEAL) � Northxestern Bell Telephone Company � . (SEAL) x . . � . ���� � �� _ � � , - . . �..�, ���:� � . . _ . STA'�'E OE� I4INNESOTA j: - . . ' - . : : . �- . . . ; ,� .- . . _ . . . .: . . . - � ss. . . . �- COUNTY` OF RAiYiSEY )' : � � �. . �. .� ,:� - ` . ' = : : . - � - . . . . On..this a� 7 — day of� . , . 19 79 , before me, a notary public ��ithin and fo said. Cocnty, " . _ � personally appeared R. E. Lu4er • � to me . -persona3.Iy kno�n, iaho being by me duly sworn, did say t�:a� . - � � he is the Di strict Manager-Di stri bution �of Iv'ORTF3�I+TES�.�^�.��T B�LL. TELEPhO�IE � . ,. - COI�iPANY, a corpora��ion, named in...tre foregoing ins�rument, and tha� the seal affixed ro said instrum�nic is �he corpoYai�e sea3. - : • af �said �c�rpoYation, _and fha� said insi.rement was signed and - sealzd in behalf of said corporaiciQn by authority of i�s Board �_ � �� -of DirectoY�s an.d said �CorporatTOn - - �� - =acknowled�zd - � said ins�rement to be the free act and deed of said corpor3t�on. � _ • . � � - �- C���c�/- ._. . • . . . Washington � • . � No�ary Public, �t�lln��i( Coun�y, 1�1inn.. ' � . riy cotnmissia:i�� expires�7' �� . . .. •. . � . ' at�aaAa,a�►aaa�u►c,iu+,:anaa.aa,Q�a�apqqaa� . � - . . �y `, ;,�T�t,s c� �a > . . 2 � �� „�t �,�, . , �„ �;=_sera � . ; i''�""b � s � ...1 � l: ..l i�J 1 Y. . � �'�+� f1 '` t�1y Cerrr..i���c:►C..;.,�.,r,:b.7,1935 � - — - x�n�nrvvvav ' � � . �� � . _� . . i '� ` . OM O1; 1�/I9t� � Rev. ; '9}8i76, �� s . ������: EXPLANATION OF ADMIN�STRATIVE ORDERS, � L , f�R N NCE ' R � C � 1VE�� OC� 'L 5 �979 . . MAYOR'S OfWC� � Date: (y�tcyber lo, 19►19 T0: 1�AYOR GEORGE L'ATIMER �� ' FR: d. 1�i�. Dc�cr�e�a, 5�.1. 8o Aasess. �gl.aeer, Depe�rt�ent ot Fi�sace S Ii���t � Ser�ric�s - �ct. 5317_ � � � �E: geler�aing oi Vtili�y Ea�seaemts a�s set terth in Coaa�il File �o. 273�3s � . ��8� ��� 1979� gl�'vv�ea. Angnst 16, 1979. � ACTION -REQUESTEQ: � Apprwsl for s�3ssion to City Ca�mcil. � � e � � �' r � � . `r �URPOSt AND RATItiNAIE F4R�THIS ACTION: ' ---�- T� relee�a� all utility eeaesenc�� in �r� descxibed in C.auacil 1►�1.e No. 5�73�3• . . � . . . � . . ... �S�?', . . . . . . . � � • . .. � ��� • � . . - - . -.'_¢::,. ATTACNMENTS; 1. Ct�incil Aeaolutio� �. Cc�rma31 File 273�3 3. Certit`ie�►�Ces c�f' Inteade� ltc��Tse (4) �'o�t�.l�ern �afies Pc�►er Cci., Ac�ort}�st.era ' Bell T�lsp� Co.,' Fqblic W�rls� Depe�rt�e�st_aa� t�a4ter L�ilit�r � • �. 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