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To: Joe�nne Shawalter, Cauncil President
and Members of the City Council
�From: J. Willia.m Donovan
Valuation and Assessment Engineer
Date: No�rember 26, 1979
Fetition of Darrell Butler for the vaca.tion of part
of Mystic Street. �
This office submitted a repar�t to the City Council, dated November 5, 1979� con-
cerning the above referenced sub�ect. T�t report recommen�ded denial of the
Subsequently, the Depa.rtmerrt of Public Works has submitted a revised report, re-
maving their ob�ection to the vacation, sub�ect to certain commitments by the
Shauld the Council on the basis of the public hearing:and the revised Public Works
report determine tbat the vacation be granted, the follawing conditions are
1. TY�t the description of the street to be vacated read as foll�rs:
The west 5 feet of NLystic Street� lying between a line
3 feet south of and parallel to the sauth line of Lot
38, Block 7, Burlington Hei.ghts, Division No. 2 Ramsey
Co. Minn., and a line 27 feet south of and parallel
to the south line of said Lot 38.
I 2. That the vacation be sub�ect to all the terms and conditions of
Ct�a,pter 228 of the St. Pe�ul Legisl�tive Code, as amended.
- ,? 3. That the petitioner, his heirs and assigns, agree that in the
event of a successflil Final Order calling for the3mprovement of
ad3acent l��ystic Street, the petitioner will comrey to the City
of St. Pa.ul all the la.nds being va.cated herein and also remwe
a structure built �rithin
the vacated area a11 at the petitioner's
cost a�d expense, said comreyance and removal to be campleted
within 90 days af`ter formal notification by the City.
3 4. The,t the petitioner agree to secure the necessary building permit
and waiver of set back req,uirements be�ore beginning garage con-
struction in the vacation area.
Telephone612/298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
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�� 5• That the petitioner pay to the City the s� of $88.00 as
campensation for the vacation.
� 6. That the petitioner flirnis h the City with a bond in the
amount of $10,000.00, and iudemnifies, defends, and holds
ha.rmless the City of St. Paul, its officers and employees
fro� a11 suits, actions, or claims of ar�y chara.cter, in-
cluding, but not limited to, a claim brought beca.use of
ar�y injuries, or dama�ges received or sustained by ar�y
person, persons or property, on accaunt of this vacation;
or because of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct
of said petitioner; or beca.use of a�y claim or liability
arising f�om or based on ar�y viola.tion of an�r ]aw or
regulation made in accordance with the lraw, whether by the
petitioner or any of his agents or employees. __,._,
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cc; 1�yor Geor�e Latimer
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! To: Joa.nne Sho�wa.lter, Council President
and Members of the �ity Cauncil
From: J. William Donovan
yaluation and Assessment En�ineer
� Date: Navember 5, 1979
Subject: Petition of Da.rrell Butler for the vacation of
part of Mystie Street that lies ad�acent to the
easterly portion of Lots 37 and 38, Block 7,
Burlington Heights Division 2.
Public Hearing - Navember 27, 1979
The petitioner, who owns the property abutting the proposed vacation area.,
desires this vacation in order to build a gaxa,ge on sa.id proposed vacation site.
The area to be vacated is 10 feet by 24 feet (240 square feet) arid is zoned
R-1. The petitioner sta.tes this is the only pla.ce to build the gara�e without
blocking the scenic vie�w f�an his house.
The Department of Public Works states that there is apparently adequate room
on the petitioner's c�wn property to construct a garage. While N�ystic Street
is a through street, it is presently urxusable south of the petitioner's praper-
ty due to the existence of a steep bluff. If the street were ever im�praved, a
cul-de-sac wauld probably be necessaxy near the petitioner's praperty and the
City wauld need all of the existing right-of way. Therefore, the Dep�rtmeut of
Public Works reca�nmends that the proposed vacation be denied.
Th�e �ter Utility states in its report that the street vacation as shvwn appea,rs
to permit private pro�perty w3thi.n 10 feet of the water main and even closer to
the Y�yclrant lead, based on information availa.ble to this office. It is their
standard to provide a minimum oF 15 feet of clearance between water mains and
private property. This standard keeps buildings at least 15 feet fra�n the water
mains and minimizes the possibility of damage to buildings in the cvemt of a
water main leak or break. The petitioner has subsequently expressed his agree-
ment to cutting back his reg.uest to a 5 foot wide parcel, rather than a 10 foot
parcel to accommoda,te the Water Utility's concerns.
The Folice Departmetrt ob�ects to the vacation beoause the encroe�chmeirt into the
right-of way of Mystic Street wou].d rer�der the I�ystic Street right-of way useless
as a street, while the City's liabilities ar�d responsibilities would nat be
Telephone612/298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
. .
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The staff of the De�partmerrt of Planning and Econcmic DevelopmeYrt has no ob�ection
to the va.cation. _
The District I Community Council has sta.ted it has no ob�ection to the proposed
vacation. They feel the va.cation wauld serve to prevent ar�y possible attempt
at construction of more road or structures at the South end of I�ystic Street.
No other public or private agencies imrolved had aqy ob3ection to the vacation.
In 1968, a one foot by 20 foot area was vaca.ted across the street and north of
the sub�ect area as the result of a building encroacYmment. This previous va-
cation combined with the present proposal wau]�d constx�3.ct the right-of way to
an uadesirable degree.
In view of the foregoing, specifically the possible fliture need for all oP the
right-of way, I recommend that the va.cation be denied.
However, should the Council on the basis oP the public hesring determine that
the vacation be granted, it is reca�►ended that the matter be referred back
to the Depa.rtmerrt of Finance and 1�nagement Services Yor a supplemental report
that wauld set forth the terms and conditions that w _�pply to the vacation.
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cc; Mayor George Latimer -
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