274144 WF'ITF - CITY CI.ERK COUIIC11 �t���-�� I' P• K - FINANCE CITy OF SAINT PAUL CA. ARV - OEPARTMENT �� e� — � ng�voR File N0. � � � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0._� � � Presented By r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. Section 3. This ordinaace shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passagQ. �gproval �and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas F,+��c,.��;- ` Nays Requested by Department of: '�� Y � �_ CO�R�UNITY SERVICES ,��� [n Favor ; Hunt ! i -":'./ Levine � Against BY • , Maddox Showalter � - ��e 4tni+ �. C 198� Form Approved by City Attorney '`J Adopted by Council: Date _ �'� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �" —'" � � By Approved by Mayor: Date JA� �. 1 1980 Approved by Mayor for Snbmission to Council By By P1lBLISNED !A i� 1 '=' '�`�`'� .�NiTE - Girr CLERK CA�RVP�`�K � FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council -DEPAFTMENT ''� � ew�g•� _ r,�;�ron File N0. _ � :' �fe'� ;�.' " � , Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0._1 �V`. � � Present�d By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date , A.n ordinance amending Chapter 325 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code pertaining to pet shops. THE CaJD1C IL OF T8E C ITY OP SP,INT PAIIL D�S ORUA I�7 a Section 1. ` That Section 325.01(b) of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code be an3 the same is hereby amended to read as followss (b) "Pet Shop" shall be intended to mean every pl�ce kept or maintained for the care, e.�chibition for s a le, �a le or purcha s e of 1 ive fexe� bee�r �+a�ve+� dogs, cats. ises#ere�r rabbits, or other small animals, or any birds, reptiles or fish, but shall not be i.n- tended to mean Veterinary �ospitals. Section 2. That Chaptar 325 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code. as amended be and the same is hereby amended by adding to said Chagter 325 a new Section 325.Oi(c) to read as follawss S�, "Exotic Animals". Na p,gt �hop shall maintain,_ keen or harbor anv skunk whethex cavtured in the wild or rai�ed domAsticallv. a���ent�a or not descented. va�- �;rated aaain�t rabies or not vaccinated aaain�t ,�rabies. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter _ Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY i't�SLESfIED �q�,�L �, �a `,�;��,�t 1 ' lst � �g 2nd���� � 3rd Adopted � �! J Yeas Nays HOZZA AUNT LEVINE ��`����'� r-- MADDOX � � McMAHON TEDESCO � � PRESIDINT (SHOWALTER) �