274128 �NHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council `,�'���:� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date Resolved, that upon recommendation of the St. Paul Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, the Mayor, and the City Council Committee on Finance, Management and Personnel, the appropriation and financing changes for the Downtown Development Projects on the attached document are hereby approved. Approved as to Funding: Approved: _ � , q} � Bernard . Carlson, Director ;Ri ard E. chroeder Department of Finance and Budget Director Ma�na�gem�u/��rvicg��� � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas _f�R Nays � � :�`� r��t �_�., ,,,,�e [n Favor f r:�."���x d sy.����—�-.��%� � r�'_=r,,:,non __ Against � Sro;valte[ � Y Tedesc DEC 13 1979 Form Approved by Ci y Attorney Adopte�#' y Council: ,Date — 1 � C�ftified Yass y ourtc'I Secre ry BY , ' � B � App by M yor: D � � 9 A co e by Mayor for Su 'ssi�n to Council g By ��$�.►SHED r���; 2�, 1�79 , � , � . ��'��_�.��� DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS �C-L+Gl�Gc,e-_ �D�GVs G'-�-4 -�T�vvaQi,� `nD=�z�T��'�R SUMMARY Original Recommended Budget Change Budget Downtown Development �cvoo District #1 $ 393 ,400 $ 19, 304* $ 412 ,704 ��'�0 1978 Tax Increment 6 ,510,000 -0- 6 ,510,000 3��l0o UDAG 4 ,800,000 -0- 4 ,800,000 ��,soo Urban Renewal Bond Fund 917,985 173 ,079 1 ,091,064 �ouo private Donations -0- 200,000 200,000 NN'7/L ,wc�Ey i5 iPccC�rcD . ' TOTAL $12,621,385 �< • $392 , 383 $13,013,768 *Approved April 1979 - see attached. 10/18/79 �• . , � � , �`�L;�'�.e��� . � � ; � � . . CITY O� �'i_1I\T l �1L�I. �. ' , ,� �I��Y012 �;� ,.,_l� � orrlc� 01•� •i��z� � , ����.:�,.:� �` ��,,�:_;;1:; , _. �"� 347 C'ITY tL1I.7. Gi:OHGIi 1..\'1'I>11iH S 1I\T Y1L'I.,�[I\_\"ESOT�1 ��.i10" �LaYOH (Ci127 r".4)ti-�.3°:� October 18, 1979 1 of 4 BUDGET AMENDMENT DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ' Approved Recommended Budget Change Budget Fund I. SEVENTH PLACE PROJECT a. S.O.M. Conceptual Design $ 70,000 $ 0 $ 70,000 DDD #1 b, f�oole Construction Management 240,Q00 Item transferred to F TIF c. Poole Site Services 250,000 Item transferred to F UDAG d. S.O.M. Working Drawings 301 ,800 40}000 341 ,800 TIF e. Engineering Consultant 20,000 0 20,000 u�Ac f. Structure Construction 5,739,200 Item transferred to F TIF/UDAG F. TOWN SQUARE FULL � New Includes items b, CONSTRUCTION BUDG�T Item c, f, m & (v)cc 8,440,192 TIF/UDAG g. Oxford Bl�ck 27 Ldalks, Lights and Signals 79,000 (21 ,750} 57,250 TIF h. Utility Relocation Costs 78,000 (6,000) 72,000 TIF i . Manholes 6,000 2,126 8,126 TIF j . Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) 10,G00 (U,O���) 3,°52 TIF k: 67ock A Ramp Share 129,J00 (50,000) 79,�'���� TIF Reimbursement to Port 1 . DPM Structural Support 200,000 106,784 306,784 TIF m. Furniture/Fixtures Loft 300,Q00 Item transferred to F uDAC/Privat n. Extended Skyway�Cedar Street 400,000 (400,000) 0 TIF o. Project Contingency 765,500 (746,104) 19,396 TIF Original Budget Items Total $8,588,500 $830,000 $9,418,500 Add Item (V)cc Inspection Services 30,000 Item transferred to F SEVENTH PLACE BUDGET $8,618,500 $800,000 $9,418,500 REVENUE SOURCES Downtown Development District #1 $ 70,000 0 $ 70,000 UDAG 4,730,000 0 4,730,000 1978 Tax Increment 3,818,500 �600,000 4,418,500 Private Donations* 0 200,000 200,000 8,6 8,500 800,000 9,418,500 *Note: fromrSeventD�PlacenStart UptFund �(Iii�y�ed, �nterim Funding will be provided • ' •��tGber 18, 1979 • 2 of 4 � Approved Recommended Budget Change Budget Fund II . RADISSON HOTEL PROJECT p. Skyway Bridge - Hotel to Norl;hwestern Bank $ 200,000 Transfer to item Q 0 URBF q. Sky�ray Bridge _ Hotel to Bremer Building 200,000 Transfer to item Q 0 URBF Q SKYWAY CONSTRUCTION BUDGET 0 - $ 629,200 URBF Subtotal � 400,000 �229,200 $ 629,200 URBF r. Escalator and Concourse 265,620 ( 8,345) 257,275 URBF s. Block A-4 Concourse and Storage 175,3b5 6,664 182,029 URBF t. Block A Walks, Lights, Signals 77,000 (54,440) 22,560 URBF u. Change Orders 91 ,800 0 91 ,800 TIF v. Radisson South Skyway Costs (Non CD) 160,000 (120,000) 40,000 TIF Total $1 ,169,785 � 53,079 $1 ,222,864 REVENUE SOURCES Urban Renewal Bonds R-20 $ 917,985 5173,079 $1 ,091 ,064 1978 Tax Increment 251 ,800 (120,000) 131 ,800 1.,169,785 53,079 �1 ,222,864 III . PROJECTS RELATED TO SEVENTH PLACE REDEVELOPMENT w. Parking f�uil Dzsign $ 20,400 0 $ 20,40G DDD #1 and Supervision x. Parking Mall Construction 1�5,000 0 135,000 iIF y. Seventh Place Initial Startup* 350,000 (100,000) 250,000 TIF Y PUBLIC SPACE SUPPLTES, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS New item $100,000 100,000 TIF Z CULTURAL ADVISORY COP�MITTEE OPERATION: CONSl1LTANTS, PRINTING AND EXPENSES New Item 20,000 20,000 TIF aa. Potential Acquisition � $ 500,000 (500,000 0 TIF Total $1 ,005,400 (�480,000) $ 525,400 *Item y to be amended to a]low interim advance funding of items to be privately financea through donation. _ REVENUE SOURCES Downtown Development District #1 $ 20,400 0 $ 20,400 1978 Tax Increment 985,000 (480,000) 505,000 �1 ,005,400 ( 480,000) 525,400 } , � ' ' _ �`,��� ��� . October 18, 1979 '�-� �¢� 3 of 4 Approved Recommended Budget Change Budqet Fund IV. BLOCK 7A PROJECT COMPLETION bb. Skyway BridgE� to St. Joseph' s Hospital $413 ,000 $ 19 ,3Q4 $432 ,304 TIF/DDD�. Total $413 ,000 � 19 ,304 $432 ,304 REVENUE SOURCES Downtown Development District #1 $303,000 $ 19 , 304 $322,304 1978 Tax Increment 110 ,000 -0- 110 ,000 $413 ,000 $ 19 ,304 $432,304 V. STAFF COSTS Cc. Inspection Services Item trsfrd. -0- TIF to I (F) dd. Administrative Expenses $270,000 $ -0- $270,000 TIF/UDAG Total $270, 000 $ -0- $270,000 REVENUE SOURCES 1978 Tax Increment $200 ,000 $ -0- $200,000 UDAG 70,000 -0- 70,000 • $270,000 $ -0- $270,000 . , f �< . , • - a���;�. �� ����� �� �,: 4 of 4 October 18, 1979 Approved Recommended Budget Change Budget Fund VI. BOND SALE RELATED EXPENSES ee Tax Increment Analysis $ 20,000 $ -0- $ 20,000 TIF ff Bond Consultant and Counsel 20,000 -0- 20,000 TIF gg Contingency 4,700 -0- 4,700 TIF hh Estimate of Capitalized Interest for G.O. Developmen,t: Refunding Bonds of 1978 562,300 -0- 562,300 TIF ii Estimate of Capitalized Interest for G.O. Development Bonds of 1979: Series A 457,700 -0- 457,700 TIF jj Discount at Time of Issue for G.O. Development Bonds of 1979: Series A 80,000 -0- 80,000 TIF $1,144,700 -0- $1,144,700 Revenue Sources 1978 Tax Increment $1,144,700 -0- $1,144,700