274114 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council %� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� �,�.9 �.� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `� ��� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recortbnendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10,07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paut , there is hereby transferred the following in the 197g budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - Specified Og061-536-000 Transfer or Contribution Budget Fund 80 000 To: Department of Public Works Division of Operations Winter Street Maintenance 02271-111-000 - Salaries 20,000 02271-274-000 - Vehicle Repair 25,000 02271-283-000 - Rental of Vehicles 15,000 02271-322-000 - Sand 5,000 02271-388-000 - Salt 1 000 $80,000 Approved as to Funding: Approved: i; -�1..�. ������ . Dir. , Dept. Fi ance � M mt Services u get Dir tor �� �/f /�' c I��f79 l� COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays � Requested by Department of: _�� Public Works (JFS) „�,�a � In Favor /��� Hunt • L,evine __ Against BY — Maddox Director Showalter Tede (��C 1 �. 1979 Form Approved by Ci At o ney Adopted Coun 1: Date Cer ied P� ed by ouncil SeEretary BY l.lppro by �Navor. qa�e _ c�r-C 13 1919 Appr ved by ayo for Submiss' n to Council B `� B �� Z�,�..-..� Y � - , Y ��.�sNE� �?c C 2 � 1�7 �_Cr!'�Y €�.:i` ;i.e1.:�..�'.'.' _ir_.l��zl!.. . .~ �*� �r . � r• . ;r 'Y •�*'j\��T�.. �r, :'•.'�. �� c� O:.!���[:.:f; O�' �'i:t.]'' C .0 t• � r�a ���� ��� , _ :.•, i� -':' i� '.\�f' �i4 . • ';`` _;_ :! f:`•(� � �;�-����� - � i�� Dc� �° . DeEember 3, 1979 .` �;` _/�� . C � ��; 3f �`i� �. ' � � � � � •.I �i, , �.�. . . i � : �oin� �uul Cii�t �auncil -i: �� �}�,;j : C�;�,-�f�7��. O i l �FINANCE, MANAGEMEN7. AND�PERSONNEL _ � . . RUBY HUNT �naifman, mc��es i'he �olt�.�iny - � � . repor3 on C.F. . � Ordinance � - � � . �.10) � Hesot�;'rion � - � ' • -_ . • � o,r.er � _ - . ' � �iL� : - . .. ' . . The Finance Committee, �at its meeting of December 3, 1979, recommended approval of � � the following: � . � � � . � __ � 1 : Resolution to transfer $3,000 for legal fees for the balance of�the year. 2. Resolution making it pssssible for applicants for Accounting positions with- a - Certifi�ed Public Accoun.tant certificate to be appointed at Step C. - - 3. Resolution rQVising �minimum qualifications for classifications of Architect I, � : . II and III to make them consistent with m�nit�um qualifications .for the Landscape _ Architect series. (10429-RH). � - � 4. R�solation to establish a formal pr.ocedure for the referral•for evaluation or � treatment of employees� with personal health problems which affect their job . -_ � � performance (�10426-RH).. . . � - ' . _ 5. Resolution to replace title and class specs for. Maintenance Coordinatar in Grade 16 � • with Maintenance and Capital Improvement Planner in Grade 15 of same group (10437=RH) 6. Recorr�nended approval to increase complement from- 3-1/2 to 4 full-time employees - � at the zoo (no resolution required�. ' ' 7. Resolution to transfer funds to specific projects in each CD Program Year as listed. (10443-RH). . 8. Resolution to amend 1979 CIB to add two UDAG projects for which UDAGs have already been received. Resolution is �ro-forma. X 9. Resolution transferring $80,000 from contingent reserve- to Pub7ic Works for I Winter Street Maintenance. 10. Resolution transferring $1900 for West Side Health_Clinic. � - . f[.�.%:E, SF:�'f::1"t�: FI.C:):: ti.111�1' I'_lE:.l., .`•:Iti�:�ti•7'F.�. 5�T��= � ..�- r v- ♦ r � +�� ,��� _OI� OI: 9�J����75. ::. : � , � E��. . EXPLANATION OF ADMrNISTF�A,T�V� (1RDERS, �� � RESOLU'I'�ONS AND •;�t3RI3TNA�CES` .�` ; ' �: . . ' . . . . . . �' .. , .. . � . . . , ' . . .. .�. . �.,'.. t�a te : Flc�vembe r 9. 1979 : cv • �������� � _ �i0�:9 19�9 : ,.* TO: P�P��OR GEORGE LATIMER �� �„'� . _ FR: Ric#�ard Schroeder , REa:;; Gounc i 1 Resol ut ion T�ansferr i ng Funds i n tFte 1979 �dget ` : ACTIOIV' REQt��TED t ' , ` -. - APprovai of the attached ResolutP�n , ._ PURPOSE AND R�TI�NALE FOR THTS ACTION: , ,: FoiTowtng last winter's severe snaw co�ditior��, a �r�+�sfer of ;$457,441 (�.F. "272747,4/3�79) was made from fur�d bal�nces to .a reserve acco�nt to � , supple�tt the 197� budget for wint�r street d�in,��nan�e.- In July, a ` trsnsfer of $300,Ot10 was m�de f rom the reserve to the Department;b� Publ i c . Wc�rk� (C.F. 273235, 712/79)), teavi�g � balance of �1��,411, The attached ;. Resolution will transfe�- $80,000 f'rom that balance fio help ftnance win�er . street n+a�inte�ance operat�ons fo� ti� rema i�cler.;t�� 1979: Weather �d i t ions�_ . wt-1� be the p�inci 1 facto.r in determinin ; pa g w���her �dditianal fund.s beyond . the $80,000 w�li be nteded before the. end of t� year. ` � A�'TACHMENTS: f ' CoWncil Resoiution , �