274110 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII T PINK - FINANCE TY OF SA I NT PAU L ����,�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO• Council Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated November 13, 1979, and marked E��3IBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT ` 11/13/79 40-79-H 731 No. Snelling Wallace Johnson (commercial lot) BOARD ACTION: Granted dismissal of case and refund of filing fee. Property Description: College Place West Division Lot 19, Block 9 ----------------------------------------- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas McMAHON Nays � � In Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalte T o 1 � �g�g Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Council: Date — rtified Y•s- by C ncil SErcretar By ��� �y Ap by Mavor: Da D�C 13 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By. By tu�SH�� D E C 2 � �9 � ' -2- 11/13/79 - Meeting No. 155 E X �-f 1 Q�T � .: CASE N0. PROPERTY - APPELLANT �'���`� � 40- 79-H 731 No. Snelling Wallace Johnson (commercial lot) SUBJECT: After appeal was filed, city reinspec�ed property and found itT n compliance. City requests : dismi:ss.al and return of filing fee. APPEARANCE: Earl Conley - Sup�rvisor, Complaint Section PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Conley reported the property to be in compliance a ter a reinspection. He recommended that the case be dismissed and the filing fee refunded. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Reiter moved to dismiss the case and refund the filing ee. r. oigt �seeonded. MOTION CARRIED -AND S0 ORDERED: - THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 (Mrs . Peake ancl Mr. Naibi had not .yet arrived. ) - - --- ---- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- �- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ ------- SE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT - 37- -H 390 Thomas Ave. (�ive units) Leo W> Fischer SUBJECT : Request waiver of St. Paul Legislative Code, Secti s 54. 11, 54.�d . 06 , pertaining to electrical requirements , sh ed bathrooms , and requirem t of sprinkler system over heating plant, espectively, . because of fin cial hardship. Also, request time to omplete other repairs listed in urvey Letter of 9/25/79. APPEARANCE : Mrs . Leo ischer Augus `G. Zeibitzki (tenant) Arnold Bey , Inspector Pe r Bremek (tenant) PROCEEDINGS: Mrs . Fischer lated that e and her husband, who was el erly an quite ill, lived i �ne ap tment , two of the units were each occupied by an elderly gent ma in his eighties , and the other two were unoccupied, and there was o intent to rent them out again. She said the two elderly tenant er very compatible and there was no . difficulty caused by sharing e bathr om. Both had lived there for several years , were happy t re, and the thought of finding another place to live at a cost t y could afford as very upsetting to them. In addition, Mrs . Fisch said she and her h b and had a very limited income, with high med" cal expenses , and could ot afford to install an ad�ditional bathroom As for the additional ele ric outlets called for in the bathroom, e said _her tenants could see n need for. them. : The plumbing venti , she felt sure , had been put in at he time the fix�ures were installe by a licensed plumber some years back. Mrse Fischer also questioned e need for a sprinl�ler system over the fur ace area and for a fi -rated doore Mrs . eake joined the meeting at this time. M . Beyer explained that the inspector who visited the Fischer operty elt that the shared bathroom was no problem in this instance , no was the .addition of mare electrical outlets . As for the sink venting , he � � . 11/13/79 - M��ting No. 155 MINUTES OF THE MEETING • � ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS �, REVIEW Tuesday, November 13, 1979 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House � 1 :30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Tieso, Acting Chairman Ron Glassman Estyr Peake Thomas Reiter A. Wali Naibi James Voigt MEMBER ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept ._ - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Earl Conley � Tom Strohkirch _ __ _ Arnold Beyer _ ,.. . __ Jerry Kern OTHERS PRESENT : Mrs . Leo Fischer August G: Leibitzki Peter Bremek Eric W. Forsberg Robert W. Petersen - Robert W. Johnson Anthony Caron Yash Bhatia STAFF PRESENT : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1 :40 p.m. Acting Chairman Arthur Tieso asked if there were any corrections or changes to be made in the minutes of the October board meeting, as . . distributed to the members . Mr. Reiter reQuested that the record of the vote on Case No. 35- 79-H, Anpellant Donald Legato` s appeal on property at 767- 760 Payne Ave . , be corrected to show that he abstained . from voting. The minutes , as corrected, were approved. Chairman Tieso announced that the first case on the agenda would not be heard until the December meeting, as the appellant was ill. (Case No. 3b- 79-H, 656 Hall, Michael R. Yovicson , Sr. )