274063 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1i1C11 ����� PINK - - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT ��� BLUE - MAVOR � � FIl@ NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONIMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOZVEDs That Application Q 11602 for the transfer of OfF 5ale Liquor Lieense No. 2994, expiring January 31, 198�, � ApPlication Q 11603 for the transfer of Class D- Original Container and Cigarette License No, 985�t, expiring January 31, 198�, � issued to M.G.M. Liqwor Warehouse of Payne Avenus� Inc. at 1055 Payne Avenwe, be and the saae are hereby transferred to M.G.M. Liquor Warehouse of Payne Avenue, Inc. at the northwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Suburban Avenwe. � ��_ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �CMAHON NaYs f ---�� _�a �_ In Favor Hunt I,evine __ Agaiqst BY Maddox Showalter � NOV 2 7 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date �— Ce ' ied Passe Co .il Secr�tary BY Y '•y Ap o by 17avor. D N 2 9 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council —. By � — PU.�s�ISHED D E C 8 1979 � ` �� �. �-��� � ..�..���en���n =='`�``tT °'�'''�--, CITY OF SAI NT PAU L _.• .,.,, '� '�= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �;� �i Mn�i ^�� `>• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �°""lm�,',���°'��� Room 209,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 , MAYOR � , ���'���`� , � , � ... �,,,_ � "�� �y..� .!.i . afiz J � �'i�/�, , April 2, 1979 '� � Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: A.B.C. Liquor Warehouse, Inc. request that the Off Sale Liquor License, Class D-Original Container and Cig- arette Licenses presently issued to A.B.C. Liquor Warehouse, Inc. at 1055 Payne Ave. be transferred to A.B.C. Liquor Ware- house, Inc. at the NW corner of White Bear Ave. and Suburban Ave. being described as: Lots 3 & 4, Block 2, Target-East St. Paul. The sole stockholder and officer of A.B.C. Liquor Warehouse, Inc. is Michael G. Maglich, holding the office of president. Mr. Maglich will operate this business person- ally and it will continue to be run as the A.B.C. Liquor Ware- house. Very truly yours, r'� /f� ;- ,�,, . Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �O � City Clerk C1TY,0� ST� PAUL . DE�ARTr1AFN; O� 'FiNANC� aND �y1AVAGfM��IT S��tYfCES AssFSS+�,e+�7 Divis+o,� tl3 CIiY HAIL ST.PAUI,MI,VJIfSOTA ii102 March 2, 1979 File X2252 Pa.ge Z7ne Cour.cil of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing zn the Couacil Cna�bers of the City Aall and Court House (third floor)' at 9:00 � a.a. on April 4, 1979 on the . _ , :. -_ . � � � Applicatica o� A.B.C. I.iquor Warehouse, Inc. for . a traasfer o£ aa off-sale liquor license to the . - aorthwesC ccrner o£ White Bear Avenne and Suburban ' Avenue, being legally described as: - Lota 3 Se 4, .Block 2, Target-East St. Pau1. _ � ' �f yoa wovld Iike further ixtforma.tioa about this heari.ag, contact the I.3cease b Permit R�gistration, 209 Citq Fiall, or telephone 298�5056. S►"aile tita City Chartex.requires .�hat we noti=y you of the hearing, we � waat to help you to 1earn .fully about any actioa tha� coul,d affect you or gaur co�uuaity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you caa attend this . . hear�ag so ttiat you caa make your vi.ews about it Ianov�n to the City Couaci.I, uhether for or a$ainst. � . J. -WILLIA:;i DONOVA►'T ; VALIIAI`ZON AND ASSESS`�fii'� E:�GINF'NF'FR . . . � . - � . .. - � » F .. . . . . .� � � � �. . � � - c��srRrcr con�n�uNirv j � ' � couNcic � �.� � rlaxch 22, 1979 � � �� �, o ��� .� � �� �. � N1 E MAR � 8 Sq7� District 1 Community Councrl 1989 North Pa�k D�i ve Counai President St. Paul, Minnesota 55119 David H, Houa ?39-58$1 FOR YOUR INFORNlATION DATE_��2�� COUNCIL PRESIDENT City Council 113 City Hall St. Paul, Mn. 55102 Dear Council P�embers: The District 1 Community Council at a Special Meeting held r7arch 15, 1979, voted to approve the transfer of an off-sale liquor license (File 2252) to the northwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Suburba.n Avenue. There was much concern expressed concerning the traffic in this axea but the consensus of the Council was that this type of commer- cial activity would be better for the area than another fast food (or other similar establishmen-t) restaurant. The management of A.B.C. I,iquor Warehouse (MGM) expressed a willingness to coristruct a sidewalk in the area and it is the District 1 Council�s hope that the City of St. Paul will pursue this with them. Sincerely, �� � ��p � . ��. C� "C/�`' �G�`�""1 ���-�' "-c.'" � Wi11ia�Dorgan, Presi ent District 1 Community Council cc: MG1�7 I,iquor �Varehouse i � , � . � , ,..,,,,,,,� `�``"' °'�''' CITY OF SAINT PAUL =.�` �:��-., 'o == DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �;�� iLil'lllt) �� "'�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��'Jll�. I����.���` +m,,,,,.. Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 30, 1979 � T0: Councilman Dav�d Hozza Councilman Leonard Levine Chairman, License Co�ittee Councilman Ron Maddox Councilwoman Rosalie Butler Councilwoman Joanne Showalter Councilwoman Ruby Hunt Councilman Victor Tedesco FROM: Joseph F. Carchedi, License Inspector On Wednesday morning, April 4, 1979 at 9:00 A.M. , the following license matters will be considered by the St. Paul City Council. This meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, third floor, City Hall and Court House. l. Bingo Application - 52 periods by Friends of St. Peter Claver Church, games will be held at 459 Wabasha St. (Carol Bushinski, President and June W. Huspek, Manager notified to attend.) 2. Bingo Application - 52 periods by Abrahamson Biglow Spector 41354, JWV, games will be held at 1060 University Ave. (David M. Leventhal, Post Commander and Arnold Rischall, Manager notified to attend.) 3. Request for a public hearing on May 23, 1979, for the application of the transfer of On Sale Liquor License by Heine, Inc. from 488-89 St. Peter St. to 777 Grand Ave. 4. Public hearing on the application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License issued to A.B.C. Liquor Warehouse, Inc. at 1055 Payne Ave. to the NW corner of White Bear Ave. and Suburban Ave. being described as: Lots 3 & 4, Block 2, Target-East St. Paul. 5. Application for the renewal of the Off Sale Liquor License by Uni-Dale Development Corporation at 621 Selby Ave. (Tasslean R. Parker, Vice President notified to attend.) cc: Mayor George Latimer Mr. Bernard J. Carlson, Director Department of Finance and Management Services Attorney Phi.lip Byrne Attorney Terry Garvey Mrs. Rose Mix, City Clerk Chief of Police, R. H. Rowan Mr. Jack Rhodes, St. Paul Dispatch Mr. Al Olson Recorder Qf Council Proceedings✓ Attorney Anthony Danna Mr. Gene Tonda, Bartenders Union Ms. Karen Christofferson Vice Unit Ms. Caroline Lowe, WCCO � ��