274052 WHITE - C�TV CIERK COUflC1I � / ��'�/_ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTME R �.. BLUE - MAVOR File NO. r� � - " � cil ol ' n � � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, State statute has empawered the counties in the metropolitan area to adopt a plan for the implementation of the 911 Emergency Telephone Services System, and such plan is required to be submitted to the State by December 15, 1979; and WI�REAS, Representatives of the respective counties and sev- eral municipal fire, police, and medical agencies have participated rn the development of the 911 System; and WI�REAS, local recurring costs are directed by statute to be borne by the municipality and representatives of the City of Saint Paul have registered their concerns relative to these costs and their unpredictable amounts; and WHEREAS, The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul have reviewed the final draft plan for the 911 Emergency Telephone Services System; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approve the concept of the 911 Emergency Telephone Services System Program, but approval of the final draft of the Ramsey County Plan is specifically deferred pending the results of the bidding process so that an accurate determination can be made as to the actual costs- to be incurred -by the G�ity of Saint Paul. COUNC[LMEN Yeas McMAH01� Nays Requested by Department of: --�� � �, In E'avor Hunt Levi�e _ � __ Against BY Maddox Showalt NOV 2 7 ��79 Form A proved y ity t y Adopt y Counci Date - rtified Y� ed by '1 Se�cretar BY �' NOV 2 9 1979 Approved by Mayor far Submission to Council A d by lVlavor te — By _ _ — BY �uSN�fl pEC 8 i97� ��""^ � CITY OF S�I1TT PAUL ''� ' • OFFI CE OF THE �7�1YOR ��F�� � '' � �iiij� :` r�iaD k� �.�'f�`<.-� t:.�;l' '° '' 34T CITI" I3�LL GEOHG7: L.1T1?[EB S<1INT P�UL,�II��TESOTA :�u703 MAYOR (g12) 298-43�5 November 16, 1979 � TOs CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FR: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � RE: 911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE RESOLUTION The County has requested the City Council and Mayor to submit a resolution of approval by November 16, 1979, approving the final Ramsey County 911 Plan. The County must submit its plan to the State by December 15. 1. The two City agencies most direc�ly affected by the 9I1 service, the Police and Fire Departments, hesitate to endorse the plan at this time until certain unresolved questions are answered. 2. Both departments have raised these issues consistently ' throughout the 911 p�anning process. They continue to be legitimate points which until .resolved, cause concern � about the advisability of the City endorsing a plan until further evidence related to the question of burden of costs to the local PSAP (Police Department) is available. Under the circumstances I recommend that the City of Saint Paul approve the plan contingent upon certain conditions, and that final approval of the City Council be given only when specific costs are available to the 911 Board and the 1oca1 implementing agencies. The cost question will not be resolved until speci- fications are drawn and the bidding process is completed by the vendors of the telephone communications equipment. This timetable appears to be in early 1980. The specifications are let by the 911 Joint Powers Board which is composed of County Commissioners from the seven county rletropolitan area. Costs of remodeling to accommodate the system may be incurred by the Police Department. This will be known with the results of the bidding process. The remodeling will be necessary if the vendor's switching equipment is located within the dis- patching center at the Police Department. The cost estimate � is approximately $100 ,000 and would be borne by the City. The second cost issue relates to an assumption by 911 planners . . � �E-� �-.�,-. . �� �'���'�� �� .>�,�;�,, . City Council Members Page 2 November I6, 1979 that federal funds will be available in the form of grants from one of three federal agencies to fund the installation charges. If federal funds are not available, the County according to state statute, is not required to implement the system. Installation costs are estimated at $48,000 . If the local PSAP decides to terminate the 911 contract, a basic termination charge of $17,600 is paid by the local agency. A resolution is attached for your consideration. GL:kh Attachment cc: Deputy Chief McCutcheon Chief Steve Conroy Peter Hames Phil Sanders �w Assistant Chief Ed Heinen Kathryn Ackland , F;. r-,�.� �h^$ S:. J '�.4-!1 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOl� iiii i ii ii 34�7 CITY �lALL R� ��� GEORGE LATIMER SAINT PATTL,MINNESOTA 55102 MAYOR (g12) 298-4323 NOV 19197� TO: DAVE HOZ ZA •• ��•� ^ � . {XIVI(� I7r HOi7Za FR: SHELLEY WRIGHT RE: 911 RESOLUTION The 911 Resolution which I briefly discussed with you last week has been drafted by Paul McCloskey and is attached for your signature and placement on the Council agenda. Please let McCloskey and I know when it will appear on the agenda. In the meantime, I am sending the attached memo from the Mayor (with a copy of the resolution) , to members of the Council. The County must submit its 911 plan to the State by December 15th. The resolution should be adopted no later than the first week in December in order to meet their deadline. Thanks so much.