275654 WHITE - CITY CLERK f PINK - FINANCE � „ CANARY�- DEPARTMENT COUIICII /L���S�� BLU&�, - MAYO G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. � ` o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10. 07 . 4 of the Charter of The City of St. Paul , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget : FROM TO General Government Accounts Workers Compensation 09020-442-000 Temporary, Total Temporary, Partial or Permanent Total $122 ,927 Department of Community Services Division of Parks � Recreation Conservatory 03120-371-000 Electricity $ 1 , 028 03120-373-000 Gas 309 Zoo 03122-371-000 Electricity 1 ,987 03122-372-000 O. L. 580 03122-373-000 Gas 2 ,628 Recreation Programming 03170-293-000 Sewer 815 03170-371-000 Electricity 7 , 854 03170-372-000 Oil 16, 204 03170-376-000 Water 2 , 072 03170-373-000 Gas 34 ,141 Municipal Athletics 03174-293-000 Sewer 122 03174-371-000 Electricity 304 COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Request�d by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snoWaite� __ Against BY Tedesco �Iso� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � ������ PINK - FINANCE CANAR.Y�.- DEPARTMENT COl1[IC1I BLUE• - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (Page 2) FROM TO Municipal Athletics (continued) 03174-373-000 Gas 164 03174-376-000 Water 112 Parks �, Recreation Building Maintenance 031-02-373-000 Gas 2p Zoo and Conservatory Heating 03124-372-000 Oil 7 , 257 03124-373-000 Gas 23,662 Parks Ground Maintenance 03132-293-000 Sewer 3 , 276 03132-371-000 Electricity 16,644 03132-372-000 Oil 2, g21 03132-373-000 Gas 10 , 047 03132-376-000 Water 8 ,148 Swimming 03180-293-000 Sewer 1 ,458 03180-371-000 Electricity 845 03180-373-000 Gas 5, 522 03180-376-000 Water 597 Oxford Swimming 03181-293-000 Sewer 332 03181-371-000 Electricity 6, 929 03181-373-000 Gas 5,416 03181-376-000 Water 49 Appr d as t ding: 1 ,185 142,185 Ap oved: Di ector, De t. o Finance �, � Management Se ces R,,�' . �/�� get Dir ctor COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays H��t Community Services Levine [n Favor Maddox —� �,o aite � _ Against sy�' �-�S� , Director Tedesco �Z� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date —�EP 1 F 198�_ F m prov b; Attorne ___ Certifie a-s d by Co il Secret y BY By. App by M vor: Dat EP 1 7 198 pprov Mayor for Submi ion t Council By _ _ By P,t��.tS��o S E P 2 7 1980 ����� DIVISION OF PARKS & RECREATION PROJECTED UTILITY NEEDS 8/1/80-12/31/80 UNENCUMBERED EXPENDED LAST PROJECTED EXP. ESTIf�IATED BALAfJCE 5 h10NTHS 1979 LAST 5 MONTHS OVER OR 7/31/80 1980 (SHORT) PROGRAP1MING (Col 2 x 1 .15) (Col 1 less Col 3) 0312�J Conservatory 371 Electricity $ 3,917 � 4,300 $ 4,945 ($ 1 ,028) 373 Gas (191 ) 103 118 (309) 03122 Zoo 371 Electricity 6,242 3,703 4,255 1 ,987 372 Oil (129) 392 451 (580) 373 Gas (1 ,604) 890 1 ,024 (2,628) 03170 Recreation Programming 293 Sewer Charges 2,651 3,J14 3,466 (815) 371 Electricity 16,611 . Plus 8/5 Transfer 23,750 40,361 41 ,926 48,215 (7,854) 372 Oil (9,000) 6,264 7,204 (16,204) 373 Gas (18,116) 13,935 16,025 (34,141 ) 376 Water 1 ,775 3,345 3,847 (2,072) 03174 Municipal Athletics 293 Sewer Charges 29 131 151 (122) 371 Electricity 2,798 2,697 3,102 (304) 373 Gas 280 101 116 164 376 Water 19 114 131 (112� Total Programming 29,032 80,915 93,05� 64,018 MAINTENANCE 03102 Parks & Recreation Building Maintenance 373 Gas 50 61 70 (20) 03124 Zoo & Conservatory Htg. 372 Oil 17,107 8,566 9,850 7,257 373 Gas (16,622) Plus 8/5 Transfer 10,000 6,622 14,817 17,040 (23,662) 03132 Parks Ground h1aintenance 293 Sewer Charges 23,018 22,864 26,294 (3,276) 371 Electricity 3,685 17,677 20,329 (16,644) 372 Oil 6,876 3,439 3,955 2,921 373 Gas (6,203) Plus 8/5 Transfer 500 5,703 3,777 4,344 (10,047) 376 Water 13,992 27,948 32,140 {}83}48� 1 (8,148) 52,403 99, ,022 51 ,6 9 1 Agreed Compromise-Reduced $10,000 ��`5�54 Page 2 SWIMMING 03180 Swimming 293 Sewer Charges 401 2 1 ,617 1 ,859 (1 ,45$) 371 Electricity 7,507 Plus 8/5 Transfer 2,OO�J 9,5�J7 2 9,002 10,352 (845) 373 Gas 1 ,840 2 6,402 7,362 (5,522) 376 Water 821 2 1 ,233 1 ,413 (597) 03181 Oxford Swimming 293 Sewer 717 912 1 ,049 (332) 371 Electricity 2,165 Plus 8/5 Transfer 8,000 10,165 2,814 3,236 6,929 373 Gas (1 ,480) 3,423 3,936 (5,416� 376 Ldater 828 763 877 (49�_ Total Swimming 22,799 26,166 30,089 7,290 TOTAL PARKS & REC 1J4,234 206,229 237,161 (122,927) 2 Expense in 23117 in 1979 ����54 DIVISION OF PARKS & RECREATION PROJECTED UTILITY NEEDS 8/1/80-12/31/80 UNENCUMBERED EXPENDED LAST PROJECTED EXP. ESTIP+IATED BALANCE 5P10NTHS 1979 LAST 5 MONTHS OVER OR 7/31/80 1980 (SHORT) PROGRAPIMING (Col 2 x 1 .15) (�ol l less Col 3) 03120 Conservatory 371 Electricity $ 3,917 $ 4,300 $ 4,945 ($ 1 ,028) 373 Gas (191) 103 118 (309) 03122 Zoo 371 Electricity 6,242 3,703 4,255 1 ,987 372 Oil (129) 392 451 (580) 373 Gas (1 ,604) 890 , 1 ,024 (2,628) 03170 Recreation Programming 293 Sewer Charges 2,651 3,J14 3,466 (815) 371 Electricity 16,611 ' Plus 8/5 Transfer 23,750 40,361 41 ,926 48,215 (7,854) 372 Oil (9,000) 6,264 7,204 (16,204) 373 Gas (18,116) 13,935 16,025 (34,141 ) 376 Water - 1 ,775 3,345 3,847 (2,072) 03174 Municipal Athletics 293 Sewer Charges 29 131 151 � (122) 371 Electricity 2,798 2,697 3,102 (304) 373 Gas 280 101 116 164 376 Water 19 114 131 112 Total Prograrr�ning 29,032 80,915 93,050 64,018 ��1AINTENANCE - 03102 Parks & Recreation Building Maintenance � 373 Gas 50 61 70 (20) 03124 Zoo & Conservatory Htg. 372 Oil 17,107 8,566 9,850 7,257 373 Gas (16,622) Plus 8/5 Transfer 10,000 ' 6,622 14,817 17,040 (23,662) 03132 Parks Ground Plaintenance - - 293 Sewer Charges 23,018 22,864 26,294 (3,276) 371 Electricity 3,685 17;b77 20,329 (16,644) - 372 Oil 6,876 3,439 3,955 2,921 373 Gas (6,203) Plus 8/5 Transfer 500 - 5,703 3,777 4,344 (10,047) 376 Water 13,992 27,948 32,140 ��83�483 1 (8,148) ,40 3 99,T�$ TT�2 _ 5�,6 I 9 1 Agreed Compromise-Reduced $10,000 . , . . . � � � � �"� s'y Page 2 � SWIMMING 03180 Swirr�ni ng 293 Sewer Charges 401 2 1 ,617 1 ,859 . � (1 ,45$� 371 Electricity 7,507 Plus 8/5 Transfer 2,OO�J 9,5�J7 2 9,002 10,352 (845) 373 Gas 1 ,840 2 6,402 7,362 (5,522) 376 Water 821 2 1 ,233 1 ,413 (597) 03181 Oxford Swimming 293 Sewer 717 912 1 ,049 (332) 371 Electricity 2,165 Plus 8/5 Transfer 8,000 10,165 2,814 3,236 6,929 373 Gas (1 ,480) 3,423 3,936 (5,416� 376 Water 828 763 877 (49�_ � Total Swirr�ning 22,799 26,166 30,089 7,290 TOTAL PARKS & REC 104,234 206,229 237,161 (122,927) 2 Expense in 23117 in 1979 - . � , � 2`�5�54 DIVISION OF PARKS & RECREATION PROJECTED UTILITY NEEDS 8/1/80-12/31/80 UNENCUMBERED EXPENDED LAST PROJECTED EXP. ESTIfdATED BALANCE 5 MONTHS 1979 LAST 5 MONTHS OVER OR 7/31/80 1980 (SHORT) PROGRAPIMING (Col 2 x 1 .15) (�ol 1 less Col 3) 03120 Conservatory 371 Electricity $ 3,917 $ 4,300 $ 4,945 ($ 1 ,028) 373 Gas (191) 103 118 (309) 03122 Zoo 371 Electricity 6,242 3,703 4,255 1 ,987 372 Oil (129) 392 451 (580) 373 Gas (1 ,604) 890 1 ,024 (2,628) 03170 Recreation Programming 293 Sewer Charges 2,651 3,014 3,466 (815) 371 Electricity 16,611 ' Plus 8/5 Transfer 23,750 40,361 41 ,926 48,215 (7,854) 372 Cil (9,000) 6,264 7,204 (16,204) 373 Gas (18,116) 13,935 16,025 (34,141 ) 376 Water - 1 ,775 3,345 3,847 (2,072) 03174 Municipal Athletics 293 Sewer Charges 29 131 151 (122) 371 Electricity 2,798 2,697 3,102 (304) 373 Gas 280 101 116 164 376 �later 19 114 131 (112) Total Programming 9,032 80,915 93,050 64,018 ��AINTENANCE - 03102 Parks & Recreation Building Maintenance 373 Gas 50 61 70 (20) 03124 Zoo & Conservatory Htg. 372 Oil 17,107 8,566 9,850 7,257 373 Gas (16,622) Plus 8/5 Transfer 10,000 - 6,622 14,817 17,040 . (23,662) 03132 Parks Ground Maintenance � - 293 Sewer Charges 23,018 22,864 26,294 (3,276) ._ 371 Electricity 3,685 17;-677 20,329 (16,644) - 372 Oil 6,876 3,439 3,955 2,921 373 Gas (6,203) Plus 8/5 Transfer 500 - 5,703 3,777 4,344 (10,047) 376 Water 13,992 27,948 32,140 {�83�48; 1 (8,14�8 � ,403 9 ,T'� TT�,(S��-�5'f,619'j 1 Agreed Compromise-Reduced $10,000 , , , . �' �S`� SY Page 2 SWIMMING 03180 Swimming 293 Sewer Charges 401 2 1 ,617 1 ,859 � (1 ,45$� 371 Electricity 7,507 Plus 8/5 Transfer 2,000 9,5�J7 2 9,002 10,352 (845) 373 Gas 1 ,840 2 6,402 7,362 (5,522� 376 Water 821 2 1 ,233 1 ,413 (597) 03181 Oxford Swimming 293 Sewer 717 912 1 ,049 (332) 371 Electricity 2,165 Plus 8/5 Transfer 8,000 10,165 2,814 3,236 6,929 373 Gas (1 ,480) 3,423 3,936 (5,416) 376 lJater 828 763 877 49 _ _____ _ • Total Swimming 22,799 26;166 � 30,089 7,290 TOTAL PARKS & REC 1J4,234 206,229 �.37,161 (122,927) 2 Expense in 23117 in 1979 - . j� �� '-�� - �c�Tr�- o� SA�r�T�c �.�Ur.� �5�5� � r ` OFFICE OF TIIE CITY COUNC�L �%-- i � ,+: ��� Y 17_!^1^ � 1�+1lVr1..:q�•M . . 471-t�`,' . '� �3 y��,� date : Se�tember 12, 1980 �.: CQl� I� iTT� � � E i� a �� , TO : Saint Paul City Cour�cii F R 0 � � C�it1R11'�'��?� O CI FINANCE, M�ANAGE�IENT & PERSONiVEL _ George McMahon , choirman, mukes the foliowing � report on C.F. � Orciinance (8) X� Resotutior� � 4ther T tTLE : At its meeting of September 11, 198�, the Finance Committee recorrr�ended approval of the following: � _ . 1. Resolution amending 1979 Capital Improvement Budget for Mattocks School Demolition (11318-Gh1) - . . � _ . 2. Resolution transferring funds from l�Jorkers' Compensation Account to Tort Liability Account to cover court costs and costs of �udgmen�s again�t the city - for the rer�ainder of 1980 (11322-GM) _ - � � 3. Resolution approving appropriation of an additional $20,OOO� to the Lexi:ngton- Hamline Housing Development Corporation for program�operation. 4. Resolution approving the application of P.ichard K. Parr for abatement, submitted on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (11327-Gt1� 5. Resolution transferring $122,927 from l�lorkers' Compensation to various activi�ies :, in the Division of_Parks and Recreation to cover utility costs. � � 6. Resolution approving 1981 HRA Tax Levy Budgets. � � ' 7. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds of approximately $1 ,OO�J,OOJ to finance construction of additional warehousing space for Anchor Paper Company, Inc., � 480 Broadway (11329-GM) 8. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds of approximately $72�,000 to finance construction of office building for Mu11,y Properties at 1815 Suburban (11328-GP�I). CIT3C riALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, 1�iI:�i�i£SOTA SSIQ2 :�.�;�-�,:�; ..�y . �M OI. I2/1975 � - Rev. : 9/8/76 RPV. : 5/?/80 EXPI�ANATTON OF ADMINISTRATTVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES �°}C���� �av � RFe��V� D Date: Septembex 4 , 1980 OF,% S�p`g' �9 "'_ DFpqRT pF Ty 8O A/Vp MAN GFNT 0 p�R£cro TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATI:vIER EMENT$EANCF � - _ R�ICFS FROM: RICHARD SCHROEDER RE; COUNCIL RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS IN THE 1980 .BUDGET ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached resolution. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Increases in utility rates have led to utility expenses in the Division of Parks � Recreation which are greater than the amounts appropriated in the 1980 budget. The amount of the shortage is estimated to be $122 ,927 . The 1980 appropriation for workers ' compensation is greater than the projected needs for this year, and the attached resolution will transfer $12�L, 9Z7 frnm that appropriation to the `various activities in the Division of Parks F�=�Recr,eation that need additional funds for utility costs . ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution with attachment.