275651 WHITE - CITY CLERK ,�,' ���� PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - OEPARTMENT . COUIICII + � BL.UE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. ncil Resolution Presented By i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Ma.yor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Covernment Accounts Workers' Compensation 09020-444-000 Perma.nent Partial Disability $70,000.00 To: Tort Liability 09070-214-000 Court Fees $10,000.00 Tort Liability 09070-512-000 Judgments $60,000.00 Approved as to Funding: Approved: � Director, De tment of Finance B dget Dire tor and Managemen Ser�s j�/ �� ���/s�o � � /� COU[VC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt (�,lt orne �evine [n Favor Maddox ,\ McMahon C! B snowaiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP �- 6 �980 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified �s�e by oun Se tary BY B � A r e by 17avor: D ���Q�_ App y Mayor for ss n t Council By B U���fl S E P 2 7 1980 ,� �'- :.� • 'C�'I'�.'' ��'+' �A3NT �PAUL �5���, f;'�� �� �"�� OFFICE OF TIIE CITY GOIINCIL t�:` ` � Y�.`�'�^�,�� � . . �as�����.-.�• �.. . a',�i�.t'-�i: . . . • • -= �' �4;: ,,��- Da t e : September 12, 1980 CQ � � ��T� � � � � � �� . T 0 : Saint Pt�u{ City Counci! �R 0 � � CC+�T1iT11'���'@ 011 FIP�A�JCE, M,APJA�E�IENT & PERSOl�yEL George McMahon , c�oirman, makes the follov�rina � report on C.F. [_] Ordinance (8) [X� Resoiution � Other �' 1 T'L E : � At its meetinv of September 11 , 198�, the Finance Committee recomriended anproval of the following: _ 1. Resolution amending 7979 Capital Improvement Budget for Nlattocks School � Demol i ti on (11318-G1�1) . . . 2. Resolution transferring funds from t�Jorkers' Compensation Account to Tort Liability Account to cover court costs and costs of judgments against the city - for the rer�ainder of 1980 (11322-GM) � � � 3. Resolution approving appropriation of an additional $20,OO�� to the Lexington- Hamline Housing Development Corporation for program �operation. 4. Resolution approving the application of Richard K. Parr for abatement, submitted on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (11327-G�1) 5. Resolution transferring $122,927 from l�lorkers' Compensation to various activities _::., in the Division of Parks a nd Recreation to cover utility costs. . - 6. Resalution approving 1981 HRA Tax Levy Bud�ets. � � - � 7. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds of approximately $1 ,000,000 to finance construction of additional warehousing space for Anchor Paper Company, Inc. , - 480 Broadway (11329-GM) 8. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds of approximately $72�,J00 to finance construction of office building for Mully Properties at 1B15 Suburban (11328-GP�). CITY HA.I.L SEVENTH FLOOR S.AINT PAUL, RiINNESOTA �5102 _ �'=s9��.� . � •� • • . .._ ,._ UM U 1: 12/19-7 5 ' z . � ,; y . . � .�� . .�... �+ - .:.-� aw�?{�r+4 '1., "' `�� -; _ . _ V• • .. . . . - . . -.: _.r . �. . . . . , ,,. ,. ..:_ Re 9/8/76 . . EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, F � `�Pe ����- Q�� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ' ���� . . �atz: August 15, �9so � �E C E I V E D AUG 1 �� 1980 MAYOR'S O� . TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER r^R: Edward P.: Starr,�.Gity Attorney . � p,E; Transfer of funds from Workers' Compensation AccQUnt to . Tort Liability Account � � - � . ACT.:ON REQUESTED: Approval of attached Council Resolution PLRPOSE AND RATIONAI,E FOR THIS ACTION: � It is. requested that funds be transferred from the Workers' Compensation Budget to the Tort Liability Budget to cover' court costs and costs of judgments against the City for the rema.inder of 1980. The City has . incurred unusually high court costs in connection with the Commodore Hotel fire and explosion lawsuits and there is presently $1,600 rema.ining of the $20,000 budgeted in this account for 1980. ' A transfer of $10,000 is requested to cover court costs for the remainder of 1980. The City was also found li�:ble in the William .R. Kelly case and was required to � pay a judgment in the amount of $209,000.00 this year. This unusually large settlement has depleted the amount available for other settlements and judgments in tort liability cases and it is therefore necessary that �,�, a transfer of $60,000.00 be ma.de to cover these costs for ��L��� the rema.inder of 1980. It appears that there will be a � surplu�s in the Workers' Compensation budget in 1 980 and we therefore reques-t that these funds �be transferred from that budget. ATTACHMENT: . Council Resolution