275650 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ��/��o . PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll V CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR - .ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council , is hereby further amended in the following particulars : AMENDMENTS T0 1979 CIB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BOND FUNDS FROM TO R-35 Downtown People Mover 96079-001 68,000 C-1401 Mattocks School Demolition $68,000 Initial Amended Amended Financing for: Appropriation Chanqe Appropriation C-1401 Mattocks School -0- transfer from Downtown � +68,000 $68,000 People Mover R-35 Downtown People Mover $818,500 transfer from Mattocks -68,000 $750,500 School Be it Further Resolved, that upon receipt of proceeds from sale of the 1981 Series Capital Improvement Bonds, the Downtown People Mover project is to be reimbursed in the amount of $68,000 ��henStpPegB�t,c�•�t��l����hool Site appropriation, contai ned therei n. Budget Committee received thfs request on A roved as to Fundi n �date) and recomm pp 9: �roved: �-�—.� - Bernard . Carlson ' ard E. S hroeder Director o Finance _ a Budget Director COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays utler Hunt COqi�t�utlity Sex'ViCeS Z � Levine In Favor H Maddox Le e McMahon _ � __ Against BY d x Showalter howa ter Tedesco Tedesco �Ep � 6 1980 Form Approv y ity Att n Adopted by Council:W�lson Date Certified P s e Council retar BY By' ;s �+C \ I� o by iVlavor: y�.P � � �� App v by Mayor f mis on to ouncil By — �""'�� B ���fl S E P 2 7 1980 �� i:�• �� :-�" 'vI!.C'Y t��' �AiN'� �AUL �y��SQ �`{ �.�� OF�+3CE OF TIIE GITY COIINCIL !G� �;� � t=, , �:�;� �° � .i1��a�r��.w.�a t_ 8�i.?�: �"-.� �� fc'�� Da t e : Se�ternber 12, 1980 �, GQ !'� l�il�'T� � � � � R' 4 �� T O : Saint Paul City Co�nei! . FRQ� = CQfittll��L� OCI FINAPJCE, MANA�E�IENT & PERSOP�NEL George McMahon , chairman, makes the foltoviing � report on C.F. � arciinance (8) Q Resotutian � Other °CiTLE : - At its meeting of September 11 , 198�, the Finance Committee recommended approva'[ of the following: _ . . 1. Resolution amending 1979 Capital Improvement Budget for Mattocks Schaol Demol i ti on (11318-G��t) - - � . . . 2. Resolution transferring funds from l-Jorkers' Campensation Account to Tort Liability Account to cover court costs and costs of judgments against the city for the rer�ainder of 1980 (1.7322-GM) - - � - 3. Resolution approving appropriation of an additional $20,OOO� to the' Lexington- Hamline Housing Development Corporation for program operation.- 4. Resolution approving the apalication of P.ichard K. Parr for aba�ement, submitted on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authorlty (11327-G�1) 5. Resolution transferring $122,927 from l�orkers' Compensation to_ various activit�es : in the Division of Parks and Recreation to cover utility costs. � - 6. Resolution approving 1981 HRA Tax L.evy Budgets. � � - 7� Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds of approximately �1 ,OJ4,OOJ to finance construction of additional warehousing space for Anchor Paper Company, Inc., � 480 Broadway (11329-GM) 8. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds of approximately $72J,�J00 to finance construction of office building for Mully Properties at 1815 Suburban (11328-G�1). CITY HA.LL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAiJL, ��+II;��iESOTA SSI02 -:�,,;., . �`..f '-'J' � . .q •