275642 WNITE � - CITY CLERK ������ PINK �, - FINANCE ��1RY � 'DE�PAOR�T ENT COUIICII ° CITY OF SAINT PAITL 1° File N 0. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Charter Commission of the City of St. Paul has proposed that the Charter be amended to provide for changing the time of city elections from the spring of even numbered years to the fall of odd numbered years and further to provide for changes in the procedure for the filling of vacancies in the offices of Ma.yor and City Council; and 6dHEREAS, the Charter Commission has requested that the Council of the City of Saint Paul fix the form of the ballot and publish the amendment as required by law; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proposed Charter amendment relative to changing the time of city elections and providing for changes in the procedure for filling of vacancies in the offices of Mayor and City Council shall be submitted to the electorate as required by law at the general election to be held November 4, 1980; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to take the necessary steps for publication of the proposed amendment as may be required by law; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to law the Council hereby fixes the form of the question to be submitted to the electorate in accordance with this amendment to read as follows: COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In FBVOc Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter - __ Against Y — Tedesco �Ison Form Appro by City orn y Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By _ ` ` Approved by Ulavor: Date _ Ap by Mayor foc Sub i s' n to ouncil t. By _ B WNITl� - CITYCLERK ��5�42 PINK. s - FiNANCE �NARY r DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII {�E - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. "Shall the Chaxter of the City of St. Paul be amended to provide for changir�g the time of city elections from the spring of even numbered years to the fall of odd numbered years and further to provide a procedure for filling vacancies in the offices of mayor and city council that includes a provision for an election in the fall of even numbered years?" COU[�1CILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter __ Against Y — Tedesco '� n SEP i 1 �980 Form Appro by City Att ne pted by Cou il: Date — Certifie ssed by Council S�ecretary BY � A by :Nayor: Dat � Ap y Mayor for b ' si to cil By BY PU�..tSNED S E P 2 � 1980 , _ , _ � , . • � 7S ��� Sec. 2.02. Terms. The Mayor and each Council person shall hold office for a term of two years commencing on the first busi- ness day of January of the year following their election, and until a successor is elected and qualifies. 2.02. 1. The term of office for the Ma.yor and each Council person elected at the 1982 spring election shall expire on the first business day of January, 1984. Sec. -2.05. Filling Vacancies. A. Interim Appointee. The Council may within thirty (30) days of a Council vacancy elect a qualified voter of the city to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or for the remainder of the unexpired term if the Council vacancy occurs after the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. If a tie vote occurs in the filling of a vacancy in the office ot Councilman, the Mayor shall break the tie. In the event tha.t the Council does not fill the vacancy within 30 days, the Ma.yc�r shall within IO days thereatt'er appoint a quali- f ied voter of the city to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until such time as a successor is elect�d as set forth below or • ' . ' • , � � � . . ���Gy � for the rema.inder of the unexpired term if the vacancy occurs after the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. If a vacancy occurs in the off ice of Mayor, the Council sha.11 within 30 days elect a qualified voter of the city to fill the vacancy as an interim appointee until. such time as a successor is elected as set forth below or for the remainder of the unexpired term if the vacancy accurs after the last day for the filing af affidavits of candidacy for United States Representative. B. Elected Successor. If the vacancy occurs on or betore the last day for the filing of affidavits of candidacy to be a United States Re�resentative, the vacancy shall be filled at the next state-wide general election, being the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years. Affidavits of candidacy for said vacancy shall be filed with the City Clerk within 14 days of the last day for the fi.ling of affidavits of candidacy for United States Represen�ative. In the event that more than two persons file for the vacancy, a primary election shall be held on the fi,rst Tuesday after the second Monday in September of said even-nuznbered year. . . .. . • . � . , „ , ' � � � a �.�� � � Sec. 7.01. City Elections. The electian of city officers and such other officers as are required by law to be eiected at a city election shall be held on the first T�esday after the first Monday in November in odd numbered years. Sec. 7.05. Primary Elections. A prima.ry election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in September. preceding any municipal election day. Etfective Date: Section 2.02.1 and Section 2.05 shall be effective upon passage. Section 2.02, Section 7.01 and Section 7.05 shall be effective January 1, 1983. These amendments shall not take effect unless during the 1981 sessian the Minnesota State Legislature enacts a similar. provisiorf governing the election of board members of Independent School District No. 625. , � 1 • '. . _ ��,���;, ' �d�°)�'!�� ;-��;1� ,�''� . SAINT PAUL, CF�ARTER COMMtSSION � ::� .,� � a� C��l�:F',t�AL� 3 :I k�� ' S�41NT PAUL, .���`'` 3� 1_� „-�� MINNESQTA 55102 r� ; �.; -t �x;�" '„ ;_q�<' 1`� August 2s, 19so FrLED ��c 29 9 3z k�f ��p . CITY C(.�RK�s aF�1�E The Honorable Ronald Maddox, President, and �7 �'���� �It�N. Members of The Saint Paul City Gouncil City Hall and Cour�house St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Maddox and Members of the Citg Council: In 5eptember of 1979, the Saint Paul Chartex° Commission commenced a study of a proposal to change the election dates for city officials to the fall of add numbered years in order to coincide with the state uniform local electian date and to change the procedure for the filling of vacancies. � A special committee . of the Commission was appointed and the special committee and the Commis- sion conducted numerous hearings and meetings on the subject. Public notice - of the hearings was circulated, to all parties and organizations indicating any inrerest in the subject, Numerous citizens appeared and testified and various members of the 5aint Paul City Council appeared personally and by letter to indicate their feelings on the matter. The Commission, after full consideration of the committee report, on 3une 26, 1980, approved the committee's recommendations that the election dates for city officials be changed to the fall of odd number�d years and that the procedure for filling of vacancies be changed. On August 28, 1980, the Com- mission adopted a £ormal resolution proposing amendments Eo the Saint Paul City Charter which would change election dates for city officials to the fa.11 of odd numl�ered years and which would change the procedure for-the filling Qf vacancies, said proposed amendments to be submitted to the electorate at the general election in November, 1980. The resolution of the Saint Paul Cha.r�er Comxnis,sion proposing these amendments is enclosed herewith. The City Council should now proceed to fix the forrn of ballot to be submitted to the el.ectorate, in accordance with �he enclosed resolution of the Charter ��•- . . . . .��sG �� � ;,.,� � ;� � SAINT PAIJI. Ct��RTER COMIVIISSION r , (,i���':;.`" i CIT�,H/�LL� ` ��#��i �� � � � SAINT PAUL, ;�a ���--,�,xMINNESOI"A 55102 : r;ili�' ; if 111 11��'1'�?tl _ � The Honorable Ronald Maddox, President, and Page 2 � Mexnbers of The Saint Paul City Council August 28, 1980 Comxnission and the applicable law. Yours very truly, , '"'"_"_� . Timot P. Quinn, President Saint aul Charter Commission TQ:rn _ enc. cc: Mayor George Latimer ✓City Clerk Rose Mix Members of City Council Members of Charter Commission ��� ,, . . . _G y . � a7� � RESOLUTION OF THE CHARTER COI+�IISSION OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL WHEREAS, the Charter Commission appointed a special subcommittee to study changing election dates for city officials to the fall of odd-numbered years to coincide with the state un.iform locaZ election date and for changing the procedure for the filling of vacancies; and WHEREAS, said subcommittee and the Commission have received testimony and correspondence from various interested members of the public, most of which has been supportive of the proposed cha.nges ; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes are so fundamental as to ma.ke it appropriate that the amendments be submitted to the electorate in. accordance with applicable law; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the attached proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul be submitted to the electorate by the governing body at the next general election; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the governing body fix the form of the ballot to be submitted to the electorate. /� , :,� a; Cz�� o� ���I�;�.� �'..c�.u�J � L:�.�/ `:� '`'+'�; OF3.+Ii:1� �1+� THL CIT� CO�O'1 CIL C � I (�:.I �:-'� Y-`-��'�� �� �::' __ .�., '� � � �� ��� �-��� � -_ � �:'-f ��_'_4ti,�'� Da t e . August 28, 980 ����_��`� C � �� �� ��� � � � � � � � � �' O : �flir�� Paul City Council �RO � � CO�i'li7ilfi7�v 4�'i LEGISLATION William L. Wilson ; choirman, makes the folto�r�ing report on C. F. � Ordinance Q Resolut�ion . � � Ofiher , � (�'�..� : A resolution recommending the Gharter Commission propose a Charter amendment changing the City _. elections to the fall of odd-numbered years: - _ . The Committee at its August 26, 1980 meeting recommended approval of this resolution. . � - ��=� ��:� ,,� —.{ r:.._: _.. c� �,;,.... �,.;,.. � � . - i.::.:.:.:.f �.,.. -r7 � . � � . . . � • . � •r;; ►-. rry . . y r'� . . p - _ -,� � ,. .-.::.y, - �r .. .. . �3 . . . . . IT7 -�t . . �� CtTY N_AI_L SBVENTF-I FI�OOR S_�I1T PAUL, :tfI\NESO'I'!1 5�202 -.�� �"J M�MITE - CITV �LERfC /\^ (�� � /�� �./ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Counci! �� r CANARV - DEPA File NO. BLUE - MAYOf7 o�ncil Resolutio � . _ Presented By i . . Referred To • Out of Committee By Date �� WHEREAS, The City Council has been apprised that the Charter �;. Commission has given pre iminary approval to a Charter amendment �. to change the s�ate of the aint Paul Municipal Election to the fall of odd-numbered years; and WHEREAS, In order to expe ite said change, a further amend- ment to the Charter would provi that the term of office for those City officials elected in April 0 1982 would expire on the first business day of January, 1984; and WHEREAS, The Council views said hanges favorably; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Ci y of Saint Paul recom- mends to the Charter Commission that the p oposed Charter amend- ments changing the City election to the fal of odd-numbered years which have received preliminary approv 1 by the Charter Com- mission, include a recommendation that the Co ncil of the City of Saint Paul adopt the amendments by ordinance p suant to Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 410.12, Subd. 7; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is her y directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the President of the Charter Commission. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B `~�' By l�pproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Su is ' o Council BY - — BY ' , . . � . � • � . � _ � : o��`-��; y , t � , . . . � � ., . ... , � � � . . . . - � . � - . . . � . ' � . � _. 1 .;.., ,. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �,, . . . i . . � . . .. . . . . . , ' _ � � . . � � . 1 � .. � . . . � . � . � . :� � '� . . . � � , , .. ��. � . - � � . . . � . � � . . . _ . �. t1. :� � �', . � � � - -� . . . . . t . .. . . ' . � - ' _ . . . � � . . . � . . . - , . . . . . � � . . � . � . . 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