274496 M/HITE - C�TV CLERK COI1f1CL1 � ,�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONg�TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Proper notice has been received as to a change of officers of F�OA, Inc., On Sa1e Liquor Licensee at 161 St. Anthor�y Avenue, doing business as the Holiday Inn, therefore, be it RE50LVED: That the followi.ng are the current officers: President Michael D. Rose Sr. Vice President Edwqrd E. Ellis Sr. Vice President Robert �. ErsId.n.e Sr. Vice President William G. Layton Sr. Vice President Charles L. Solomonson Vice President James Beck Vice President Nicholas G. Biro Vice President Bruce R. Doane Vice President John P. Fitzgeral d, Jr. Vice President John W. McAllister Vice President Richard H. Wells Vice President Robert W. Heidrich Vice President-Treasurer Emmett J. House, Jr. Vice President-Secretary Wayne C. Nla.rsh be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas p���pAHON Nays Requested by Department of: � .�et � �� In Favor Hunt Lzvine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tede �Eg 2 7 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado y Coun 1: Date Certified P� .ed b ourx:�l S cr ry BY Appr d Mavor: Dat _ ��B 2 9 1�4 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY s��o MAa s ,�so � � � ������ ,....,.,,�.,,,� >��``1' °':'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL =.• :��-., '� �; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� uu�iii°i �� '%<;' ,= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION °'���,m,',,;���°� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR February 27, 1980 hla,dam President and honorable i�mbers of the City Council Sa.int Paul, i•iinnesota �'iadam President and Honorable iuiembers: Proper notice has been received as to a change of officers of HIOA, Inc., doing business as HolidaJ Inn at 161 St. Anthony Avenue, On Sale Liquor Licensee. The current officers are as follows : President ilichael D. Rose Sr. Vice President Edward E. Ellis Sr. Vice President Robert E. Erskine Sr. Vice President t-Jilliam G. Zayton Sr. tiice President Charles v. Solomonson Vice President James Beck Vice President Tdicholas G. Biro Vice President Bruce R. Doane Vice President John P. Fitzgerald, Jr. Vice President-Treasurer Emmett J. House, Jr. Vice President-Secretary ��iayne C. Marsh Vice President John W. McAllister Vice President Richard H. rdells �ice President Robert W. Heidrich Very truly yours, �' ��. Joseph F'. Carchedi License Inspector O