274486 �NHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 ����� PINK - FINANCE J. Devlin G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L 1 CANARY - DEPARTMENT �������� BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Council File 4�267621 allows employees of Ramsey County who transfer to City of Saint Paul employment, who are at the time of transfer eligible for Ramsey County premium contribution, to continue without interruption their eligibility for City contribution in the City's Health and Welfare Program in the same manner as other City employees in the same bargaining unit, and WHEREAS, the present Providers of the City's Health and Welfare benefits have no ob�ection to providing the same eligibility for transferees from the State�of Minnesota now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that employees of the State of Minnesota who transfer to employment by the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for coverage in the City's Health and Welfare program in such a way that there will be no interruption of coverage, and the City shall contribute towards the premium for such coverage in a way appropriate for the bargaining unit to which said transfered employee is assigned, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall senct copies of _this resolution to the following: Mr. Donald Di�c--Blue Cross-Blue Shield Mr. Graydon Newell--Group Health Plan Mr. Michael Bronk--Coordinated Health Care Mr. Dayton Fiebiger--Washington National Life Insurance Company �� COUNC[LMEN Yeas McMAHON Na s Requested by Department of: Y � �� In Favor Hunt � Levine _�__ Against BY �ul'dt�ierr Showalter Tedesco � R � Form Ap oved Cit t r Adopte Coun il: Date C ified Pas- d y Countil S retary BY � f1p e by iVlavor. D E[Q `J. � �� App o d by Mayor fo mission to Gouncil By — !�' By tt�tl5til�o MQ� $ t980 , „ �., ,, , __ g + _ r� ,. - ,� , F•XPLANATION OF AD�TNTSTRATIV� OR�$8S , ��"� { ..� RES4LUTI 3. AND ORU , &S .�' ; , nate: Fel�rusry 19, 1984 , � � � � � � � � �� � � � � �� .� 1 �it�����-� � ���� � � � T0: �MA�[0& G�ORGE LATIMt�R �E� r '^���� , , ' E .. � 1�R: Pe�sc��el 4f f ice RE:' 'Relaalutioa gor submissio� xo City Council � ACTION'RE'�SST$D : We recc�maiend your approval and submi.ssion of this Resoiutiva tQ t'he City ,Cst�cil. � � � , . . . . . . . . � .: � . � � . : '"'i PURPOSE A�iD RliTI0NAI+E F4A THIS ACTIQ�1: , ��_� � � � A11c�►s e�jploy�es o! the Stste of Minn�scrta to tserisier into the City ��g �'�a�� a t . xaiting geziod or break ixl aoverage. : .' ; , ; .3 : ; . >:, s �{ 1 ATT�__�_�lF.I�TS: �; .* Propos�d'Cotmoil Resolution. � ' ;� . ; • 4 , ... . � . .. � i . . � . . . � . � .. . .. � . .. � �. � � � � �F. . � � - : � . � � . . � .. . ' ..'r ._ . . � �.� � � . � . . . . .. �. . �. . .. . . .. .. � . . -