274483 ����+ City of St.Paul COLJNC�L„' E NO��`�� '" � �. RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT By � '" �'"� File No. 1.�'�3� . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for ����� � a��� �tl�t ii��ti� a�!'it�w I�t �ttt� L�e� a�d i�it�.�t !� lEosd. y. �'.. ' . � . � . � . �>7 r�k.:� � . � . � . . under Administrative Order ���t approve� �ri��� Preliminary Order ����� approve� ����r7� Final Order ����� approved 7tY3f�� A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having � been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore,by it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratitied. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in f ive equal installments. ��;�� � COUNCILMEN Adopted Council: Date FEB 2 6 1980 Yeas HO�z� Nays FF� � 9 ��0 � ertified Pa by Courtcil Se tary Hu�;± �- �ti.� {'�'"� �In Favor �:"T��X MC . ;;'�p� Against Sci�� �.� :.�;er fl1�.! D MAR 8 1980 Mayor T�;' :� _. .._ _ ; � � :. _ , . ..� . _ �. _ , ,_ _ '���� ��,I� .r. ''':�,=t City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Office of The Director of Finance By REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. ��� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for ���� � �� � �� �' � 1�l�� ��IMt tr� �Pdli�w "1'�l�t �r�t� r ,�: under Administrative Order ��� approve� ����� $���� ������ Preliminary Order approve� FinalOrder �;��� approvecL ����`� :.� ----- . �, To the Council of the City of St. PauL .. . ' � Xr� . . . The Director of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,637.00 Engineering and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . $ ' Valuation and Assessment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 112.74 Postal Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10.80 Finance Accountin Costs $ �4.00 g 54.00 Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Collection Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 108.00 Court costs for confirmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,576.54 Chargeto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .............................................................................. $ Net Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,576.54 Said Director f rther reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, tawit: the sum of $��, S`7��-s� upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated ��� � Dire r of Finance � � - � . . . � - . . �`� n '. C - _ . .. . . ..a: p � lF 5'�Y��r. ,. 4 � `:�t . . . . . . y:� 'k � s �,,,.'��_� . . ... a''.� .� .: ' � .;. � w:. . , �}� � .. . � , , .. . _ _ . , ei. . .: .. �..:� . .. .. . � _�.; . .,..:. .. � . . . - . ,.__ -:. ' . ..a.�.:. '8�,� � �-,.q r� ., _- �a � i. ,�. . u.-� _. . . � . — . ._ � ���� �' . . .. . � . . - r� _ � , . F�nance File �,y�31 ;: . . . . _ , _ . . _ . , ,_ . �� , . a:. �.;� , . . �,:. � . + .• .. :f:' �� 4 .,.� . ' � . ... � c . � ' . ... � .'1, . '...,.. " � . ��V�� ��� . �.�.' :. .,. . . -,. . . . . .. ., � . � ' . .. I here6�► certify that ^�he �o];�,t�wi�g �has; been caaapared w3th �` �' . and' is a �or�ect copy �f tt� ssseiesnrent of benef ita,°:�amagee•, . , � , , cost �nd� $�pe��se�$ arising f�offi �is�ructiisg. an oraam+��l } ,= ' � � sti��eet<iightiing.;i�y�s�nn��� Matterhorn Lane aiid ;W�.l.li.am T,ell,_.: ` °� . . . ,, , ,. , ,: . : ��a.. . , . _ . � .. , : . . _ , . � �,�,. a_ , , , _. . . . ,. ,, .� 'r COST AND-:''El�E��ES :: ; . _ .�,� � Totaf �ons.tructio�t: �dsts`� $5,637..00 �. > � : , Engine�ring a�.��gP�ctio� , btlD,,�� : . 4. : .. , ,_ , Va3uativns & A�ssessa�ent� �tv�:ces' , 112.74 :; . , Postai Cards. _ *- ; . 10.80 , � �Fiartce l�c�+ou�ting Costs �< 54.00 ..N - : Publications �., 54.E10 " ` Collection Costs ' :108.-�0�.. � - - TOTAL��lEPENDITURES _ ' � 6,576.54 ; _.t,:.. ..:,�..,.....� '..:,.� - , ; ' ' Net Assessment : $6,576.54 � . • :_ $2.87 per asses�able goot . � � �` . ,. ;.;: _ � � . : . ., , ,. _ ; : , . : ,� • � �:'+ . . � ' .. . . .. . ' . . 'A" i . , ' . . .>� l. },'�,i� wC a . � .. . . .. - .. � . - _ , f - . . 5�`x '�k'' ' :. _ - � � , .. � - ,. . . 3' � -. `' � ... . . � . - .. . . :�r� � . � . . - . . . . . .. , ,. . . . . . � _ � . - . � . . _ � . . �. . . � � � : .. . - : ` _.r. � ' - . �.. :, . : .::' . � . : a, : � _. . a_. � �k �... � ' , �Cti�.,�,,.r�..�.,�� _ r . �. +,(t„• :';� ,r` . �� ��...o CI7Y OF 5T. P�►UL �� _ ;�,M� ,r� D�PARTA�S�NT �F ���IANC� AND MANAG�MFNY SERVlCES '��� ��: �:� ASSESSMfNT DIYISION 113 CITY HALL S7.PAUL,M)NiVESOTA SS102 February 8, 1980 File 17831 Page The Council of the Cit}• of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the C�t}- Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A,M, on February 26, 1980 t� considzr ratifi.cation of the assessment for the improvement described as construct- ing an or�amental street liohting system on Matterhorn Lane and tJilliam Tell Road. This inprave:r.ent has already been completed at a total cost of $6,576.54. The recor��*�ded assessment against the property described below is as follo�vs: LOT BLOCK ADDITION EISSESSMENT Bisanz Swiss Meadows Deferred Assessments: Any person 65 years oId or older and hornesteading prop�r.ty and which pe:son meets�the qualifications of hardship, as defined in Section ?_2.97 of the St. Paul Administrative Code, may appl_y for deferred payment of Special Assessments. A har�ship shall be deemed to exist cahen the average annual paympnt for all assess- ments exceeds 1% of the Adjusted Gross Tnr_or�e of the applicant, as show*� on the most rec.ent Fe.deral Income Tax Return. For furt'tier information, ca11 298-SZ25. Aep?al fro^: Assessment: Within twenty days after the order adopting the assessnent, an� perscn nay appeal to the District Court by filing a notice of appeal zaith tne Cit� Clerk stating t�e grounds upon which the appeal is taken. Such notice shall be fi.Ied w�t^ the Clerk of the District Court within ten days after the filing witR tne CitY C'Le?'k (,Chart2r Section 14.01.4) . Failure to file the required notices �,rithin [re ti:�es specified shall forever prohibit an aopeal fro�n the assessment. If vou :.ould like more infor�ati.on about this improvement, you r.iay telep�:one 29?i-4337 =or censtruction information (Pub].ic [dorks) or 298-5'c21 for assessment infor,nation (?�eoartnent of Finance and rtanagement Services) . Ir� adciition, the Citg's Technical ydvis�rs c�ill be available to meet with you and discuss this improver�ent in Roor.► 286 Citv Hatl from 9:30 to 10:00 A.ri. the same day as the heuring. _ ( � � J. tti'ILLIA.�f DO�OVA_'V �'ALUATIQ�I A:�+`D ASSES��iENT.E�GINEER , ' �-�� �g� ,�-���,: � � , n ; :..s� � ,� -: :,-�r-f,��*�� , �r �,+�.. . , .��� ' $!7j��' '� . � `+,5� ��rt�k�is`.��'� �Y•i2�3 �r�iF� �'.. .. ��T,��,t� �� i6 k' ������fk!Y ,•i�[#tJ I� i�e-� ! � : � ,- .. ', �frr�� �'�#�?. f �'; 'd i s �,� �.,�� �• � e � M. ��� �a '�'� � � ,,,� ���� - y � f y . 1� : ,�. ;� d � , �� � isrr , �� �, � .� �, , ,� Y .ia�'r�c��jt %q�r�fi�cttai� ,� ,k3 I } �'�F�4�".��> � ebr ' ���:� "� �#�'� �"{`� = , e�k 3�BO�r: +. rl��: �`�� ��'��1�3-.-+�..:c�-+r.+�-kt+,$ .7 . "a",a;i ,. ���Y � . .. �. .. � � -' . . . . �; �i���� i;' . .. ` ;. . . . - .. �: .A:� .:.� '� , , ,.. . - ; F.inanee`File 1X831 .. � :. ... A3SESSMENT ROLL ;. . _ �. �e: Orn�nentai 3treet Lightir#$ '$yste����n Matterhorn Lane and William xell Rosd Craig E. and Cheryl L3nd1 � . ,_. Eagtp l0 .feet�o£'�Lot 2 and all of Lot 1, Block 1, Bisenz` Swis�s Meadows .: $200.$8, 'St�nleq, Linda, '.�nd Il�ne Mc�ldenhauer �aeC 20 feet of LoC�'3 �and L�xcep�t East :10 feet Lo��-2; ��vck 1:; Bisanz Sw1ss 200.8$: . Meadows . , : : Lec�►grd �W: B1sa�: ;� , : . _ ,� . ' . . !. : y. ��Lot�` �+; ertaept�`ttie L��ast 3D feet thereof and East :4U ��eet bf Lot 5, Black`�� � }2�.� _ 1�, `B�isanz Sfaiss Mea.dow�s , � . � : . . ; . Do�l� G. and Lau��--L. Bateman , : �� Lot 3, excepC:;the East 20. feet zhereof, and thE. F�at 30 f�et of Lot 4, 20Q:8:8 : ' . Block 1�, :Bisattz 'Swiss Me�dows . �Co;�do.n M..and ,T,udith M. -Kealy � West�20 ;f e,et ofi Lot` S and East 5D '€eet �f Ipt�b i �lock l�, . Bisanz :Swiss 2Q0.8$ Meado�$ . - . Joseph 3. , Jr. astd, Paniela� A. Dud3ey , Lcxt> �, exa�pt.'�t .5D `feet. thereof and all Lat 7, `Bl.ock �, �i�anz S�iss 200.8$ :_._ ;. . :, Meadows '. , ; . � , ' Jo1� L. �d.Connie McCa�.1`iater I.4�"�$,'83ock 1,, Bsi���t �wisB,Meadows . _ : 246.��+� ^,k. _ _ . � Cf�i�l.ea �'. and 6enm��'�.: Tkiie]. ,. , . . , < �T�o���� $locfit �, B'ie�hz�Swiss Me�dows , . '.188.33 �• - . �, . ;.- r. r . x . . . , , Leslie �:° �and;�iered3th A. Berg . ` � � ?,,ot i0, B�.oa�.l, $is�nz :Swisa,Me�dows I90.65: - . .� Do�ald lt.��and;�rol A.� S�ewarr � ° � �1e�;-6-�e� �o�:�t' ����d�:a11� of. Lot 14; �lock 1; Bisa�z S�fss Meadows:. 172.i�; -. � . . .�. ,.. , ,, ,, , .. . . .. . , . , ; �, - � �� "Do�a��t �.�and �a�e A.� Wright - � � >� � � Part;,cg",L�3� ;#1. Easterl.�►; `of fo�;l.�wi.ng 7.ine: � Beg�na�.ng �4n Sou�h 13:ne=:of : ' 11/+.2� . ani��'7s9`f�e� ,IZe�t-�af �au.L-Ti���_��d�ner, t�ieiice No�tti �'4n 8' 7" East to the ' � .�.. . Noxt�i l�.ne'o!�'``�a�ii�r-Lot'11, Bt�:�k 1 BiBanz �:3w�as Meadows '_ � � - " � " � �'homa,e J.`:a�r�t `3�YI3f� A. Rank�:xri x� . ` : � } '; . ,: �t�e�t'� feet��o� `I��i� 14 �d ex�e�� Weat 6 feet; Lot 13, Block .�, Bisa�xz �' � 172.1'�° . .�wi� IKe�atlot�s _ y� i{x y�' M F ,�' . ... '. �.. ._. .. . .. . \, � . �� � �. , �'��ei 1G���Atld �'S�,�i&' BY'@rn8tii8 ' , ..� . . ,. . .. , � �ccept Wegt;�i';:feet;'' Lot 1,4, B�.d�k 1, Bisanz Swt�s� Meado�is > 154:.95 � .�, � �' I.eona�rd �: $i�� . , : � , , ' � . .•5` .- �s '' ''' �ot ''�"..�� ���¢k�' Iy ;�lisa;iz �S�f.�� 'Meadowa � 17�7,.17 .t� � �h .. f �F' -_ �: $ �..', ._ . 9E t 7 p• '. � � ti. S` �'' a r' � «1? . p . ; ,,, ,. ': . . . . . ' ':h• d- ` • + � y . . . , _ ::. ,. ��+��eph r�.�';�aaa ;Pat�icia �ohns�on . x. . - , .-, � .... , � . . .��.. , . ;; , � • Lot: .�'6, �lock 1, B�sa� �.�s Meaciiows;., ` .. �. ,�. 172.1�?` , . ^; :� � : � . .. ��� ��. �r . . . , `. �r 3`ames �S. '��tnd �aureea Swartwoo� � ~ Y :., , � � 1.ot. '�i, Bl.ock :l, l�i�an� �iiss Mead�,o`s ; ` - 172.17 - . . . , , .�er Pr�'perties,: Inc:�" . � _ , ., .., , ' �:� Lot 18�:,Block.,1,. �.san$ Ss�i.sa M�c�+rs .. ; - ' � 1 T2.�.7: , . . �=, .J�es R. �8i�s.anz, Jcs�ph �lie�nz.�ret al ��:�R ..: . , ` ' EaaC' 10 feet o� Lqt �2Q �tnit� �1�: �.ot ,19, B�o�k .1, Bisari� Swi�s Meadows , 200.8�'; ; , . , . �` �+�onard W.,;!&�san.z , ", ; . . . , -, F . . .•.: � +;'��a�t;:-�'�, �'eet of Lot �21 ai�d excepC E�st -10 feet Lot. �Q,.;S�.ock ..1, Bisa:rz w' 2'@b'.$7 �+i�s��Mead�i�s e, . -. . ,. . , .. ,_ ; . Micliae7. E. .�d'�r9��. P'lqaii ' ' '` % . . �:� , , -"Sa.�t: �.0 f e�t of Lot 22 atYd e�ce�t F'.ast� 20 .feet Lot Y 1 s B1oCk 1� Bisanz� ,200.$7� ' � ,� 3�is� 'Meadows _ , ' . . . _ , - - ,. ,: : , . � _ . . ,. -, . . . . T . . �..r � . . � - . .i . . � .. . . .. .. � . : � .. �� , .:. . ' ,,, �. .` . . ..�� , � . . ��. � .. � . . . . � . . .. ' - ' . . . -� . . . . k '-., _ .. . ' , .. . - , . .i. � ... . . . . ..,. . . . . .,. ., . _ r..:..,. , , ..� . .� . . . . .. '. . ; . . _ �'., �� . .� � �. � . . . .. - .� . �y ,� ;.' : yt t . � _ . , f .. .. .. ,.. . . . . � _ . . . . . .Ti , . . � . . . . ., . , v. _ _ �_ . . . .. ... . ..... .._. Y��:'�, k w,. � 4 ' � •� .. ��..� � � ,�. . � - � . � � R+�...,,�5//jr..��:.Y. , ,� 2 � `, F �e Fi�.e No:. ��2�831 .� t . in�iir . ,, . � , : . ; ; , :. . q;, ASS�S�I�1T ROLL , ry. _ ` a IYe:: Orn�ie+n�tal Street Lighting Syst� oa'Matterhorn Lane and�Wil�.iam Tell R���� - �-.�. . > , _ , ,. Deanis L. 8nd..�elen M. Pavek �`: East �0 feet;:�of Lot 23 a�nd except East 30 'fe+et Loi` 22, .�],�c.k ..�, Bisanz ,�°$2Q0.8'I � ; . . . ; Swi:ea Meadows . . .. . •- , -: r �nald L. a,� T1slrese R. Sweitzer ;;�` .. .. . . . . , r .. . . Ea�t 50 feet o� Lot 24 .�tnd e��ept East 40 feet Lc�t 23�f: $lock, 1, Bisan�� ;�";200 87�; . _. s�rs� ��abw8 - .`l�ilo�G... a�l Rit,a Mallinger . . , E�cept Esst 50 £eet.';T.ot 24 and all Lot��5; �$iock ,1, H3�anz S'�31ss Meadoo►s .�Ot�.87� .. :, . .-- , . . . �. . . . . ;. , ,. ;�. '`'.�avid R:�: �iid�Catherine G:'•7To3�nfc - '� . . Lot:2�, Blo,ck �1, Bie$n�;,:S�riss Meadows � : T88`.�36� ,.,. � ��icliard J.; and Joan..1Q. 3C�otxer . - x � I.ot '28, Bloe'k��,. B�,15w�:ss �Meadowa , .19a.�5' .�, � , k; � . � �.' ALfred F. Ju�ea,u�' 0.: � _ - . . . . � ` . �` ' P�i�t;.af I.ot �:1 We��e�ly 'o!,'following�I.�.ti�r �eg#.nnia� �on Setutfi_1iR� ot` 1 fl3fi.��� � ' ;�and; 79 :�eet West;af S+otr"th�ts� Gorner,'�Cb�nce �o��t� 24Q 8' �r' Eaet ,xo : ' ;.y -, - .. � Norr� �et''o f Lc'st i l, B�+a'�lc l � ' ,�� ,, , �;� . . _ x; ,. A .' y „• . ,. �.. . i , , . . . . ... ! ��: r , �'� . '�. . , ./ :°'� �." +�,����Gk,18�ci �• Slld MSr3► RO�la8 � . 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