274466 -�-- � �f' .;�,� WMITE - CITV CLERK '��.i�`, /y' PINK ` - FINANCE COUI�CIl '�-�� ' �� • CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. BLUE� - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application Q12261 for the transfer of �.i Sale Liquor License No. 9678, expiring Janua,ry 31, 1981, AND Application Q12262 for the transfer of the Sunday Gn Sa1e Liquor License, expiring January 31, 19a1, AND Application Q12263 for the transfer of Class C2-Restaurant ar.d Off Sa1e ljalt Beverage License, expiring Janu�y 31, 1981, AND Application Q1226l� for the transfer of the Entertai.nment License bdITH RESTRICTIONS, expiring Janua�y 31, 1981, all issued to the Esquire Nite Club, Inc. at 821-23 Uni- versity Avenue� be and the same are hereby transferred to Esquire Nite Club, Inc. at the same address with Edward L. Nioran as President-Treasurer and Kathleen M. Campion as Vice-President-Secretary, and the restrictions on the Entertau.nment �icense are as follows: 1. The licensee shall not provide any entertainment in which any performer exposes to view any pubic hair, or any portion of the anus, wlea, genitals, buttocks or f'emale breasts, and violation of this condition sha11 be grounds for revocation of a11 licenses held by Esquire Nite �lub, Inc. at the licen.sed premises. � Tr�ns�er Restrictions COU� 1VCII MEN Requested by Department of: Y�as Nays �� � In Favor 4 � �� Hunt Levine __ Against BY — ' Maddox Showalter � Ted FEB 2 O 1980 Form Approved hy City Attorney Adopted Council• Date C� fied Ya_- by ncil Sec�tary B3' � d by iVlavor: t _�EB� 2 1 �980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I gy BY I' �t1�i.iSNEt� MAR 1 198t1 � - � i � >,-, . ,..,,,,,,,,,, ��`'*' °'�''� CITY OF SAINT PAUL =.• :��-,, �� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� ui i iiii �' ;� „� `�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,��0"��m'„',��c°°�\ Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR February 20, 1980 Ma.dam President and Honorable i'�embers of the G`ity Council Saint Paul� l�.nnesota Niadam President and Honorable I�Ieembers: The current officers of Esquire ��ite Club, Inc., Ch1 Sa1e Liquor licensee at 821-23 University Avenue, are Ldward L. Tioran, President, and Annette P�i. I�ioran, Secretary-Treasurer. rl�hey are also the sole stockholders. Application has been made by Esquire Nite Club, Inc. to transfer their current licenses to Esquire Nite �lub, Inc. with Edward L.l�ioran as President and Tre�surer and Kathleen M. Campion as Vice- President and 5ecretary. The stockholders are Edward L. Moran and Kathleen M. Campion. Nfr. i�ioran will continue to aperate this business �ersonally and it will continue to be Imown as the Esquire r�ite Club. This application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attorney's office. The recommendation is for approval. Very truly yours, � . �.��� � Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �O � t � , � . . ' . • : . . • . T .. . . � . . . I .. , . . 1 . .. . . Februaty 12� 1980 .. . .. � � � � . . � �� � . . � L..;.. ' Mr�. Ksthleeu M. C�npion . ' 807 W. A�lingtott Avernie • _ st. Paul, rsinneso�a 551t7 � � �Dear 1�lada�t � � ahange o! offioer-sstoakholder in Ori Sa1e Liqwor , r r � ' � _ , , f ' � , � . February 20� .1980 : . � . 10:00 A.M. � . Cow�cil Cha3nbers�, tbird tltoor Cit,y Ha11 ' � , f . � ` . , , , _ . _ r � , , , �