274460 WHITE - CITV CLERK �I���g�� PINK - FINANCE COUflCIl y CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Co�ncil Resolution Presented By ISCENSE CONIMITTE�: Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application Q13276 for Bingo 1 Period and Temporary On Sa1e Malt Bever�e License, AND Application Q�3277 for Gambling Session License, applied for by the St. Pau1 Catholic Youth Center, Archdiocese of St. Paul arx3 Minneapolis at 150 No. Smith Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department df: Yeas Nays '$"�r���0.►l0�'! � [n Favor *'�Iez�s �-i�e�rrt Levine _ Against BY Maddox Showalter ,��BQ TedesCO FEg � g Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified • -e by Counc� , cre BY By Ap o e by Mavor: Dat —FE.B_ 2 i �9Bn Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY � n�w.t�Eo MAR 1 198n � � 6?a!��q �,� ,�; '�i���>� ,..,,u��„ �, ,: . �''�oti** o�+,,� � . � =��` ;'�-,, CIT`Y OF S�iN�I' PA�1�. z° � � �� L}EPARTNIENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMEN� 5ER1/lCE� -,, 'nw�im ,; �i t111 lill 1_ ^� '� ` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERM17 ADMINISTRATf�iv '�,. �,� �••, Room 204.Ci:y �-iali ''im�m�..a.o��"` � . . GEORGE LATIMER Saint Pa�i,Minrtescta SS1Q2 MAYOR Februa,ry 19, 1980 IJladam President and Honorable t��embers of the City Council Saint Paul, I�iinnesota M�,dam Prssident ar�.3 Honorable Members o � The St. �aul Cat}�Q1ic �'outh Center, .Arch€iiocese o� S�. Paul and I��,inne�polis make application for a Gamir.�; - Session License, a one-day Bingo �icense and a Temporar3r �� - - Sa1e ��`ialt Beverage License �to be held on Feb.ruai� 19, 19� �.t 150 N, Smith Avenue. j�r. J�mes C. Kol�.r, A.ssociate Direc�t.ur of the Ste Pau1 Catholic Youth Center, is the of�icer maIQng the a�pli-- _ cafi,ion and hs wi11 be �the m.anager of the �ixago �ames as we� as the gambLing s�ssiono The appla.cations have t,e�n reviewed b�r the �a.cense $nsi Per�it Divisi�on �nd the recoar;mendation is for approgal� �ery truly yours� ;: �. C��-� nsep Fa Carchedi �' �`�' �,icense Snspector �