00-984Return Copy To: Poiice Dept. Accounting Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 R'Ii$REAS, the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent has teceived a$175,000 Value Based Initiative grant fmm 3 the II.S. Departmeat of Justice for the period August I, 2000 thmugh July 31, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant will eapand the Saint Panl Police Deparhuent's community oriented policing efforts by 6 buitding and strengthening parinerships between the police and other elements of the criwinal justice system 7 including social service pmviders� schools, businesses, and religious rnmmunities in the Snmmit-University/Frogtown 8 area thmugh a community-driven prevention and intervention program for youth; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department ueeds to establish a 2000 spending and financiug plan for tivs grant; and 11 12 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City oF Saint Paul, does ceriify that 13 there are available for appropriation funds of $175,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and 14 15 R'IiEREAS, The Mayor rernmmends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 as CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: 436 - Police 5pecial ProjeMs Fund 34057 - Value Based Initiafive Grant 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants in Aid SPENDING PI.AN: 436 - Police Speciat Projects Fund 3405'I - Value Based Initiative Grant 0547 - Payment to Subcontractors - 175,000 175,000 — r e - 175,000 175,000 - > > TI�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Gtity Council accept tivs grant award, authorizes Cltief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the II.S. Department of Justice, and approves the changes to the 2000 budget. Adopted by Council:Date: Q�� as a.�o Adoption Certrtied by Council 5ecretary: � BY. �� 2r . ��_ ,,,.�—' Approved by Mayor:Date: A'jjg(/ '7 � By 34057ValueBasedinifiaGveGroni.CR.OL����'" l OR1GiNAL CouncilFile# oo�9Rt1 Green Sheet# 107082 � Requested by Department of: fl b°aARTMENTIOPFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepartment to��6�0o GREEN SHEET No. 107082 � CONTACT PERSO O INRIAUDATE INR7AUDATE CltiefFinney 292-3588 � EPARIYFNiGIREROR 5 wu,w. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) OO ��� PIC2SCPLOCe$SASAP � Y Ia�xATTOPtIEY �CLERK ��� I� � v �� � �SERVICE40QL� �Rl1VKIPl5E1N/ACRG � YOR�ORASStTANT)� �pKafTS I� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTm Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a Value Based Iniriatiee Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, authorizing Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and establislring a 2000 5nancing and spending plan for the grant RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever worked under a conirac[ for this depaAment? PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION , YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a sWll not normally possessed by any curtent cty employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis persa�rtn a targeted vendoR YES NO "" E�lain aIl yes answers on separate sheef and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U.S. Department of Justice has awazded a$175,000 Value Based Iniflative grant to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent for the period August 1, 2000 through July 31, 2001. This grant will expand the Saint Paul Police Depar[menYs communiry oriented policing efforts by building and strengthening partnerships between the police and other elements of the criminal justice system including sociai seivice providers, schools, businesses, religious communities, and the communiry at large through a community-driven prevenrion and interoention program for youth. (Attached is a co of the t awazd.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Value Based Initiative grant is a collaboration between the Saint Paul Police Department, YWCA of SainY Paul, and the Collaborative Movement for Improvement that will build and strengthen partnerships and reduce crime in the Summit-University/Frogtown community. t� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �„�g �SQ�' �" None. � dilda • DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ',� d. � Loss of grant funding to increase community oriented policing efforts. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 1�S,OOO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE FC(�0L81 G7811t ACTIVITY NUMBER 34OS7 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 340S7ValueBasedlni[iativefirantg.00 ��/,� � a?"��• r,; ��� �.� , �_�6 A�card #: OILT #: A�v'ardee: Vendor #: o n -t U. S. Department of Justice Off ce of Community Orieraed Policing Senzces COPS Training and Technical Assistance Award 2000CKWX0226 MN06209 St. Paul, Cin� of 41-6005521 A�v'ardee E�ecutive Official: A�var�tee Address: A�cardee Phone Number: Project Title: Value Based Initiatice Chief William Finney 100 East l lth Stree[ St. Paul, MN» 101 (651)292-3588 .rCooperative Agreement Conditions: This projzct is approeed subject to such conditions of ]imitations as azz szt forth on thz attached pages. SYatutori Authorit} for Cooperativ'e Anreement A�v�ard: 11�e Public Safzty Partnership and Community Policin� Act of 199=1, 42 U.S.C.§ 3796dd(1994). A��'ard Date: 8/1/00 A��ardPeriod: From: 8/ll00 To: 7/i1Nl Awxrd Amount: $ 175 A�encti� Appro�'ni , �.+� 1"s` - n � ,�,� ` r - f�.1Y. ��: , � ,s � //� �� �isN�> �.� .t°`� � f� � , �. �.e Thomas Fraaar, Dvzttdr Da[t sE� � j zanc� A«�ardee A cceptance S�gnaNre of 017icial t� ith [hz authonh [b acczpt [ha �ran[ an'ard William K. Finney, Chief of Police T�ped \amtd and Title of ���e� Datt 00 -q�'`� -:;� U. S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) {(�a.rhir.g(an, DC 20530 II00 [�ermorstAvemre, M�' Memorandum To: William Finney, Chief St. Paul, City of From: Beverly Afford, Assistant Duec[or, Training and Technical Assistance Divis}qn / Slieila R. Bullard, Staff Accountant, Grants Administration ,�/t,c �<(/ Re: Training and Technical Assistance Financial Clearance Memo A fmancial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this awazd appear reasonable, xilowabie, and consistent with existing guidelines. Exceptions / Adjustments are noted below. Y Vendor # 416005521 ORI #: NIN06209 Grant #: Fringe Benef u Travel Equipment Supplies Constzucuon Consultants/Contractors Other Direct Costs Indirect Costs .::,-„-:::.:.:. _..._ Grand Tt�tat Grand Total: Cleared Dnte: Overall Comments: Proposed Budget Approved Budget �60,000.00 $60,000.00 $14,400.00 $14,400.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,572.00 $40,572.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,200.00 $37,200.00 $19,228.00 $19,225.00 Adjustments DisallowedReasons/Comments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 $175,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 „ .::.::::: .::::::..::::::..: .:...:.:..:::::::.::::::.....:::: ...::::.::. �175,000.00 5175,0OO.OG $0.00 Totai Award: � 175,OU0.00 September 8, 2000 po —'tr'{ PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR U.S. DEPARTIVIENT OF JUST�CE/COMMUNITY ORIENT�D POLICING SERVIES (COPS) Prepared by VBI, Y and St. Paul Poiice Depart��zent �ugust 16, 2000 Questions concerning any portion oi tiiis grant application can be addressed by �my Brown, SPPD Grant Coordinator, @ 6� 1-292-3507. 00 -`t�'i Table of Contents I. Justification ...........................................................I II. Project �Tarrative .................................................... A. Collaborative History of Community Partnering.... .,......1 B. Project Abstract ............................................: ....2 C. Project Goals and Objectives ...................................2 D. Anticipated Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes ..............3 E. Other Anticipated Outcomes . .. ... ..... . .. ....... .. . ...........3 Y III. CMI Proposal ... ...... ........... . ...... .. ...... ... . .. ... ... . ..... ....4 IV. Timeline .............................................................. V. VBI Management and Organizational Capabilities............6 VI. CiV1I Management and Organizational Capabilities............7 VII. SPPD Mana�ement and Organizational Capabilities..........8 Appendix I .................................SPPD OrQanizational Chart Appendix II... ...... .� . ......... . ..... ............. ..... ... ... ... ...Budget fla -°�.�'`t JLiSTIFIC �TTO\: The Cirv oI Saint Paul. home ot the Vtinnzso.a state capiwl. has a popula[ioa oi "_'72335 and is aporosu >: squarz miizs. Saini °ac1 nas � personalicc �vaos� °azrgy is in [hz ciry's neiehborhocds. This strong nzighbo.�.00d base is rzflec;ed in :he eav-to-day ac:iviti�s o[ the residen[s 2nd visitors oT the cirv. Saint Pau1 c;dzeas :ii:e �heir r.y quiet Ihey lti�;� the orde:lu�zss oi a well-mn municinai sovz:nmen[ .3nnuailv 12 miLlion non-businzss visitors comz co Sainc Paul to se� the world clzss attractions «'hica include: chz Scieace Muszum. thz Children`s Vluseum. �he Ore�vz}� Vlusic Thzarre, the Saint Paui Cha.�noz: Orchzstra, local fes:ivals, unique snops in charming nziQhbomoods. _ovznmenc buildines sucn as the caoiml and the Minnzsota History Center. and insLinicions such as the Ca[hedral. Evzn [he cirv's sffeeu �ec [heir due wi[h visiton drivina up and down SummS[ Avenue, the longest s�zcch of ti iccorian rzsidences in the liniced Staces, and wim Gr. nd Avenue noted as one of the counuv's most lucrative retail su�ecs.:�ll of this didn'tjust hanpzn. li nappzned bzcause ot"the c:[y`s underlying modus operandi, simpl� put, if onz is �oing to do somethina, do i� wzi1. A sieniTicant parmer in all of this has been the Sain[ Pau1 Police Dzparanenc (SPPD). Ovzr the pas[ eiaht years. thz SPPD has bzen ac thz forefront of parme:ships in community policin� with ciry rzsidents and sta.leholders in making Saint Paul a quality place to tive. ' The Saint Paul Police Department institutzd Community Policins (COP) dzpamnznt-wide upon the appoin�nent of Chief Finney in July of 1992. ChieY Finney has led the community-policin� zffort ior eiaht yeazs. Wich the eight year milestone here. the deparanent can look back and review where the deparcment has been and morz specifically, how successful the community policing pro�ams have been in order to combat the vagaries of crime. Thz zntire depar[ment is fully involved in communiry policin� and enga�es in the following ac[ivities in suppon of that philosophy: Problem-orientzd policing tarseted at specific recurrin� problems (Neighborhood Service Areas), dirzcted patrol, tzlzpho¢e reporting, citizen surveys, victim assistance program, neighbonc�od based police stations, drug-free zones around schools and parks, police;',vouth proarams, dru� educarion pro�ams in schools (D.A.R.E), assianment of o�ce:s to fixed beats, foodbike paIIOl as full-[ime assienments, cicizen po(ice academy, landlord/manao-er trainina pro�rams for probizm propzaies, code znforcemznt proaram, �eosraphically-based crune analysis madz available [o beat officers, neiahborhood �vatch, citizen advisory councils, encry level and on-�oing community policin� ttainin� for ofFicers. bloc: club formanon and maintenance, �a�ti abatemzn[ proeram, cufizw and truancy enforcement, police mentoring programs. school resource officers, Thz pr000sed collaboration for the V'alue-Based Initiative �vill zxoand the departmzat's community oriented policing efforts bv buildine and strzngchzning parmerstiips between the police ard o[he: elements of:he cr*ninal juscice systzm. social service providers, schools, business and reliaious communitizs. and the communiry-at-targe throush a communirv-driven prevzntion 2nd intervention proaram for youth. These �Yior[s wil( reduce the inc:dents of violence within the idenufied communiry [hrouoh [he use of restorative justice peacemakinJsznteacma and healin� cirdes. The depar[ment is fully commirted [o this collaborative effort and w�ll.participate as a full parmer in all yspects ot chz program. •' D O -q�''�1 PROJECT tiARRATIVE: Collaborati�e Aisiory of Communih� Partnering: The S2int Paul Police Deparmenc has a scron� history' of formal and iniormal collaboration �vith the communiry whicn includzs business, civic oreanizations. neighbornood based projeccs non-pronu and other law eniorcemenc asencies. These collaoorations inciude but ar: not lini[ed to: Ramsev Councv Curizw and Tmancv Centz* Co1126oration The Ramsey Counry Truancy and Curie�v Centzr besan as a collaboration benveen the departme�c and othz. ciry depar[ments such as pazks and rzcreatio¢, community zducacion and workforce dzvelopment, schools, human services and thz youth service bureau. Tne collaooration was formed with a state appropriation to serve at-risk youth in 1994. The co112bora[ion broadened the dzfinition to serve unsupmised youth at risk. This znlazged defmition allowed the collaborarion to examine critical components of a youth's liie. School issues such as uuancy and communiry issues such as curfew vio(ations wzre ho[ issues chrou�hout the business communiry and neighborhoods. This collaborazion has fmishzd its sieth year of operation. Mobite Crisis Team The Vlobile Crisis Team is a collaboration benveen the SPPD, the youth service burzau, and the county human services deparcment. Sain[ Paul Police ofFicers azz trained to reco�ize warning si�ns for a mental hzalth crisis youth and to cafl in a counselor who will come to the faznily home and work with the family to alleviate the crisis and to bzsin remedial therapy. Hailed by the state office of dru� policy as an outstandin� innovative proaram, this collaboration is now in its sLeth year of operation. The COPS demonstration project is a collaboration amoaa the Saint Paul Police Department, the Bovs and Girls Club, and Haml'me Univezsiry's Graduatz School of Public Adminiscracion and bfana�emenc Thz collaborative's �oals are to implement and evaluatz several advanced communiry polic:n� initiatives in Saint PauL These initiatives include: Gan� prevention and interventioq potice officer mentorin� for at-risk youth, enhanced probation and parole program, truancy, curfew andjohn sweeps, trainin� proerams for officers provided throuoh video conferencin�, and community forums on issues of communirv concem. The involvement oi police depamnent persoartel in the above collaCorations and �n many oth?r city projecta is key to the successful stratzw for community partnerships. The successes provide a ripple effect for other programs. Other snate�ies far community involvement include: Block club formacion. Since 1990 over 1400 block clubs have bzen formed_,The dzparnnenc has three civilian and three officers assisned to [his effott alono with a graffiti pro�ram, crime-fre° multi housin� trainine and restorative justice programs. Deparcmen[ personnel rzguVarty artend districi council and block club mee[ings to uQdate citizens reearding on-�oino crimz prevention efforts. The City of Saint Paul's District Councils wzrz formed in 196 i and proo'ide a forum for neighborhood concems and issues. The citizen polic7 acadzmy is now in iu sisth year of operation. The Vic[im Intzr:ention Program, is a pro�ram which resultzd from a collaboration with the polic°_ departmen[ chaplain prosram. a priva[e non-profi[ social service agency and the depa: cmen['s hemicide unic For the specific and immzdiate nezds of tha survivors of homicide, che VIP projecc is staY'fzd by a wunselor, herself a homicide survivor, who is ablz to answer the families questions and provide resources. 00 9F`l Project �bstract: I'ne I'�ti C.a of Sc Paul and the Collaboraave vtovzmeat for Imoro��emen[ (CMI), Inc-NBC both sz:ve 52. Psui's hi�h crime. hian novem Suuunit-�niversiryiFroeto«n communinzs. Furcher. both organizaaons shxre a vision of wd ao�ressively �cork to promotz the saiecy, dioaity, and �veil-being of tfiz people in these commuairies. Tne Y�ti C� and CVII, Inc: v�BC ue reauesrins fimdine under the V alue-Based Iniciarive (�rBI) for ince:-:ziaced communin•-drivea projecrs that are based on communirv—oriented ooticine. The pronose3 projzccs are con�iZed to emno�aerina the membes of our communiry to share responsbilirv for finding constructive rzsolurions to crime and uicrimizanon and buildin? a positive par�e:saip oenveea the poiice and the communiry. C�II, Inc-�`BC and YGVCA parmer wirh the Saint Paul Police Deparmient, builidin� a parmersnip based on mumal rzspzcc and a comnon vision of reduced crime and violznce. All parme:s posszs esemplary hiscories, conuibutina to safzr neiohborhoods by providins numerous ptogatns to build suon� connections and communiy circles tluou�hout. �I�he Sumnnc- LIlIV2ISIN� licing coudirions are some of the most undesuablz in St. Paul. The hope is to bring dit".`zrent members of the comv�uniry cogethzr to c:zare re!arionships and understanding resuItin� in c;ime reducnon. Thz I'Z4C � has beea an acdve committed pardcipant in the community dnven Circle projecP for adults in the area and has esperiznced great success. It hopzs to expand tha projecc, Yocusine on juvzailes to idzntify and address potenrial probtems beforz it escalates into crime resulting in detzriorarion of living conditions. The project will serve both juv'enile non-viotent ofizndzrs and youth at risk of offendine. Quality circlzs wi11 bring offenders, vicrims, law enforcement, prosecutocs, defzase counsel, judge and court personnel, correcrio¢s officials, community leadets, and othzr volunteer community membzrs [ogether. The goal is to undersrand the zvendproblem, discuss why it happeazd and what effecu i[ had on each party involved, and ways to prevent future occurrences of similar situadons. Extensive �ainin� for all parricipants will be provided to strengthen their skills and customize che circle to obtain op¢mal results. The I'�V"CA �vill be in d'uect contacc with CVII, Ino-�+�iC and their "Just Stop It" \on-Violeace Campxi�n. The stra[zgies of CVII echo that of Yti�CA. CVIPs �oa1 is to reduce thz incidents of violencz by educating the community and bridsing the gap benveen Law Enforcement and commuaity members. Quality circles of all a�es and groups will be established, h a communicarion link benvezn azza churchzs, community residenrs and or�anizadons, law ea2orcement, and arza business. The communiry will bzcome thz communiry police by assisting in reoortino �-iolent crimes, idznrifyin� suspicious activity, and maintainin� consistznt concact witl� thz la�v enforcement. By combining effons, the Y�V CA. CVSI, Inc \BC, and Saint Paul Policz Departmeac hooe to build s�on� bonds and reladonships with a widz range of community inaividuais throu�hout the Semmit-Univzrsity�Frogtown area to reduce cnme and imorove liti conditions. Project Goals and Objectives: Gaals - • To dzveSop a series of trauungiworkshops for Iocal ministers/pastors that will znhance �roricing relationslups amon� chem, che community, and the Sc Paul Police Deparanent. • To reduce che number of violent acts in the Summit-i;niversity�"Fro�[o�tn community throu;h the deve!oamenc oY che Value-Based Imitative Tramin� Cznter that will �y wieh commun:ry lezders, the °aith cQ:r�.muricy, and the S*. Paul Police DeoarQnent Objecrires: • To ouild and,ot streng[hzn parmerships oznveen thz religious commumnes. [h: comrnunin ac-laraz. che poiice and an, o[hzr e!eme^s of thz criminal justice syscem through a commumry-drivea sznes of aainins and w � c� -gry • To buiId Suauini-IIniversity�Froato��n's sense of community and its caoaciry for resolvin� conflict alone side the police. � - � • To identify and address the uadz:icing causes of criminal behzvior from bo[h a cruninal jusrice and a faich-based oerspecrivz. - • To decelon �nd implzmen[ a"common laneuage" in thz area of Faith�Commnnirv and criminal jusnce relarions beginnine R'ich the police. • To zducate and inform ihe faiv'i and the community at-lazge on how to work wich the police in reportin� scenes of violence and effecriveIy prevent violence from dramaricaily affecrin� tne communiry through the training center. �nticipated Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes: Goal and Objectives (as stated above). ,lndcipa:ed Oz�tcomes: . 60% of the faith community, che community at-lazge and the police department invited to paracipate in the �ainings will attend at least one of the nvo trainings offered. • 60% of the faith communiry, che community at-large and the police department pamcipatiing in the trainines �vill complete the necessary work required. • 60% of the faith communiry, the commu�utY at-large and the police deparcment that have completed the trainings will be assi�ed to ��ork with local disuict commanders and will be on-call for incidences of violence in the Summit-Univzrsiry/Frogtown communit9es. . Quality of life/Part II crime stausrics will be reduced by 10% . Ca11s for police misconduct involving members of the idenrified communiries wzll be reduced by 10% Other �nticipated Outcomes: • Greater communiry awareness of theu rzspoosibiliry to eradicate all forms oE violence • Greacer communirv participanon witn police and the crinilnaljusrice systzm in efforts to reduce a11 forms of violence. • ImQrove public perception of and thz relationships between police and the idenrified communities. oo-qP'� PROJECT GR�\T PROPOS�I. FOR tiS DEP:�R"L�[EtiT OF NSTICE/CO��ItiNITY-0RIE�7ED POLICLtiG SERVICES (COPS) Oraanization Name Coilaooratice ltovemeac for Improvemzn[, tnc_ �1ew BeQinnin°_- C.nter 641 Selbv Averme Sc. Paul, �finnesoca �� 10= Contacf Person Revzrend Devin Vtiller Executive Director 651/�?-t-1631 ORGANIZATION NIISSION AA"D HISTORY The mission of the Collaborative Movement for Improvement, Ina (C�II Inc.) is to assisc in development of rhe African :4merican family cufturally, academically, socially, and politically through the creation of cuihually-centered programs [hac will operate within the New Beginnin� Center or throu�hout the East Metro .1rea. The mission of the Center itself is �o minister to the basic survival needs of the disadvan2aeed people of the community throu�h the disvibution of food and clothing and by providin� advocacy, education, employment shelter, information, and referral usistancz. The primary emphasis of the Cencer and the or�anizarion is developing self- esteem, self-pride, and setf-moti-vacion in thz whole pzcson, enabling them to become produccive members of our communirv and this societv. CNII Ine. was formed in 1939 to in�oduce bvo pro�iams for African-American hi�h school youth -Black Teens for AdvancmenC (BT�1) and Sisters In ttte Stru��le for Survival (SISS). Today, the programs have joined together under one name, $TA. to show additional unity be[ween males and femalzs. This pro�am helps youth develop appropriate values and behaviors, and promote community service through a basic understandina of their history. To encouraQe academic e�cellencz, C�II Ir.c. developed the Educational Exceller•ce Incenrive Program (EEIP) to provide monetary awards ro parcicipatin� students who achieve specific �rade percentaae increases and attendance increases during the second semesczr or the fourth qusaer. We also created the BTA Scholars pro�ram that is offered to BTA �raduatin� seniors. This prooram works with our seniors once they have selzcted and have been acceptzd at any posc-secondary or vocacional institutionai, and assist them in either findin� the financial aid they need or we provide small granrs or toans to help them make it through the first yeaz. As part of our reachin� ou[ to the community, CNII, [nc., ttuough the vision of one of our advisors, devzloned the �tinnesota Panthers Youth Athle[ic Pro�ram which draws youth, ases I I-l3, into a scructured, amateur Athletic Union-sanctioned basketball program. The pro�ram is designed to use the spor[ of basketball as the vehicle to rz- en�aQe youth into school and education. The program provides [utorial services, community szrvice, and a sense of ince;-�_>eneranonai interacdor� so :�ca ou= youth appreciate tilzi* elders but aiso become resoonsible `or those vounger dian chemsefves. We belizve thesz strategies will lead [o [he development of excellent :�frican .American !eaders *or [he future. Thz Nzw Be�inning Cencer. four.ded in 1972 by the Reverend Dr. Kneely Williams, �.sas crzated ori�inally co pro�ide tme:gency services, foee. clothing shelter, transpc�ation, and generat crisis intz:vention. This also included qzrsonal, spiritual, and chemical counseling. Throu_hout iu 27 year history. the cenczr has been thz biRhplace of African-American Family Szrvices and [hz River of Life Christian Center and has continued :o pro� idz zssential serviczs to those who are less for[unate. Their motto "\ot a hand out, but a hand up." and "Concinwn�t eo mzet the unmet communiry needs ° continues to oz the rafh'in� cry m [hz cea[er Ihrough its food shzlfand clothin, room, its�ob readiness and referral classes and its nurri[ion and budgzting courszs. 00 -9Py Thz mer�ins of these nvo �*zac zncicies wickiin our communicy has creaced a viable resource to the �fi communities and che communities that are in nzed of committed services in the areas of education community zmpo��ermznt. food and c:o[hin� emoloymenc. and mos. o� all.. Hooz. How does this Campaign meet the mission of tbe Value-Based Iuitiative? T"ne "7ust Stop I[� \'on-Vioience Camoai�n Tics wzll wirh thz puroose of VBI because �ve are trying to address violencz. oublic saierv zne communirvipolice relations on thz neighborhood 1zveL _ Wz aze also workine wirh the community and no[ for them bzcause their paricioation is key to the success of the Campaign and the Parmershio. � Finally, �ve are urilizina this Campai�, in parmership with [he Y���CA Restorative Justice!Communiry Circlz Pro?razn and thz A Chanez For Liie (�CFL) proaram to stimulate neighborhood dialogue and empoweanent to direccly address the violence tha[ is unique to thz Summit-liniversirv nei�hborhood. This coilaboration will allow the communiry and the Police ro: I. Discuss the breakdown in relations via a sedes of Town Mee[inas and Forums. 2. Look at the issue of Communiry involvement in creating safety. 3. Implemenc rhe concep[ of a true partnership ber,veen the police and the communirv throuah A Chan�e For Life proeram and the YWCA Restorative Justice,�Community Circle pro3am. Proposed Activities: Seprember 2004 - �'ovember 2000 • Hirz coordinator for VBI Trainin� Czntzr that wili work with the sponsorin� direcrors, the police, and the communirv. • Identify issues and concerns on police2ommuniry relations from rzsidznts throuah Town MeeCmgs. • Gather informarioo from La�v Enforcement on critical areas in the identified nei�hborhood. • Idencify the uainino topics that need to be addressed and who will teach thzm. • Hosc the Communiry Non-violence Celebration where "Commitment to Non-Violence" pledges wili be Qiven and "commitmen� [o Accountability" will be offered to and from ffie Police and Community. � Recruitmenc of ministers and lay-pzr>ons for Fust training. December Z000 - February 2001 • First session of aainin� oased on topics identified. Februarv 2001 - �Iarch Z001 • Eva(uation/G2duazion of firstirainin� session. Apri12001 - June 2001 • Second session oT ttaining based on topics iden[ified. Julg 2�Q1 - �ugust 2001 • -,Ev,deazio�iGraeuacion ot>ecor.d [rainina session. • Communi[vi celzbracion oi VBI Trainia_ Center September'_001 - Create reooa for Deparrment of Juscice. COPS office. • Solici[ continuino fundin� for Czntzr. 00 �9�y VSI l�Ianagement and Organizational Capabiliiies Financial vlanaQement and Reportino: Thz Collaborative Movement for Improvement. Inc. - Ne�v BeQinnine Centzr is a non-profit or�anization tha[ has had iu �Ol�:(�) status since 1997. Bemadene Heber & Associaczs handle our syscem oT accouncine, a sma(L African- �mzdcan accouncine agzacy rha[ specializes in non-profic bookkeepin� and reponina systems. Currently, most of the t� ork done under the'`Just Stop Ir' Pro�am haz been funded by local foundations and cnurches in the azea. Our ability to manase the funds comes from a sense of fiscal resnonsibilicy and accountabilirv to the funders and the communirv wz serve. In addirion, all of our stan associatzd with the progam hzs back�ounds in financial and business mana�ement. Evaluation and Reportina: � CMI, Inc: New Beainning Center has a standin� relationship with The Wilder Reseazch Cen[er in St. Paul, Minnzso[a. Their function «ith this groject will be to assist us in creating the proper tools ro zvalua[z our function wichin the collaboration and how we work with and within the community. VJRC will then assist us in �enerating the necessary repores along with the Research Office of thz St. Paul Potice Depamnent to makz sure that we are in compliance with grant. Collaboration: C�II, Inc., the parent orQanization, believes in workin� with other aeencies within the asea, hence the name. We understand the lunited availabilicy of funds so we acknowled�e the fact that we must work together, poolin� talent and resources in order to receive the best results. Currently, not counting the partnership we aze entering into with Tne Y�VCA oFSt. Paul, we are in coilaborarion with the following organizations or agencies: The Youth Services Communiry Institute African-American Mentors Pro�ram The St. Paut PoLice Deparcment Iuvenile Division Throu�h these parmerships. we are able to address the nzeds of our communiry and zddrzss those issues from a proactive stancz. Governance• A 7-member Board of Directors that volunteers their time to the or�anization �cvems C�fI, INC. -NBC. The board meets quarterly with an annual meeting,jield in June. The board is diverse in iu makeup wi[h both men and women, persons of color and of the dominant culture, and various backsrounds. The budaet for Cb1I, Inc. is 5331,000.00 for fiscal year Z000 (Calendar Year). oo..ary Y«C � ]Iana�ement and Organizational Capabilities The Y�'v C.� has the infrastructu:e!caoacity as R as the experieace. technical erpe: ase, and comrriianzat .o successfully unolement [he pr000se3 P:oject. Firaancial.1lm:a� emeiet mid ReParring. Thz YWC.� is a non-profit organizanon ac'.�owledged by the IRS as an orsaaizadon descnbed in Szcnon �Ol(c)(_) oi rhe Incemal Reveaue Code of 19�=:, 35 flII12IIQ6C. AII 25i2DII5IIZQ accountine syscem allows szparatt ideaufication oi prog*am acnvities and the sources oi fundin� Tor those acricines. The XSVC3 is esperienced in the mzny aspecrs of �ant adminissarion (Federal, State and local levels as w'ell as £oundarion, coroorate eiyine pro�*ams and ocher sources of revenue). It was a case manasemzat z�ency ior the _ VlcKinney Decisions Project and has successiully administered HU grants totaling ovzr 52 million (VIcT.;inney Homeless ?.ssistance orants) since 1959. The Execurivz Duector. Dzpury Duector, and Director of Financizl Services have exozrience and demonsnaczd abiliry in thz development, adminisuarion and opzradon of grant-sponsored projzcts and are ?mowlzdgeable in applicable Ciry, State and Federal regulations [o ensure full comolianF.°. Tue Y�,tiCA maintains an �Tfidavit of Comoliance for United `Vay A�encies as evidence of iu non-profit stams and accounting systzm cerdficarion.. � Evaluatiort a�:d Reportiisg. The YR'CA has taken an ag�ressive approach and Izadership role in the development of outcome-based evaluation systems in a non-profit setting. Three YWC �. social service programs have fully operational outcome-based evaluation systems (i.e., comprehensive wntten plans, toois and proaram-spec�c dara bases); the rzmainin� I'�VCA pro�rams will have systems in place by the close of Progam Year 2000. .-i�ency ai:d Project:YfmtagementProficiertcy, (1) Established and opzrated the fust and lazeest emer�ency snzlter for homeless women and children in �Ilnnesora (1932 - 1990); (?) Operates one of the oldest and laz�est t�ansirional housin� pro�rams for women and children in Glinnesota. Program eamed reco�niition from the li.S. Dz�armiznt of Housing and Urban Dzvelopment (HUD) and the Y��7CA of the USA; (3) Designed and operatzs the only pro;ect in �tinnesota that provides comprehensive, long term services and case mana�ement to families in crisis with mulriple barriers to family stabilizztion; (�1) W"orked coCa6ocativzly with Ramsey Acaon Pro�an�s to establish the 5is[ all-day Head Starc Czater tar�e:ed specifically to homeless pre-school childrzn; (' Awarded license from the VLV Depamnent oi Human Services for e.Yistin� school-a�e child care pro�am; (6) Successfully operates unique pro�amming that is direcdy responsive [o idenrified needs within our service area: Operates the only Operation SVL?.RT Program in the Twin Cities and one of rivo in Vlinnesota; Operates the only An Income of Her Own Pro�ram (a comoonent of the Cazeer Acrion Program) in Minnesota and oue of three narionally; Operates the only �ender-spzcific, Guls Ine.-baszd preguancy prevention program in serv�ice area; Ihe Two-Gethzr Proaram, which has served the community for nventy-five years (and pre-dates Bi� BrotherslBi� Sisters Program), is the only one-to-one, child-youth mzntoring program in the re�ion [hat offers sentces tareeted esclusivzly to girls. (7) Accomplished and success:ully manaoed notable programmatic and fmanciaL erow[h (1990 - 2 programs and operating budgzt of 5300,OOu; 1999 - 1 i programs and operaring budget of 53.1 million). Cullaboration; �Von-duplication of Sendces. .�gency-wide and program-specific mechanisms znsure tLat our commiRnent to collaboration is honored. Membership in the Yourh Service Coordinating Comauttee (YSCC), Youth Service Community Insritute (YSCI) and other formal bodies/ailiances keeps the Y�V'C.� apprised of thz chanaur_ needs oF children/youth as well as proerams,''plans responding to those needs. 5tafPs oa-�oin� communicadon wiffi other agencies in their industry, refeaal sources, etc. keeps thzir lenowledge of service aeeds and availaoie services current and ensures comprehensive services that are non-duplicative. Advisory Councils. composed oi coiunree:s. representativzs of industry-related agencies/service providers, proaram participants and parents. help keen Y�VCA pro�*ams respo�sive to the �articipancs' needs, promote inteo-a�ency cooperation, and reeruic quaiified �oluntee:s. Staff is aLso represented on, participa[es in and supports 40+ task forces, associanons znd conie:ences :o :�e�p uieir knowledgevf szrvice nzeds and available serv'ices wrrent. Saint Paul Police Department Vlanagement and Organizational Capabilities 00 -4�''� The Saint Paul Police Deparanent is a Yull-service police departmen[ with the infrastruccure, zxpzrience. tzchnical etpenise and commirmeat to imolement this colLaboradve project. This infrastructure includzs financial management and repor[in� by the accounting unic which providzs pla�ning and budeet suopoa to thz divisions az well as rzsponsioiliry for fiscal mana�emen[ of deparsnznt functions_ This uni[ is also responsibie for the coordination of the annual operatine bud�e:, �rant accounfing, suozrvision of intemal espzndicerzs and intzmal conaols inctudina fund audiu. In addicion to the depamnent's I999 S�3 million operazin� bud�et S3 million in sr2te, fedzral and ocher �*ant funds were mana�ed by the accounting unic. Evalua[ion and Repoaing for the dzparmient's projects including �ant fund initiatives is conductzd by thz deparcmenYs research and developmeat unit. EvaLuarion of pro�t'ams include [he use of �eo�anhicatly based crime analysis tools, proaram-spzcific data base (includino S:�RA), and evaluation surveys. � The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent coasists of 700 employees, �81 of whicn are s�vom. The dzpar¢nent is comznitted to servin� the communiry and is organized in such a manner as to be more responsive to the community we servz. The hiecazchy of [he depamnent is asfollows. Working under the immediate duecrion of the Chief of Police aze the ExecuIIVe Officer, the Public Information Coordinator, Inspec[ion, Intemal Affaus, Back�round Invesri�ations, and the Police Rzseazch and Grants Section, wl�ich includes Reseazch and Development, Asset Forfeinue, and the Accoundn� Unit The Esecutive Of£cer commands [he Proacrive Service Secrion. This secrion includes the FIeeUSuriace Pazking Unit, Nazcorics and Special Investi�ations, Community and Volunteer Szrvices, the FORCE lini� and the Vice linit. There aze two Assistant Chiefs, one d'uectin� Opecarions and onz d'uecting Suppon Szrvices for the departrnent. The Operations Division consists of The Pahol Dishicts, ACOP, the Invesugarive Unies, Youth Services Secdon, the K-9 and Vfounted Police, and the CIItT team. Each unic is led by either a Commander or a Sereeant. The Support Services Division consists of the Rzcords/Evidence Secrion, �vhich includes the Crime Lab Systems and the Property Room; the Services Szcrion, which includes the Impound Lot and Communicarions Services and Maintznance; the Station Commander; the Emergency Communications Center; the Trainin� and the Personnel Units. Please see the attached organizarional chart. . . oo -q�'{ . . OR�ANIZA31flS1AL Gi-IA�iT . C}{IEF OF POUCE � .e. � ?ib(c tramrerion � Cx �ra1c( Esev.m�e C15�1 T Pcacne 52rncES JLCm � �� �e�rta1 A,9ars �� C, l�s � P¢•�eajrn 8 .LSSec ' Ce�ebpm+ I Foremae PoliC2 �9 � �VZec�¢i�c�'� Gx+yranrty& FOAC.c I Yce f:PPflP�uS I�yg�yEIX15 YMS�SEM1YRS � OF3�1T'C."9F � ��, I pPEAP77ClS � Pau�d� I �'.u�Cm..nC i Tra3c3 CaruwMar.aN ,��� PACe Ccwrrtc-� I .1C)P I Ya.M Scvw� auclurvt � . � `" 2°IX1 ' � $oqa t'aism l—� O.A0.E I DE? V7Y CHIEr OF SUPflOfti 5£aViCS � � c ecc�e 1 ��` i JLrA.S:T�I __� I � C.'..rt:R �mcou.M Lcl �� I I �1d�i ?uicn4 i 4am.eran� . c ecm9 I .a�.un e G;�rnun[et ,�Gerra I Gvr.eLa� I A� � � � I � ^�) L nrs;ems i Cz ra s�scn c:rtr II c��.�esx�t aersms G eS.Ha�t Pv�e .ry Tranmq I P^.�wrnH 7I � P - e,sav,H � 4eautL � �— '� We11n¢ss � ���� �_ = �m�etFarSe � t Return Copy To: Poiice Dept. Accounting Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 R'Ii$REAS, the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent has teceived a$175,000 Value Based Initiative grant fmm 3 the II.S. Departmeat of Justice for the period August I, 2000 thmugh July 31, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant will eapand the Saint Panl Police Deparhuent's community oriented policing efforts by 6 buitding and strengthening parinerships between the police and other elements of the criwinal justice system 7 including social service pmviders� schools, businesses, and religious rnmmunities in the Snmmit-University/Frogtown 8 area thmugh a community-driven prevention and intervention program for youth; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department ueeds to establish a 2000 spending and financiug plan for tivs grant; and 11 12 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City oF Saint Paul, does ceriify that 13 there are available for appropriation funds of $175,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and 14 15 R'IiEREAS, The Mayor rernmmends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 as CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: 436 - Police 5pecial ProjeMs Fund 34057 - Value Based Initiafive Grant 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants in Aid SPENDING PI.AN: 436 - Police Speciat Projects Fund 3405'I - Value Based Initiative Grant 0547 - Payment to Subcontractors - 175,000 175,000 — r e - 175,000 175,000 - > > TI�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Gtity Council accept tivs grant award, authorizes Cltief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the II.S. Department of Justice, and approves the changes to the 2000 budget. Adopted by Council:Date: Q�� as a.�o Adoption Certrtied by Council 5ecretary: � BY. �� 2r . ��_ ,,,.�—' Approved by Mayor:Date: A'jjg(/ '7 � By 34057ValueBasedinifiaGveGroni.CR.OL����'" l OR1GiNAL CouncilFile# oo�9Rt1 Green Sheet# 107082 � Requested by Department of: fl b°aARTMENTIOPFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepartment to��6�0o GREEN SHEET No. 107082 � CONTACT PERSO O INRIAUDATE INR7AUDATE CltiefFinney 292-3588 � EPARIYFNiGIREROR 5 wu,w. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) OO ��� PIC2SCPLOCe$SASAP � Y Ia�xATTOPtIEY �CLERK ��� I� � v �� � �SERVICE40QL� �Rl1VKIPl5E1N/ACRG � YOR�ORASStTANT)� �pKafTS I� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTm Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a Value Based Iniriatiee Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, authorizing Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and establislring a 2000 5nancing and spending plan for the grant RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever worked under a conirac[ for this depaAment? PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION , YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a sWll not normally possessed by any curtent cty employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis persa�rtn a targeted vendoR YES NO "" E�lain aIl yes answers on separate sheef and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U.S. Department of Justice has awazded a$175,000 Value Based Iniflative grant to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent for the period August 1, 2000 through July 31, 2001. This grant will expand the Saint Paul Police Depar[menYs communiry oriented policing efforts by building and strengthening partnerships between the police and other elements of the criminal justice system including sociai seivice providers, schools, businesses, religious communities, and the communiry at large through a community-driven prevenrion and interoention program for youth. (Attached is a co of the t awazd.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Value Based Initiative grant is a collaboration between the Saint Paul Police Department, YWCA of SainY Paul, and the Collaborative Movement for Improvement that will build and strengthen partnerships and reduce crime in the Summit-University/Frogtown community. t� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �„�g �SQ�' �" None. � dilda • DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ',� d. � Loss of grant funding to increase community oriented policing efforts. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 1�S,OOO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE FC(�0L81 G7811t ACTIVITY NUMBER 34OS7 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 340S7ValueBasedlni[iativefirantg.00 ��/,� � a?"��• r,; ��� �.� , �_�6 A�card #: OILT #: A�v'ardee: Vendor #: o n -t U. S. Department of Justice Off ce of Community Orieraed Policing Senzces COPS Training and Technical Assistance Award 2000CKWX0226 MN06209 St. Paul, Cin� of 41-6005521 A�v'ardee E�ecutive Official: A�var�tee Address: A�cardee Phone Number: Project Title: Value Based Initiatice Chief William Finney 100 East l lth Stree[ St. Paul, MN» 101 (651)292-3588 .rCooperative Agreement Conditions: This projzct is approeed subject to such conditions of ]imitations as azz szt forth on thz attached pages. SYatutori Authorit} for Cooperativ'e Anreement A�v�ard: 11�e Public Safzty Partnership and Community Policin� Act of 199=1, 42 U.S.C.§ 3796dd(1994). A��'ard Date: 8/1/00 A��ardPeriod: From: 8/ll00 To: 7/i1Nl Awxrd Amount: $ 175 A�encti� Appro�'ni , �.+� 1"s` - n � ,�,� ` r - f�.1Y. ��: , � ,s � //� �� �isN�> �.� .t°`� � f� � , �. �.e Thomas Fraaar, Dvzttdr Da[t sE� � j zanc� A«�ardee A cceptance S�gnaNre of 017icial t� ith [hz authonh [b acczpt [ha �ran[ an'ard William K. Finney, Chief of Police T�ped \amtd and Title of ���e� Datt 00 -q�'`� -:;� U. S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) {(�a.rhir.g(an, DC 20530 II00 [�ermorstAvemre, M�' Memorandum To: William Finney, Chief St. Paul, City of From: Beverly Afford, Assistant Duec[or, Training and Technical Assistance Divis}qn / Slieila R. Bullard, Staff Accountant, Grants Administration ,�/t,c �<(/ Re: Training and Technical Assistance Financial Clearance Memo A fmancial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this awazd appear reasonable, xilowabie, and consistent with existing guidelines. Exceptions / Adjustments are noted below. Y Vendor # 416005521 ORI #: NIN06209 Grant #: Fringe Benef u Travel Equipment Supplies Constzucuon Consultants/Contractors Other Direct Costs Indirect Costs .::,-„-:::.:.:. _..._ Grand Tt�tat Grand Total: Cleared Dnte: Overall Comments: Proposed Budget Approved Budget �60,000.00 $60,000.00 $14,400.00 $14,400.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,572.00 $40,572.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,200.00 $37,200.00 $19,228.00 $19,225.00 Adjustments DisallowedReasons/Comments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 $175,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 „ .::.::::: .::::::..::::::..: .:...:.:..:::::::.::::::.....:::: ...::::.::. �175,000.00 5175,0OO.OG $0.00 Totai Award: � 175,OU0.00 September 8, 2000 po —'tr'{ PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR U.S. DEPARTIVIENT OF JUST�CE/COMMUNITY ORIENT�D POLICING SERVIES (COPS) Prepared by VBI, Y and St. Paul Poiice Depart��zent �ugust 16, 2000 Questions concerning any portion oi tiiis grant application can be addressed by �my Brown, SPPD Grant Coordinator, @ 6� 1-292-3507. 00 -`t�'i Table of Contents I. Justification ...........................................................I II. Project �Tarrative .................................................... A. Collaborative History of Community Partnering.... .,......1 B. Project Abstract ............................................: ....2 C. Project Goals and Objectives ...................................2 D. Anticipated Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes ..............3 E. Other Anticipated Outcomes . .. ... ..... . .. ....... .. . ...........3 Y III. CMI Proposal ... ...... ........... . ...... .. ...... ... . .. ... ... . ..... ....4 IV. Timeline .............................................................. V. VBI Management and Organizational Capabilities............6 VI. CiV1I Management and Organizational Capabilities............7 VII. SPPD Mana�ement and Organizational Capabilities..........8 Appendix I .................................SPPD OrQanizational Chart Appendix II... ...... .� . ......... . ..... ............. ..... ... ... ... ...Budget fla -°�.�'`t JLiSTIFIC �TTO\: The Cirv oI Saint Paul. home ot the Vtinnzso.a state capiwl. has a popula[ioa oi "_'72335 and is aporosu >: squarz miizs. Saini °ac1 nas � personalicc �vaos� °azrgy is in [hz ciry's neiehborhocds. This strong nzighbo.�.00d base is rzflec;ed in :he eav-to-day ac:iviti�s o[ the residen[s 2nd visitors oT the cirv. Saint Pau1 c;dzeas :ii:e �heir r.y quiet Ihey lti�;� the orde:lu�zss oi a well-mn municinai sovz:nmen[ .3nnuailv 12 miLlion non-businzss visitors comz co Sainc Paul to se� the world clzss attractions «'hica include: chz Scieace Muszum. thz Children`s Vluseum. �he Ore�vz}� Vlusic Thzarre, the Saint Paui Cha.�noz: Orchzstra, local fes:ivals, unique snops in charming nziQhbomoods. _ovznmenc buildines sucn as the caoiml and the Minnzsota History Center. and insLinicions such as the Ca[hedral. Evzn [he cirv's sffeeu �ec [heir due wi[h visiton drivina up and down SummS[ Avenue, the longest s�zcch of ti iccorian rzsidences in the liniced Staces, and wim Gr. nd Avenue noted as one of the counuv's most lucrative retail su�ecs.:�ll of this didn'tjust hanpzn. li nappzned bzcause ot"the c:[y`s underlying modus operandi, simpl� put, if onz is �oing to do somethina, do i� wzi1. A sieniTicant parmer in all of this has been the Sain[ Pau1 Police Dzparanenc (SPPD). Ovzr the pas[ eiaht years. thz SPPD has bzen ac thz forefront of parme:ships in community policin� with ciry rzsidents and sta.leholders in making Saint Paul a quality place to tive. ' The Saint Paul Police Department institutzd Community Policins (COP) dzpamnznt-wide upon the appoin�nent of Chief Finney in July of 1992. ChieY Finney has led the community-policin� zffort ior eiaht yeazs. Wich the eight year milestone here. the deparanent can look back and review where the deparcment has been and morz specifically, how successful the community policing pro�ams have been in order to combat the vagaries of crime. Thz zntire depar[ment is fully involved in communiry policin� and enga�es in the following ac[ivities in suppon of that philosophy: Problem-orientzd policing tarseted at specific recurrin� problems (Neighborhood Service Areas), dirzcted patrol, tzlzpho¢e reporting, citizen surveys, victim assistance program, neighbonc�od based police stations, drug-free zones around schools and parks, police;',vouth proarams, dru� educarion pro�ams in schools (D.A.R.E), assianment of o�ce:s to fixed beats, foodbike paIIOl as full-[ime assienments, cicizen po(ice academy, landlord/manao-er trainina pro�rams for probizm propzaies, code znforcemznt proaram, �eosraphically-based crune analysis madz available [o beat officers, neiahborhood �vatch, citizen advisory councils, encry level and on-�oing community policin� ttainin� for ofFicers. bloc: club formanon and maintenance, �a�ti abatemzn[ proeram, cufizw and truancy enforcement, police mentoring programs. school resource officers, Thz pr000sed collaboration for the V'alue-Based Initiative �vill zxoand the departmzat's community oriented policing efforts bv buildine and strzngchzning parmerstiips between the police ard o[he: elements of:he cr*ninal juscice systzm. social service providers, schools, business and reliaious communitizs. and the communiry-at-targe throush a communirv-driven prevzntion 2nd intervention proaram for youth. These �Yior[s wil( reduce the inc:dents of violence within the idenufied communiry [hrouoh [he use of restorative justice peacemakinJsznteacma and healin� cirdes. The depar[ment is fully commirted [o this collaborative effort and w�ll.participate as a full parmer in all yspects ot chz program. •' D O -q�''�1 PROJECT tiARRATIVE: Collaborati�e Aisiory of Communih� Partnering: The S2int Paul Police Deparmenc has a scron� history' of formal and iniormal collaboration �vith the communiry whicn includzs business, civic oreanizations. neighbornood based projeccs non-pronu and other law eniorcemenc asencies. These collaoorations inciude but ar: not lini[ed to: Ramsev Councv Curizw and Tmancv Centz* Co1126oration The Ramsey Counry Truancy and Curie�v Centzr besan as a collaboration benveen the departme�c and othz. ciry depar[ments such as pazks and rzcreatio¢, community zducacion and workforce dzvelopment, schools, human services and thz youth service bureau. Tne collaooration was formed with a state appropriation to serve at-risk youth in 1994. The co112bora[ion broadened the dzfinition to serve unsupmised youth at risk. This znlazged defmition allowed the collaborarion to examine critical components of a youth's liie. School issues such as uuancy and communiry issues such as curfew vio(ations wzre ho[ issues chrou�hout the business communiry and neighborhoods. This collaborazion has fmishzd its sieth year of operation. Mobite Crisis Team The Vlobile Crisis Team is a collaboration benveen the SPPD, the youth service burzau, and the county human services deparcment. Sain[ Paul Police ofFicers azz trained to reco�ize warning si�ns for a mental hzalth crisis youth and to cafl in a counselor who will come to the faznily home and work with the family to alleviate the crisis and to bzsin remedial therapy. Hailed by the state office of dru� policy as an outstandin� innovative proaram, this collaboration is now in its sLeth year of operation. The COPS demonstration project is a collaboration amoaa the Saint Paul Police Department, the Bovs and Girls Club, and Haml'me Univezsiry's Graduatz School of Public Adminiscracion and bfana�emenc Thz collaborative's �oals are to implement and evaluatz several advanced communiry polic:n� initiatives in Saint PauL These initiatives include: Gan� prevention and interventioq potice officer mentorin� for at-risk youth, enhanced probation and parole program, truancy, curfew andjohn sweeps, trainin� proerams for officers provided throuoh video conferencin�, and community forums on issues of communirv concem. The involvement oi police depamnent persoartel in the above collaCorations and �n many oth?r city projecta is key to the successful stratzw for community partnerships. The successes provide a ripple effect for other programs. Other snate�ies far community involvement include: Block club formacion. Since 1990 over 1400 block clubs have bzen formed_,The dzparnnenc has three civilian and three officers assisned to [his effott alono with a graffiti pro�ram, crime-fre° multi housin� trainine and restorative justice programs. Deparcmen[ personnel rzguVarty artend districi council and block club mee[ings to uQdate citizens reearding on-�oino crimz prevention efforts. The City of Saint Paul's District Councils wzrz formed in 196 i and proo'ide a forum for neighborhood concems and issues. The citizen polic7 acadzmy is now in iu sisth year of operation. The Vic[im Intzr:ention Program, is a pro�ram which resultzd from a collaboration with the polic°_ departmen[ chaplain prosram. a priva[e non-profi[ social service agency and the depa: cmen['s hemicide unic For the specific and immzdiate nezds of tha survivors of homicide, che VIP projecc is staY'fzd by a wunselor, herself a homicide survivor, who is ablz to answer the families questions and provide resources. 00 9F`l Project �bstract: I'ne I'�ti C.a of Sc Paul and the Collaboraave vtovzmeat for Imoro��emen[ (CMI), Inc-NBC both sz:ve 52. Psui's hi�h crime. hian novem Suuunit-�niversiryiFroeto«n communinzs. Furcher. both organizaaons shxre a vision of wd ao�ressively �cork to promotz the saiecy, dioaity, and �veil-being of tfiz people in these commuairies. Tne Y�ti C� and CVII, Inc: v�BC ue reauesrins fimdine under the V alue-Based Iniciarive (�rBI) for ince:-:ziaced communin•-drivea projecrs that are based on communirv—oriented ooticine. The pronose3 projzccs are con�iZed to emno�aerina the membes of our communiry to share responsbilirv for finding constructive rzsolurions to crime and uicrimizanon and buildin? a positive par�e:saip oenveea the poiice and the communiry. C�II, Inc-�`BC and YGVCA parmer wirh the Saint Paul Police Deparmient, builidin� a parmersnip based on mumal rzspzcc and a comnon vision of reduced crime and violznce. All parme:s posszs esemplary hiscories, conuibutina to safzr neiohborhoods by providins numerous ptogatns to build suon� connections and communiy circles tluou�hout. �I�he Sumnnc- LIlIV2ISIN� licing coudirions are some of the most undesuablz in St. Paul. The hope is to bring dit".`zrent members of the comv�uniry cogethzr to c:zare re!arionships and understanding resuItin� in c;ime reducnon. Thz I'Z4C � has beea an acdve committed pardcipant in the community dnven Circle projecP for adults in the area and has esperiznced great success. It hopzs to expand tha projecc, Yocusine on juvzailes to idzntify and address potenrial probtems beforz it escalates into crime resulting in detzriorarion of living conditions. The project will serve both juv'enile non-viotent ofizndzrs and youth at risk of offendine. Quality circlzs wi11 bring offenders, vicrims, law enforcement, prosecutocs, defzase counsel, judge and court personnel, correcrio¢s officials, community leadets, and othzr volunteer community membzrs [ogether. The goal is to undersrand the zvendproblem, discuss why it happeazd and what effecu i[ had on each party involved, and ways to prevent future occurrences of similar situadons. Extensive �ainin� for all parricipants will be provided to strengthen their skills and customize che circle to obtain op¢mal results. The I'�V"CA �vill be in d'uect contacc with CVII, Ino-�+�iC and their "Just Stop It" \on-Violeace Campxi�n. The stra[zgies of CVII echo that of Yti�CA. CVIPs �oa1 is to reduce thz incidents of violencz by educating the community and bridsing the gap benveen Law Enforcement and commuaity members. Quality circles of all a�es and groups will be established, h a communicarion link benvezn azza churchzs, community residenrs and or�anizadons, law ea2orcement, and arza business. The communiry will bzcome thz communiry police by assisting in reoortino �-iolent crimes, idznrifyin� suspicious activity, and maintainin� consistznt concact witl� thz la�v enforcement. By combining effons, the Y�V CA. CVSI, Inc \BC, and Saint Paul Policz Departmeac hooe to build s�on� bonds and reladonships with a widz range of community inaividuais throu�hout the Semmit-Univzrsity�Frogtown area to reduce cnme and imorove liti conditions. Project Goals and Objectives: Gaals - • To dzveSop a series of trauungiworkshops for Iocal ministers/pastors that will znhance �roricing relationslups amon� chem, che community, and the Sc Paul Police Deparanent. • To reduce che number of violent acts in the Summit-i;niversity�"Fro�[o�tn community throu;h the deve!oamenc oY che Value-Based Imitative Tramin� Cznter that will �y wieh commun:ry lezders, the °aith cQ:r�.muricy, and the S*. Paul Police DeoarQnent Objecrires: • To ouild and,ot streng[hzn parmerships oznveen thz religious commumnes. [h: comrnunin ac-laraz. che poiice and an, o[hzr e!eme^s of thz criminal justice syscem through a commumry-drivea sznes of aainins and w � c� -gry • To buiId Suauini-IIniversity�Froato��n's sense of community and its caoaciry for resolvin� conflict alone side the police. � - � • To identify and address the uadz:icing causes of criminal behzvior from bo[h a cruninal jusrice and a faich-based oerspecrivz. - • To decelon �nd implzmen[ a"common laneuage" in thz area of Faith�Commnnirv and criminal jusnce relarions beginnine R'ich the police. • To zducate and inform ihe faiv'i and the community at-lazge on how to work wich the police in reportin� scenes of violence and effecriveIy prevent violence from dramaricaily affecrin� tne communiry through the training center. �nticipated Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes: Goal and Objectives (as stated above). ,lndcipa:ed Oz�tcomes: . 60% of the faith community, che community at-lazge and the police department invited to paracipate in the �ainings will attend at least one of the nvo trainings offered. • 60% of the faith communiry, che community at-large and the police department pamcipatiing in the trainines �vill complete the necessary work required. • 60% of the faith communiry, the commu�utY at-large and the police deparcment that have completed the trainings will be assi�ed to ��ork with local disuict commanders and will be on-call for incidences of violence in the Summit-Univzrsiry/Frogtown communit9es. . Quality of life/Part II crime stausrics will be reduced by 10% . Ca11s for police misconduct involving members of the idenrified communiries wzll be reduced by 10% Other �nticipated Outcomes: • Greater communiry awareness of theu rzspoosibiliry to eradicate all forms oE violence • Greacer communirv participanon witn police and the crinilnaljusrice systzm in efforts to reduce a11 forms of violence. • ImQrove public perception of and thz relationships between police and the idenrified communities. oo-qP'� PROJECT GR�\T PROPOS�I. FOR tiS DEP:�R"L�[EtiT OF NSTICE/CO��ItiNITY-0RIE�7ED POLICLtiG SERVICES (COPS) Oraanization Name Coilaooratice ltovemeac for Improvemzn[, tnc_ �1ew BeQinnin°_- C.nter 641 Selbv Averme Sc. Paul, �finnesoca �� 10= Contacf Person Revzrend Devin Vtiller Executive Director 651/�?-t-1631 ORGANIZATION NIISSION AA"D HISTORY The mission of the Collaborative Movement for Improvement, Ina (C�II Inc.) is to assisc in development of rhe African :4merican family cufturally, academically, socially, and politically through the creation of cuihually-centered programs [hac will operate within the New Beginnin� Center or throu�hout the East Metro .1rea. The mission of the Center itself is �o minister to the basic survival needs of the disadvan2aeed people of the community throu�h the disvibution of food and clothing and by providin� advocacy, education, employment shelter, information, and referral usistancz. The primary emphasis of the Cencer and the or�anizarion is developing self- esteem, self-pride, and setf-moti-vacion in thz whole pzcson, enabling them to become produccive members of our communirv and this societv. CNII Ine. was formed in 1939 to in�oduce bvo pro�iams for African-American hi�h school youth -Black Teens for AdvancmenC (BT�1) and Sisters In ttte Stru��le for Survival (SISS). Today, the programs have joined together under one name, $TA. to show additional unity be[ween males and femalzs. This pro�am helps youth develop appropriate values and behaviors, and promote community service through a basic understandina of their history. To encouraQe academic e�cellencz, C�II Ir.c. developed the Educational Exceller•ce Incenrive Program (EEIP) to provide monetary awards ro parcicipatin� students who achieve specific �rade percentaae increases and attendance increases during the second semesczr or the fourth qusaer. We also created the BTA Scholars pro�ram that is offered to BTA �raduatin� seniors. This prooram works with our seniors once they have selzcted and have been acceptzd at any posc-secondary or vocacional institutionai, and assist them in either findin� the financial aid they need or we provide small granrs or toans to help them make it through the first yeaz. As part of our reachin� ou[ to the community, CNII, [nc., ttuough the vision of one of our advisors, devzloned the �tinnesota Panthers Youth Athle[ic Pro�ram which draws youth, ases I I-l3, into a scructured, amateur Athletic Union-sanctioned basketball program. The pro�ram is designed to use the spor[ of basketball as the vehicle to rz- en�aQe youth into school and education. The program provides [utorial services, community szrvice, and a sense of ince;-�_>eneranonai interacdor� so :�ca ou= youth appreciate tilzi* elders but aiso become resoonsible `or those vounger dian chemsefves. We belizve thesz strategies will lead [o [he development of excellent :�frican .American !eaders *or [he future. Thz Nzw Be�inning Cencer. four.ded in 1972 by the Reverend Dr. Kneely Williams, �.sas crzated ori�inally co pro�ide tme:gency services, foee. clothing shelter, transpc�ation, and generat crisis intz:vention. This also included qzrsonal, spiritual, and chemical counseling. Throu_hout iu 27 year history. the cenczr has been thz biRhplace of African-American Family Szrvices and [hz River of Life Christian Center and has continued :o pro� idz zssential serviczs to those who are less for[unate. Their motto "\ot a hand out, but a hand up." and "Concinwn�t eo mzet the unmet communiry needs ° continues to oz the rafh'in� cry m [hz cea[er Ihrough its food shzlfand clothin, room, its�ob readiness and referral classes and its nurri[ion and budgzting courszs. 00 -9Py Thz mer�ins of these nvo �*zac zncicies wickiin our communicy has creaced a viable resource to the �fi communities and che communities that are in nzed of committed services in the areas of education community zmpo��ermznt. food and c:o[hin� emoloymenc. and mos. o� all.. Hooz. How does this Campaign meet the mission of tbe Value-Based Iuitiative? T"ne "7ust Stop I[� \'on-Vioience Camoai�n Tics wzll wirh thz puroose of VBI because �ve are trying to address violencz. oublic saierv zne communirvipolice relations on thz neighborhood 1zveL _ Wz aze also workine wirh the community and no[ for them bzcause their paricioation is key to the success of the Campaign and the Parmershio. � Finally, �ve are urilizina this Campai�, in parmership with [he Y���CA Restorative Justice!Communiry Circlz Pro?razn and thz A Chanez For Liie (�CFL) proaram to stimulate neighborhood dialogue and empoweanent to direccly address the violence tha[ is unique to thz Summit-liniversirv nei�hborhood. This coilaboration will allow the communiry and the Police ro: I. Discuss the breakdown in relations via a sedes of Town Mee[inas and Forums. 2. Look at the issue of Communiry involvement in creating safety. 3. Implemenc rhe concep[ of a true partnership ber,veen the police and the communirv throuah A Chan�e For Life proeram and the YWCA Restorative Justice,�Community Circle pro3am. Proposed Activities: Seprember 2004 - �'ovember 2000 • Hirz coordinator for VBI Trainin� Czntzr that wili work with the sponsorin� direcrors, the police, and the communirv. • Identify issues and concerns on police2ommuniry relations from rzsidznts throuah Town MeeCmgs. • Gather informarioo from La�v Enforcement on critical areas in the identified nei�hborhood. • Idencify the uainino topics that need to be addressed and who will teach thzm. • Hosc the Communiry Non-violence Celebration where "Commitment to Non-Violence" pledges wili be Qiven and "commitmen� [o Accountability" will be offered to and from ffie Police and Community. � Recruitmenc of ministers and lay-pzr>ons for Fust training. December Z000 - February 2001 • First session of aainin� oased on topics identified. Februarv 2001 - �Iarch Z001 • Eva(uation/G2duazion of firstirainin� session. Apri12001 - June 2001 • Second session oT ttaining based on topics iden[ified. Julg 2�Q1 - �ugust 2001 • -,Ev,deazio�iGraeuacion ot>ecor.d [rainina session. • Communi[vi celzbracion oi VBI Trainia_ Center September'_001 - Create reooa for Deparrment of Juscice. COPS office. • Solici[ continuino fundin� for Czntzr. 00 �9�y VSI l�Ianagement and Organizational Capabiliiies Financial vlanaQement and Reportino: Thz Collaborative Movement for Improvement. Inc. - Ne�v BeQinnine Centzr is a non-profit or�anization tha[ has had iu �Ol�:(�) status since 1997. Bemadene Heber & Associaczs handle our syscem oT accouncine, a sma(L African- �mzdcan accouncine agzacy rha[ specializes in non-profic bookkeepin� and reponina systems. Currently, most of the t� ork done under the'`Just Stop Ir' Pro�am haz been funded by local foundations and cnurches in the azea. Our ability to manase the funds comes from a sense of fiscal resnonsibilicy and accountabilirv to the funders and the communirv wz serve. In addirion, all of our stan associatzd with the progam hzs back�ounds in financial and business mana�ement. Evaluation and Reportina: � CMI, Inc: New Beainning Center has a standin� relationship with The Wilder Reseazch Cen[er in St. Paul, Minnzso[a. Their function «ith this groject will be to assist us in creating the proper tools ro zvalua[z our function wichin the collaboration and how we work with and within the community. VJRC will then assist us in �enerating the necessary repores along with the Research Office of thz St. Paul Potice Depamnent to makz sure that we are in compliance with grant. Collaboration: C�II, Inc., the parent orQanization, believes in workin� with other aeencies within the asea, hence the name. We understand the lunited availabilicy of funds so we acknowled�e the fact that we must work together, poolin� talent and resources in order to receive the best results. Currently, not counting the partnership we aze entering into with Tne Y�VCA oFSt. Paul, we are in coilaborarion with the following organizations or agencies: The Youth Services Communiry Institute African-American Mentors Pro�ram The St. Paut PoLice Deparcment Iuvenile Division Throu�h these parmerships. we are able to address the nzeds of our communiry and zddrzss those issues from a proactive stancz. Governance• A 7-member Board of Directors that volunteers their time to the or�anization �cvems C�fI, INC. -NBC. The board meets quarterly with an annual meeting,jield in June. The board is diverse in iu makeup wi[h both men and women, persons of color and of the dominant culture, and various backsrounds. The budaet for Cb1I, Inc. is 5331,000.00 for fiscal year Z000 (Calendar Year). oo..ary Y«C � ]Iana�ement and Organizational Capabilities The Y�'v C.� has the infrastructu:e!caoacity as R as the experieace. technical erpe: ase, and comrriianzat .o successfully unolement [he pr000se3 P:oject. Firaancial.1lm:a� emeiet mid ReParring. Thz YWC.� is a non-profit organizanon ac'.�owledged by the IRS as an orsaaizadon descnbed in Szcnon �Ol(c)(_) oi rhe Incemal Reveaue Code of 19�=:, 35 flII12IIQ6C. AII 25i2DII5IIZQ accountine syscem allows szparatt ideaufication oi prog*am acnvities and the sources oi fundin� Tor those acricines. The XSVC3 is esperienced in the mzny aspecrs of �ant adminissarion (Federal, State and local levels as w'ell as £oundarion, coroorate eiyine pro�*ams and ocher sources of revenue). It was a case manasemzat z�ency ior the _ VlcKinney Decisions Project and has successiully administered HU grants totaling ovzr 52 million (VIcT.;inney Homeless ?.ssistance orants) since 1959. The Execurivz Duector. Dzpury Duector, and Director of Financizl Services have exozrience and demonsnaczd abiliry in thz development, adminisuarion and opzradon of grant-sponsored projzcts and are ?mowlzdgeable in applicable Ciry, State and Federal regulations [o ensure full comolianF.°. Tue Y�,tiCA maintains an �Tfidavit of Comoliance for United `Vay A�encies as evidence of iu non-profit stams and accounting systzm cerdficarion.. � Evaluatiort a�:d Reportiisg. The YR'CA has taken an ag�ressive approach and Izadership role in the development of outcome-based evaluation systems in a non-profit setting. Three YWC �. social service programs have fully operational outcome-based evaluation systems (i.e., comprehensive wntten plans, toois and proaram-spec�c dara bases); the rzmainin� I'�VCA pro�rams will have systems in place by the close of Progam Year 2000. .-i�ency ai:d Project:YfmtagementProficiertcy, (1) Established and opzrated the fust and lazeest emer�ency snzlter for homeless women and children in �Ilnnesora (1932 - 1990); (?) Operates one of the oldest and laz�est t�ansirional housin� pro�rams for women and children in Glinnesota. Program eamed reco�niition from the li.S. Dz�armiznt of Housing and Urban Dzvelopment (HUD) and the Y��7CA of the USA; (3) Designed and operatzs the only pro;ect in �tinnesota that provides comprehensive, long term services and case mana�ement to families in crisis with mulriple barriers to family stabilizztion; (�1) W"orked coCa6ocativzly with Ramsey Acaon Pro�an�s to establish the 5is[ all-day Head Starc Czater tar�e:ed specifically to homeless pre-school childrzn; (' Awarded license from the VLV Depamnent oi Human Services for e.Yistin� school-a�e child care pro�am; (6) Successfully operates unique pro�amming that is direcdy responsive [o idenrified needs within our service area: Operates the only Operation SVL?.RT Program in the Twin Cities and one of rivo in Vlinnesota; Operates the only An Income of Her Own Pro�ram (a comoonent of the Cazeer Acrion Program) in Minnesota and oue of three narionally; Operates the only �ender-spzcific, Guls Ine.-baszd preguancy prevention program in serv�ice area; Ihe Two-Gethzr Proaram, which has served the community for nventy-five years (and pre-dates Bi� BrotherslBi� Sisters Program), is the only one-to-one, child-youth mzntoring program in the re�ion [hat offers sentces tareeted esclusivzly to girls. (7) Accomplished and success:ully manaoed notable programmatic and fmanciaL erow[h (1990 - 2 programs and operating budgzt of 5300,OOu; 1999 - 1 i programs and operaring budget of 53.1 million). Cullaboration; �Von-duplication of Sendces. .�gency-wide and program-specific mechanisms znsure tLat our commiRnent to collaboration is honored. Membership in the Yourh Service Coordinating Comauttee (YSCC), Youth Service Community Insritute (YSCI) and other formal bodies/ailiances keeps the Y�V'C.� apprised of thz chanaur_ needs oF children/youth as well as proerams,''plans responding to those needs. 5tafPs oa-�oin� communicadon wiffi other agencies in their industry, refeaal sources, etc. keeps thzir lenowledge of service aeeds and availaoie services current and ensures comprehensive services that are non-duplicative. Advisory Councils. composed oi coiunree:s. representativzs of industry-related agencies/service providers, proaram participants and parents. help keen Y�VCA pro�*ams respo�sive to the �articipancs' needs, promote inteo-a�ency cooperation, and reeruic quaiified �oluntee:s. Staff is aLso represented on, participa[es in and supports 40+ task forces, associanons znd conie:ences :o :�e�p uieir knowledgevf szrvice nzeds and available serv'ices wrrent. Saint Paul Police Department Vlanagement and Organizational Capabilities 00 -4�''� The Saint Paul Police Deparanent is a Yull-service police departmen[ with the infrastruccure, zxpzrience. tzchnical etpenise and commirmeat to imolement this colLaboradve project. This infrastructure includzs financial management and repor[in� by the accounting unic which providzs pla�ning and budeet suopoa to thz divisions az well as rzsponsioiliry for fiscal mana�emen[ of deparsnznt functions_ This uni[ is also responsibie for the coordination of the annual operatine bud�e:, �rant accounfing, suozrvision of intemal espzndicerzs and intzmal conaols inctudina fund audiu. In addicion to the depamnent's I999 S�3 million operazin� bud�et S3 million in sr2te, fedzral and ocher �*ant funds were mana�ed by the accounting unic. Evalua[ion and Repoaing for the dzparmient's projects including �ant fund initiatives is conductzd by thz deparcmenYs research and developmeat unit. EvaLuarion of pro�t'ams include [he use of �eo�anhicatly based crime analysis tools, proaram-spzcific data base (includino S:�RA), and evaluation surveys. � The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent coasists of 700 employees, �81 of whicn are s�vom. The dzpar¢nent is comznitted to servin� the communiry and is organized in such a manner as to be more responsive to the community we servz. The hiecazchy of [he depamnent is asfollows. Working under the immediate duecrion of the Chief of Police aze the ExecuIIVe Officer, the Public Information Coordinator, Inspec[ion, Intemal Affaus, Back�round Invesri�ations, and the Police Rzseazch and Grants Section, wl�ich includes Reseazch and Development, Asset Forfeinue, and the Accoundn� Unit The Esecutive Of£cer commands [he Proacrive Service Secrion. This secrion includes the FIeeUSuriace Pazking Unit, Nazcorics and Special Investi�ations, Community and Volunteer Szrvices, the FORCE lini� and the Vice linit. There aze two Assistant Chiefs, one d'uectin� Opecarions and onz d'uecting Suppon Szrvices for the departrnent. The Operations Division consists of The Pahol Dishicts, ACOP, the Invesugarive Unies, Youth Services Secdon, the K-9 and Vfounted Police, and the CIItT team. Each unic is led by either a Commander or a Sereeant. The Support Services Division consists of the Rzcords/Evidence Secrion, �vhich includes the Crime Lab Systems and the Property Room; the Services Szcrion, which includes the Impound Lot and Communicarions Services and Maintznance; the Station Commander; the Emergency Communications Center; the Trainin� and the Personnel Units. Please see the attached organizarional chart. . . oo -q�'{ . . OR�ANIZA31flS1AL Gi-IA�iT . C}{IEF OF POUCE � .e. � ?ib(c tramrerion � Cx �ra1c( Esev.m�e C15�1 T Pcacne 52rncES JLCm � �� �e�rta1 A,9ars �� C, l�s � P¢•�eajrn 8 .LSSec ' Ce�ebpm+ I Foremae PoliC2 �9 � �VZec�¢i�c�'� Gx+yranrty& FOAC.c I Yce f:PPflP�uS I�yg�yEIX15 YMS�SEM1YRS � OF3�1T'C."9F � ��, I pPEAP77ClS � Pau�d� I �'.u�Cm..nC i Tra3c3 CaruwMar.aN ,��� PACe Ccwrrtc-� I .1C)P I Ya.M Scvw� auclurvt � . � `" 2°IX1 ' � $oqa t'aism l—� O.A0.E I DE? V7Y CHIEr OF SUPflOfti 5£aViCS � � c ecc�e 1 ��` i JLrA.S:T�I __� I � C.'..rt:R �mcou.M Lcl �� I I �1d�i ?uicn4 i 4am.eran� . c ecm9 I .a�.un e G;�rnun[et ,�Gerra I Gvr.eLa� I A� � � � I � ^�) L nrs;ems i Cz ra s�scn c:rtr II c��.�esx�t aersms G eS.Ha�t Pv�e .ry Tranmq I P^.�wrnH 7I � P - e,sav,H � 4eautL � �— '� We11n¢ss � ���� �_ = �m�etFarSe � t Return Copy To: Poiice Dept. Accounting Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 R'Ii$REAS, the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent has teceived a$175,000 Value Based Initiative grant fmm 3 the II.S. Departmeat of Justice for the period August I, 2000 thmugh July 31, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant will eapand the Saint Panl Police Deparhuent's community oriented policing efforts by 6 buitding and strengthening parinerships between the police and other elements of the criwinal justice system 7 including social service pmviders� schools, businesses, and religious rnmmunities in the Snmmit-University/Frogtown 8 area thmugh a community-driven prevention and intervention program for youth; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department ueeds to establish a 2000 spending and financiug plan for tivs grant; and 11 12 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City oF Saint Paul, does ceriify that 13 there are available for appropriation funds of $175,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and 14 15 R'IiEREAS, The Mayor rernmmends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 as CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: 436 - Police 5pecial ProjeMs Fund 34057 - Value Based Initiafive Grant 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants in Aid SPENDING PI.AN: 436 - Police Speciat Projects Fund 3405'I - Value Based Initiative Grant 0547 - Payment to Subcontractors - 175,000 175,000 — r e - 175,000 175,000 - > > TI�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Gtity Council accept tivs grant award, authorizes Cltief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the II.S. Department of Justice, and approves the changes to the 2000 budget. Adopted by Council:Date: Q�� as a.�o Adoption Certrtied by Council 5ecretary: � BY. �� 2r . ��_ ,,,.�—' Approved by Mayor:Date: A'jjg(/ '7 � By 34057ValueBasedinifiaGveGroni.CR.OL����'" l OR1GiNAL CouncilFile# oo�9Rt1 Green Sheet# 107082 � Requested by Department of: fl b°aARTMENTIOPFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepartment to��6�0o GREEN SHEET No. 107082 � CONTACT PERSO O INRIAUDATE INR7AUDATE CltiefFinney 292-3588 � EPARIYFNiGIREROR 5 wu,w. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) OO ��� PIC2SCPLOCe$SASAP � Y Ia�xATTOPtIEY �CLERK ��� I� � v �� � �SERVICE40QL� �Rl1VKIPl5E1N/ACRG � YOR�ORASStTANT)� �pKafTS I� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTm Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a Value Based Iniriatiee Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, authorizing Chief William Finney to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, and establislring a 2000 5nancing and spending plan for the grant RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever worked under a conirac[ for this depaAment? PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION , YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a sWll not normally possessed by any curtent cty employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis persa�rtn a targeted vendoR YES NO "" E�lain aIl yes answers on separate sheef and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U.S. Department of Justice has awazded a$175,000 Value Based Iniflative grant to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent for the period August 1, 2000 through July 31, 2001. This grant will expand the Saint Paul Police Depar[menYs communiry oriented policing efforts by building and strengthening partnerships between the police and other elements of the criminal justice system including sociai seivice providers, schools, businesses, religious communities, and the communiry at large through a community-driven prevenrion and interoention program for youth. (Attached is a co of the t awazd.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Value Based Initiative grant is a collaboration between the Saint Paul Police Department, YWCA of SainY Paul, and the Collaborative Movement for Improvement that will build and strengthen partnerships and reduce crime in the Summit-University/Frogtown community. t� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �„�g �SQ�' �" None. � dilda • DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ',� d. � Loss of grant funding to increase community oriented policing efforts. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 1�S,OOO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE FC(�0L81 G7811t ACTIVITY NUMBER 34OS7 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 340S7ValueBasedlni[iativefirantg.00 ��/,� � a?"��• r,; ��� �.� , �_�6 A�card #: OILT #: A�v'ardee: Vendor #: o n -t U. S. Department of Justice Off ce of Community Orieraed Policing Senzces COPS Training and Technical Assistance Award 2000CKWX0226 MN06209 St. Paul, Cin� of 41-6005521 A�v'ardee E�ecutive Official: A�var�tee Address: A�cardee Phone Number: Project Title: Value Based Initiatice Chief William Finney 100 East l lth Stree[ St. Paul, MN» 101 (651)292-3588 .rCooperative Agreement Conditions: This projzct is approeed subject to such conditions of ]imitations as azz szt forth on thz attached pages. SYatutori Authorit} for Cooperativ'e Anreement A�v�ard: 11�e Public Safzty Partnership and Community Policin� Act of 199=1, 42 U.S.C.§ 3796dd(1994). A��'ard Date: 8/1/00 A��ardPeriod: From: 8/ll00 To: 7/i1Nl Awxrd Amount: $ 175 A�encti� Appro�'ni , �.+� 1"s` - n � ,�,� ` r - f�.1Y. ��: , � ,s � //� �� �isN�> �.� .t°`� � f� � , �. �.e Thomas Fraaar, Dvzttdr Da[t sE� � j zanc� A«�ardee A cceptance S�gnaNre of 017icial t� ith [hz authonh [b acczpt [ha �ran[ an'ard William K. Finney, Chief of Police T�ped \amtd and Title of ���e� Datt 00 -q�'`� -:;� U. S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) {(�a.rhir.g(an, DC 20530 II00 [�ermorstAvemre, M�' Memorandum To: William Finney, Chief St. Paul, City of From: Beverly Afford, Assistant Duec[or, Training and Technical Assistance Divis}qn / Slieila R. Bullard, Staff Accountant, Grants Administration ,�/t,c �<(/ Re: Training and Technical Assistance Financial Clearance Memo A fmancial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this awazd appear reasonable, xilowabie, and consistent with existing guidelines. Exceptions / Adjustments are noted below. Y Vendor # 416005521 ORI #: NIN06209 Grant #: Fringe Benef u Travel Equipment Supplies Constzucuon Consultants/Contractors Other Direct Costs Indirect Costs .::,-„-:::.:.:. _..._ Grand Tt�tat Grand Total: Cleared Dnte: Overall Comments: Proposed Budget Approved Budget �60,000.00 $60,000.00 $14,400.00 $14,400.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,572.00 $40,572.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,200.00 $37,200.00 $19,228.00 $19,225.00 Adjustments DisallowedReasons/Comments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 $175,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 „ .::.::::: .::::::..::::::..: .:...:.:..:::::::.::::::.....:::: ...::::.::. �175,000.00 5175,0OO.OG $0.00 Totai Award: � 175,OU0.00 September 8, 2000 po —'tr'{ PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR U.S. DEPARTIVIENT OF JUST�CE/COMMUNITY ORIENT�D POLICING SERVIES (COPS) Prepared by VBI, Y and St. Paul Poiice Depart��zent �ugust 16, 2000 Questions concerning any portion oi tiiis grant application can be addressed by �my Brown, SPPD Grant Coordinator, @ 6� 1-292-3507. 00 -`t�'i Table of Contents I. Justification ...........................................................I II. Project �Tarrative .................................................... A. Collaborative History of Community Partnering.... .,......1 B. Project Abstract ............................................: ....2 C. Project Goals and Objectives ...................................2 D. Anticipated Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes ..............3 E. Other Anticipated Outcomes . .. ... ..... . .. ....... .. . ...........3 Y III. CMI Proposal ... ...... ........... . ...... .. ...... ... . .. ... ... . ..... ....4 IV. Timeline .............................................................. V. VBI Management and Organizational Capabilities............6 VI. CiV1I Management and Organizational Capabilities............7 VII. SPPD Mana�ement and Organizational Capabilities..........8 Appendix I .................................SPPD OrQanizational Chart Appendix II... ...... .� . ......... . ..... ............. ..... ... ... ... ...Budget fla -°�.�'`t JLiSTIFIC �TTO\: The Cirv oI Saint Paul. home ot the Vtinnzso.a state capiwl. has a popula[ioa oi "_'72335 and is aporosu >: squarz miizs. Saini °ac1 nas � personalicc �vaos� °azrgy is in [hz ciry's neiehborhocds. This strong nzighbo.�.00d base is rzflec;ed in :he eav-to-day ac:iviti�s o[ the residen[s 2nd visitors oT the cirv. Saint Pau1 c;dzeas :ii:e �heir r.y quiet Ihey lti�;� the orde:lu�zss oi a well-mn municinai sovz:nmen[ .3nnuailv 12 miLlion non-businzss visitors comz co Sainc Paul to se� the world clzss attractions «'hica include: chz Scieace Muszum. thz Children`s Vluseum. �he Ore�vz}� Vlusic Thzarre, the Saint Paui Cha.�noz: Orchzstra, local fes:ivals, unique snops in charming nziQhbomoods. _ovznmenc buildines sucn as the caoiml and the Minnzsota History Center. and insLinicions such as the Ca[hedral. Evzn [he cirv's sffeeu �ec [heir due wi[h visiton drivina up and down SummS[ Avenue, the longest s�zcch of ti iccorian rzsidences in the liniced Staces, and wim Gr. nd Avenue noted as one of the counuv's most lucrative retail su�ecs.:�ll of this didn'tjust hanpzn. li nappzned bzcause ot"the c:[y`s underlying modus operandi, simpl� put, if onz is �oing to do somethina, do i� wzi1. A sieniTicant parmer in all of this has been the Sain[ Pau1 Police Dzparanenc (SPPD). Ovzr the pas[ eiaht years. thz SPPD has bzen ac thz forefront of parme:ships in community policin� with ciry rzsidents and sta.leholders in making Saint Paul a quality place to tive. ' The Saint Paul Police Department institutzd Community Policins (COP) dzpamnznt-wide upon the appoin�nent of Chief Finney in July of 1992. ChieY Finney has led the community-policin� zffort ior eiaht yeazs. Wich the eight year milestone here. the deparanent can look back and review where the deparcment has been and morz specifically, how successful the community policing pro�ams have been in order to combat the vagaries of crime. Thz zntire depar[ment is fully involved in communiry policin� and enga�es in the following ac[ivities in suppon of that philosophy: Problem-orientzd policing tarseted at specific recurrin� problems (Neighborhood Service Areas), dirzcted patrol, tzlzpho¢e reporting, citizen surveys, victim assistance program, neighbonc�od based police stations, drug-free zones around schools and parks, police;',vouth proarams, dru� educarion pro�ams in schools (D.A.R.E), assianment of o�ce:s to fixed beats, foodbike paIIOl as full-[ime assienments, cicizen po(ice academy, landlord/manao-er trainina pro�rams for probizm propzaies, code znforcemznt proaram, �eosraphically-based crune analysis madz available [o beat officers, neiahborhood �vatch, citizen advisory councils, encry level and on-�oing community policin� ttainin� for ofFicers. bloc: club formanon and maintenance, �a�ti abatemzn[ proeram, cufizw and truancy enforcement, police mentoring programs. school resource officers, Thz pr000sed collaboration for the V'alue-Based Initiative �vill zxoand the departmzat's community oriented policing efforts bv buildine and strzngchzning parmerstiips between the police ard o[he: elements of:he cr*ninal juscice systzm. social service providers, schools, business and reliaious communitizs. and the communiry-at-targe throush a communirv-driven prevzntion 2nd intervention proaram for youth. These �Yior[s wil( reduce the inc:dents of violence within the idenufied communiry [hrouoh [he use of restorative justice peacemakinJsznteacma and healin� cirdes. The depar[ment is fully commirted [o this collaborative effort and w�ll.participate as a full parmer in all yspects ot chz program. •' D O -q�''�1 PROJECT tiARRATIVE: Collaborati�e Aisiory of Communih� Partnering: The S2int Paul Police Deparmenc has a scron� history' of formal and iniormal collaboration �vith the communiry whicn includzs business, civic oreanizations. neighbornood based projeccs non-pronu and other law eniorcemenc asencies. These collaoorations inciude but ar: not lini[ed to: Ramsev Councv Curizw and Tmancv Centz* Co1126oration The Ramsey Counry Truancy and Curie�v Centzr besan as a collaboration benveen the departme�c and othz. ciry depar[ments such as pazks and rzcreatio¢, community zducacion and workforce dzvelopment, schools, human services and thz youth service bureau. Tne collaooration was formed with a state appropriation to serve at-risk youth in 1994. The co112bora[ion broadened the dzfinition to serve unsupmised youth at risk. This znlazged defmition allowed the collaborarion to examine critical components of a youth's liie. School issues such as uuancy and communiry issues such as curfew vio(ations wzre ho[ issues chrou�hout the business communiry and neighborhoods. This collaborazion has fmishzd its sieth year of operation. Mobite Crisis Team The Vlobile Crisis Team is a collaboration benveen the SPPD, the youth service burzau, and the county human services deparcment. Sain[ Paul Police ofFicers azz trained to reco�ize warning si�ns for a mental hzalth crisis youth and to cafl in a counselor who will come to the faznily home and work with the family to alleviate the crisis and to bzsin remedial therapy. Hailed by the state office of dru� policy as an outstandin� innovative proaram, this collaboration is now in its sLeth year of operation. The COPS demonstration project is a collaboration amoaa the Saint Paul Police Department, the Bovs and Girls Club, and Haml'me Univezsiry's Graduatz School of Public Adminiscracion and bfana�emenc Thz collaborative's �oals are to implement and evaluatz several advanced communiry polic:n� initiatives in Saint PauL These initiatives include: Gan� prevention and interventioq potice officer mentorin� for at-risk youth, enhanced probation and parole program, truancy, curfew andjohn sweeps, trainin� proerams for officers provided throuoh video conferencin�, and community forums on issues of communirv concem. The involvement oi police depamnent persoartel in the above collaCorations and �n many oth?r city projecta is key to the successful stratzw for community partnerships. The successes provide a ripple effect for other programs. Other snate�ies far community involvement include: Block club formacion. Since 1990 over 1400 block clubs have bzen formed_,The dzparnnenc has three civilian and three officers assisned to [his effott alono with a graffiti pro�ram, crime-fre° multi housin� trainine and restorative justice programs. Deparcmen[ personnel rzguVarty artend districi council and block club mee[ings to uQdate citizens reearding on-�oino crimz prevention efforts. The City of Saint Paul's District Councils wzrz formed in 196 i and proo'ide a forum for neighborhood concems and issues. The citizen polic7 acadzmy is now in iu sisth year of operation. The Vic[im Intzr:ention Program, is a pro�ram which resultzd from a collaboration with the polic°_ departmen[ chaplain prosram. a priva[e non-profi[ social service agency and the depa: cmen['s hemicide unic For the specific and immzdiate nezds of tha survivors of homicide, che VIP projecc is staY'fzd by a wunselor, herself a homicide survivor, who is ablz to answer the families questions and provide resources. 00 9F`l Project �bstract: I'ne I'�ti C.a of Sc Paul and the Collaboraave vtovzmeat for Imoro��emen[ (CMI), Inc-NBC both sz:ve 52. Psui's hi�h crime. hian novem Suuunit-�niversiryiFroeto«n communinzs. Furcher. both organizaaons shxre a vision of wd ao�ressively �cork to promotz the saiecy, dioaity, and �veil-being of tfiz people in these commuairies. Tne Y�ti C� and CVII, Inc: v�BC ue reauesrins fimdine under the V alue-Based Iniciarive (�rBI) for ince:-:ziaced communin•-drivea projecrs that are based on communirv—oriented ooticine. The pronose3 projzccs are con�iZed to emno�aerina the membes of our communiry to share responsbilirv for finding constructive rzsolurions to crime and uicrimizanon and buildin? a positive par�e:saip oenveea the poiice and the communiry. C�II, Inc-�`BC and YGVCA parmer wirh the Saint Paul Police Deparmient, builidin� a parmersnip based on mumal rzspzcc and a comnon vision of reduced crime and violznce. All parme:s posszs esemplary hiscories, conuibutina to safzr neiohborhoods by providins numerous ptogatns to build suon� connections and communiy circles tluou�hout. �I�he Sumnnc- LIlIV2ISIN� licing coudirions are some of the most undesuablz in St. Paul. The hope is to bring dit".`zrent members of the comv�uniry cogethzr to c:zare re!arionships and understanding resuItin� in c;ime reducnon. Thz I'Z4C � has beea an acdve committed pardcipant in the community dnven Circle projecP for adults in the area and has esperiznced great success. It hopzs to expand tha projecc, Yocusine on juvzailes to idzntify and address potenrial probtems beforz it escalates into crime resulting in detzriorarion of living conditions. The project will serve both juv'enile non-viotent ofizndzrs and youth at risk of offendine. Quality circlzs wi11 bring offenders, vicrims, law enforcement, prosecutocs, defzase counsel, judge and court personnel, correcrio¢s officials, community leadets, and othzr volunteer community membzrs [ogether. The goal is to undersrand the zvendproblem, discuss why it happeazd and what effecu i[ had on each party involved, and ways to prevent future occurrences of similar situadons. Extensive �ainin� for all parricipants will be provided to strengthen their skills and customize che circle to obtain op¢mal results. The I'�V"CA �vill be in d'uect contacc with CVII, Ino-�+�iC and their "Just Stop It" \on-Violeace Campxi�n. The stra[zgies of CVII echo that of Yti�CA. CVIPs �oa1 is to reduce thz incidents of violencz by educating the community and bridsing the gap benveen Law Enforcement and commuaity members. Quality circles of all a�es and groups will be established, h a communicarion link benvezn azza churchzs, community residenrs and or�anizadons, law ea2orcement, and arza business. The communiry will bzcome thz communiry police by assisting in reoortino �-iolent crimes, idznrifyin� suspicious activity, and maintainin� consistznt concact witl� thz la�v enforcement. By combining effons, the Y�V CA. CVSI, Inc \BC, and Saint Paul Policz Departmeac hooe to build s�on� bonds and reladonships with a widz range of community inaividuais throu�hout the Semmit-Univzrsity�Frogtown area to reduce cnme and imorove liti conditions. Project Goals and Objectives: Gaals - • To dzveSop a series of trauungiworkshops for Iocal ministers/pastors that will znhance �roricing relationslups amon� chem, che community, and the Sc Paul Police Deparanent. • To reduce che number of violent acts in the Summit-i;niversity�"Fro�[o�tn community throu;h the deve!oamenc oY che Value-Based Imitative Tramin� Cznter that will �y wieh commun:ry lezders, the °aith cQ:r�.muricy, and the S*. Paul Police DeoarQnent Objecrires: • To ouild and,ot streng[hzn parmerships oznveen thz religious commumnes. [h: comrnunin ac-laraz. che poiice and an, o[hzr e!eme^s of thz criminal justice syscem through a commumry-drivea sznes of aainins and w � c� -gry • To buiId Suauini-IIniversity�Froato��n's sense of community and its caoaciry for resolvin� conflict alone side the police. � - � • To identify and address the uadz:icing causes of criminal behzvior from bo[h a cruninal jusrice and a faich-based oerspecrivz. - • To decelon �nd implzmen[ a"common laneuage" in thz area of Faith�Commnnirv and criminal jusnce relarions beginnine R'ich the police. • To zducate and inform ihe faiv'i and the community at-lazge on how to work wich the police in reportin� scenes of violence and effecriveIy prevent violence from dramaricaily affecrin� tne communiry through the training center. �nticipated Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes: Goal and Objectives (as stated above). ,lndcipa:ed Oz�tcomes: . 60% of the faith community, che community at-lazge and the police department invited to paracipate in the �ainings will attend at least one of the nvo trainings offered. • 60% of the faith communiry, che community at-large and the police department pamcipatiing in the trainines �vill complete the necessary work required. • 60% of the faith communiry, the commu�utY at-large and the police deparcment that have completed the trainings will be assi�ed to ��ork with local disuict commanders and will be on-call for incidences of violence in the Summit-Univzrsiry/Frogtown communit9es. . Quality of life/Part II crime stausrics will be reduced by 10% . Ca11s for police misconduct involving members of the idenrified communiries wzll be reduced by 10% Other �nticipated Outcomes: • Greater communiry awareness of theu rzspoosibiliry to eradicate all forms oE violence • Greacer communirv participanon witn police and the crinilnaljusrice systzm in efforts to reduce a11 forms of violence. • ImQrove public perception of and thz relationships between police and the idenrified communities. oo-qP'� PROJECT GR�\T PROPOS�I. FOR tiS DEP:�R"L�[EtiT OF NSTICE/CO��ItiNITY-0RIE�7ED POLICLtiG SERVICES (COPS) Oraanization Name Coilaooratice ltovemeac for Improvemzn[, tnc_ �1ew BeQinnin°_- C.nter 641 Selbv Averme Sc. Paul, �finnesoca �� 10= Contacf Person Revzrend Devin Vtiller Executive Director 651/�?-t-1631 ORGANIZATION NIISSION AA"D HISTORY The mission of the Collaborative Movement for Improvement, Ina (C�II Inc.) is to assisc in development of rhe African :4merican family cufturally, academically, socially, and politically through the creation of cuihually-centered programs [hac will operate within the New Beginnin� Center or throu�hout the East Metro .1rea. The mission of the Center itself is �o minister to the basic survival needs of the disadvan2aeed people of the community throu�h the disvibution of food and clothing and by providin� advocacy, education, employment shelter, information, and referral usistancz. The primary emphasis of the Cencer and the or�anizarion is developing self- esteem, self-pride, and setf-moti-vacion in thz whole pzcson, enabling them to become produccive members of our communirv and this societv. CNII Ine. was formed in 1939 to in�oduce bvo pro�iams for African-American hi�h school youth -Black Teens for AdvancmenC (BT�1) and Sisters In ttte Stru��le for Survival (SISS). Today, the programs have joined together under one name, $TA. to show additional unity be[ween males and femalzs. This pro�am helps youth develop appropriate values and behaviors, and promote community service through a basic understandina of their history. To encouraQe academic e�cellencz, C�II Ir.c. developed the Educational Exceller•ce Incenrive Program (EEIP) to provide monetary awards ro parcicipatin� students who achieve specific �rade percentaae increases and attendance increases during the second semesczr or the fourth qusaer. We also created the BTA Scholars pro�ram that is offered to BTA �raduatin� seniors. This prooram works with our seniors once they have selzcted and have been acceptzd at any posc-secondary or vocacional institutionai, and assist them in either findin� the financial aid they need or we provide small granrs or toans to help them make it through the first yeaz. As part of our reachin� ou[ to the community, CNII, [nc., ttuough the vision of one of our advisors, devzloned the �tinnesota Panthers Youth Athle[ic Pro�ram which draws youth, ases I I-l3, into a scructured, amateur Athletic Union-sanctioned basketball program. The pro�ram is designed to use the spor[ of basketball as the vehicle to rz- en�aQe youth into school and education. The program provides [utorial services, community szrvice, and a sense of ince;-�_>eneranonai interacdor� so :�ca ou= youth appreciate tilzi* elders but aiso become resoonsible `or those vounger dian chemsefves. We belizve thesz strategies will lead [o [he development of excellent :�frican .American !eaders *or [he future. Thz Nzw Be�inning Cencer. four.ded in 1972 by the Reverend Dr. Kneely Williams, �.sas crzated ori�inally co pro�ide tme:gency services, foee. clothing shelter, transpc�ation, and generat crisis intz:vention. This also included qzrsonal, spiritual, and chemical counseling. Throu_hout iu 27 year history. the cenczr has been thz biRhplace of African-American Family Szrvices and [hz River of Life Christian Center and has continued :o pro� idz zssential serviczs to those who are less for[unate. Their motto "\ot a hand out, but a hand up." and "Concinwn�t eo mzet the unmet communiry needs ° continues to oz the rafh'in� cry m [hz cea[er Ihrough its food shzlfand clothin, room, its�ob readiness and referral classes and its nurri[ion and budgzting courszs. 00 -9Py Thz mer�ins of these nvo �*zac zncicies wickiin our communicy has creaced a viable resource to the �fi communities and che communities that are in nzed of committed services in the areas of education community zmpo��ermznt. food and c:o[hin� emoloymenc. and mos. o� all.. Hooz. How does this Campaign meet the mission of tbe Value-Based Iuitiative? T"ne "7ust Stop I[� \'on-Vioience Camoai�n Tics wzll wirh thz puroose of VBI because �ve are trying to address violencz. oublic saierv zne communirvipolice relations on thz neighborhood 1zveL _ Wz aze also workine wirh the community and no[ for them bzcause their paricioation is key to the success of the Campaign and the Parmershio. � Finally, �ve are urilizina this Campai�, in parmership with [he Y���CA Restorative Justice!Communiry Circlz Pro?razn and thz A Chanez For Liie (�CFL) proaram to stimulate neighborhood dialogue and empoweanent to direccly address the violence tha[ is unique to thz Summit-liniversirv nei�hborhood. This coilaboration will allow the communiry and the Police ro: I. Discuss the breakdown in relations via a sedes of Town Mee[inas and Forums. 2. Look at the issue of Communiry involvement in creating safety. 3. Implemenc rhe concep[ of a true partnership ber,veen the police and the communirv throuah A Chan�e For Life proeram and the YWCA Restorative Justice,�Community Circle pro3am. Proposed Activities: Seprember 2004 - �'ovember 2000 • Hirz coordinator for VBI Trainin� Czntzr that wili work with the sponsorin� direcrors, the police, and the communirv. • Identify issues and concerns on police2ommuniry relations from rzsidznts throuah Town MeeCmgs. • Gather informarioo from La�v Enforcement on critical areas in the identified nei�hborhood. • Idencify the uainino topics that need to be addressed and who will teach thzm. • Hosc the Communiry Non-violence Celebration where "Commitment to Non-Violence" pledges wili be Qiven and "commitmen� [o Accountability" will be offered to and from ffie Police and Community. � Recruitmenc of ministers and lay-pzr>ons for Fust training. December Z000 - February 2001 • First session of aainin� oased on topics identified. Februarv 2001 - �Iarch Z001 • Eva(uation/G2duazion of firstirainin� session. Apri12001 - June 2001 • Second session oT ttaining based on topics iden[ified. Julg 2�Q1 - �ugust 2001 • -,Ev,deazio�iGraeuacion ot>ecor.d [rainina session. • Communi[vi celzbracion oi VBI Trainia_ Center September'_001 - Create reooa for Deparrment of Juscice. COPS office. • Solici[ continuino fundin� for Czntzr. 00 �9�y VSI l�Ianagement and Organizational Capabiliiies Financial vlanaQement and Reportino: Thz Collaborative Movement for Improvement. Inc. - Ne�v BeQinnine Centzr is a non-profit or�anization tha[ has had iu �Ol�:(�) status since 1997. Bemadene Heber & Associaczs handle our syscem oT accouncine, a sma(L African- �mzdcan accouncine agzacy rha[ specializes in non-profic bookkeepin� and reponina systems. Currently, most of the t� ork done under the'`Just Stop Ir' Pro�am haz been funded by local foundations and cnurches in the azea. Our ability to manase the funds comes from a sense of fiscal resnonsibilicy and accountabilirv to the funders and the communirv wz serve. In addirion, all of our stan associatzd with the progam hzs back�ounds in financial and business mana�ement. Evaluation and Reportina: � CMI, Inc: New Beainning Center has a standin� relationship with The Wilder Reseazch Cen[er in St. Paul, Minnzso[a. Their function «ith this groject will be to assist us in creating the proper tools ro zvalua[z our function wichin the collaboration and how we work with and within the community. VJRC will then assist us in �enerating the necessary repores along with the Research Office of thz St. Paul Potice Depamnent to makz sure that we are in compliance with grant. Collaboration: C�II, Inc., the parent orQanization, believes in workin� with other aeencies within the asea, hence the name. We understand the lunited availabilicy of funds so we acknowled�e the fact that we must work together, poolin� talent and resources in order to receive the best results. Currently, not counting the partnership we aze entering into with Tne Y�VCA oFSt. Paul, we are in coilaborarion with the following organizations or agencies: The Youth Services Communiry Institute African-American Mentors Pro�ram The St. Paut PoLice Deparcment Iuvenile Division Throu�h these parmerships. we are able to address the nzeds of our communiry and zddrzss those issues from a proactive stancz. Governance• A 7-member Board of Directors that volunteers their time to the or�anization �cvems C�fI, INC. -NBC. The board meets quarterly with an annual meeting,jield in June. The board is diverse in iu makeup wi[h both men and women, persons of color and of the dominant culture, and various backsrounds. The budaet for Cb1I, Inc. is 5331,000.00 for fiscal year Z000 (Calendar Year). oo..ary Y«C � ]Iana�ement and Organizational Capabilities The Y�'v C.� has the infrastructu:e!caoacity as R as the experieace. technical erpe: ase, and comrriianzat .o successfully unolement [he pr000se3 P:oject. Firaancial.1lm:a� emeiet mid ReParring. Thz YWC.� is a non-profit organizanon ac'.�owledged by the IRS as an orsaaizadon descnbed in Szcnon �Ol(c)(_) oi rhe Incemal Reveaue Code of 19�=:, 35 flII12IIQ6C. AII 25i2DII5IIZQ accountine syscem allows szparatt ideaufication oi prog*am acnvities and the sources oi fundin� Tor those acricines. The XSVC3 is esperienced in the mzny aspecrs of �ant adminissarion (Federal, State and local levels as w'ell as £oundarion, coroorate eiyine pro�*ams and ocher sources of revenue). It was a case manasemzat z�ency ior the _ VlcKinney Decisions Project and has successiully administered HU grants totaling ovzr 52 million (VIcT.;inney Homeless ?.ssistance orants) since 1959. The Execurivz Duector. Dzpury Duector, and Director of Financizl Services have exozrience and demonsnaczd abiliry in thz development, adminisuarion and opzradon of grant-sponsored projzcts and are ?mowlzdgeable in applicable Ciry, State and Federal regulations [o ensure full comolianF.°. Tue Y�,tiCA maintains an �Tfidavit of Comoliance for United `Vay A�encies as evidence of iu non-profit stams and accounting systzm cerdficarion.. � Evaluatiort a�:d Reportiisg. The YR'CA has taken an ag�ressive approach and Izadership role in the development of outcome-based evaluation systems in a non-profit setting. Three YWC �. social service programs have fully operational outcome-based evaluation systems (i.e., comprehensive wntten plans, toois and proaram-spec�c dara bases); the rzmainin� I'�VCA pro�rams will have systems in place by the close of Progam Year 2000. .-i�ency ai:d Project:YfmtagementProficiertcy, (1) Established and opzrated the fust and lazeest emer�ency snzlter for homeless women and children in �Ilnnesora (1932 - 1990); (?) Operates one of the oldest and laz�est t�ansirional housin� pro�rams for women and children in Glinnesota. Program eamed reco�niition from the li.S. Dz�armiznt of Housing and Urban Dzvelopment (HUD) and the Y��7CA of the USA; (3) Designed and operatzs the only pro;ect in �tinnesota that provides comprehensive, long term services and case mana�ement to families in crisis with mulriple barriers to family stabilizztion; (�1) W"orked coCa6ocativzly with Ramsey Acaon Pro�an�s to establish the 5is[ all-day Head Starc Czater tar�e:ed specifically to homeless pre-school childrzn; (' Awarded license from the VLV Depamnent oi Human Services for e.Yistin� school-a�e child care pro�am; (6) Successfully operates unique pro�amming that is direcdy responsive [o idenrified needs within our service area: Operates the only Operation SVL?.RT Program in the Twin Cities and one of rivo in Vlinnesota; Operates the only An Income of Her Own Pro�ram (a comoonent of the Cazeer Acrion Program) in Minnesota and oue of three narionally; Operates the only �ender-spzcific, Guls Ine.-baszd preguancy prevention program in serv�ice area; Ihe Two-Gethzr Proaram, which has served the community for nventy-five years (and pre-dates Bi� BrotherslBi� Sisters Program), is the only one-to-one, child-youth mzntoring program in the re�ion [hat offers sentces tareeted esclusivzly to girls. (7) Accomplished and success:ully manaoed notable programmatic and fmanciaL erow[h (1990 - 2 programs and operating budgzt of 5300,OOu; 1999 - 1 i programs and operaring budget of 53.1 million). Cullaboration; �Von-duplication of Sendces. .�gency-wide and program-specific mechanisms znsure tLat our commiRnent to collaboration is honored. Membership in the Yourh Service Coordinating Comauttee (YSCC), Youth Service Community Insritute (YSCI) and other formal bodies/ailiances keeps the Y�V'C.� apprised of thz chanaur_ needs oF children/youth as well as proerams,''plans responding to those needs. 5tafPs oa-�oin� communicadon wiffi other agencies in their industry, refeaal sources, etc. keeps thzir lenowledge of service aeeds and availaoie services current and ensures comprehensive services that are non-duplicative. Advisory Councils. composed oi coiunree:s. representativzs of industry-related agencies/service providers, proaram participants and parents. help keen Y�VCA pro�*ams respo�sive to the �articipancs' needs, promote inteo-a�ency cooperation, and reeruic quaiified �oluntee:s. Staff is aLso represented on, participa[es in and supports 40+ task forces, associanons znd conie:ences :o :�e�p uieir knowledgevf szrvice nzeds and available serv'ices wrrent. Saint Paul Police Department Vlanagement and Organizational Capabilities 00 -4�''� The Saint Paul Police Deparanent is a Yull-service police departmen[ with the infrastruccure, zxpzrience. tzchnical etpenise and commirmeat to imolement this colLaboradve project. This infrastructure includzs financial management and repor[in� by the accounting unic which providzs pla�ning and budeet suopoa to thz divisions az well as rzsponsioiliry for fiscal mana�emen[ of deparsnznt functions_ This uni[ is also responsibie for the coordination of the annual operatine bud�e:, �rant accounfing, suozrvision of intemal espzndicerzs and intzmal conaols inctudina fund audiu. In addicion to the depamnent's I999 S�3 million operazin� bud�et S3 million in sr2te, fedzral and ocher �*ant funds were mana�ed by the accounting unic. Evalua[ion and Repoaing for the dzparmient's projects including �ant fund initiatives is conductzd by thz deparcmenYs research and developmeat unit. EvaLuarion of pro�t'ams include [he use of �eo�anhicatly based crime analysis tools, proaram-spzcific data base (includino S:�RA), and evaluation surveys. � The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent coasists of 700 employees, �81 of whicn are s�vom. The dzpar¢nent is comznitted to servin� the communiry and is organized in such a manner as to be more responsive to the community we servz. The hiecazchy of [he depamnent is asfollows. Working under the immediate duecrion of the Chief of Police aze the ExecuIIVe Officer, the Public Information Coordinator, Inspec[ion, Intemal Affaus, Back�round Invesri�ations, and the Police Rzseazch and Grants Section, wl�ich includes Reseazch and Development, Asset Forfeinue, and the Accoundn� Unit The Esecutive Of£cer commands [he Proacrive Service Secrion. This secrion includes the FIeeUSuriace Pazking Unit, Nazcorics and Special Investi�ations, Community and Volunteer Szrvices, the FORCE lini� and the Vice linit. There aze two Assistant Chiefs, one d'uectin� Opecarions and onz d'uecting Suppon Szrvices for the departrnent. The Operations Division consists of The Pahol Dishicts, ACOP, the Invesugarive Unies, Youth Services Secdon, the K-9 and Vfounted Police, and the CIItT team. Each unic is led by either a Commander or a Sereeant. The Support Services Division consists of the Rzcords/Evidence Secrion, �vhich includes the Crime Lab Systems and the Property Room; the Services Szcrion, which includes the Impound Lot and Communicarions Services and Maintznance; the Station Commander; the Emergency Communications Center; the Trainin� and the Personnel Units. Please see the attached organizarional chart. . . oo -q�'{ . . OR�ANIZA31flS1AL Gi-IA�iT . C}{IEF OF POUCE � .e. � ?ib(c tramrerion � Cx �ra1c( Esev.m�e C15�1 T Pcacne 52rncES JLCm � �� �e�rta1 A,9ars �� C, l�s � P¢•�eajrn 8 .LSSec ' Ce�ebpm+ I Foremae PoliC2 �9 � �VZec�¢i�c�'� Gx+yranrty& FOAC.c I Yce f:PPflP�uS I�yg�yEIX15 YMS�SEM1YRS � OF3�1T'C."9F � ��, I pPEAP77ClS � Pau�d� I �'.u�Cm..nC i Tra3c3 CaruwMar.aN ,��� PACe Ccwrrtc-� I .1C)P I Ya.M Scvw� auclurvt � . � `" 2°IX1 ' � $oqa t'aism l—� O.A0.E I DE? V7Y CHIEr OF SUPflOfti 5£aViCS � � c ecc�e 1 ��` i JLrA.S:T�I __� I � C.'..rt:R �mcou.M Lcl �� I I �1d�i ?uicn4 i 4am.eran� . c ecm9 I .a�.un e G;�rnun[et ,�Gerra I Gvr.eLa� I A� � � � I � ^�) L nrs;ems i Cz ra s�scn c:rtr II c��.�esx�t aersms G eS.Ha�t Pv�e .ry Tranmq I P^.�wrnH 7I � P - e,sav,H � 4eautL � �— '� We11n¢ss � ���� �_ = �m�etFarSe � t