274449 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ������ PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• � � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the grade for the classification of Clerical Supervisor. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended i.n Section 3. B (Clerical - Graded) by striking out of Grade 24 the title of Clerical Supervisor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3. B (Clerical - Graded) by inserting in proper numerical order a Grade 25 and listing in said Grade 25 the classification of Clerical Supervisor. Approved: � L ���� C airman C ivil Se rvi C ommi s s ion COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay$ � ,g�r���el�f Qha;� P E S N N.E L O F I C E �a � [n Favor ; �Iit�rrt Levine __ Against BY ' Maddox Showalter I Tedesco Fo m Approv d b Cit tt ey �I Adopted by Council: Date C�Q ') � �Q�� r � i ' Certified Pr•s_ d by Cou il S t BY By \���'`^"' ` / r d b a or for S mi ien to Council A o M I Ap by lNavor: D — FEB � � 1980 P Y Y By _ �— B � ruu�.�s�� MAR 1 198� ._ _. 'a�,�.f_'?'�C �.�.�` ��.'.i�e�.1:�,'' .���ii:�:. ,: ,.:_�'� ` . �� . �i-- Y • � i . Y":' T i'�' i !'7 . �i `�', !f-�j� _�•� ���'•\ �r'�t��r�f'. �.;: �L c l.1�: t;...l ti. �;n:f1 ,��.., `� ., �'e� i'J R I -4� 1 :, �.:� 2r:. i.' .:`• ;.� t . - _ , . • :�' r:' :1 j: i� • � . �.;,�'��`� ` �"� i.;::f pa�° : February 4, 1980 .,�,,� _./� . . � � �`1; �'�i ��� � '�.r°.. �- �i i .i� � � I . � - . i O ; �ain� °c�ul ���� �our�c�t : .�-« � �j; ��'�;I = C Cf:73 i i f 1�7�.'i, 0:1 FINANCE, NIANAGEMENT AND f�ERSONNEL . .. RUBY HUNT ��"; chai�nen, m��.es the To! l�:��inc .� . r�pori on G.F. � �[� Ordinance . _ ` , . , - �6� � RCiSOiC4'(it7�! _. - - . � . � . • �� o�r,yr - - _ 1 �i l�� : . - �__ . � The Finance Committee,at its meeting of February 4, 1980, recomnended appt�ova7 �f - �he following: � . � � � -_. : � ______ � 1 . � Resolution authorizing saTe �of Genera7 Obligation Bnnds in the: a�us�t of � - $6,500,000 for various city �capital improvements. - . . : � 2. Resolution authorizing sale of Water Pollution Abatement Bonds in a�nt of � _ , . $4,000,000 for the separa�ion of storm �water and sewage disposals• s�ls�ems. . , 3. Resol uti on transferri ng $�?�107 from Con ti ngent Reserve to Fi nanee and � - .� Managemertt Services-Property Management D�iv�sion. '. = 4. Resoluti,on� revising �lerical Superv�isor in Sectibn 3.B. (Cle1^ical-6rades) from � _ . Grade 24 to Grade 25. �10615-RH). � � - 5. � Resolut�ion establis�ing title and class specification �of Housing�Cou�selor in � - Grade 30 of Section 3.L. �Technica7 Group) .of the .Civi1 Service Rules. (1039�-RH��. � . 6. Resolution establishing title and class spe.cification �o:F �Housing I►�formation _ . �. Coordinator in Grade� 9 of Section 3.K �Professiona�l--Administrative Supervisors - � Group) of the Ci�ii Servic� Rules. �10396-RH). � ` ;`; '� `�� 5f:�'F:;�"1�: F7.C:):: S:'1�:iI' I'_Lt;_!., �I����_�"F�� 55'�_ ' `c' i[, . � , ... �. _ ; �� dor no� detach this meri���i�1� ��� a - � -; re�4tutton so that this FnforFn��lon wN�°�N �:� ' �, � � avaitable to #he �ity Cvun�fl. c�-� � �o���� ` , � � ESPLANATION QF AD�IINI�S�AT� O,RU�Ri�. ,; � ' � RES�LU iONS, �1ND t?�INA1��S'' � �_..._ � ��� . . f : i } � �e: Dec��ber 27i 19,�9 • ` � , a � �,:� _ ; • � ;: �� . . � . . . ������ n�3 TQ�: MAYDR G�RGE LATIMER r��,W ��� . 'Ifl�'11 • Yersonael Office • - �• . ���, • R� Reaoluticn for submias�.on �Q City Courecil p � � �,., IQN�REQUESTED � . � �iej recomm�end your approval a�ad submiasion af thi$ Resol.u�ioa �o .the �ity C+�tu►cil. ;�' . � � , :i � � OS� AND;�ATI4�AbE FOR TSIS ACTION: �r Th'ia Reaolutioa will revise the grade for Clerica�. S�pei"�aor whfc�i s�� „,, :� ia Section 3.$ tClerical - Graded) of th.e Civi� Serv3c�e ��w�.Ga from�'�� : ;f 2r4 to G'rra�e 25. This in.crease is .related tq the adc�itio� o�.a Gle� �� � � s�ep ia 1#e Cl�rical Promotional Series. It pxa►vides fo� a �ere;�i�i"'o£ � � threa gradzs beiween Clerk IV and C1Gxti.cal Setg�ervisar, �e.$ame • ;` w d�fereatial 1�at will exist beL�►ee� Clerk III aad�Clerk �V. ��te��-�e�tt�l:y: � ' �� :k salary rates involved are as �ollows: .� ,� , ;� � . F� � ' G�ade 24 (1-1-?9'� ' "� B ' C D E F 10-�r. 15-yr. �Q-yr. ��-.�rr� tz� � .63 484. 7? 505. 39 528.65 553. 50 572. 2q 593.b? 60q.53 �ilq.Q�3 6�.�3 - ,a,�0 a�mv�a1].y , �ib, 398 � Grade 25 (1-1-79} • ' . . , � , �: 4 : . 2b 495. 8? 518.61 541. 34 564.60 589. 97� b�'i.'$9 b�3.28 63�. 78 b42.2$ �-� 12,�3 �a�mu�i},y $Y6;?�5'7 � ' _ _ . . . . . . . . . � � .. � .F . . . � . . . . .. ; � � . . . , � . . i.. { j � p . , . .. . � . Mf � A �AC�S: , , :� � .� � . R.aac,��.on �d copy for the City �lerk. _': ,� ,1 � - � � , � gy_ . � . . . . . . . . . . � ` ✓ � p� � 7, . . � � . � - � . � � _ , .� . . . . .. . �_ ,.�.> 3