274439 � WHITE - CITV CLERK .���� � PINK - FINANCE COUflCII �,' CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. � B�LUE - MAVOR uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date V�EAS the Comnissioner of the Departrr�nt of Transportation has prep�-t1�ed a px'el�minarv layout for th�e i�rov�nt of a part of Trun.k Highway No. 280 rernmibered as Tnmk Highway No. 280, and Trunk Highcaay No. 392 rernanbered as Tnmk Highway No. 94 within the oorporate limits of the City of Saint Paul; frcan tl�e West Corporate Limits to Pillsbury Street; and seeks the approval thezeof, and �'..AS said prelimi.nary layouts are � file in the Offioe of the Department of Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and i.dentified as Layout No. 13A S.P. 6242-56 (28�280) and. S.P. 6282-126 (94=392) fran Seym�ut Street in Nlinneapolis to Pillsbury Street in Saint Paul. IaOW, Tf3�1, 8E IT RESOLVID that sa:i.d preliminary layouts for the i�rove- ment of sai.d Trunk Highway within the oorporate limits be and Y�ereby are approved. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas ��'� Nays Public Wbrks (Traffic-�) ��� [n Favor Levine __ Against BY `� Maddox Showalter Tedesco ��� " ,!'; 4��?� Form Approved C' y Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass by uncil S etar BY y - A r v d by Nlavor. Dat � 9 ���� Ap o d by Mayor for S mis 'on to`Council B - d��— — BY` �.I�ti� MAR 1 198U _ OM Ot : � 12/1975 . Rev: 9/8/76 ` ` EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE URQERS, � - RES�LUT I ON5, AND QRD I NANCES �t'�� � , � �a���� , .. � Ar - ? A � ^ R, � �� �. �,. �!' �.� : Date: January 25, 1980 . FEB 1 - 998C� NIAX_O_R'� � T0: MAYOR GEURGE iATIMER FR: Doazal.d E. Nygaard, Director, Public Wbrks D�partment RE: ��nts to I-94 ar�d T.H. 2$0 Interchange. ACTION REQUESTfD: City Cotmcil Approval of the attached.Council �esolution. � PURPOSE AND RATtONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Z'�e NAT/'llOT is proposing a major maintenanoe project for I-94 from SYrellinq Av�enue to Mi.nneapolis in 1981 and 1982. Included in this project are pxoposed revisioris to the interchange of I-94 and T.H. 280 as sho�+�nz � Layaut 13�A. This will provicle a three lane oontinuity for I-94 thrrnigh the T.H. 280 interchanc�e, T.H. 280 south- bovnd to westbowld I-94 i.s d�d fran left side acveleration lane to a star�dard. � right side acvelerati� lar�e. The westba�md main line (left si.de) lane drop is changed to a standard right side deoelerati� lane. We feel this will � the oQnfusing lane dre�s ancl ramQ oonfigurations. Al1 wvrk will be done:within existing right-of-way. . Tl�e detail plans, ooristntction schedules, and traffic pravi.sio�s are nat ooe�let�ed. We wi.11 work with NIl1�11/IXn as t1�ey are develaned. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolutiocl RHR:DDT:c�ed `