274437 N1HITE - CITV CLERK . .. PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��� �3 CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��'S� BLUE - MAVOR � r � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved, that the City Primar Election, March 18, 1980; the City General Election, April 29, 19�0; the County and State Primary Election, September 9, 1980; and the County and State General Election, November 4�, 1980 shall be held in the 161 precincts of the 12 wards of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, at the places named in the list on file in the office of the City Clerk, and be it Further Resolved, that for the following precinets the election shall be held at t.he places designated outside their precinct boundaries in accordance with section 20�-A.09 subd. 1, M.S.A. Ward 1 Prct. 3 - Our Redeemer Church, 1390 Larpenteur Ward 2 Prct.22 - Hazel Park Recreation Center, 919 N. Hazel �Ward 5 Prct.12 - Cretin Annex Lobby, Albert St. entrance Ward 7 Prct. 6 - Minnesota Lung Assn. , 61�+ Portland Ward 8 Prct. 8 - North Dale Recreation Center, 141�+ N. St. Albans Ward 8 Prct.11 - Washin�ton Jr. High School, 10�-1 Marion Ward 9 Prct. 2 - Rice St. Library, 995 Rice Ward 10 Prct. 5 - St. Anthony Library, 22�+5 Como Ward 11 Prct. 1 - Fire Station, 2530 Edgcumbe Rd. Ward 11 Prct.18 - Fairmount Ave. Church, 1523 Fairmount *Ward 1'� Prct.2� - S��aPaul�s Youth Cen�e� Gyml,l�t�On�ummi�'irmount Further Resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to give notice of the elections in the manner provided by law, and that the registration records on file in the Bureau of Registration and Elections of the City Clerk' s office shall be used as provided by law, and be it, Further Resolved, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized, em- powered and directed to equip the said polling places and for such pur- pose the City Clerk is hereby authorized to engage the necessary labor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney ' Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary ", � � �� By t\pproved by Nlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII '��/{ ;.iy CANARV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• �.���� + BLUE - MAVOR �- i . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - and skill and purchase necessary tools and material, the cost and ex- pense of the same to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, 00266, of the General Fund, and be it Further resolved, that the City Clerk be and she is authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for said elections and to do whatever else is necessary for the conduct of such elections, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, 00266, of the General Fund, and be it Further resolved, that the Department of Finance is hereby author- ized and directed to audit claims upon certification by the City Clerk to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, 00266, of the General Fund, and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to make such payments . COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �� McMahon �_ In Favor �� � Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter TedesCO �r�� � � ���� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yasse�y �ouncil Se taryO BY � e� � � \ g , \�J ', F�g ' � #�nrv! Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Ap by 17avor: Date -s � " "' By ` By � �t.tSHE� MAR 1 5980