274430 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council GANARY -DEPARTMENT f�,�;�`� BLUE� -MAYOR _ File 1��. „a ti �x��w'��!i � � I(� rdin�nce Ordinance N�.-�!\��� • Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance designating Assumption Church and Assumption School as a Heritage Preser- vation Site. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Pursuant to the authority contained in Ordinance No. 16006 adopted May 18, 1976, as amended by Ordinance No. 16429 adopted April 4, 1978, upon the request of the Heritage Preservation Com- mission of the City of Saint Paul and after having duly considered the matter at a public hearing held in accordance with the said ordinances, the Council of the City o� Saint Paul does hereby designate the following flescrib�d p�operty to be a Heritage Preservation Site: Assumption Church and Assumption School located on Ninth and Exchange Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on property legally described as except Lot 3 and the North 85 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 9, Bazille and Guerins Addition, the following: Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 6, T. 28, R. 22, between West Seventh and Exchange Streets, southwesterly of Block 9 of said addition; the southwest 8 feet of Lot 7, anc� the northwesterly 5. 67 feet of the north- easterly 25 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lots 3 through 6, Block 9, Bazille and Guerins Addition. Section 2. The Preservation Program for this heritage site is stated as � follows: COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK ����°.P� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �.-�`� CANARY -DEPARTMENT BLUF� -MAVOR File NO. • . � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. , l�lU`t V Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ASSUMPTION CHURCH/ASSUMPTION SCHOOL Heritage Preservation Pro ram Because the architectural design of Assumption Church is of recognized national significance, the exterior appear- ance should be preserved in a manner consistent with the original design intent. Since the Church is one of down- town' s few primary historic "landmarks" (in visual geo- graphic dominance) , any development on the immediate site should maintain and support the general view of the church. The immediate site (including Assumption School, the Rectory, parking space, and green area, bounded by West Seventh Street, Saint Joseph' s and Exchange Street) is appropriately open on the southwest, revealing a fine view of the church's west side elevation and front tower entrance. Since the lowest part of the east side elevation is already obscured by adjacent buildings, the open space (and view) on the west s�de should be maintained. Any further development of the present parking area (in the southwest corner of the site) into the nearby green area should be discouraged. The black iron fence which present- ly surrounds the entire site including the school, a rare example of now disappearing street furniture, enhances the historic feeling of• thE. �hurEh, . sehool -and site. It � should be preserved. Rectory is not subject to permit review. The exterior appearance of Assumption School should be preserved in a manner consistent with the original design intent. The visual relationship with the rest of the Assumption Church site should be maintained. Green space to the northwest (corner of Saint Joseph' s and Exchange Street) should remain open. The Commission invites consul- tation with its Advisory Design Committee on any exterior signage or site landscaping. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas MAHON Nays �._ � In Favor — Hunt I.evine �' Against BY Maddox Showalter Tede 1980 Adopte Council• Date MAR 4 Form Approved by City Attorney C ified P by ' S c'ret BY MAR 6 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Ap by Mayor. t _ By By �NED MAR 1 5 19g0 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - F�NANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. indnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By � Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ordinance designating Assumption Church a d Assumption School as a Heritage Prese�'- va ion Site. THE COUNCIL OF E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDA . Section 1. Pursuant to t authority contained ' Ordinance No. 16006 adopted May 18, 197 , as amended by Ordi ance No. 16429 adopted April 4, 1978, upon he request of the eritage Preservation Commission of the Ci of Saint Paul �'nd after having duly con- sidered the matter at a public heari,ng held in accordance with the said ordinances, t e Council o�the City of Saint Paul does hereby designate the fo lowing de cribed property to be a Heritage Preservation Site: Assumption Chur h a d Assumption School located on Ninth and Exc ge Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on pr erty legally described as Lots 4, 5 and 6 B ock 9, Bazille and Guerins Addition. Se ion 2. The Preservat ' n Program fo this heritage site is stated as follows: ASSUMPTION CHURCH/A SUMPTION SCHOOL Preservation o ram Becau e the architectural design f Assumption Church is COUIVCILME Yeas ays Request d by Department of; Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt L.evine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved b ity or y Adopted by Council: Date �, Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by yo fo S bmission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT BIUE -MAVOR File � NO. OrGLZIZGLIZCP� Ordinance N O. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date of recognized national significance, the exterior appear— ance should be preserved in a manner consistent with,Fthe original design intent. Since the Church is one o down- town's few prim ry historic "landmarks" (in visua geo- graphic dominan�, any development on the imme ate site should maintain an support the general view o the church. The immediate site including Assumption Sch l, the Rectory, parking spa e, and green area, bou ded by West Seventh Street, Saint Joseph's and Exchan Street) is appropriately open on he southwest, rev ling a fine view of the church' s w t side elevatio and front tower entrance. Since the lo est part of t east side elevation is already obscured by a jacent buii ngs, the open space (and view) on the west si e should e maintained. Any further development of the present parking area (in the southwest corner of the sit ) int the nearby green area should be discouraged. The la iron fence which present- ly surrounds the entire site ' luding the school, a rare example of now disappearing s eet furniture, enhances the historic feeling of the chur school and site. It should be preserved. The exterior appearance o Assum tion School should be preserved in a manner co istent ith the original design intent. The visual rel ionship w th the rest of the Assumption Church site hould be ma'ntained. Green space to the northwest (cor r of Saint J eph's and Exchange Street) should remain open. The Co ' ssion invites consul- tation with its Advi ory Design Commi tee on any exterior signage or site land caping. 2 . COUI�CILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved Cit Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor f r Submission to Council By By .'� . � �� �-�3 � , � STAT� UF MINN�.S�TA ) C� Coc�.n,t y o� Ram�e y ) ��s. � � CT7y D� SAINT PAUL ) � � � I . . . . . . . . Rose Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C.f.�:y C.�PhFz , , . . . . . , , . o� �h.e C.�.ty o� Sct,i,n,t Pau2, M-i.nne.�a�a., da heneb y ceh.ti.�y �h.ax I have compatced �he a�ached copy o� Counai..e �.i.ee No??4430. . . . a.a adap�ed by �he C�.ty Counc,i2 . . , , , March. 4,. . .. . . . . . . . i980. � . and a�pnoved by xhe Mayon. . . . . . . . . . . March. 6:. . . . . . . . . . . 198�. . . wtitli �he oh,i.g�.na,2 �heneo� on b.i.�e �.n my o�b.ice. o .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aa . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,�i � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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I �wc�'hen ceh�,i.�y �h.cLt �cu.d cop y .i� a ,t�cue and cotvicec,t cony a� �s a,c;d a�r,i.g.�na,e and �h.e wlz o.�e �'hvicea s. �,��`� �` ' ` wTTN�SS m y hand and �he �ea.0 o� �he Cc;ty a b Sa,i.v►� Pau,2, � �,.���-� .�� ri , , � :;`"����: � 19th gp Y� � � '�;": M.�.nvt. �h.f�5 . . . . . . . . day o . . arch . . . . . . . . . . . . .A.U. 19. . . . � ,� �: � � �,�� T � ,.; l F 1 I i . , ' t .�st. �..,<, �:� ,.{, ,,�:� , - �r � �� �/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ C.2e�c.Fz. _ , ; 4 � � W � �. 'Ji: — � / �MITE - �17V CLEHI( INN' " -- FINANCE COUIICII .�.r w ANARV �-0EPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L R'� � `� •` 8��� _',�aR File N0. � ,,/Cs[ . .� �� � � � � � r�Zn�nC� Ordinance N 0._ � �1-�(>� � Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance designating Assumption Church and Assumption School as a Heritage Preser- , vation Site. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. � Pursuant to the authority contained in Ordinance No. 16006 adopted May 18, 1976, as amended by Ordinance No. 16429 adopted April 4, 1978, upon the request of the Heritage Preservation Com- mission of the City of Saint Paul and after having duly considered the matter at a public hearing held in accordance with the said ordinances, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby designate the following described property to be a Heritage Preservation Site: Assumption Church and Assumption School located on Ninth and Exchange Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on property legally described as except Lot 3 and the North 85 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 9 , Bazille and Guerins Addition, the following: Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 6, T. 28, R. 22, between West Seventh and Exchange Streets, southwesterly of Block 9 of said addition; the southwest 8 feet of Lot 7, and the northwesterly 5. 67 feet of the north- easterly 25 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lots 3 through 6, Block 9 , Bazille and Guerins Addition. Section 2. The Preservation Program for this heritage site is stated as � follows : COUNC.LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY -- -- Maddox Showalter TedesCO F orm A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY __ By _ Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY By _---- a ♦ ♦ CLE R K y p.N�:,�n �� � .ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUI. Council �� h . .,:.%. ' ��` �o" File N0. ~� � Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. � ��/' '`-' 1,.� • Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ASSUMPTION CHURCH/ASSUMPTION SCHOOL Heritage Preservation Program Because the architectural design of Assumption Church is of recognized national significance, the exterior appear- ance should be preserved in a manner consistent with the original design intent. Since the Church is one of down- town' s few primary historic "landmarks" (in visual geo- graphic dominance) , any development on the immediate site should maintain and support the general view of the church. The immediate site (including Assumption School, the Rectory, parking space, and green area, bounded by West Seventh Street, Saint Joseph' s and Exchange Street) is appropriately open on the southwest, revealing a fine view of the church' s west side elevation and front tower entrance. Since the lowest part of the east side elevation is already obscured by adjacent buildings, the open space (and view) on the west si.de should be maintained. Any further development of the present parking area (in the southwest corner of the site) into the nearby green area should be discouraged. The black iron fence which present- ly surrounds the entire site including the school, a rare example of now disappearing street furniture, enhances the historic feeling of the church, sehool and site. It should be preserved. Rectory is not subject to permit review. The exterior appearance of Assumption School should be preserved in a manner consistent with the original design intent. The visual relationship with the rest of the Assumption Church site should be maintained. Green space to the northwest (corner of Saint Joseph' s and Exchange Street) should remain open. The Commission invites consul- tation with its Advisory Design Committee on any exterior signage or site landscaping. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: MAHON �_ � [n Favor Hunt Levine �' Against BY Maddox Showalter Tede ^t� 1980 Adopte Council• Date �~R � Form Approved by City Attorney C ified P by S cret By � M�R 6 �980 A roved b Ap e. by Mayor. t _ PP y lWayor for Submission to Council By , gy SHED MAR 1 5 1980 --- � . C�7 � � T � � O � � � Iw - FIN w� - OE � �n ' ' ((pj � v � (n �S � �'. ' r / � �' Q � F•a � �! N O � m r i � � C^ 9� � � a � � `� � � � YJ � � � � � T C � � � � w � � , �► ZZ ° � Q- � � ^ � z ti, � jti'1 z o�`< o � 3 N m � • 1 � p_ � � a � �6 � p l�I °Q m ?^ � " �. � %� � y � . � fl. O S p � n SJI �� � N � p � � �-{� �-e �� V � N "� �� � '7'�" q . .. � v � � � �� _� ---- � C.Ti � m O `° � � � � = ri� � Z � a rt ; � � (n o ,�. tn � _ � .` � � :� ro .� � h � � � � � ;�� °P � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL :F�.� ;. �a � �, HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION �� IIIIII11111 ro% ;�� tlll 111 11 � '@ � 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 °,, �`"�,��� 612-292-6440 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR January 30, 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Madam: The Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) has recommended to City Council that Assumption Church and Assumption School , be designated as a Heritage Preservation Site. (The two buildings are recommended as one site. ) A public hearing on this matter will be held on January 31 , 1980. The procedure for HPC designation consists of: 1 . Nomination of a site to the HPC for consideration. 2. Evaluation of the site by the HPC' s Candidate's Committee for possible historical and/or architectural significance. 3. A public hearing is held by the HPC once the site is approved by the full Commission for possible designation. Notice is provided to site owners and property owners within 350 feet, and legal notice published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch. 4. HPC recommendation of the site to City Council for designation as a Heritage � Preservation site. 5. Review of the proposed site and preservation program by St. Paul Planning Commission for recorrxnendation to City Council . 6. A public hearing by the St. Paul City Council on the proposed site. Assumption Church and Assumption School have gone through all the steps listed above, up to City Council public hearing. Outlined below is a history of the designation process for the site thus far: - HPC public hearing: May 22, 1978 - HPC recommendation (unanimous) to City Council : October 9, 1979 - Planning Comnission resolution of approval passed: November 16, 1979 The Parish of Assumption Church, represented by Father Mertz, supports designation as a Heritage Preservation Site. Once a site is designated, the Heritage Preservation Commission is empowered by ordinance to review any building permit applications regarding designated sites. Permit review power gives the Commission control over any possible exterior changes to designated historic structures. This permit review power does not affect interior changes. Sincerely, �.^—• CTP/dmm C. Terry Pfoutz, City P1 nner Heritage Preservation Commission , O � . . . � � , ., .. ., `. t.. � <�. - . ' � � . . � �. � � ; . • . ;- � _ . . � r . •, . • . , .1 . .. . .. . . .. 4... . . 1 .{ . . . . . . . ' .. . � . . . . . ' , ' - \ . . . . 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' � . ��� . . . . � . . � .i - . ;` ` , ' �INi 1l�+t rr ,' ;, , .. �t�]► 4� '.. ti. � � . , . � , � � �, /k�0'ila► . � , � � a , . � �: ; �� ae: ' Pi�a�oing�.�tat�, �k. T�'r'y` �lbu�s/ ' , � . . , � '� . i� _ , . : ` , _ � . • , ,;j : � . � r . � f � , . , , . . . . �� : . _ n. � , � _ y • ; _ , t.� : , ;,� . ' � � . - � . , ,` , : � , , +, �, , . - � _ . , . � . � , , ' � ' . ' �, � , i ' � � A • �� - . ;� , / i i \ !t ; . : ' . _ . , � . ii � �"�� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��a G�TY p1�`.:. ���� d�';�, - � `�' y HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISStON sy ?'; so .1-3 ' �,1111:�Illli�. �= �':.� �iltl(111�(I; ^= � = 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 '` =":����_ 612-292-64�0 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR November 30, 1979 Ms. JoAnne Showalter, Council President - and Members of the St. Paul City Council 7th Floor City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 _ Dear President Showalter and Council Members: The. Heritage Preservation Commission respectfully recommends that Assumption Church and Assumption School be designated as a Heritage Preser.vation Site. Assumption Church and Assumption School , located on Ninth and Exchange Streets, are familiar historic landmarks in downtown St. Paul . Assumption Church is a nationally recognized example of Romanesque Revival Architecture. Rssumption School is an excellent example of the Italianate Style. Both buildings represent the German Catholic heritage of Assumption Parish, which was founded in 1856. They are on the National Register of Historic Places. A public hearing was held on the proposed historic designation with proper notice published and mailed. The Parish of Assumption Church,represented by Father Frederick P�ertz, supports the des�gnation as a Heritage Preservation Site. The Commission is nominating the two buildings as one site. You will find enclosed the Heritage Preservation Commission's resolution of recommendation, preservation program, site nomination form, owner statement of approval , and Planning Commission resolution of ap�.�roslal . Thank you. Sincerely, �ra�t��- S���t�,, . �t' Ernest Sandeen, Cha�rperson St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission cc: Mayor Latime City Clerk� Jerome Segal , Asst. City Attorney James Bellus, Planning Administrator �- Enc. �� � � '�-t � ��J city of sai�t paul . . . � h�rltage preservatron corr��n�sslon resolution fil� nu��er 79-15 . (�ate' October 9 , 1979 ' WHEREAS, the Heritage Preservation Commission is authorized by the Heritage Preservation Ordinance (Saint Paul City Ordinance 16006) to recommend buildings � to the City's list of Heritage Preservation Sites; and WHEREAS, the Heritage Preservation Commission has determined that Assumption � . � Church and Assumption School , built in 1871 and 1860 respectively, located at Ninth and Exchange Streets, (being legally described as Lots 4, 5 and 6, Biock 9, Bazille and Guerins Addition) meets the criteria specified in Paragraph 6, Section 4 of the Heritage Preservation Ordinance in that: 1 . Assumption Church and Assumption Schooi represent the heritage of the German - Catholic, Assumption Parish founded in 1856. . 2. Assumption Church is of national architectural importance as an excellen� example of the Romanesque Revival style. 3. Assumption Church was designed by Joseph Reid� , court architect of the ruling Wittelsbach family of Bavaria. _. _ ___ _ _ 4. Assumption School is an excelient example of �he Italianate styie. 5. Both are fine examp?es of pione.er stone-a�ork. ` - 6. Assumption Church is an established landmark in St. Pau� . - WHFREAS, �::ie Heritage Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the proposed designation of Assumption Church and School on May 22, 1978. Pursuan� � to Paragraph E, Section 4 of the Heritage Preservation Ordinance, notice of this hearing was puf�lished in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and no�ice was sent to site owners and property owners within 350 feet. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the St. Pau� Heritage Preservation Commission _that Assumption Church and School are hereby recommenaed to the City Council as a • Heritage Preservation Site with a preservation program as follows : � _ . � � ASSUMPTION CHURCH/ASSUMPTION SCHOOL � . Preservation Program Because the architectural design of Assumption Church is af recognized national � - significance, the exterior appearance should be preserveci in a manner consistent (cont`d) m��e� � Ms. Qxton 'J Se����� �} Mr. Faber in favor 6 y . against o . with the original design intent. Since the Church is one of downtown's few primary historic "landmarks" (in visual geographic dominance) , any development on the immediate site should maintain and support the general view of the church. The immediate site (including Assumption School , the Rectory, parking space, and green area, bounded by West Seventh Street, Saint Joseph's and Exchange Street) is appropriately open on the southwest, revealing a fine view of the church's west side elevation and front tower entrance. Since the lowest part of the east side elevation is already obscured by adjacent buildings, the open space (and view) on the west side should be maintained. Any further development of the present parking area (in the southwest corner - of the site) into the nearby green area should be discouraged. The black iron fence which presently surrounds the entire site including the school , a rare example of now disappearing street furniture, enhances the historic feeling of the church, school and site. It should be preserved. The exterior appearance of Assumption School should be preserved in a manner consistent with the original design intent. The visual relationship with the rest or the Assumption Church site should be maintained. Green space to the northwest (corner of Saint Jos�ph's and Exchange Street) should remain open. The Commission invites consultation with its Advisory Design Committee on any exterior signage or site landscaping. Th� rectory is not subject to permit review. SAI(�f PAUL NERITAGE PRESERVATION CCNMISSION SI1E NOMINATION F0�'I I NANE ��ISTORIC: Assumption Church and Assumption School COM�'10N: �� �� �� �� �� I I LOCATION �DDRESS: 51 West 9th Street and 68 Exchange Street, St. Paul L.EGAL DESCRIPTION: See Attachment III PRES�Nt OWNER (�/.�; Parish of Assumption Church, c/o Father Frederick Mertz �DDRESS: 51 West 9th Street, St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 IV L.AND USE L.00�TIO�� MAP (ease Map) � .,' `�, . . ,' _ , . .X�� � � �: � �. �Fo- �. � ,� . ,, ., „, , ,� '� '� �'� � �;�; ,�. i,,;,; !� � --- � , � , , g '� � c, ��'�` ',��� Q�•P � ,, �_ -� �5 5... �. ;' � ,�tir, '',�'�,�; -� �5�� Q.... . ., : �`\ \ Y�;: _ , ', i�o S� ::EE:. .:E:.. ;/�� ,� !`• . `\ \ Y,` 4• \ :"74`;;•: ,, \ i �S•gP �•.•'iEEi"�';......Ee�':i•.. `;,( �� \ �'$� � � � � �t`� i � ': ' �: i� �' ;,C� � Y`t � \� i � �•�'i:°i,.i:i,^' i .� � \\ :::;s•tr.r..�..r NINTH s,,;':°�;`-`���:::'_� ,:� ' ' % ,\•, �\;\Y,.; ►--� I ; � , °s :�f:`€:�::::•-'� ; :,<'' . \,x �y Y: cn , � � FA ��.;...:::• . ;_,� T. <�,�' ���, `x ,q , y. ��:€� � i � ,� �. _' � _'� ,`� .�� � � � ��i:<� � � v .�C ��� \ B \\ Z ; 9 , � � � .. Q � �, . qsy � ;-- --- � � �YF, '--, !-'r-�--;'i' ,� ,�; �� �� + , , � � � 'l.'' � � 9 � �� � , � � � ;–� ; � �i, ` '� \ � a I � � ,- '-;--, `--- ���'� 5�+ � ; ; . , , � ern sT. c�XTH ST. � `. ` OL \ � . , �'• -- -- - -----,--• � � `\ � s� t� � i - � �j �, i I I' Y ,'� S� \� \ \ \ \� . +— � ��1` • � ; _ �� � i ' ; Q� q ,p ��`� � , __�_;' 1� � � +-' �: o --1-----fi--- o� � �' F� . I Z g� (qi ` � `� o ' i a� �� I ��Q Q� ' � ' ��=� SIXTN a ' J �.�'� �` V FORM PREPARED BY �Ar1E�ITlE: Gary L. Johnson, HPC Staff ADDRESS: St. Paul City Planning, 25 W. Fourth Street $UPERVISOR: Terry Pfoutz DATE: 4/27/78 VI DOCUMEMATION ON FILF � HTSTORIC SITE EYA�UATION FORM BUILDI G PERMIT(S SLIDE�PHOTOGRAPHS OF STRUCTURE X � l�DDiTIqNA� p�SCRIPTIVE MATERIAL �LIST) IIfHER �LIST) National Register Nomination Forms SITE NOMINATION FORM VII . NARRATIVE: HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE OF SITE Assumption Church _ Assumption Church represents the German pioneer architectural heritage of St. Paul . As one admirer remarked, "The Church of Assumption was the Catholic Rhineland which moved to Minnesota." - _ Founders of Church were German Catholics who left the Cathedral Parish in 1856. They organized and built a house of worship on West Ninth Street, across from the present site of Assumption Church. Over the next decade, Father Clement Staub watched his following grow until a larger better constructed church was needed. Joseph Reidl , court-architect of the ruling Wittelsbach family of Bavaria, was commissioned for the project. Reidl derived his design for Assumption Church from Ludwigskirche in P�unich, a work of his former teacher Friedrich von Gaertner. Father Staub laid the cornerstone on June 4, 1871 and also helped direct con- struction. Local limestone was transported to the site for use in the foundation and the coursed ashler �ralls. Brushed-hammered limestone pilasters were added to the exterior walls of the Romanesque ,:Revival style church. After completion of the structure, a �statue of St. Mary' s Assumption, and two iron crosses were mounted at the summits of two frontal towers. On October 18, 1874 the Church of Assumption was consecrated and it soon housed the state's largest congregation. Assumption Church is presently in good state of preservation. Tension rods , . have been installed to counteract the outward force of the vaults, however, _ the exterior appearance is basically una7tered. Inside, a fresco of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven fills the church' s half dome. And at the rear a monumental wood-case pipe organ rises above the choir loft, illuminated by an elaborate rose window. Not many changes have been made to the building and the Church of Assumption continues to serve its original function. The Church is a nationally recognized example of Romanesque Revival architec- ture. It is pictured in American Architecture Since 1780, A Guide to Styles, by Marcus Whiffen. Assumption School Assumption School remains a significant element in St. Paul 's architectural , religious and education heritage. Four years after the completion of the first Assumption Church in 1856, the parish built a school at Ninth and Exchange Streets to educate the children of German-speaking members. However, the school outlived its usefulness and closed in 1888. Page 2 The two story limestone school is an excellent example of the Italianate style. The ground plan (sixty-two by forty-two feet) is a modified cruciform with the central� portion or pavillion as the primary element of each facade. Longitudinally, entrances are located in the central bays. Exterior walls are of gray rock-faced limestone blocks in the quoins and lintels. The effect is that of coursed ashlar. The walls are surmounted by a hipped roof with wide projecting eaves supported by groups of double brackets. - Two of the four original brick chimneys were replaced with simpler non- recessed panel versions. Asphalt shingle roofing replaces the original cut cedar or slate shingles. And although a cupola has been removed, the school retains its original design elements and is in good repair. The interior of the building consists of a full basement of limestone with interior brick bear•ing walls, tw� classro�ms on the ground storzy, and an assembly room measuring thirty by fifty-eight �feet on the second storey. The interior has been renovated by Granville House Inc. which now uses the top and half of the ground level for administration offices. The remainder serves as living quarters for the custodian of Assumption Church. Attachment Assumption Church/Assumption School Legal Description Excepting Lot 3 and North 85 ft. of Lots 4 & 5, Block 9, the following: Part of N.W. 1/4 of Sec. 6, Township 28, Range 22 between W. 7th and Exchange Street of S.W. ' ly of Block 9 said addition. The S.W. ' ly 8 ft. of Lot 7 and the N.W. 'ly 5.67 ft. of N.E. ' ly 25 ft. of Lot 7 and all of Lot 3 thru 6, Block 9, - Bazille and Guerin's Addition. - :.-��`��"'�°�:;�>: ', '. � CITY O� SAINT PAUL -~ M i' '` ' Z�� � HERiTAGE PRESERVATlON COMMISSIOt� :a .;�� ,: �� 'iiii�i�i��i '� _�L' �. g;� _ = 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paut,Minnesota,55102. :�:}�.T. �a a• .. . � . -`�=.•.<'r"' 612-292-6440 GEORGE LA7LVfER � MAYOR OWiVER S7ATEt'IEPlT 0;�! DESIGPdATIOE•� - � As the owner of a potential St. Paul 1-;zritage Preservation Site I am fu11y aware of the meaning of historic designaiion and the rzviec� of building permit applications for exterior ��ork that such des5gna- tion would invo7ve. I therefore take the follotr�ing position on historic designation. , SliE Assumpl:ion Church/Assumption School APPROVE ��-C %--t-�' C=-��'��-�...C%' � ` � Comrnent; if any �f � "� . :��I/\ � Ll},...a � -� .' ' �� _ "_ �,� _ �4 ^,lr_v v—z ( . v r._. ��. /1�<j�2vZ.�� %v �' / .�Y . --. . ... ; . � �� APPROVE t•IITH P.ESERVATION Comment: � � DTS�iPPROVE ' Comment: � � O�iJ^lER OG1PaERS` SIGNATURE �� � Parish of Assumption Church ��� _----� �� j'�`�- � L�� Y� �u� , Father Frederick Mertz � DATE: October 12, 1979 `�_�<J �. . �_ � , , .. , . � • • � city of saint paul planr��ng cor�m�ss�on resolut�o� file n�am�r 7979 � - da�e �aovember 16z_1979 - _ _ . __ . . _ - z� . . _ . _ _ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission hasjbeen informed by the Heritage Preservation Commission that it is recommending -�he.,designati� of the Assumption Church and Assumption School as a Heritage Preservation site; and - WHERE�IS, Assumption Church and Assumption School are on the National Register of Historic Piaces, and are therefore recognized landmarks of architectural and historic importance; and . � aJHEREAS, �Che designation will serve to protect and preserve these bu�Zdings; _ and WHEREAS, the Planning Corrmission has reviewed the recommended designation in light of the comprehensive plan and oth�r planning considerations, i�icluding the Jowntown Development Plan; � NOW, T'riEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pla;�r�ing Commission finds the designation consistent with the comprehensive pian_ and other p7anning considerations, including the Downtown Development P1an; and - BE IT FURTfiER RESOLVED, that the Planning Cot�nissian recomm,ends ap�raval of the pro�osed designation by �he Ci�y Council . m���d �\' t�IcDonell 1 s�e�c�ded by pangal in fav�r 16 c3��lt�St o . . . - , • ' � _ CiIY Of ST. PAUL � DEPAR7MENT Qf-FiNkNC� AND MANA�£MENT SERyIC�S - A55�55MFNT DiVI5tOA1 � � 113 CtTY MALI. ST.PAUL,MNVNESOTA 55102 sarniary 1]., 1980 Ma. Rose Mix City Clerk � � Room 386, City Hall File X2087 Page 1 Zoning Pile HPC � - The Council of the City of St. Paul will l�old a public hearing ia the � Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor). at 9$ on the: ' � _ 10:00 a.m. Thurs�ay, Jarnzary 31, 1 0 _ :-.- . Na�mination of Assumption Church (built in 1871) and Assumption School - (built in 1860) as a St. Paul Heritage Preservation Site. ` ' � The two 'buildings are nominated as one site and are located at 51 W.9th Street and 68 Exchange Street, between St. Joseph's Lane and St. Peter Street. The site is legally described as: � � ' Excepting Lot 3 and North 85 f't. of I,ots �+ & 5, Block 9, the follawing: .Part of N.W. 1�� of Sec. 6, Township 28, Rarige 22 between W. 7th and Exchange Street and S.W.'ly of Block 9 said addition. The S.W.'ly $ f"t. of Lot 7 and ' the N.W.'ly 5.6? ft. of N.E 'ly 2� ft. of Lot 'j and all of r,ot 3 thru. 6, B1ock 9, Bazi�le an C�uerin' Additi.�n. - If you wauld like further information a out thsis Tieariag, contact the Heritage Preservation Commission, 11th floor, City Hall Annex,;25 W. 4th � St., St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. Telephone No. 292-b229. � While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to 2►elp you to learn fully about any i.mprovement that could a£fect you ox _ your co�nity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your vieWS about it kno�m to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLI?�M DONOVAN � _ � VALIIATZON S� ASSESS►ti�JT ENGINEER '� : � .1.` . . .� . . . .. ._ . . . ,. ,� . , ... ; �, ... .. . .. ... . :... ::...... ... .. �` . � �'. • , . . , . . V � � ' � - . . . � .i . . � . . � '� �; -.. - , . . ° ' . . - .. _ . � � . . . ... . ... Y . � . , . . . .. . � . . � . . 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