274429 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 ������] PINK .- FINANCE COUIICIl � CANARY - EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �af swe �roR � ! i Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��.(��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO UNITED HOSPITALS, 333 NORTH SMITH AVENUE, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND/OR 17S SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE TWO ONE AND ONE-HALF INCH DIAMETER ELECTRICAL CONDUITS AND ONE SIX INCH DIAMETER CONDUIT CONTAINING A TWO INCH DIAMETER OXYGEN LINE AC- ROSS AND UNDER WALNUT STREET APPROXIMATELY 156 FEET NORTHWEST OF THE NORTHWEST- ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SMITH AVENUE. THE COUNCIL OF NIHE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That permission and authority are hereby granted to United Hospitals, 333 North Smith � Avenue, Saint Paut , Minnesota, to construct, maintain and operate two one and one-half inch electrical conduits and one six inch diameter conduit containing a two inch diameter oxygen line under and across Walnut Street at approximately 156 feet northwest of the notthwester- ly right-of-way line•of Smith Avenue. Section 2. . That the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to United Hospitals, for the construction, maintenance and operation of two under- ground electrical conduits and an oxygen line according to approMed ptans upon said per- mittee's compliance with the following conditions: COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza ` � In Favor Hunt � `� � /A Levine (J Against By .0 ���C �..� Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved b i torn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date App y a r for S ssi to�ouncil By BY a. That said permitteA a�d/or its succ�ssors in interests shall furnish a �(P(p J� - surety �ond tu tL�e City of Saint Paut in the sum of Ten Thousand Dotlars � � � ' ($10,000.00) conditioned to comply with att the terms of this ordinance %'��c•��} � and to ind�r.n i fy sa i� C i ty fram al 1 1 iab i 1 i�y, costs and expenses that �� �' ''°""`� may accrue, occa�iened by the making vr" the improvement or arising out of th� same; b. That saic� permittee �nd/or its successors in interest shall take out and mair�tain during the �.eriod of this permit a comprehensive protective pub- 1 ic I i�bi1 ity insu:-ance vrhiich shall remain in force and effect as 1on� �s said unde;ground electrical conduit or oxygen line or any portion thereof is maintained and located on public righl--of-way of Walnut Street. T"f�is � iabili*.y insurance shatl fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint �aul , its agents, officers and employees from any and all -,_ damages, claims, ioss�s, judgments, suits or expenses on account of ail clairns o� whatever nature arising out of or connected with the construct- ion, rnaintenance, oper�tion and/or subsequeet removal of said underground electrical cnnduits or oxygen line. The liability insurance shail be i„ued by an insuran�e company licensecl to do business in the State of Minnesota and the premium and all exper�s�s incidental thereto shalt be paid promptly by the permittee initiatly and � upon rei7a:�ai . R certificate of #:his insurance policy shall be submittad to the Offic� Engineer, Department of Public Works and r�ust be of a form acceptabte to the Cit.y Attorney, 8efore any expiration, said �ermittee shall deposit wiCh the City o�= Saint P�ul a new certificate to replace any expirir�g insur«nce. Tne permittee and the City shall be namn� jair�t- ly insured with limits o� tiability indicated as follo�.vs: B�di]y injury insuralce (inciuding death) in an amount of � not less than $250,�JOO.OU for alt damages arising out of ►;"-!�1 f :�`,�:.,"��S f_J Ll' :iEoi,:� i:i. Oi►L P�t'SUII� i�tld, sub,jec.:� t0 ti�e same limit for each person, in a total amount of not iess than $5Q0,000.00 0� a�counr af any one aecident. Nro- perty damage insurance in an amo�ant of not less than $250,OOQ.OQ for all damages to or destrucfiion of property in any one accid- ent and subject to that limit per accident. Fur�her subject to a fiotai nf not less than $200,000.00 for all damages to or des- truction of prcperty during the policy period, The insurance coverage shall automatically be restored immed- iately after the occurrence of any accident or loss from which liability may �hereafter accrue anci the City of Saint Paul shall be na�iFied at least 30 days in advance of a canceilation of the itisuranc� coverage by the issuing insurance cam�any; , c, 'that said permittee and/or its successors in ir�terest shall at their own cost and expense in accor�ance with all applicabie orainances o` the City of Saint Paul , Stotutes! of the State of �Minnesota and regulations of pub- Iic authority having cognizance, construct, maintain and operate said un- derground electrica4 conduits and oxygen line; � d, That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall construct sai-d' ur�dergraund electrical conduits and oxygen line entirely at their own ex- pense and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works in accordance with approved pians and specifications on file in the Department of Public Works; e. That said permit��;e shall pay the cos�s for the publication of this ordin- ance and zll related resaiutions and ordinances; " - � - 1 CoCo�� ��' ���� � ` ' �b �'L��q�-l�, f. That said permittee shail pay the cost of administration , engineering and inspectton incurred by the Department of Public Works and because of this undertaking. Satd c�sts are estimated as a sum of $500.00 and shail be accounted for under Department of Public Works project No. E-1331 ; g. That said permittae shall coordinate all work involving existing utility installations, public or private with the affected utility companies or agencies ; h. That the construction within fihe right-of-�uay of tlalnut Street must be per-- formEd by a contractor approved by the Construction Engineer af the Depart- ment of Public Works; t. That said permittee shall properly Qrotect a11 excavations made ir� the street right-cf-way of tJalnut Street so as to avoid al � damage or injury to persons or property, shall properly fill and compact said street right- of-way to avoid settling, and shail restore said str�et right-of-way to its original condition, as per Section 19 of the Specifications for Street and Sewer ConstrGCtion, Department of Public Works, City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, dated Rpril 1 , 1959 as amended, under the supervision and to the satisfacYion of the Construction Engineer of the Department of Fublic Works; j. That said permittee andior its successors in lnterest expressly agrees and shali �ndertake to fully indemnify; hoid harmless and defend the City c�f Sa�nt Pau1 , its agents ,` off+cers and employees from any and a1i damages, claims, losses, judgrr+ents, suits or expenses of whatever r,ature for ir,jury t� nP.fSn�1 and/or �ropArty arisin� out of or connected with the construct- !CYI1y ���ctaon , rna�n�enar�ce, i7}�t-t'7ClOil d�+V TE���G�'uj �� S3t� L'nG�Cf�i'O'.!nd C�E:C- trical conduits and c�xygen line; k. That satd permi ttee expressly agrees to comply ti��i th Chapter 216 of the Saint P�z�! Le.gislative Code as amended pertaining to street obstructions; 1. That said permittee shall complete the constructi�n of said facilities in- cluding the backfiil and surface restoration of the city street right-of- way by not later than September l , 1980; _ m. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of the Oepart- ment of Pu51ic Works five (5) working days before construction begins and natify the same said Cngineer when construction has been completed to al- low for a final inspection; n. That said underground electrical cor�duits and oxygen line shal) be remov�d by and at the soie cost anci expense of said permittee and/or its successors in interest whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall by resol- ution determine such removal necessary in the public interest and accord- tngly order the removal of said facilities f�om Walnut Street right-of-way; _3- N�H17E — CITV CLERK '�$p�'GJ,� PINK — FINANCE COUI1C11 /'. p, �'�w; ('y4NARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 �a� b � �� BLUE' �-MA�/OR . Flle NO. � � � /^/^ Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �l(�liJ� Presented.By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date o. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shali submit the necessary bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall submit said docu- ments to the City Attorney for review and, if said bond and insurance are acceptable, said docurnents shall be filed with the department of Finance and Management Services; p. That said permtttee shall during the term of this permit, �estbre and repair all p roperty whether public or private damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation, maintenance and removal or presence of sa�d underground electrical conduits and oxyge� line pro- vided for herein; q. That said permittee shall , within thtrty (30) days from and after the publication of this ordinance,_ file writter� acceptance thereof, spec- � ificatly agreeing to all the provtsions, terms and conditions herein, with the City Cie rk; Section 3 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, � COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �_ Nays � Pub 1 i C Works H�'��� In �'avor Le�;r:e � ;�r.i;;:;aX f-��iAahon Against BY - s�,•,�a�tP� Dona 1 d E. Nygaar '� ieda;eo Adopted b ounci . Date lAA4 /l 19gQ Form Approved by C' Att rney Cert' ed Pass y ouncil S�ecr ry BY / MAR B �gSO Appr v by Mayor or u i ion to Council App d by Mayor: at � • ! By By �.iSHED MAR 1 5 1980 a . OM O1 : 12/1975 Rev: 9/8/76 � ' EXPLANATJON OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS� RESOLUT I ONS, AND ORD 1 NANCES ��'`���'��� . � �` �' � � ` � la R �. �� � b � Date: ,lanuary 28, 1980 • FEB 1 - 1980 MAYOR'S � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Thotnas J. Eggum, Pubi tc .Works Off ice Engineer RE: United Hospixals private facilities across Walnut Street ACTION REQUESTED: This ordinance would grant permission to United Hospitals to construct two (2) elec�rical conduits and one (1 ) oxygen line under and across Walnut Street about 156 feet northwest of Smith Avenue subject to certain conditions. These facilities wilt connect the hospital building on one side of Walnut Street with a proposed oxygen tank storage facility on the other side. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: ATTACHMENTS: � Ordinance. -� �� ��� , , . /�� fe���+ , � �r� ����� � ���c �. � � . Miller St.Lukes United Division Division �OSpI `MIS �25 W. COLLEGE AVE. 333 NORTH SMITH AVE. . ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 5T. PAUL. MINN. 55102 PHONE: 298-8888 Area dt2 PHONE: 298-8888 Area 612 March 19, 1980 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Ladies and Gentlemen; We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of City Council File No. 274429, Ordinance No. 16639, adopted by the Council on March 4, 1980 regarding the granting of permission to construct, operate and maintain two one and one-half-inch diameter electrical conduits and one six-inch diameter conduit containing an oxygen line under and across Walnut Street approximately 156 feet northwest of the northwesterly right-of- way line of Smith Avenue. G��,../�f�� United Hospitals Paul T. Ebb 333 North Smith Avenue Vice President St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 General Services c� x� � � � u�� �_. �t"� .a_ "il i' :�-!ti ..� �� �"C f�.=J �= �� � O :O .,,, � -°•;�� �� � � '"' fYl i`S� �