274426 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ���� � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council � CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council Legislation Committee has reviewed legislative proposals relating to the St. Paul Urban Corps and necessary amendments to Chapter 429 Local Improvements Act, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approve the action of the Legislation Gommittee to support legislation for the Urban Corps and Chapter 429 Local Improvements. COUNCIL�iEN Yeas t1�ICf�'�i��U�`� Nays Requested by Department of: �� �_ In Favor Hozza � I.evine _ � __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter ��,��j Te �° �, ;; 7 "'u, Adopt y Counc�l: Date i�� Form Approved by City Attorney ertified Yas- d by Council S creta BY Ap ro by 'Vlavor. D _�D � 9 ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY n�.�t��o F E B 2 3 1960 ���,��:���"�� PROPOSED LEGISLATION FOR ASSESSIN� OPERATInN AND MAINTENANCE COSTS IN ADVANCE ' . � • Tne proposed amen.dment provides cities �aith the ability to assess benefitted property awners for the costs af operatian and maintenance of public parking facilities� It also pro�a�es to provide the opti.on to the city to assess stzch costs in advance. Chapter 42�,relating to local improve�ents w�u�a z� a�e.�a��. to include public park�.ng facilities under Section 429..021, Subdivision I ., and Section 429.061, Subd. 1. Various apini,or�s on this i.ssu�. have in�icated tha� current statutes are unclear as �o wh�ther cities have the author�.�y` to assess for public parka.�g faeilities. The mast specific appli�ation of the n�ed fcr �his change is th� Highl.and Farkinq Ramp which rnrill be financed through issuance af GQ bonds an:d paid for by specia:l, assessments against the �5 benefi..tted pro�ert� owners. PROPOSED POLICY: The Council Legislation Committee suppc�rts the concept of amendments to the Local Improvements Act to a�cor.lplish the �ollowing: �. Inclusion o� public parking facilifiies as an allowab�e _ _ � local improvement for the purpose of assessment for,. . caDeration and maintenance casts for .local iz�provements. 2. Authorit� �o assess ir� advance to�.al estimated cost �c�r � �he operaition anc� maintenance for the next fiscal year. 3. Creation of a special account fund for operation anc� �naintenar�ce costs which a11�ws any unusecl amounts or balance ta carry over into the next fiscal y�ar's budget. ��� _ � �,, � St. Paul Urban Corps Fc�!'3��`�,�� • � ' The City proposes special legislation which would provide the City with the option to hire students under the city's Urban Corps employment program. The proposal woul.d also prohibit interns from collecting unemplayment compensation while working as an intern in the Urban Cor�s Pr.ogram. The proposal solves two proble�s: - � I) Currently, the Urban Corp� Frogram contracts with the cit�r of Minneapol,is for its intern programe T.he interns are basical,�.y employees of Minn�apolis through the contractual. agreement. St. Paul doe� not have separat� authar�ity:h�The ab'ility to empl.o�r interns for a period of one yeax, under our own duth�rity give� the City the needed flexibi.lity i� the�,,event that the cantractual� agreem�nt is no� renewed in �the future. 2 j The con�ract has not, however, spec�.fied •unem�lc�yr_ient compensa-� ti.on benefi�ts reimbursable by St. Paul` to Minneapoli,s. The propas�r� 1980 agreement, when executed, wi1.l specifiy cer-tain costs af unemployment compensation. The St. Paul program will have to pick up these costs, although ifi has traditionally been the intent �f the Ur3�an Corps program that unemployr.ient compensation shou].d . not be �aicl. to part time studEnts. St. Paul. intends to continue its contrac�ual arrangement with �Minneapol.is, bu� 'does need the option to administer its own program in �e even� that need,.occurs in the future. _ � - -_ �- Interns: 3,400 per year �in both cities . - Payroll: ' $1.2 million, apprx. � St. Paul int�rn�. 370 �- Contracts with the St. Paul program: Ramsey county, 1�letro Counc�:l, Governor's Offi�e and private non-profit agenczes. ► " . _.._--- .- ..T..._.,.,�_.........,..,: �M..,_�,�..,,.�.�.�w�.�.W....._..�... ___..n..._._.--- .._,.-.�....,�,k, . d....� „�.�.... ,:, .. ..�...�. .�,�-.:,.�:...�.�.,�,.,,,„�