274406 WHITE - CI7V CIERK COUnC1I ����Y�� PINK - FINANCE G F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � �� BIUE - MAYOR File NO. ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council did approve and adopt the Wilder Recreation Center Rehabilitation Project as part of the 1980 Capital Tmprovement Budget on September 27, 1979, by Council File Number 273779, and WHEREAS, The Mayor has submitted a grant preapplication for said project to the U.S.Department of the Interior, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Services Division of funding assistance, and WHEREAS, The U.S.Department of the Interior has made a grant offer in the amount of $538,200, as stated in the attached notice; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct the proper City officials to submit a full grant app1ication and to provide such assurances as necessary to the U.S. Depar�ment of the Interior for the Wilder Recreation Rehabilitation project; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute such agreements as necessary to accept any grant awards from the U.S.Department of the Interior. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �oN Nays /� _ Community Services Hozza b In Favor -�t Levine _ a __ Against BY Maddox Showalt Te co FEg � 2 1ggp Form A by C't or Adopte y Counc� : Date � C itied Pa• d by ouncil Secretary By Appr y Ylavor: Da �9$� A r v d by Mayor for mi ion t Councii sy — Bx � rt�8l.tsHEO �E B 2 3 198fl 1 . � i� / � , � . ��/ // �'�.S+': .pY� t'1�':� d n�' ,�"�� ti )<� � .� ��t \ _, • � � J'�� ��� /.� T �' _ !�� � �(' 1 � ♦ .r•r �T ''�-:" , � � ,� [ � c;:�c�c �tc.•ti � , ��.t�'� ci��. r ., �,t t1� t':�_� :t' � . ( � c ,��� .,T . � lt►=;:l�,:c;�: c uti�,�:�tV;�, � Ic>� ,�.`;u ��; c 1:�_� � :; ,•: I ::\ I; �= ��s �'� �•�` ,:,r; c ���i�j0 �\'�\5111":c, fON, 1).('. _U?��U �<..�ti;`.;�,�� � . IN REPLY REFLR TO: i IF" � 1 g 1979 V b. ".c�:l��ral�J.e G�or�;e L��tir�er . ��.yc�.� of ,.t. Paii.l ��I'j C.tL;� ;{<11.1 :.,r. i<:ul, ;iitu�e�ota jjJ.O?_ v�-:ar <i:�or Lx�rl�;rr: P�s rIr•�cLor cf Lhe �Ierit�e C:crisE;ivaLiori t�nd �iecr�:aLicxi :ervic;e, it is t�ith �;r�at ��1���:�ure tiaat I �a �:Lle to a��rio�ui:,e �:ri offer of ��i L'rU.ui Yar�x a►Zd �F�cr�a�iort ��covery Pi�c�;rt:ra �raiit of y-'�3�,2U0, Lo t;l-�e city oi � ;t. �'atil, i;�1L'1CaCt�l� foi Li;e rc:,rz�iliLt.Licxi of tl�e; �.iiluer .-;ecc�ea�ioti j Cc:iiter. � ' Di.c�ect:or Il�;�t�l: Jo�l��s, ��f c,ur L��1;e Ce>>t;t�r3.i i���„S.cn�:31 ulficc, l��ill cexlLacL you to :�;or:c c»�t, tl�c c�:�t:�.ils of L:�e act;u:il ,�r���lt a�i•ec.�,:,::L a��c; i:cx�iLc�act. . �o,,�,,i,.,,u1��tl��r�s, �;r.ci L;�e LY�:�L oC 1_�ic�:, ra;; f��xi tx�:,i:i tli� r�c�tvr�:Lio:� atici j r�vit�ili;..zL�_u:1 oC ;our ,%;ii•k t�sici i�ucrc.x�.;i�?�i :>,;:�Lc::. i � . "iti��c:t:�1:�, �� �1tti1�� !, %4 `;':Lc�l� �►11\� %} t� � 1 Cl;ris `:.�;�:rral :;c1L1��GI't;e : , llic�ecLor � ', � I I i , I � � ������������ � . ; _ , ;�:� � � � corn�ti;u►��r�- Gf_�:�L�oNM�r�T � D�v�s�nrv ; A; � . - . , � - � QM O1: Z2/I.9�5 Rsv. : 9/8l76 �EXPLANAT20N GF AD�SINISTR�TI�TE ORDERS, �,�.;f . 2:'SOLi7TI0N , AND t?RDIN3L.�T S t��;�L�'?�� , � � r�� � _r � � tYi .�:� �.a w `'' '`� Da.tt: January 2 5 , 19 8 0 �„ JA N 2 � �;;8G . � � so: rmx�t �o� r�2 , �= Thomas Kelle ' �= UPARR Grant for Wilder �ecreation Center � AC'�'ION F�QQ"'r.STED: . Authorize the .proper •city officials to coinplete a UPARR grant • application for the rehabilitation of Wilder Recreation Center. . PLTRPOSE AND RATICNALE FOR TSIS ACTIONs - Council action is required to submit the grant application, provide necessary assurances to the Department of Interior, and to accept the grant award. ' e�iTTACF�MEN'L'3: �