00-978CouncilFile# 00—q7� aR����A� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � 2 RESOLVED, that the Tasicab Driver's License Application submitted by Jeffrey C. 3 Miessner is hereby denied for his April 17, 1996 felony conviction for Assauit, 2i Degree, and 4 his October 29, 1999 felony conviction for Criminal Damage to Property. 6 This resolution and ihe action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts 7 contained in the September 12, 2000 Notice of Intent to Deny License Application letter to the 8 licensee. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy BY. (� ` �^ �. t .- , � Approved by Mayox: Date � _�p BY. � � RESOLUTION Green Sheet # ( �(� � �( '• �,1��0 � � r � � ��� � / j�n � �i. ..,r•' Form Approved by City Attor Hy: Approved by yor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 1,� �_ �` c�-O o0 ob -�t�tr �,��� GREEN SHEET No� pg � 1� Virginia Palmer . 266-8710 r se oN cour�ci�ncoun�. ar lcwlq October 25, 2000 - Consent TOTAL # OF SIGI3ATURE PAGES aourvw u �,u,.�*� u �,�.a.— ❑�.,� o�� ❑ numow.a�+euuw. ❑ wuxouanm,eero ❑wva�mR�snr,wn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIOt�1S FOR SIGNATURE) Recommending denial of the application far a Taxicab Driver's License by Jeffrey C. Miessner, 588 North Milton Street, Saint Paul. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N Nes thie P�aoNf�m ever xa`ked untler a conVact /orthis departmmCt vES NO Fias WB PenorUfirm e�er Ueen a WY emObYee? vE3 . NO Dpec Mis pereoMrm poseees a slo0 not namallypos6essed by any currerR city empbyee? YES NO IslhiapeteaNifmataryefCdveMaCt - YES NO COST/REVQIUE BUOOETEP (GRCLE ONE) YEf NO ACTNITYNWABER INFORMATON (DfMNN) d OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢ytors M. Robiruorz, Jr., Ciry Atiorney �� �I f1 � { i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonrs Coleman, Mtry'or Civil Division 400 Ciry Halt li West Kello� Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesot¢ 55102 Telephone: 651 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 October 5, 2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Application for Taaticab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming your Apri117, 1996 felony conviction for 2nd Degree Assault and your October 29, 1999 felony conviction for criminal damage to property have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Z/ \, �-(� G���i� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP p� � °' �°:x ���9�R�Y P/ Y' 4'eS vWV.'YS.�i� �N . � 2 "° k�" ? �.e'� £& � S Ga UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER on �� 0 Licensee Name: Address: License: Councit Date: Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Taxicab Driver's License Application Wednesday, October 25, 2000 Violation: 1. April 17, 1996 Fetony Conviction for 2" Degree Assault 2. October 29, 1999 Fe4ony Conviction for Criminal Damage to Property St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistar►t City Attorney on beha{f of c{ient, Office of License, fnspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of Taxicab Driver's License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Intent to Deny License Application 3. Ramsey County Court printout on 1996 Felony Conviction - 2" Degree Assault 4. Ramsey County Court printout on 1999 Felony conviction - Criminal Damage to Property 5. License Application OPFICP � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay�ton h. .birsson, Ja, Ciry Attorney �0 ���� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norn+ Coleman, Mayor CrvilDevision 400 Ciry Ha1l 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paui, Mimrsesota 55102 Telephone: 65/ 166-8710 Facsimile: 657198-5619 September 12, 2000 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATIOl� Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Miiton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Application for Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection has recommended denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. The recommendation is based on the following: On April 17, 1996 you were sentenced on the felony violation of Assault, 2"" Degree. On October 29,1999 you were sentenced on the felony violation of Criminal Damage to Property. Saint Faui Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) states that to be eligible to operate a tasicab an applicant must have no felony convictions in the last five years and no non-traffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three years involving the use or threat of use of force. If you do not dispute the above facts, you may withdraw your application at this time. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in order to provide evidence of rehabilitation or to say why you believe these convictions are not related to the occupation of tasicab driver, you wili need to send me a letter admitting the violations and requesting an administrative hearing. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. Page 2 Jeffrey C. Miessner September 12, 2000 o a-�Rf If you have not contacted me by Friday, September 22, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which nn public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 26fi-8710. Sincerely, `�����``�`�'`��� �� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Ctuistine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP ao—'►Zi` STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL 30ANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 13, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Jeffrey C.Miessner 588 North Milton St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United �es mails at S� Minnesota. / \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th dav'of Se�er✓2'000. Notary Public PE7�R P. PAh1G80RN y�ptpJ3V pUBUC • MINNE9aTA MY S:�tl9AMI E,X?iREB JAN.31, 2� Criminal Case Summary SD1008.Oj000810:145132 62-KX-95-��2273 Felonv Date filed: 07/17/1 Name: MIESSNER, JEFFREY CHARI�S, [071595} A1 ias : 6 G-'I1 Y DOB: 05/22/1969 Race: Black Sex: Male Soc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: BRIAN MCNEE MAR5DEN Type: Retained Dfnt Status: 3ai1 Status Date: 04j17/1996 Bail Amount: Case Status CLO5ED Offense Date: 07/15/1995 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GoC UOC Verdict 001 NOT GUILTY ASSAULT 2ND DEGREE 609.222 1 N A2221 ConviCte 002 NOT GUILTY ATT MURDER 2ND DEG 609.19 1 A H2811 Dismisse Date Activity Last 12/27/1998 Archive Pending 09/07/2000 Archive Disposition Date Next Time Judge 9:05 _ FC_ 04 06 O8 10 CRT SD1009.0/000810:1 Criminal Sentencing Inqv.iry Last 62 IiX 95 002273 Felony Date filed: 07/17/1 Defendant: MIESSNER, JEFFREY CHARLES, [071595] r SENTENCING: Date-04/17/1996 Judge-03002C Stay Imposition: 00 -1�f COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced _ 36 Probation _ _ Conditional _ _ Lenath of Stav _ Fined $ 0.00 Surchaxcxe S 0.00 Costs S 0.00 Public Def S 0.00 Restitution S 0.00 Recipient: DL Suspend: Confinement NCIC: MN062015C Probation NCIC: Type: Residential Treatment: — This Other Stayed S Q.00 Cm�lnt Cmnlnt Concurrent Consecutive _ _ Other Court Provisions: 365 400 Reinstated: . Date- (24 MIN/12 MAX IF OK P - COMMITTED FROM COURT; FC_ O1 02 03 06 School COMMENTS: C OF C 36 MOS FEES WAIVED Next Alchl Assess: $ Waived ER C OF C), CRED 113D WS 07 08 09 12 Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/000809:141325 62 KS 99 �o1812 Felony Date filed: 06/25/1 Name: MIE5SNER, JEFF CHARLES, [062499j A1 ias : � 0 �q�r DOB: 05/22/1969 Race: White Sex: Male 5oc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: CONNIE S. I�IERSEN Type: Public Def Dfnt 3tatus: Own Recog Status Date: 10/29/1999 Bail Amount: Case Status CLASED Offense Date: 06/24/1999 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge ChapJsect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GUILTY CRIM DAM PROP1-REDVA 609.595 13 N P1114 Convicte Date Last O1/20/2000 Pending 04/29/2005 Aativity Time 3udge Pd in Full 8:32 Archive CRT Disposition Date , Next FC_ 04 06 O8 10 SD1009.0/000809:141259 Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last 62 K8 99 001812 Felony Date filed: 06/25l1 Defendant: MIESSNER, JEFF CHARLES, [062499J SENTENCING: Date-10/29/1999 3udge-03120H Stay Imposition: 60� COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced 15 , Probation 5 _ Conditional _ Lenath of Stav 5 Fined S 150.00 5urcharcxe S 25.00 Costs $ 0.00 Public Def. S 0.00 Restitution S 0.00 Recipient: DL Suspend: COMMENTS: Next School 1)90D CR 18D 4)ABSTN DRUG � Confinement NCIC: MN062023C Probation NCIC: MNO&2013G Type: S Residential Treatment: Staved S 0.00 Concurrent Consecutive This Ot er Cmpint Cmnlnt Other Court Provisions: 365 572 346 Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ : Date- Waived TSI 11j8/99 8AM ALL PROG IE ELIG 2)REST. 3)T7TC S 5)RNDM UA'S 6)PROB NCO 7)CNSI� OR'D KC FC_ 01 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT L�T INK LICEPISES ARE NOT TRAsYSFERABLE PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITH EACH APPLICATIO\ APPLICAriT MUST BE PRESENT TO APPLY Applicant Infocmation: Name and Tifle: Home Address: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OfFice of License, (nspections and Environmental Protecnon 35o St Pe�a St Suim 300 Sain[Paul.�linncoa SSio: (651)2659090 h (651)366-9L'� O c -9'11' Mail To Addtess (if different chan home addtess): ��g � Street�ame,Type,Direction) Ciry Staie Zip+4 Home Phone: ( t�ll �� �1�� `� �f'='� _ Date of Birth: � � � 1:�� 9 ('oF. Place of Birth: ' � `` � ` � � Driver'sLicense# ;,�%- �-��'�fl—��� •''�� ^xp.Date - � � Are you a citizen of the United States? � E % If you are not a US resident, you must pra ide proof of work authorization from the US Immigration and Naturaliaation Service. Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for Do you own or lease the cab you drive? �,�,��� What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab? �'�_ ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBIIITTEA �VILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF TAIS APPLICATION I hereby state thai I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and coaect to the best of my knowledgz and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or otherconsideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution; or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. I also hereby state that I havz cead and understanc the rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 376.1 b(Taxicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul Legislative Code}. All applicants must present the follocving documenu, at hme of apphcahon: . VaLd State`ofMinnesota Dnvai s License _ ���` �_ ` _:�_ For drivers with an out of sta"te hcense; We apphcant inust provide a c _ � � s, x_ fheu �ving record for the last three (3) years f: � _ � F?, � ;; ` ' .- . � ta- . ..; � xX �' � - �" : ed at�?A6LSmversity-Avenue, 65f='642 Q610:� ,:.:, - �F:�:,e. , nust be piovided at pme of request ,.The fee is $� ,. � .._. - z`--- '-� 0210tf1949 Preferred methods of communicarion from this o�ce (please raank in order ofpreference -"1" is most preferred): O ��'�� � __ Phone Number with area code: (Circle the type ofphone number you hav�;sted above: B��ess Home Exten Cell Fax _ Phone Number with area code: Pager ) (C'ucle ihe type ofphone number you hav�e listed bove: Business Home Extension _____ Mail: Cell Fax Pager ) Sheet (�, Name. T.mP n:.n,..:.._. . _ Intemet: E-Mai] Address Siate We will accept payment by cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Paul) or credit card (MasterCard or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGINFOItMATION: �MasterCard ❑Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑C7J0❑ ❑C7C]❑ ❑p�❑ ❑C7C7❑ ❑C7C7O of Cazd Holder(required for 02/01/1999 Sec. 376.16. Taxicab driveis license. �",�� (a) License required. Effective Much 15,1991, no person shall drive a taxicab, nor shall any owner or lessee of a taxicab aliow any other person to drive a taxicab, within the City of Saint Paul unless that person has first obtained and displayed a taxicab driver'S license under the provisions of this Code. (b} Drivers from other cities. Any dnvez licensed to opezate a taxicab in another ciry may carcy passen�ers from that city to any place within the City of Saint Paul and may freely enter and travel upon the streets for thatpurpose. In that case, it shall notbe deemed necessary for the taxicab driver to obtain a Saint Paul license but the driver shall not be permitted to accept or offzr any passenger for hue in the Ciry of Saint Paul, or otherwise operate a taxicab within the ciry without fust obtaining a license under the provisions of this Code. While within the city the taxicab drivei shall be requ'sed to observe all of the applicable re�ularions and conditions of this section and shall have in possession and display to any petson upon demand the license certificate for the taxicab. (c) License applicarion. Every applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall file an application with the license division. The application shall6e made on a form provided by said division, containin� such information as the license inspector may require, includin�, but not lunited to, a complete employment history, to verify that the terms and conditions of this chaptei have been met. The application shall be signed and swom to by the applicant. Prior to the issuance of the license, every licensee shall be photoo aphed. The chief of police or his representarive shall invesrigate each applicant and shall forward ffie results of the application to the license inspector, Any false statement on the application shall be grounds for denial, refusal to renew or revocation of a license. To receive a taxicab driver's license by March 15, 1991, the applicant must, in addition to meeting the othec requirements of law, file the application with the divuion by November 15, 1990, for drivers whose last names begin with the lettets A through and including F; Decembei 15, 1990, for drivers whose last names begin with the letters G through and including L; 7anuary I5, 1991, for drivers whose last names beo,in with the letters M through and including R; February 15, 1991, for drivers whose last names begin with the letter S through and includin� the letter Z. (d) License fee. Each applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall, at the initial time of filing his or her application, pay a non-refundable license fee of sixty-six dollars ($66.00). (e) Prerequisites to license. Eligibility to be licensed to operate a taxicab shall be as follows: (1) Possess a valid Minnesota drivec's license; (2) Be at least eighteen (18) yeazs old; (3) Be a citizen of the United States, or an alien admitted forpermanent residence, or who has othenvise obtained work authorization from the U.S. Immigration and NaNralization Service; (4) Shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) yeacs; shatl have no nontraffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three (3) yeazs involvin� Yhe use or tlueat of use of force, possession or sale of a connolled substance, prostitution or indecent conduct. The license inspector may grant, pursuant to state statute, an exception to the above provisions upon evidence that the offense is not related to the occupation of taxicab driver; (5) Shall have a driving recocd meeting the following standards: a. No convictions in the last five (Sj years for any of the following offenses involving injury or death; no conviction in the last three (3) years for any of the following offenses not involving injury or death: 1. Leaving the scene of an accident; 2. Driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or drug; 3. Reckless oc cazeless driving; or 4. Refusal to take a breathalyzec test. b. For ori�inal licensure: No more than four (4) moving violations within the last three (3) years, and no more than Rvo (2) moving violations in the last year. For renewal: no more than four (4) movin� violations within the last three (3) years and no more than three (3) moving violations in the laet year. Movingviolations shall mean for thu subsection those violations specified above in subsection (5)a., and any speeding violations. c. Every new applicant shalf have at least one ( I) year s driving experience as a licensed driver. Such prior drivin� experience shall be verified by an affidavit signed by a reputable person and submitted with the license application. d. Upon submission of proof of suitability and evidence of insurabiliry, the license inspeccor may waive one (1) or moce of the requirements listed above; provided, that any such waiver shall indicate the gzounds for the inspector's decision and shall be approved by the director of the department oF finance and management services. (6) Have a demonstrated kno�vled�e of the provisions of the taxicab ordinance relating to the conduct of tasicab drivers and the operation of a taxica6. (7) Failuze to apply foz renewal of any taxicab operatoi s license within thirty (30) days a8ez expiration shall be deemed aa abandonment of the licensee's right to such renewal. (� Duty to exhibit license. Effective March 15,1991, every taxicab driver while on dury shall display the front ofhis or her taxicab drivei s license on the dashboard of the vehicle in a location ceadiLy visible to passen�ecs, which license displays the driver's photograph and license number on the front in a manner approved by the license inspector. In addition to any other penalties, a deputy inspectoe or police 02/O1/1999 officer may order the licensee to discontinue operations until such time as the licensee has a license in possession. � 0o q�r (g) Issuance of license. Bach taxicab driver's license shall have upon it a number by which the license shall be designated, a photograph of the licensee, and such other informarion as the license inspectormay require. The license inspector may issue licenses for a term of less than one (1) year for a promted iniria] fee in order to evenly dishibute license expirarion dates throughout the year, (h) Requirement of valid Minnesota drivers license. Any time that a licensee's Minnesota driver's license is suspended, revoked or canceled, his or her taxicab drivei's license shall likewise be immediately suspended, revoked or canceled. No person shall operate a taxicab without a valid Minnesota driver s license. (i) Renewals. A taxicab driver's licease shall be issued annuaily.'Ihe license inspector may cause the renewal of a taxicab driver's Iicense from yeaz to yeu by appropriate endorsement upon the applicarion for renewal and payment of an annual fee of twenty dollars ($20.00). The driver shall make such renewal application upon a form to be fumished by the license division. The renewal form sball be filled out with the full name and address of the applicant, together with the date and number of the original license. If a driver has not been licensed in the previous license year, he or she shall be considered a new applicant. (j) Suspension, revocation and nonrenewal. A taxicab driver's ]icense may be revoked, suspended or not renewed by the license inspector at any time for cause pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code. When a taxicab driver's license has been revoked or suspended, it sha11 immediately ba returned to the ]icense division. If the city council stipulates that a licensee whose taxicab driver's license has been revoked may reapply after a speci£c period of time has elapsed, that period of time sha11 not commence until the taxicab driver's license has been returned to the license division. (k) Revocation of Minnesota driver's license; limited licenses; alcohol-related driving conviction: (1) Any person holding a taxicab driver's license whose Minnesota driver's Iicense is suspended, canceled or revoked for any reason sha11 immediately surrender his or her taxicab drivei s]icense to the license division. The taxicab driver's license shall be retumed to the licensee upon reinstatement ofthe Minnesota driver's ]icense or issuance of a limited license authorizing operation of a taxicab; provided, however, that suspension, cancellation or revocation of a Minnesota driver's license due to refusal to submit to a legaliy required blood alcohol test under the state implied consent statute shall be grounds for [he revocation, nonissuance or nonrenewal of the taxicab driver's Iicense. �Z) �y iicensed taxicab driver whose Minnesota driver's license has been revoked and who has been issued a limited license authorizing the operarion of a taxicab shall immediately notify the license division of the same. At that time, the ]icensee shall furnish to the license inspector a copy of the ]imited license and a written statement containing a schedule of the days and hours of each day during which he or she will be driving a taxicab during the term of the limited license. No deviation from the schedule shall be perm]tted. In addition, the licensee shali personally furnish to the ]icense inspector copies of all trip sheets for all shifts worked during the term of the litnited license. (3) Any person holding a taxicab driver's license shall notify the Office of License, Inspecfions and Envuonmental Protection (LIEP) inunediately whenever he or she is convicted of an alcohol-related driving offense, whether or not it involves the operation of a taxicab. (4) Refusal to take and/or failure to pass a standard breathalyzer test administered pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 169.123 while on duty � shall be grounds for revocarion of a taxicab driver's license. (5) Failure to comply with the provisions of this section sha11 be grounds for revocation of a taxicab driver's license. (Ord. No. 17767, § 1, 9-18-90; C.F. No. 94-199, § 16, 3-23-94; C.F. No. 96-486, §§ 2_4, 6-26-96; C.F. No. 97-870, § I, 8-13-97) 0�01/1999 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[oa M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Aaorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, Mayor October 5, 2000 CivilDivrsion 4Q0 Ciry Ha1! I S Wesi Kellogg Bivd. Sa±nt Paul, Minnuota 55702 NOTICE OF COTJNCIL MEETING Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Application for Ta�cicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: .".'j � �J�Y Pelephone: 651266-8710 Faaimile: 651 298-56T 9 Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of tha proposed resolution and other documents which wiil be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your April 17, 1996 felony conviction for 2"d Degee Assault and your October 29, 1999 felony convicrion for criminal damage to property have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l/!/' �� u-f'�u�, ���� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP tt�'S}} �.�',`{�'....�.~.�'� i.aG:.::�F F.+�-' g � �: ��Si� oe -g1Y . . ,��.-. �. ,� �., - ='. a > i ,: �� :, JEFFREY CH RLE$ ME15��R ._"`_.--.., �� �'l/ . ' � .. '__ -_---.___° 'lt���llPXX//( 5 cV�� lG, CouncilFile# 00—q7� aR����A� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � 2 RESOLVED, that the Tasicab Driver's License Application submitted by Jeffrey C. 3 Miessner is hereby denied for his April 17, 1996 felony conviction for Assauit, 2i Degree, and 4 his October 29, 1999 felony conviction for Criminal Damage to Property. 6 This resolution and ihe action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts 7 contained in the September 12, 2000 Notice of Intent to Deny License Application letter to the 8 licensee. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy BY. (� ` �^ �. t .- , � Approved by Mayox: Date � _�p BY. � � RESOLUTION Green Sheet # ( �(� � �( '• �,1��0 � � r � � ��� � / j�n � �i. ..,r•' Form Approved by City Attor Hy: Approved by yor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 1,� �_ �` c�-O o0 ob -�t�tr �,��� GREEN SHEET No� pg � 1� Virginia Palmer . 266-8710 r se oN cour�ci�ncoun�. ar lcwlq October 25, 2000 - Consent TOTAL # OF SIGI3ATURE PAGES aourvw u �,u,.�*� u �,�.a.— ❑�.,� o�� ❑ numow.a�+euuw. ❑ wuxouanm,eero ❑wva�mR�snr,wn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIOt�1S FOR SIGNATURE) Recommending denial of the application far a Taxicab Driver's License by Jeffrey C. Miessner, 588 North Milton Street, Saint Paul. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N Nes thie P�aoNf�m ever xa`ked untler a conVact /orthis departmmCt vES NO Fias WB PenorUfirm e�er Ueen a WY emObYee? vE3 . NO Dpec Mis pereoMrm poseees a slo0 not namallypos6essed by any currerR city empbyee? YES NO IslhiapeteaNifmataryefCdveMaCt - YES NO COST/REVQIUE BUOOETEP (GRCLE ONE) YEf NO ACTNITYNWABER INFORMATON (DfMNN) d OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢ytors M. Robiruorz, Jr., Ciry Atiorney �� �I f1 � { i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonrs Coleman, Mtry'or Civil Division 400 Ciry Halt li West Kello� Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesot¢ 55102 Telephone: 651 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 October 5, 2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Application for Taaticab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming your Apri117, 1996 felony conviction for 2nd Degree Assault and your October 29, 1999 felony conviction for criminal damage to property have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Z/ \, �-(� G���i� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP p� � °' �°:x ���9�R�Y P/ Y' 4'eS vWV.'YS.�i� �N . � 2 "° k�" ? �.e'� £& � S Ga UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER on �� 0 Licensee Name: Address: License: Councit Date: Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Taxicab Driver's License Application Wednesday, October 25, 2000 Violation: 1. April 17, 1996 Fetony Conviction for 2" Degree Assault 2. October 29, 1999 Fe4ony Conviction for Criminal Damage to Property St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistar►t City Attorney on beha{f of c{ient, Office of License, fnspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of Taxicab Driver's License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Intent to Deny License Application 3. Ramsey County Court printout on 1996 Felony Conviction - 2" Degree Assault 4. Ramsey County Court printout on 1999 Felony conviction - Criminal Damage to Property 5. License Application OPFICP � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay�ton h. .birsson, Ja, Ciry Attorney �0 ���� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norn+ Coleman, Mayor CrvilDevision 400 Ciry Ha1l 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paui, Mimrsesota 55102 Telephone: 65/ 166-8710 Facsimile: 657198-5619 September 12, 2000 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATIOl� Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Miiton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Application for Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection has recommended denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. The recommendation is based on the following: On April 17, 1996 you were sentenced on the felony violation of Assault, 2"" Degree. On October 29,1999 you were sentenced on the felony violation of Criminal Damage to Property. Saint Faui Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) states that to be eligible to operate a tasicab an applicant must have no felony convictions in the last five years and no non-traffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three years involving the use or threat of use of force. If you do not dispute the above facts, you may withdraw your application at this time. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in order to provide evidence of rehabilitation or to say why you believe these convictions are not related to the occupation of tasicab driver, you wili need to send me a letter admitting the violations and requesting an administrative hearing. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. Page 2 Jeffrey C. Miessner September 12, 2000 o a-�Rf If you have not contacted me by Friday, September 22, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which nn public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 26fi-8710. Sincerely, `�����``�`�'`��� �� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Ctuistine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP ao—'►Zi` STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL 30ANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 13, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Jeffrey C.Miessner 588 North Milton St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United �es mails at S� Minnesota. / \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th dav'of Se�er✓2'000. Notary Public PE7�R P. PAh1G80RN y�ptpJ3V pUBUC • MINNE9aTA MY S:�tl9AMI E,X?iREB JAN.31, 2� Criminal Case Summary SD1008.Oj000810:145132 62-KX-95-��2273 Felonv Date filed: 07/17/1 Name: MIESSNER, JEFFREY CHARI�S, [071595} A1 ias : 6 G-'I1 Y DOB: 05/22/1969 Race: Black Sex: Male Soc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: BRIAN MCNEE MAR5DEN Type: Retained Dfnt Status: 3ai1 Status Date: 04j17/1996 Bail Amount: Case Status CLO5ED Offense Date: 07/15/1995 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GoC UOC Verdict 001 NOT GUILTY ASSAULT 2ND DEGREE 609.222 1 N A2221 ConviCte 002 NOT GUILTY ATT MURDER 2ND DEG 609.19 1 A H2811 Dismisse Date Activity Last 12/27/1998 Archive Pending 09/07/2000 Archive Disposition Date Next Time Judge 9:05 _ FC_ 04 06 O8 10 CRT SD1009.0/000810:1 Criminal Sentencing Inqv.iry Last 62 IiX 95 002273 Felony Date filed: 07/17/1 Defendant: MIESSNER, JEFFREY CHARLES, [071595] r SENTENCING: Date-04/17/1996 Judge-03002C Stay Imposition: 00 -1�f COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced _ 36 Probation _ _ Conditional _ _ Lenath of Stav _ Fined $ 0.00 Surchaxcxe S 0.00 Costs S 0.00 Public Def S 0.00 Restitution S 0.00 Recipient: DL Suspend: Confinement NCIC: MN062015C Probation NCIC: Type: Residential Treatment: — This Other Stayed S Q.00 Cm�lnt Cmnlnt Concurrent Consecutive _ _ Other Court Provisions: 365 400 Reinstated: . Date- (24 MIN/12 MAX IF OK P - COMMITTED FROM COURT; FC_ O1 02 03 06 School COMMENTS: C OF C 36 MOS FEES WAIVED Next Alchl Assess: $ Waived ER C OF C), CRED 113D WS 07 08 09 12 Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/000809:141325 62 KS 99 �o1812 Felony Date filed: 06/25/1 Name: MIE5SNER, JEFF CHARLES, [062499j A1 ias : � 0 �q�r DOB: 05/22/1969 Race: White Sex: Male 5oc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: CONNIE S. I�IERSEN Type: Public Def Dfnt 3tatus: Own Recog Status Date: 10/29/1999 Bail Amount: Case Status CLASED Offense Date: 06/24/1999 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge ChapJsect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GUILTY CRIM DAM PROP1-REDVA 609.595 13 N P1114 Convicte Date Last O1/20/2000 Pending 04/29/2005 Aativity Time 3udge Pd in Full 8:32 Archive CRT Disposition Date , Next FC_ 04 06 O8 10 SD1009.0/000809:141259 Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last 62 K8 99 001812 Felony Date filed: 06/25l1 Defendant: MIESSNER, JEFF CHARLES, [062499J SENTENCING: Date-10/29/1999 3udge-03120H Stay Imposition: 60� COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced 15 , Probation 5 _ Conditional _ Lenath of Stav 5 Fined S 150.00 5urcharcxe S 25.00 Costs $ 0.00 Public Def. S 0.00 Restitution S 0.00 Recipient: DL Suspend: COMMENTS: Next School 1)90D CR 18D 4)ABSTN DRUG � Confinement NCIC: MN062023C Probation NCIC: MNO&2013G Type: S Residential Treatment: Staved S 0.00 Concurrent Consecutive This Ot er Cmpint Cmnlnt Other Court Provisions: 365 572 346 Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ : Date- Waived TSI 11j8/99 8AM ALL PROG IE ELIG 2)REST. 3)T7TC S 5)RNDM UA'S 6)PROB NCO 7)CNSI� OR'D KC FC_ 01 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT L�T INK LICEPISES ARE NOT TRAsYSFERABLE PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITH EACH APPLICATIO\ APPLICAriT MUST BE PRESENT TO APPLY Applicant Infocmation: Name and Tifle: Home Address: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OfFice of License, (nspections and Environmental Protecnon 35o St Pe�a St Suim 300 Sain[Paul.�linncoa SSio: (651)2659090 h (651)366-9L'� O c -9'11' Mail To Addtess (if different chan home addtess): ��g � Street�ame,Type,Direction) Ciry Staie Zip+4 Home Phone: ( t�ll �� �1�� `� �f'='� _ Date of Birth: � � � 1:�� 9 ('oF. Place of Birth: ' � `` � ` � � Driver'sLicense# ;,�%- �-��'�fl—��� •''�� ^xp.Date - � � Are you a citizen of the United States? � E % If you are not a US resident, you must pra ide proof of work authorization from the US Immigration and Naturaliaation Service. Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for Do you own or lease the cab you drive? �,�,��� What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab? �'�_ ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBIIITTEA �VILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF TAIS APPLICATION I hereby state thai I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and coaect to the best of my knowledgz and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or otherconsideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution; or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. I also hereby state that I havz cead and understanc the rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 376.1 b(Taxicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul Legislative Code}. All applicants must present the follocving documenu, at hme of apphcahon: . VaLd State`ofMinnesota Dnvai s License _ ���` �_ ` _:�_ For drivers with an out of sta"te hcense; We apphcant inust provide a c _ � � s, x_ fheu �ving record for the last three (3) years f: � _ � F?, � ;; ` ' .- . � ta- . ..; � xX �' � - �" : ed at�?A6LSmversity-Avenue, 65f='642 Q610:� ,:.:, - �F:�:,e. , nust be piovided at pme of request ,.The fee is $� ,. � .._. - z`--- '-� 0210tf1949 Preferred methods of communicarion from this o�ce (please raank in order ofpreference -"1" is most preferred): O ��'�� � __ Phone Number with area code: (Circle the type ofphone number you hav�;sted above: B��ess Home Exten Cell Fax _ Phone Number with area code: Pager ) (C'ucle ihe type ofphone number you hav�e listed bove: Business Home Extension _____ Mail: Cell Fax Pager ) Sheet (�, Name. T.mP n:.n,..:.._. . _ Intemet: E-Mai] Address Siate We will accept payment by cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Paul) or credit card (MasterCard or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGINFOItMATION: �MasterCard ❑Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑C7J0❑ ❑C7C]❑ ❑p�❑ ❑C7C7❑ ❑C7C7O of Cazd Holder(required for 02/01/1999 Sec. 376.16. Taxicab driveis license. �",�� (a) License required. Effective Much 15,1991, no person shall drive a taxicab, nor shall any owner or lessee of a taxicab aliow any other person to drive a taxicab, within the City of Saint Paul unless that person has first obtained and displayed a taxicab driver'S license under the provisions of this Code. (b} Drivers from other cities. Any dnvez licensed to opezate a taxicab in another ciry may carcy passen�ers from that city to any place within the City of Saint Paul and may freely enter and travel upon the streets for thatpurpose. In that case, it shall notbe deemed necessary for the taxicab driver to obtain a Saint Paul license but the driver shall not be permitted to accept or offzr any passenger for hue in the Ciry of Saint Paul, or otherwise operate a taxicab within the ciry without fust obtaining a license under the provisions of this Code. While within the city the taxicab drivei shall be requ'sed to observe all of the applicable re�ularions and conditions of this section and shall have in possession and display to any petson upon demand the license certificate for the taxicab. (c) License applicarion. Every applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall file an application with the license division. The application shall6e made on a form provided by said division, containin� such information as the license inspector may require, includin�, but not lunited to, a complete employment history, to verify that the terms and conditions of this chaptei have been met. The application shall be signed and swom to by the applicant. Prior to the issuance of the license, every licensee shall be photoo aphed. The chief of police or his representarive shall invesrigate each applicant and shall forward ffie results of the application to the license inspector, Any false statement on the application shall be grounds for denial, refusal to renew or revocation of a license. To receive a taxicab driver's license by March 15, 1991, the applicant must, in addition to meeting the othec requirements of law, file the application with the divuion by November 15, 1990, for drivers whose last names begin with the lettets A through and including F; Decembei 15, 1990, for drivers whose last names begin with the letters G through and including L; 7anuary I5, 1991, for drivers whose last names beo,in with the letters M through and including R; February 15, 1991, for drivers whose last names begin with the letter S through and includin� the letter Z. (d) License fee. Each applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall, at the initial time of filing his or her application, pay a non-refundable license fee of sixty-six dollars ($66.00). (e) Prerequisites to license. Eligibility to be licensed to operate a taxicab shall be as follows: (1) Possess a valid Minnesota drivec's license; (2) Be at least eighteen (18) yeazs old; (3) Be a citizen of the United States, or an alien admitted forpermanent residence, or who has othenvise obtained work authorization from the U.S. Immigration and NaNralization Service; (4) Shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) yeacs; shatl have no nontraffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three (3) yeazs involvin� Yhe use or tlueat of use of force, possession or sale of a connolled substance, prostitution or indecent conduct. The license inspector may grant, pursuant to state statute, an exception to the above provisions upon evidence that the offense is not related to the occupation of taxicab driver; (5) Shall have a driving recocd meeting the following standards: a. No convictions in the last five (Sj years for any of the following offenses involving injury or death; no conviction in the last three (3) years for any of the following offenses not involving injury or death: 1. Leaving the scene of an accident; 2. Driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or drug; 3. Reckless oc cazeless driving; or 4. Refusal to take a breathalyzec test. b. For ori�inal licensure: No more than four (4) moving violations within the last three (3) years, and no more than Rvo (2) moving violations in the last year. For renewal: no more than four (4) movin� violations within the last three (3) years and no more than three (3) moving violations in the laet year. Movingviolations shall mean for thu subsection those violations specified above in subsection (5)a., and any speeding violations. c. Every new applicant shalf have at least one ( I) year s driving experience as a licensed driver. Such prior drivin� experience shall be verified by an affidavit signed by a reputable person and submitted with the license application. d. Upon submission of proof of suitability and evidence of insurabiliry, the license inspeccor may waive one (1) or moce of the requirements listed above; provided, that any such waiver shall indicate the gzounds for the inspector's decision and shall be approved by the director of the department oF finance and management services. (6) Have a demonstrated kno�vled�e of the provisions of the taxicab ordinance relating to the conduct of tasicab drivers and the operation of a taxica6. (7) Failuze to apply foz renewal of any taxicab operatoi s license within thirty (30) days a8ez expiration shall be deemed aa abandonment of the licensee's right to such renewal. (� Duty to exhibit license. Effective March 15,1991, every taxicab driver while on dury shall display the front ofhis or her taxicab drivei s license on the dashboard of the vehicle in a location ceadiLy visible to passen�ecs, which license displays the driver's photograph and license number on the front in a manner approved by the license inspector. In addition to any other penalties, a deputy inspectoe or police 02/O1/1999 officer may order the licensee to discontinue operations until such time as the licensee has a license in possession. � 0o q�r (g) Issuance of license. Bach taxicab driver's license shall have upon it a number by which the license shall be designated, a photograph of the licensee, and such other informarion as the license inspectormay require. The license inspector may issue licenses for a term of less than one (1) year for a promted iniria] fee in order to evenly dishibute license expirarion dates throughout the year, (h) Requirement of valid Minnesota drivers license. Any time that a licensee's Minnesota driver's license is suspended, revoked or canceled, his or her taxicab drivei's license shall likewise be immediately suspended, revoked or canceled. No person shall operate a taxicab without a valid Minnesota driver s license. (i) Renewals. A taxicab driver's licease shall be issued annuaily.'Ihe license inspector may cause the renewal of a taxicab driver's Iicense from yeaz to yeu by appropriate endorsement upon the applicarion for renewal and payment of an annual fee of twenty dollars ($20.00). The driver shall make such renewal application upon a form to be fumished by the license division. The renewal form sball be filled out with the full name and address of the applicant, together with the date and number of the original license. If a driver has not been licensed in the previous license year, he or she shall be considered a new applicant. (j) Suspension, revocation and nonrenewal. A taxicab driver's ]icense may be revoked, suspended or not renewed by the license inspector at any time for cause pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code. When a taxicab driver's license has been revoked or suspended, it sha11 immediately ba returned to the ]icense division. If the city council stipulates that a licensee whose taxicab driver's license has been revoked may reapply after a speci£c period of time has elapsed, that period of time sha11 not commence until the taxicab driver's license has been returned to the license division. (k) Revocation of Minnesota driver's license; limited licenses; alcohol-related driving conviction: (1) Any person holding a taxicab driver's license whose Minnesota driver's Iicense is suspended, canceled or revoked for any reason sha11 immediately surrender his or her taxicab drivei s]icense to the license division. The taxicab driver's license shall be retumed to the licensee upon reinstatement ofthe Minnesota driver's ]icense or issuance of a limited license authorizing operation of a taxicab; provided, however, that suspension, cancellation or revocation of a Minnesota driver's license due to refusal to submit to a legaliy required blood alcohol test under the state implied consent statute shall be grounds for [he revocation, nonissuance or nonrenewal of the taxicab driver's Iicense. �Z) �y iicensed taxicab driver whose Minnesota driver's license has been revoked and who has been issued a limited license authorizing the operarion of a taxicab shall immediately notify the license division of the same. At that time, the ]icensee shall furnish to the license inspector a copy of the ]imited license and a written statement containing a schedule of the days and hours of each day during which he or she will be driving a taxicab during the term of the limited license. No deviation from the schedule shall be perm]tted. In addition, the licensee shali personally furnish to the ]icense inspector copies of all trip sheets for all shifts worked during the term of the litnited license. (3) Any person holding a taxicab driver's license shall notify the Office of License, Inspecfions and Envuonmental Protection (LIEP) inunediately whenever he or she is convicted of an alcohol-related driving offense, whether or not it involves the operation of a taxicab. (4) Refusal to take and/or failure to pass a standard breathalyzer test administered pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 169.123 while on duty � shall be grounds for revocarion of a taxicab driver's license. (5) Failure to comply with the provisions of this section sha11 be grounds for revocation of a taxicab driver's license. (Ord. No. 17767, § 1, 9-18-90; C.F. No. 94-199, § 16, 3-23-94; C.F. No. 96-486, §§ 2_4, 6-26-96; C.F. No. 97-870, § I, 8-13-97) 0�01/1999 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[oa M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Aaorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, Mayor October 5, 2000 CivilDivrsion 4Q0 Ciry Ha1! I S Wesi Kellogg Bivd. Sa±nt Paul, Minnuota 55702 NOTICE OF COTJNCIL MEETING Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Application for Ta�cicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: .".'j � �J�Y Pelephone: 651266-8710 Faaimile: 651 298-56T 9 Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of tha proposed resolution and other documents which wiil be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your April 17, 1996 felony conviction for 2"d Degee Assault and your October 29, 1999 felony convicrion for criminal damage to property have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l/!/' �� u-f'�u�, ���� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP tt�'S}} �.�',`{�'....�.~.�'� i.aG:.::�F F.+�-' g � �: ��Si� oe -g1Y . . ,��.-. �. ,� �., - ='. a > i ,: �� :, JEFFREY CH RLE$ ME15��R ._"`_.--.., �� �'l/ . ' � .. '__ -_---.___° 'lt���llPXX//( 5 cV�� lG, CouncilFile# 00—q7� aR����A� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � 2 RESOLVED, that the Tasicab Driver's License Application submitted by Jeffrey C. 3 Miessner is hereby denied for his April 17, 1996 felony conviction for Assauit, 2i Degree, and 4 his October 29, 1999 felony conviction for Criminal Damage to Property. 6 This resolution and ihe action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts 7 contained in the September 12, 2000 Notice of Intent to Deny License Application letter to the 8 licensee. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy BY. (� ` �^ �. t .- , � Approved by Mayox: Date � _�p BY. � � RESOLUTION Green Sheet # ( �(� � �( '• �,1��0 � � r � � ��� � / j�n � �i. ..,r•' Form Approved by City Attor Hy: Approved by yor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 1,� �_ �` c�-O o0 ob -�t�tr �,��� GREEN SHEET No� pg � 1� Virginia Palmer . 266-8710 r se oN cour�ci�ncoun�. ar lcwlq October 25, 2000 - Consent TOTAL # OF SIGI3ATURE PAGES aourvw u �,u,.�*� u �,�.a.— ❑�.,� o�� ❑ numow.a�+euuw. ❑ wuxouanm,eero ❑wva�mR�snr,wn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIOt�1S FOR SIGNATURE) Recommending denial of the application far a Taxicab Driver's License by Jeffrey C. Miessner, 588 North Milton Street, Saint Paul. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMfSS10N Nes thie P�aoNf�m ever xa`ked untler a conVact /orthis departmmCt vES NO Fias WB PenorUfirm e�er Ueen a WY emObYee? vE3 . NO Dpec Mis pereoMrm poseees a slo0 not namallypos6essed by any currerR city empbyee? YES NO IslhiapeteaNifmataryefCdveMaCt - YES NO COST/REVQIUE BUOOETEP (GRCLE ONE) YEf NO ACTNITYNWABER INFORMATON (DfMNN) d OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢ytors M. Robiruorz, Jr., Ciry Atiorney �� �I f1 � { i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonrs Coleman, Mtry'or Civil Division 400 Ciry Halt li West Kello� Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesot¢ 55102 Telephone: 651 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 October 5, 2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Application for Taaticab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming your Apri117, 1996 felony conviction for 2nd Degree Assault and your October 29, 1999 felony conviction for criminal damage to property have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Z/ \, �-(� G���i� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP p� � °' �°:x ���9�R�Y P/ Y' 4'eS vWV.'YS.�i� �N . � 2 "° k�" ? �.e'� £& � S Ga UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER on �� 0 Licensee Name: Address: License: Councit Date: Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Taxicab Driver's License Application Wednesday, October 25, 2000 Violation: 1. April 17, 1996 Fetony Conviction for 2" Degree Assault 2. October 29, 1999 Fe4ony Conviction for Criminal Damage to Property St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistar►t City Attorney on beha{f of c{ient, Office of License, fnspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of Taxicab Driver's License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Intent to Deny License Application 3. Ramsey County Court printout on 1996 Felony Conviction - 2" Degree Assault 4. Ramsey County Court printout on 1999 Felony conviction - Criminal Damage to Property 5. License Application OPFICP � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay�ton h. .birsson, Ja, Ciry Attorney �0 ���� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norn+ Coleman, Mayor CrvilDevision 400 Ciry Ha1l 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paui, Mimrsesota 55102 Telephone: 65/ 166-8710 Facsimile: 657198-5619 September 12, 2000 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATIOl� Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Miiton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Application for Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection has recommended denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. The recommendation is based on the following: On April 17, 1996 you were sentenced on the felony violation of Assault, 2"" Degree. On October 29,1999 you were sentenced on the felony violation of Criminal Damage to Property. Saint Faui Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) states that to be eligible to operate a tasicab an applicant must have no felony convictions in the last five years and no non-traffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three years involving the use or threat of use of force. If you do not dispute the above facts, you may withdraw your application at this time. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in order to provide evidence of rehabilitation or to say why you believe these convictions are not related to the occupation of tasicab driver, you wili need to send me a letter admitting the violations and requesting an administrative hearing. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. Page 2 Jeffrey C. Miessner September 12, 2000 o a-�Rf If you have not contacted me by Friday, September 22, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which nn public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 26fi-8710. Sincerely, `�����``�`�'`��� �� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Ctuistine Rozek, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP ao—'►Zi` STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL 30ANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 13, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Jeffrey C.Miessner 588 North Milton St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United �es mails at S� Minnesota. / \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th dav'of Se�er✓2'000. Notary Public PE7�R P. PAh1G80RN y�ptpJ3V pUBUC • MINNE9aTA MY S:�tl9AMI E,X?iREB JAN.31, 2� Criminal Case Summary SD1008.Oj000810:145132 62-KX-95-��2273 Felonv Date filed: 07/17/1 Name: MIESSNER, JEFFREY CHARI�S, [071595} A1 ias : 6 G-'I1 Y DOB: 05/22/1969 Race: Black Sex: Male Soc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: BRIAN MCNEE MAR5DEN Type: Retained Dfnt Status: 3ai1 Status Date: 04j17/1996 Bail Amount: Case Status CLO5ED Offense Date: 07/15/1995 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GoC UOC Verdict 001 NOT GUILTY ASSAULT 2ND DEGREE 609.222 1 N A2221 ConviCte 002 NOT GUILTY ATT MURDER 2ND DEG 609.19 1 A H2811 Dismisse Date Activity Last 12/27/1998 Archive Pending 09/07/2000 Archive Disposition Date Next Time Judge 9:05 _ FC_ 04 06 O8 10 CRT SD1009.0/000810:1 Criminal Sentencing Inqv.iry Last 62 IiX 95 002273 Felony Date filed: 07/17/1 Defendant: MIESSNER, JEFFREY CHARLES, [071595] r SENTENCING: Date-04/17/1996 Judge-03002C Stay Imposition: 00 -1�f COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced _ 36 Probation _ _ Conditional _ _ Lenath of Stav _ Fined $ 0.00 Surchaxcxe S 0.00 Costs S 0.00 Public Def S 0.00 Restitution S 0.00 Recipient: DL Suspend: Confinement NCIC: MN062015C Probation NCIC: Type: Residential Treatment: — This Other Stayed S Q.00 Cm�lnt Cmnlnt Concurrent Consecutive _ _ Other Court Provisions: 365 400 Reinstated: . Date- (24 MIN/12 MAX IF OK P - COMMITTED FROM COURT; FC_ O1 02 03 06 School COMMENTS: C OF C 36 MOS FEES WAIVED Next Alchl Assess: $ Waived ER C OF C), CRED 113D WS 07 08 09 12 Criminal Case Summary SD1008.0/000809:141325 62 KS 99 �o1812 Felony Date filed: 06/25/1 Name: MIE5SNER, JEFF CHARLES, [062499j A1 ias : � 0 �q�r DOB: 05/22/1969 Race: White Sex: Male 5oc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: CONNIE S. I�IERSEN Type: Public Def Dfnt 3tatus: Own Recog Status Date: 10/29/1999 Bail Amount: Case Status CLASED Offense Date: 06/24/1999 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge ChapJsect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GUILTY CRIM DAM PROP1-REDVA 609.595 13 N P1114 Convicte Date Last O1/20/2000 Pending 04/29/2005 Aativity Time 3udge Pd in Full 8:32 Archive CRT Disposition Date , Next FC_ 04 06 O8 10 SD1009.0/000809:141259 Criminal Sentencing Inquiry Last 62 K8 99 001812 Felony Date filed: 06/25l1 Defendant: MIESSNER, JEFF CHARLES, [062499J SENTENCING: Date-10/29/1999 3udge-03120H Stay Imposition: 60� COUNTS: 001 SENTENCE Year Mos Davs Pronounced 15 , Probation 5 _ Conditional _ Lenath of Stav 5 Fined S 150.00 5urcharcxe S 25.00 Costs $ 0.00 Public Def. S 0.00 Restitution S 0.00 Recipient: DL Suspend: COMMENTS: Next School 1)90D CR 18D 4)ABSTN DRUG � Confinement NCIC: MN062023C Probation NCIC: MNO&2013G Type: S Residential Treatment: Staved S 0.00 Concurrent Consecutive This Ot er Cmpint Cmnlnt Other Court Provisions: 365 572 346 Reinstated: Alchl Assess: $ : Date- Waived TSI 11j8/99 8AM ALL PROG IE ELIG 2)REST. 3)T7TC S 5)RNDM UA'S 6)PROB NCO 7)CNSI� OR'D KC FC_ 01 02 03 06 07 08 09 12 TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT L�T INK LICEPISES ARE NOT TRAsYSFERABLE PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITH EACH APPLICATIO\ APPLICAriT MUST BE PRESENT TO APPLY Applicant Infocmation: Name and Tifle: Home Address: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OfFice of License, (nspections and Environmental Protecnon 35o St Pe�a St Suim 300 Sain[Paul.�linncoa SSio: (651)2659090 h (651)366-9L'� O c -9'11' Mail To Addtess (if different chan home addtess): ��g � Street�ame,Type,Direction) Ciry Staie Zip+4 Home Phone: ( t�ll �� �1�� `� �f'='� _ Date of Birth: � � � 1:�� 9 ('oF. Place of Birth: ' � `` � ` � � Driver'sLicense# ;,�%- �-��'�fl—��� •''�� ^xp.Date - � � Are you a citizen of the United States? � E % If you are not a US resident, you must pra ide proof of work authorization from the US Immigration and Naturaliaation Service. Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for Do you own or lease the cab you drive? �,�,��� What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab? �'�_ ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBIIITTEA �VILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF TAIS APPLICATION I hereby state thai I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and coaect to the best of my knowledgz and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or otherconsideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution; or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. I also hereby state that I havz cead and understanc the rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 376.1 b(Taxicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul Legislative Code}. All applicants must present the follocving documenu, at hme of apphcahon: . VaLd State`ofMinnesota Dnvai s License _ ���` �_ ` _:�_ For drivers with an out of sta"te hcense; We apphcant inust provide a c _ � � s, x_ fheu �ving record for the last three (3) years f: � _ � F?, � ;; ` ' .- . � ta- . ..; � xX �' � - �" : ed at�?A6LSmversity-Avenue, 65f='642 Q610:� ,:.:, - �F:�:,e. , nust be piovided at pme of request ,.The fee is $� ,. � .._. - z`--- '-� 0210tf1949 Preferred methods of communicarion from this o�ce (please raank in order ofpreference -"1" is most preferred): O ��'�� � __ Phone Number with area code: (Circle the type ofphone number you hav�;sted above: B��ess Home Exten Cell Fax _ Phone Number with area code: Pager ) (C'ucle ihe type ofphone number you hav�e listed bove: Business Home Extension _____ Mail: Cell Fax Pager ) Sheet (�, Name. T.mP n:.n,..:.._. . _ Intemet: E-Mai] Address Siate We will accept payment by cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Paul) or credit card (MasterCard or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWINGINFOItMATION: �MasterCard ❑Visa EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑C7J0❑ ❑C7C]❑ ❑p�❑ ❑C7C7❑ ❑C7C7O of Cazd Holder(required for 02/01/1999 Sec. 376.16. Taxicab driveis license. �",�� (a) License required. Effective Much 15,1991, no person shall drive a taxicab, nor shall any owner or lessee of a taxicab aliow any other person to drive a taxicab, within the City of Saint Paul unless that person has first obtained and displayed a taxicab driver'S license under the provisions of this Code. (b} Drivers from other cities. Any dnvez licensed to opezate a taxicab in another ciry may carcy passen�ers from that city to any place within the City of Saint Paul and may freely enter and travel upon the streets for thatpurpose. In that case, it shall notbe deemed necessary for the taxicab driver to obtain a Saint Paul license but the driver shall not be permitted to accept or offzr any passenger for hue in the Ciry of Saint Paul, or otherwise operate a taxicab within the ciry without fust obtaining a license under the provisions of this Code. While within the city the taxicab drivei shall be requ'sed to observe all of the applicable re�ularions and conditions of this section and shall have in possession and display to any petson upon demand the license certificate for the taxicab. (c) License applicarion. Every applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall file an application with the license division. The application shall6e made on a form provided by said division, containin� such information as the license inspector may require, includin�, but not lunited to, a complete employment history, to verify that the terms and conditions of this chaptei have been met. The application shall be signed and swom to by the applicant. Prior to the issuance of the license, every licensee shall be photoo aphed. The chief of police or his representarive shall invesrigate each applicant and shall forward ffie results of the application to the license inspector, Any false statement on the application shall be grounds for denial, refusal to renew or revocation of a license. To receive a taxicab driver's license by March 15, 1991, the applicant must, in addition to meeting the othec requirements of law, file the application with the divuion by November 15, 1990, for drivers whose last names begin with the lettets A through and including F; Decembei 15, 1990, for drivers whose last names begin with the letters G through and including L; 7anuary I5, 1991, for drivers whose last names beo,in with the letters M through and including R; February 15, 1991, for drivers whose last names begin with the letter S through and includin� the letter Z. (d) License fee. Each applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall, at the initial time of filing his or her application, pay a non-refundable license fee of sixty-six dollars ($66.00). (e) Prerequisites to license. Eligibility to be licensed to operate a taxicab shall be as follows: (1) Possess a valid Minnesota drivec's license; (2) Be at least eighteen (18) yeazs old; (3) Be a citizen of the United States, or an alien admitted forpermanent residence, or who has othenvise obtained work authorization from the U.S. Immigration and NaNralization Service; (4) Shall have no felony convictions in the last five (5) yeacs; shatl have no nontraffic gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three (3) yeazs involvin� Yhe use or tlueat of use of force, possession or sale of a connolled substance, prostitution or indecent conduct. The license inspector may grant, pursuant to state statute, an exception to the above provisions upon evidence that the offense is not related to the occupation of taxicab driver; (5) Shall have a driving recocd meeting the following standards: a. No convictions in the last five (Sj years for any of the following offenses involving injury or death; no conviction in the last three (3) years for any of the following offenses not involving injury or death: 1. Leaving the scene of an accident; 2. Driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or drug; 3. Reckless oc cazeless driving; or 4. Refusal to take a breathalyzec test. b. For ori�inal licensure: No more than four (4) moving violations within the last three (3) years, and no more than Rvo (2) moving violations in the last year. For renewal: no more than four (4) movin� violations within the last three (3) years and no more than three (3) moving violations in the laet year. Movingviolations shall mean for thu subsection those violations specified above in subsection (5)a., and any speeding violations. c. Every new applicant shalf have at least one ( I) year s driving experience as a licensed driver. Such prior drivin� experience shall be verified by an affidavit signed by a reputable person and submitted with the license application. d. Upon submission of proof of suitability and evidence of insurabiliry, the license inspeccor may waive one (1) or moce of the requirements listed above; provided, that any such waiver shall indicate the gzounds for the inspector's decision and shall be approved by the director of the department oF finance and management services. (6) Have a demonstrated kno�vled�e of the provisions of the taxicab ordinance relating to the conduct of tasicab drivers and the operation of a taxica6. (7) Failuze to apply foz renewal of any taxicab operatoi s license within thirty (30) days a8ez expiration shall be deemed aa abandonment of the licensee's right to such renewal. (� Duty to exhibit license. Effective March 15,1991, every taxicab driver while on dury shall display the front ofhis or her taxicab drivei s license on the dashboard of the vehicle in a location ceadiLy visible to passen�ecs, which license displays the driver's photograph and license number on the front in a manner approved by the license inspector. In addition to any other penalties, a deputy inspectoe or police 02/O1/1999 officer may order the licensee to discontinue operations until such time as the licensee has a license in possession. � 0o q�r (g) Issuance of license. Bach taxicab driver's license shall have upon it a number by which the license shall be designated, a photograph of the licensee, and such other informarion as the license inspectormay require. The license inspector may issue licenses for a term of less than one (1) year for a promted iniria] fee in order to evenly dishibute license expirarion dates throughout the year, (h) Requirement of valid Minnesota drivers license. Any time that a licensee's Minnesota driver's license is suspended, revoked or canceled, his or her taxicab drivei's license shall likewise be immediately suspended, revoked or canceled. No person shall operate a taxicab without a valid Minnesota driver s license. (i) Renewals. A taxicab driver's licease shall be issued annuaily.'Ihe license inspector may cause the renewal of a taxicab driver's Iicense from yeaz to yeu by appropriate endorsement upon the applicarion for renewal and payment of an annual fee of twenty dollars ($20.00). The driver shall make such renewal application upon a form to be fumished by the license division. The renewal form sball be filled out with the full name and address of the applicant, together with the date and number of the original license. If a driver has not been licensed in the previous license year, he or she shall be considered a new applicant. (j) Suspension, revocation and nonrenewal. A taxicab driver's ]icense may be revoked, suspended or not renewed by the license inspector at any time for cause pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code. When a taxicab driver's license has been revoked or suspended, it sha11 immediately ba returned to the ]icense division. If the city council stipulates that a licensee whose taxicab driver's license has been revoked may reapply after a speci£c period of time has elapsed, that period of time sha11 not commence until the taxicab driver's license has been returned to the license division. (k) Revocation of Minnesota driver's license; limited licenses; alcohol-related driving conviction: (1) Any person holding a taxicab driver's license whose Minnesota driver's Iicense is suspended, canceled or revoked for any reason sha11 immediately surrender his or her taxicab drivei s]icense to the license division. The taxicab driver's license shall be retumed to the licensee upon reinstatement ofthe Minnesota driver's ]icense or issuance of a limited license authorizing operation of a taxicab; provided, however, that suspension, cancellation or revocation of a Minnesota driver's license due to refusal to submit to a legaliy required blood alcohol test under the state implied consent statute shall be grounds for [he revocation, nonissuance or nonrenewal of the taxicab driver's Iicense. �Z) �y iicensed taxicab driver whose Minnesota driver's license has been revoked and who has been issued a limited license authorizing the operarion of a taxicab shall immediately notify the license division of the same. At that time, the ]icensee shall furnish to the license inspector a copy of the ]imited license and a written statement containing a schedule of the days and hours of each day during which he or she will be driving a taxicab during the term of the limited license. No deviation from the schedule shall be perm]tted. In addition, the licensee shali personally furnish to the ]icense inspector copies of all trip sheets for all shifts worked during the term of the litnited license. (3) Any person holding a taxicab driver's license shall notify the Office of License, Inspecfions and Envuonmental Protection (LIEP) inunediately whenever he or she is convicted of an alcohol-related driving offense, whether or not it involves the operation of a taxicab. (4) Refusal to take and/or failure to pass a standard breathalyzer test administered pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 169.123 while on duty � shall be grounds for revocarion of a taxicab driver's license. (5) Failure to comply with the provisions of this section sha11 be grounds for revocation of a taxicab driver's license. (Ord. No. 17767, § 1, 9-18-90; C.F. No. 94-199, § 16, 3-23-94; C.F. No. 96-486, §§ 2_4, 6-26-96; C.F. No. 97-870, § I, 8-13-97) 0�01/1999 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[oa M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Aaorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, Mayor October 5, 2000 CivilDivrsion 4Q0 Ciry Ha1! I S Wesi Kellogg Bivd. Sa±nt Paul, Minnuota 55702 NOTICE OF COTJNCIL MEETING Jeffrey C. Miessner 588 North Milton Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Re: Application for Ta�cicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Miessner: .".'j � �J�Y Pelephone: 651266-8710 Faaimile: 651 298-56T 9 Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of tha proposed resolution and other documents which wiil be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your April 17, 1996 felony conviction for 2"d Degee Assault and your October 29, 1999 felony convicrion for criminal damage to property have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your application for a taxicab driver's license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l/!/' �� u-f'�u�, ���� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP tt�'S}} �.�',`{�'....�.~.�'� i.aG:.::�F F.+�-' g � �: ��Si� oe -g1Y . . ,��.-. �. ,� �., - ='. a > i ,: �� :, JEFFREY CH RLE$ ME15��R ._"`_.--.., �� �'l/ . ' � .. '__ -_---.___° 'lt���llPXX//( 5 cV�� lG,