274398 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUT�CIl �� /�v�'�'AI PINK - - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L t CANARV - DEPARTMENT B 7 I� BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. • ��Q*'�� �ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, 30 per cent of all of Saint Paul' � energy is consumed by residences; and WHEREAS, 25 to 35 per cent of this energy can be saved through basic conservation techniques; and WHEREAS, last year' s 13 .3 per cent cost of living increase, the largest in 33 years, was primarily due to increasing prices for energy and housing; and WHEREAS, past experience indicates that mail and telephone surveys or conservation programs have experienced only limited success; and WHEREAS, in the metropolitan area, annual residential energy costs are beginning to exceed annual principal and interest mortgage payments in individual situations; and WHEREAS, the high pay-off results of basic weatherization techniques such as caulking and weatherstripping have been amply demonstrated; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul undertake a full-scale Energy Mobilization on February 13, 14, 15 and 16, 1980 in order to make personal contact with as many Saint Paul residents as possible; �.nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that all city employees are encouraged to voluntarily participate in the Mobilization with other volunteers from the private sector, community/civic organization� and neighborhood groups; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that non-emergency city services be closed down for the duration of the Mobilization to allow as many city employees as possible to participate. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � .��, [n Favor Hunt Levine �__ Against BY — Maddox Showalter ��a ��'`�* '!� �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Cerlified Y•ssed by Council S etar BY `� FEg g �9 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council d by Mavor: t — '".�n BY By ����,�.�;��3L� i L .., ,�:�-- r I ,*� CITY� OF SAINT PAUL �yt� ,�g,� . ' ����°'.a r i+� k�,� k��� -" '"" =?p OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �° � �`�.�t�,.�i�":' CO i`% i C� 1111�lII11 �� . - 7�1� wp ,,�4h ��s• � . . . � . ' �"�'w�"` 347 CITY RAI.L (3EOB(3E L�TIMEB SAIl�TT PAUL,MINNESOTA b5102 MAYOB �812) 298-4323 SAINT PAUI, ENERGY MOBILIZATION Saint Paul �eeds your help on its Energy Mobilization - our biggest attemgt to button up the City through energy conser- vation. We are going to visit each household and small -businesses, cover the city from border to border, and talk about what practical steps can be taken to save energy and money. What will be the results? Even very simply energy-conserving techniques can mean immediate money savings. Individual efforts at energy conservation will do more to keep us in control of living situation than all the debate in the world about run- away inflation, nuclear power, synthetic fuels, or the OPEC countries. As a bonus, for all of us who participate in the mobilization, the training we will receive will give us some � basic knowledge that we can apply in our own homes. 1979 had the highest inflationary price_,,increase (13. 3�) in 33 years. Energy and housing costs alone accounted for three- quarters of the entire increase. Fifty percent (SOs) of present energy consumed is simply wasted. Twenty-five to thirty-five percent (25-35�) of households and small commercial establishments' energy can be saved through basic weatherization steps like caulking and weatherstripping. Major companies, such as Honeywell and Gillette locally, who are sensitive to increasing energy costs on a larger scale, have saved up to 50� of energy useage through basic conservation programs. We know i:t can be done - but onlyt�rough a person-to-person program. The best return on a mailed energy survey/program has been only 12�. Our goal is much higher. In Fitchburg, Mass. , through a person-to-person program, over 3,500 homes have been weatherized at a cost of 25-50 dollars. The results have been an average annual savings of 233 gallons (or approxi- mately $200) of fuel oil per year. A little weatherization goes a long way. Far under $100 a � leaky home or small commercial establishment can be totally weatherized and caulked. And, these costs will be recovered easily in fuel savings during the first year. ` Add up all of the cracks and air leaks in your average, unweatherized (over) �.n � . . home and the total amount can easily be as big as an open window. A front door, without proper weatherstripping, is the same as having a three-inch hole punched in your living room wall. The average American homeowner now pays $1,225 per year for heating and cooling. This figure is higher for the northern tier states. In 1978, the average bill was approximately $800. . In the Twin Cities average energy costs are now beginning to exceed annual principal and interest payments on home mortgages, according to a recently-completed study. Hom e fuel oil (and gasoline) have increased by over one-third this past year. In some cases locally, home heating oil has doubled in price sinee 1978. Similar price increase are expected in coming years. Energy conservation is the single largest source for rene��ed energy resources in America through the remainder of the century. The problem has been to motivate people to weatherize. This is the reason for the mobilization. Below are some frequently-asked questions about the mobilization: When is the mobilization? For those individua�s participating in the mobilization, a one- half day training session will be held in the Civic Center at 9:00 a.m. , Wednesday, February 13. The actual door-to-door work, which will be coordinated through neighborhood precinct stations, will be conducted on Thursday, February 14, Friday, February 15, and Saturday, February 16. On Thursday and Friday we will walk from 1: 00 p.m. to 7: 00 p.m. and on Saturday from 10:00 a.r.m. to 5: 00 p.m. , in order to catch as many people at home as possible. Are the volunteers going into every home and small business? No. We will not go into any home unless invited. Some people • will prefer to mail their energy appraisals back in. Sor�.� _ will not be home and some will not be interested. Volunteers will: a. collect home energy apprai.sal forms wliich will have been mailed out a week in advance. b. help people fill the forms out, if necessary. c. leave information packets. d. answer questions, if possible, about simple con- servation measures. e. tie individuals into a hot-line phone bank which � will be operating to provide ongoing resources, financial assistance information, and more technical information on weatherization techniques. Page two I + � , . . ��'ryr�� `".��'�bti� � • � . l�vy �e �'`k.�/U _. How will I get around? tcontinued) We hope to set up hot food and coffee rest stations in the neighborhood, fire stations or libraries. �'hese will be check- points. What will all of this accomplish? Once completed, Saint Paul will be the first city in the country to have a picture of its energy needs and resources. On the basis of the information collected, numerous neighborhood energy programs will be carried out over the coming year. In addition, the very nature of the blitz will encourage all kinds of individuals to take immediate action to begin conserving energy. The goal is to make Saint Paul the energy conserving capital of .the north. Will '.it be fun? Yes: There will be hundreds of us knocking on doors with a common goal - making life in Saint Paul a little better. We will be trying something new, getting to know each other better. There will be stories to share and anecdotes to top. Each night we should have a total of. homes visited and forms picked up so � that we can see the overall picture as to what we are accomplishing as it develops on a day-by-day basis. Need another incentive? We are working out the details of a sweepstakes. For every day you �aork, you can toss your name into a drawing. Winners will get energy-related prizes. We are trying to line up a couple of mid-winter, sunbreak vacations. Runners-up will get dinners for two at some of the warmest restaurants in town. FOR MORE DETAILS CALL THE ENERGY OFFICE AT 292-6730. ; , Page four � � � � . . � What if I do want to participate, but am unable to walk in the community? If you want to help out, but are not physically able to handle the walking, you may work on the phone bank, help to compile data, or assist with other work that a large turnout wili necessitate. Will I be able to do my own neighborhood? We hope to match people to their own neighborhoods or another familiar neighborhood as closely as possible. We do not want to miss a section of the city, but we know that the best results will come if a familiar face is at the door. Will I have to go alone? No. We are going to organize the neighborhoods so that a great many people will be in one area. You will be working in teams or on the same block with a number of other people. What about security and identification? Everyone will have identification badges. �r]e will have patrols in the area at all times to insure safety for workers and resi- dents. All volunteers will be listed so �that residents can call in and verify your participation in the mobilization. I am no expert. How wi11 I be able to answer questions? We will start things off with a training session. You will not need to learn highly technical or difficult information. P4ost of it is easy and simpl�e common sense. If a technical question is asked, you can pick up a telephone on the spot and call the phone bank where experts will be volunteering during the course of the mobilization. You will also be giving out names and numbers of ongoing energy resources so that they can contact someone with questions they may have later. What is the energy appraisal form going to do? First of all, the energy appraisal form is not an audit. It will help pe�ple understand some of their energy needs in their homes or small businesses, and will give us a good idea of energy in- formation for follow up programs tailored to meet the needs of Saint Paul residents. The form is easy to fi11 out and will be sent out in advance to everyone in the City. The forms can be � anonymous if the resident so chooses. How will I get around? We wi13 see to it that you get to where you are going to be - walking. We will have �ars or vans within a block of you most of the time which will also act as the security patrol. Page three