274395 M�HITE - CITV CI.ERK 2��3 � PINK - FINANCE (Community � GANARV - DEPARTMENT COUIICII BLUE �- MAVOR Development) GITY OF SAINT �ALTL File N0. � °'j ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did adopt the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget on September 28, 1978 (Council File No. 271847); and WHEREAS, in adopting said budget, the Council did place the amount of $80,000 for the Swede Hollow Project in a specified contingency until such time as the design concerns of the District Councils in District' s 4 and 5 were adequately addressed; and WHEREAS, the district councils and the Division of Parks and Recreation have mutually resolved those concerns as documented by the attached letters; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby remove the contingency placed on the Swede Hollow Project funds. � APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: _ APPROVED: � , • � - Bernard J. � a son, Director i hard E. S hroeder, Budget Director Department Finance & Management �(�,1„1,�1,��,MEN Requested by Department of; � Yeas �'����� Na s Y � PED: Community Development Division � ��, � In Favor Hunt � Levine _ � _ Against BY Maddox Showalter '�� �Eg 7 '1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s•e Cou cil etar By � By !� v d by Mavor: Date � FEB $ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co cil � B _��� � - — y ���.�SHE� F�B 1 6 1980 - ..--_-"' - �`�,��:��-�� � January 22, 1980 1�r. John Wir�a - Desi�n Section--vivision of Parks � & R�creation 531 city xail Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Dear John: We call your attention to a letter dated 9/15/78(attached) addressed to Mayor Latimer authored by the Daytons Bluff Community Council addressing disturbance over the planning approach of the � � Swede Hollow project which askeci that short of dropping the project completely money be used to develop a comprehensive plan and the remainder of the money be held back. Since that time citizens from both Daytons Bluff and P�}rne/Phalen have worked closely with both liistrict 4 & 5 and the Community Services Division and now feel that agreement has been reached by all concerned. With that in mind, we support and recommend the release of the Comc�unity Development funds - allocated for Swede Hollow in the amount of $80,000.00. � Re ards, � ' � � � , � ;�t. _ ,�., ,� Dou�lns, Forsberg� Presiden Q District 5 Pla 'ng Council . J P. Auge, President 0. aytons Bluff Coarmunit ouncil cc: Joyce Cassidy, Chair, Swede Hollow Task Force �on Wagner, C.O. , Da�ytons Bluff Community Council � Attach. Q � . . _�� . --_.. _. _ .. F , . � PHONE 772-2475 �-'1'1'Y ��N �� � ''����= � G� ,��CIL ` ' pF DAYTON'S BI,U� �� Go �Yn�wwi.�r� 279 CYPRESS STREET ' � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55106 Mayor George latimer September 15, 1918 Room 347 - City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Latimer: We want to reiterate our position on Swede Hollow, pro3ect C-16 on 1979 CD funding, as stated in our meeting on September 7, 1979 in your , office. . We are askinq you to drop Swede Hollow funding for the time bei nq. . We suqgest that the money be used on another pro�ect (hopefully Parkway League and Da,yton's Bluff Playground Equipmentl but we see no conflict in our community if the money is allocated to _ other pro3ects. The reasons for the above position is based on the following: . Corarnunity rated Swede Hollow 14 out of 14. . No considerations were made for the safety and 11fe support services in the Hollow. . It would create a ma3or new problem area in our community as the "plan" is conceived. .. Topoqraphic problems were not considered (most improvements were washed out this spring). � . CD process not followed. We want to call the followinq facts to your attention, facts that your staff mis-informed you on: . District 5 did NOT rate Swede Hollow. • . Payne-Minnehaha Community Council did NOT consider this pro�ect. . CD committee inspected the Hollow from the SOUTH entry. No information was provicied about North side. this is alleged, as we only have 3 people's statements). . � ,a�� � ��:. � � �c��"°�� ,�,,, � / Mayor George Latimer -2- September 15, 1978 . Police Department was NOT consulteA about security. (They support our position) . . Fire Department was NOT consulted. (They did inspect the Hollow as part of their onqoinq analysis). , . Unsiqned documents should have no value in a funding deliberation. We are disturbed at the planninq approach of this pro3ect. Normal business practice is to establish a specific plan/proposal and then go after the funds, not vice versa. We are recommending that Swede Hollow be dropped at this time. If this is politically impossible for you, we would recomnend that a sum of money be used to develop a comprehensive plan and the remainder of the money be held back. We are also assuming that all concerned parties. . will have input into the comprehensive plan. Respectfully, _ � �,,, . ( � { , � �.�.. %' � G. W. Nrynewych President, D.B.C.C. , . . . � . . . �^�• ��� �� .E � S � , .. �.: , . . . „�� � . .. •- _ : ,.' e ' , . . /��� �h�. Y T � . . . . .. ,���• �i��� lv;�"� �.'sI�,�4 �� � . .. . , . .. . ..3x�� f i � ` � �x��►ria�r�c� flF �r���s�r��r�� c���, � : � � { , �`` , � � ���'�""'` K , _ �,r,:, , . . . .. . . ....� � . � i 4 �: . . . . . . . . � i . � � � .. - . . ,� � 4•. 't t� ��� S�s ��'. k� . 1 ��-��:�1/.E �� ��'� 7� ��t`. �11Wd1^SC �E�, �9�t} " 5� y; . . ��$ � � �9$0 �u�� , # �, ��"�r � ������ ��r � �x a ` " �`Q� �IYf}t� SE{?ltGE LAl`IMER ;: . �. ' �� . � �, �:/' � . s � �t: ��fI�t�C��l�( Q. �PATi'aM�. - • � � , -' " �� . . 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