PINK - FINANCE G I TY SA I NT PA IT L Council ������
; Resolution
Presented By d
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and
directs the proper City officials to execute an agreement with the County
of Ramsey and Helping Hand Health Center, Inc. , whereby the City and County
will assist in its functioning as a neighborhood health center in caring for
the medical-health needs of the citizens of the City and County in the
adjacent geographic area; the City's contribution for the calendar year 1980
being $55,747.50, and said agreement expiring December 31 , 1980.
Funding Code: 03215
Yeas �-tr.,,,,� Nays Requested epartment of:
H,�-t �
[n Favor
L:.::-,e � �.� � .
h4�,��ox �
n B '�.�,�l.
r.,-;�-�':on _ Against Y
'' ''`'�'`°� fox Thomas J. Kelley
�� ^+ � i98� Form A ve Cit to ey
Adopted by Council:) Date ,���e �=
Certified Passe�-tiy�C cil Secret�ry BY
.�� �;
App � by Nlavor: D _ �•�:����Q� Approved ayor for Submission to Council
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By � _ _ By
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fiP! �G�EE'�Ei1T, Date� thi s �_ day of Decem�er 1979 among the
CITY OF SAI"1T PAUL, !��ii nnesota, herei nafter cal 1 ed "Ci ty"; tlie COU[JTY OF �
Helping Hand Health
RAt�SEY, tlin�esota, hereinafter called °Coun�ty'�; and Center, Inc. ,
located at 499 4J. 7th Street , Saint Paul , t�linnesota, hereinafter
called "Crantee";
In consideration of the services of the Grantee functioning as a neigh-
borhood hea1th center in carinc� for the medicai-h�alth needs of the citizens
of the City and County, the parties iiereto mutually agree as follows:
1 . The City and County ��ri11 each give to the Grantee such sum of money
as is set across from the nanie of eacii as reflec�e�i on the attached Exhibit F,
and in the manner set forth herefn.
?_. The sum of money granted by th? City and County is for the Grantee's
use during 1°��. tao additional or future funding or assurances thereof will be
provided or honored unless se� for�th in an amendment to tf�is Aeireement or a
separate agreer�ent apnroved as ttie free act of the City and County.
3. The County shall pay to th� City its co�tribution as reflected on
Exhibit A in equal i�7stallments on January 1 , April 1 , July 1 , and Octaber 1 ,
4. ?h2 City shall pay to t�e Gra�tee its and the County's contribution
in installments as folloti�rs:
(a) 25i of the total contribution of bo�h the City and County on
or before January 1 , 1980;
(b) 25;, of the total cor+tribution of both thz City and County on
or before A�ril 1 , 1�E0;
(c) 2�c� of the totial con�rii�ution of bc�th the City and County on
r �
or before July 1 , 1980;
� (d) 25% of the to*al contributiai of both the City and County on
or before October 1 , 1930.
5. The City, acting as tl�e transmittal aclent of the contribution of both
the City and County, as set forth in Paragrapi� 4, shall not be liable to pay
to the Grantee the County's contribution if not received by it from the County
�ursuant to Paragraph 3e
6. The Grantee shall on April 20, July 2Q, October 20, 198J, and January
20, 1931 submit to the City an itemiZed statement of all Grantee's exoenditures,
revenue and report of services on a form or forms to be provided by the City.
The City shall make such reports available to the County upon receipt. Further,
the Grantee shall �reserve all documentation used by,it in complying with the
statements and reports required by this paragr�nh and shall be available to the
City and Coun�y for .its revievr and audit as desired.
7. The Grantee shall , tvith apnroval of the City, develop and enforce a
fee schedule for patient charges.
8. The City shall act as the liaison to the �rantee for such day-ta-day
administration as r�ay be needed and shall be resaonsible for:
(a) Revietiving and evaluating the program and fiscal activities of the
Crantee and disseminating renorts thereof;
(b) Providirrg technical assistance to tf�e �rantee in developing and
implementing the fee schedule referenced in Paragraph 7;
(c) Coordinating activities common to the Division of Pu.blic Health
of the City and/or the Community Fl�alth Services Department of tne County
and the ;Grantee;
(d) Rendering to the Grantee such other assistance as t�rithin the
City's resources;
9. The Grantee shall ensure that:
(a) Services provided to eligible individuals are furnished without
regard to race, color, creed, sex, age, marital status or family size;
(b) Services are provided v�ith respect for individual privacy and
dignity; and
(c) Services are provided without coercion and shall not be denied
on the basis of refusal to participate in research projects or other
activities of the Grantee, or on the basis of ability to pay.
10. The Grantee shall obtain and keep in force at its own expense during
the term of this Agreement, professional liability insurance in the amount of
Three Hundred Thousand Dollars (�300,000). A certificate evidencing such
insurance as being in force during 1980, and co-insuring the City and County,
shall be furnished to the City Attorney for reviea�u and approval on or before
January 1 , 19II0.
11 . The Grantee's organization and activities shall be guided by the
format described in the attacheci Exhibit B.
12. The Grantee shall submit to the City a total operating budget on
forms provided by the City and an operational plan of its services to be pro-
vided during the term of this Aareement on or before February 15, 1980.
13. The Grantee shall submit to the City a total operating budget on
forms provided by the City and an operational plan of its services to be pro-
vided during the calendar__year 19�1 on June 1 , 1980.
14. The Grantee shall obtain a financial and program audit for the period
of this Agreement by a certified public accountant. This audit shall certify
to compliance with the terms of this grant and budget developed for this grant
period. The Grantee shall submit a copy of the audit report to the City. The
City shall make said report available to the County upon receipt.
15. The Grantee shall make available relevant background and qualifica-
tion sur:u�iaries of both regularly employed and volunteer staff to the City and
1G. The Grantee agrees that deviations of ten percent (10%) or more,
uo►•rards or do��rn:��ards, fror� i ts 192� agency budget, and/or addi ti ons or del e-
tions from its 1980 operational plan as approved by the City and County 4�i11
be transnitted to tf�e City ancl County in a timely fashion and in a manner to
be determined by the City's Clinic Coordinator. Such information shall be
before the fact and shall include pertinent data relative to the planned addi-
tion, deletion, or any other modification of programs and the subsequent pro-
jected budgetary ir�pact for the contract year and the follov�ing year.
17. Ttie Gran�ee declares Elsa�orth Johnson to be the
person responsible for compliance with the terms of the Agreement, and its
Dr. Timothy Rumsey as the person responsible for its
medical services.
18. The City declares its Director of the Department of Community Ser-
vices or such designpe as noted in �jriting by him as the person responsible
for compl i ance tifi th thi s Agreement.
19. The County declares its Executive Director or such designee as
noted in i-iriting by him as the person responsible for compliance with this
Agreement. .
20. The Grantee agrees that at a17 times under this Agreement, it, and
its employees, agents, and volunteers are independent contractars as to the,
City, and not employees of the City.
21 . The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1 , 1930 throuc�h
December 31 , 1930. �
I�l llI7f�ESS 11HEf',EOF, tl�e parties have set thei r hands as fol l ovrs:
Approved as to Form CQL�idTY OF RA'1S�Y
Assistan� County �lttorney Board Chairman
Approved as to Form Executive Director
Funds are Available
Assistant it Attarney �� �tccount Number(s)
�----- ---
GREI�r'TEE: Helping Hand gy
Health Center, Inc. BUdgeting and Accounting
By �
Its Director Insurance Ap�roval
Ri sk �9anager
� � ��� � ��, �� ����,���,
hlayor— I �
Funds are �ivai1able �
Account tlumber 03215
.. Ey
Director, De�artr�ent of Finance
Management Services
•� . ,
. . •
�;�.; ,,.���,;,2.a
r , w�
�,:�c � . �. " . '�►
Exhibit A
Helping Hand Nealth Center, Inc.
Revenue Sources 1980
City of Saint Paul $55,747.50
County of Ramsey 55,747.50
Patient Fees 120,500.00
Grants 27,835.00
Pliscellaneous 600.00
Interest t 1 ,000.00
Contributions 500.00
� TOTAL �261 ,930.00
� � '� ' ,Exhibi t 6
.,•` � s. .
. � '
• r•:��i i r�ur i S I l�.�r'J��po�� . .
" • FOk TFIC OPERAT I Ch�l OF hE I G�ICORi-'0�7D fiEP.I_.TH CENTERS • � 6; � �_ �„�,,,r,.;,
, - --�---- - � � ;��� �:`�
STA?J�,qQD t - 0°G1`,�:I'��TlO=:.�L STRUCTU�tE
h. Gcvarnir�g body: fihe center operates under �h� �i�ec•;ior, of an identi.fi�bte . ,
board ofi directors. _ .
{ . This board hold� regularly scheduled an� docum�nted naetings.
2. [ts mee�in5s are open to the public and are anno�nced pubticly, � �
at' Ieast five days prior to each regularty scheduled ►��e2�tina. . � �
3. This body has full legat aufihori-ty and responsibili�y for o�-erali
. conduct of the center. . �
4. The center is incorporated with ihe assistance of an aftorney. �
B. Govern i ng body r:�ake-�p: -. �
I . The board of dire�tvrs is rt:ade up of at leas-t 5td co�sumers. :
2. The board of direci-ors is refiectiv� racially, culturally, econa.:�ically �
. and sexually of the center's neighborhood and/or se rvice popufaiion.
C. Governing body responsibilities: the board of directors is -Fhe policy-making .
body. � . - .
._ � :�• . . - - .
1 . It adopts effective c( ient care policies and by-laws governing the
� operatien of fihe facility in accor�ar,�e with leaal requirenents and
in conjunction wi�h medical staff. Such policies and by-lavls are in
wr i t i ng and dated, and i F-�e board of d i rectors e�-;su res they are
� � . operationat and reviews tnem at leasfi annually. � �
2. It has a client review committee responsibte for the devetoprrenfi of
policies relative to the health care, safefiy and �ig,h�s of clients.
3. T he governing body hi�es the chief administrativ� s�aff person. _ �
4. It consie�ers and acts or�.budgei-s, contracts, a,reeren�s and other
, o�eration�l r�atters presented to it by its staff. .
D. Channels of �esoonsibility: channeis of respcnsi�ility as �retl as �
superv i sory re I at i onsh i ps w i th i n the cen ter are �oc�.:r��e�ted by r�ears
of an organizationat char�h or other suitable �
. , . . .
1 . Assignmen� of responsibility and delegatior. of authoriiy 4�ithir•. the
center's or5anizatian a.e specified in jcb d�scriptio� of adminis;-r�-
tive,` and professional person►iel .
. <<���r7w� -....:. .._
T . .
' `i t • �. , . .. .
,• . . . •
.� . ,
. , .
, ' _. F.•�.;,i n i si-ra ti��a r�cords: admi n i s�frat i �a re�orc� ar.d raFcrts are m�i nta i:�c
a�d used to guide the o�eration a�� reflect the pro�ress of the center.
1 . kdmi n i s�trat i ve recerds i nc 1 ure stat i s�i ca I �a�a or, nur,�bers served.
, . .
2. An annua( report i s comp i l ed �:h i ci� i nc I udes a-t �eas� a sumr:iary o� .
financial operai-ion and of services �rrovided. The report is made
available to the public. -
�►'.'i��Rt7 I I. - PtRSOPl�dEt POLICIES . .
?�rs�nnel pol icies and praci-ices are esfiabFished, revie:•r�d periodica�t fy and � �
r���ised as necessary. . �.
�. t=e rson�e{ po 1 i c i es o.f the cenfier are wr i i ten ar,d mo�e ava i I ab l e fio a t I �
center personnel _ . � . �_
�. The center has in effeci- a viable personnel grievance policy. . - .
C. The written personnet policy covers: � • � �= '
I�. Fliring procedure, including an affi�rmafiive sfiatemeni- of fair � . .
emptoyment in hiring. . �
2. Emptayee probation. �.
3. Evaluation of job perfornance. � � ��
�. Sa Iary ad just►^ents � .
� 5. Hotiday, sick leave, annuat leave an� other benefits. � - � � -
. E. Terminations - volun;tary and invotuntary. � � ' . � � . - � �
_ . i:�� c�n�er has a sufficient number of qualified personne! t4 meefi fihe needs of ctients.
�. S�affing: staffing is adequate fio provida the services essential to i�nptenent .
�he stated goals and objecti�ves of the center.
I . Atl members of the statf are qualified to per�orm the duties and � �
� responsibilities assigned to them, and r�eet such Federat, State �
and loca! pro.'essio�al re�uirer�ents as are arplicable. ,
2. ( f the services of healfh care students are u�il ;zed in providing • � •
care, such trainezs k�or.k under the direct on-si�e suFervision ot � �
appropriately qualified professicnal personn�l . � �
3. If paraprofessionals ti:ork ai the center, th�ir jeb �escriptions ' . • • .
(and actual functions) reflect their trair�ing an� skills.
� .�ar.�, Three � '
. .
. ! ' ..
� , �►. �i 1"I�ftE'fl �y::i UP� I i1°5 �X 1 S'r i C I t i fi� T:i@ �!1 j C11 i1Uf'.'i C�t,:�uers of persc:iflE i
' nscessary for deliv?ring services during cenfi�� sessions. �
E. Continuing Education: all center personnef - pai� z�d votur�tce� - are giv�n
the oFportunity to par�icipate in on-�oin� educa�ionai prograr�s retated ta .
-their activities, includir.g ori�n�a�icn, on-fihe-job �rainir�;, regutar in-�ervice
firaining prograr�s, and par-ticipatior� i� v;orkshops, ins�itu-�es or cor►tir�uing
education courses. �
STAt�DAf?� t ( 1 - F 1 NAlJC I AL h;At�AGEt��NT . �
A. Annual budget: a bud�et related to the cenfierts objecfives is prepared annually.
6. Account i ng system and records: an accour,t i ng system i n m.a i nta i ned that- -
: pro�uces inforr�ation reflecting the fiscal ex�erience and the c�rren� financia[.
. position of the cen�er. � . .
� !. The center �mainfiains records adequa►e to meet i�s operating needs �
• and ifis obligations io clients, third-party payors and other � � � � �
. .i n-teresfied parti es. � .
2. Reports of fihe center's �current financiat position and other pertirent
financial informafiion are subc�i-tted to the governing bedy a.t least
quarfierly. .
3. The center provides for an indeper,dent cerfiified audit or an .
unaudited opinion ot its firtarcial operations to be carried oui-
annuatly. • -�- . �
C. Insurance_ an insuranCe program that prbvides for adequate comprehensive
� liability insurance covering center personnel and for pro�eciion of the centerts .
physical and financiat resources is in effect. � .
0. The c I i n i c i s i n cor�p I i ance r�i th State a�d Federa I (aa:s regard i ng f i nanc i e 1
reporting. �
1 . Tax return is prepared and subr�itted annually. � - , .
2. State a�d Federa I emp I oy.ee �r i thl�o I d i ng taxes are depos i ted regu f ar I y
within legal limits. ��
3. State and Federat returns for er�ployee 4iithheld tax�s are filed
quarterly. •
4. The center meats �equ i reme�ts for S�-ate U�er�p f eyr.:e�t I ns��rance for - .
its employees. ' � •
5. The centsr meels requ i rer�ents Tor ti•!orkr�en's Cer..pEr�sat i o� i nsu rance
for ifis employees. -.
6. The op�ion to join the Fed�ral Social Secu�i�y .pro,ra� has be�n o`fered
to the employees (pertains to 501tc) (3) , oraani_�ti��s) .
' � t'��ur�� S�a�dards ; .
r • •• . •
� • • P�ce Fou r
. s
� . .
STfi^l��RD t V - O�tGA�d I ZAT I OPlAL PLA�lPd i NG � .
A. Goais and Objecfiiv�s: the b���d of 'i�ectors has dtveloped a set of yoals
and o5jecfiives which inc(udes:
I . The overail philosophy or Mission o� the clinic. �, � •
� 2. fts projected ou-Fcomes relative to the scope o` hee{th services available . :
� fio �ts ci ien-ts.
3. The cormunity (both geographic and cultura{) to be served. _ . �
4. 0'i'her projected outcomes referred to or ir�plied by tne mission sfiatenent �
such as cost of care, client a�vocacy, efic. ,
B. Progran Pianning: the board annual (y develops policies and objectives based .
on the philosophy and goals of the center. �
' i . The chief adr�inisfirative oftice� dsvelops an ann�at workpfan based on - .
, the priorities of the board. �The workplan addresses: : ' . '
� a. The number of ctienfis fio be served. �
� . b. The scope of services -to be delivered. � • �
c. The effecfi of the services on the cost of care. _ .
.� . .
�. d. ��The r,�athods of f i nanci ng the .care to be de i i vered. � � : _ � • .
e, The person powzr necessary to de; iver -the services. :
f. The space nacessary for delivering the services. �
� g. The retationship wifih other providers �of care. :
C. Progran Evaluation: the directo►- or chief administrative officer reporfis �.to the
. governing body annually regarding the ef�ectiveness of the program. The repor-t �
includes: ' __ -
1 . Numbsrs of clienfis served. -
2. The scope of services delivered at fihe center. �.
3. The average cost of services per client visit.
4. The adequacy of the phys.i ca I space i n Hrh i ch serv i ces a1ar� de I i.vzred. .
5. Th� nunbers and corpetercies of the s�aff �:ho delive:-ed the services. . ,
6. Current relationships arith other provi�ers of care. �.
, .�'�g.: r i va . .
• , .
.• • . s• � �, � � , �
• � �
, 'STAi JCARD V - FF:Y;i t CA L cP�V I FO��i r�(r'T �
The center site conforr�s to buildir.g, health and rire re:�ulatio�s of the city,
county and/or v i 1 1 age ti:here i n i t i s 1 oca-red and cct:;�i i ar�ce i s adec�ua-te I y docur:��ni�ed.
Po I i cy and .proce�u�e are d�`�e I op�d for i r�p f emen�i r,g the stated goa I s ar.d o�j ect i ves
of the center. � � -
A. I�'a nuals: policy and procedure manuals exist havinc been developed r:ith the
advics of pro�essionat personnet , adminis-�ration and ctients and are revie►•red
at least annually and revised as necessary. The m3nual (s) incl�c�e guide( ines
5overning the provision of emsrgar�cy a�d no�-2rrergency care ;ha;- may be givzn
• at the facili 'ry, and cover at least ihe follo��ring: .
� I . Protocof fcr emzrgency procedures �hai- r.�y be pe;torred in fihe cen�ar.
� " 2. Procedures to be fo( lowed in referring a client to ano�her facility �
• � for care not' ava i I ab l e at thE center. . � � �
3. Protoco t regard i ng contact w i i-h cor:�rnun i cab l e d i sease and procedures _
for infec�ion controt at fihe cen-ter.
4. Pro�ocot fo� contacting clients when fotlow,up visits are necessary.
� . �
B. Convenience/Rccessibi ) ifiy: the center has in effect poticies and procedures
. khich assure. that center services are o�fered at tires/occasions and in a
tr.anner thafi i s reasonab I y conven i ent fer th2 ra jor i�y ot the c� i er,i-s, � .
, .
t . The availability of transportation and the work/schoot require•r.,ants
of clients are taken into account. � �
� 2. A schedule showing the days and hours when the csnter is open is
posted in a conspicuous place in -the center and nade available .
- � to possible referral sources. � . �
3. If lang�age or cultural barriers exist bet►•;aen center personne( _ . �
and a significant nur�ber. of clients, ar�angements shouid be r,�ade
for in�erRreters to b� present, multi-languace signs to be pos-ted,
� or for other mechanisns to ens�re adequate cor:nunicatio�. �
4. Procedures are develo�ad to accom►�odate clients arith physicat handicaps.
C. Appoi ntr�er�t sysi-er,►: i f the center sees c I i ents by appo i n-�ment, a t i rre-s�ec i f i c
appo i ntmzn i system i s estab I i shed, w i th adequate t i r�a a I I o��red for sfia�f t'o see .
nev� clients as v�ell as thos� making return visits.
I . Average �:a i t i ng t i r�z at fihe center shou I d no•F e:<ceed ore hour.
2. . To the exfient possible.effor�s are r�3de tc enabte the ctient
to se2 the same provider on each returr, visit. �
� , •
� -��",in�i�^�� S�randards • �
,• , - Pa�+�.'Six ' . ' .
� • �
3. For r:�n-�errergency car�e, cl ien-� sho��!d 'nave t�t: �:��i�� no (ong�r •th�n t►•�o '
, hsehs for appcin-t�,enfis. . _
� D. Cont i nu i ty ef car2: the cen�er ad�p.ts a�d i rp l e��r-`s r:��chan i sms i�o ensure
' tne co�ti��uity and avaifability of care. •
1 . A mrch2nisn is establish�d for providir.g services to unsch�du(ed _
clients urgsntly in nee� of care. � � � � _
2. The cI ient is informrd a� th� tir�e �f �he ini-tial contact �rith i�he �
. center of the services avaiiab(e at -the cen�er znd is given ihe �
. opportunity fio plan for ways in �:hich these services can be � � � . .
integrated inio his/har totai care. �
3. Off-tiour nedical covzrage is provided by the cenfier or an atfiernative .
mechanism is deveto�ed to ensure coverage. . �
4. A recorded teiephone n�ssa�e is utilized Ieaving insi-ructions for �
�lients calling during times when the center is not open. �. . � �
5. A procedure exists for. referring clients •to other facilities for care � '
not available at fihe center and guidelines cover ai- least -the follotieing: �
a. Informing the client of alfiernative sources of care and steFs . _
� -thafi nust be taken to ar�ange tor the care. . ' � ,
: b. Transfs�ring of intormation regarding the client wii-h tha - _ :
client's authorization to fihe receiving facility. •. -
c. Transter.ring of information regar ing th.e ct ient from -the � �
re�eiving facili-ty to the center �or inclusion in the clien-F's ' . .
center records.
E. Clients' Rights/Responsibilifiies: the center adopts and makes available 1-0 . . _
clients written� policies regarding the rights/responsibili�ties ot ctients. � . - �
These policies ensure each client at least that he/she is: = . . -
I . Futly ir,forned of these righfis and ot a! I ru(es and regu(ations -
concerning ctienfi cond�ct and �esponsibilifiies. -
� 2. Informed of fihe identity( ies) of the peo�(e invotved in his/her � �
care. ! f trainees participate in the care, he/s�e shal [ be so .
in�ormed. � .
3. Inforr�ed of -the charges for services involved in the care given and •
-that the chargzs for atI services provided by the. cen�er be avaitable - ,
at requast. • �
4. Inforr►ed of the reasons for and nature of atl exarina�ions, tesfiing and
procedures that are done. . :
��':i n i r.*•�rrt S�r�;�Ja�d� '
. Pa�� �Sev�n • , • �
, . .. �
5, Inf�rmed of th� natur� of his/her co�:di�:c:� �,r�G of alierr�ai�i��e -
-tre�i trnen�s, i f they ex i st s p rov i d i r,g for h i s pa r i i c i pa�h i on i n the �
planning for care.
6. I nforried of h i s/her r i�ht -to re f�ss treatrr,�nt recorrrcended ar-�d of , �
. fihe possible conseque„ces of thafi refusal . •
7. [nfor��d and assisted to understanc+ a�d exerci:e his/her right� . � . � �
and may, via an existing m�chanism,. voica grievances and r2cor�r�end . �
changes in Folicies and service to cer,ter staff and outside _ .
representatives of his/h�r choice. :
8. Assure confi�enfiial trea�-manfi of his/her disclosures and records,
and�r�y approve or refuse the release o� any information to any . -
individuat not involved in his/her c�re at fihe cenfier er,cepf as •
� required by law or third-party payr^�ent contract.
9. Tt-eated with consideration, respect, and full considec-afiion of �
his/her dignity artd individuality, including privacy in treatment �
and care. , � . � . � .
Individual ctient �ecards. and reporting systems necessary to carry .out program �
. evaluafiion and to r�et att applicabte professional, administrafiive, ptanning and
1 ega 1 requ i rerr�en-Fs sha 1 I be estab I i shed and ria i nta i ned. .
A. lndividual client records: a mzdicat record is mai�l�ained for every
client receiving msdica! car� provided bylthe service.
. I . A sample of inedical records is reviewed periodically by designated� -
administrative and/or protessional statf to deternine the quatity
of the recards. ��
2. Medical records contain a11 of the follo�+ing data: .
� a. Personat data incl�ding: � - � �
I . patient identification
2, name(s) of person(s) io be notitied in case of e�rger,cy
3. service regis#ration, or other identifying number
4. identification of other sou�ces of r�dicat care � .
5. source of referral �
6. date of visits . �
7. designation of prir�ary Fhysician or health work°r �
responsible for ctier�t's care. . �
. h'•hn i,c�un Standards ' .
. . ',.�'z��� ciohfi '
. ' ,
b. Clinicai data including:
� I . clien� history to include h:stary of atic�rgies �
znd previous illnesses, hospiTalizatio;,s, a�d • '
surgeries and m�dication used. .
2. physical examination report . ,' _
. .. 3. � client's current problems � � • _
, � 4. clinical no�es writ�en by appropriate center - •
personnal -
5. consulfiation reports; if appticable � �
6. copy of retevant records of care rendered �
. � by other providers . �
c. Diagnostic da�a including: � .
. : _ �- laborafiory reports . � .' .
2. radiology reports � . �
. 3. o�her reports; as applicable � �
� d. Treatment and instructions, inctuding: •
f. client r:sanagenznt plar.s, including fotlow-up
- action as indicated �
2. notafiions of prescriptions wrifiten
• : 3. setf-care instructions
4. instructions regarding return visits ' . • � � '
5. _ si�n�d consent torms an� signed reieases � _ �
6. instructions for care given per ;elephor:z �� � .
B. C�nfiden#iality: •the confidentiality of afl r:�edical records is maintained subject
� io applicable la:�s and third-party contraczs requiring disclosure. �
I . The center safeguards the infonmation in the record against �loss, .�
defacer;ent, '�ampering .or una��hor�zed uss. . � .
2. The center's employees receive instruction concerning the
preserva�ion of the confiCentiality of the clier,t�s r.^,edicat records.
3. 'rlri�te� in`ormal consent of the cliert shall be requi�ed for the �
release of r�edical information. � • � �
, •,� „ ......,. � ��, ..�. ...,
�� Pa��-.�d i ne �� � , . • .
. .. _, . .,, . • , ,
`' C. � F i ;I i ng and ,r-�tr;_:,�a f systerr.: t��ed i c�! records are i ndexad and � i I E:c! i n a .
� � manner ►rhicF► faci I i-tates tt�e acquisition of statist�icd! informa�tion and . �
the retriEVal of records for client care ,and prograr.► evalu�tior, purposes. -
STA�•��J�R� V i i I - LP,30RATCr�Y SEP,U I CES
Laboratory services comrr�nsurate �,�ith the center's nee�s are provided by the center
itself, by an ou�tside laboratory which is part of an accredited or certified �
hospital , or by an ou►sida independenfi laboratory Yrhich is approved to provide services.
tf the ce�ter providas la5oratory services directly, the folloaring criteria are
zPPlicable: . . .
A. Personnel : if the center provides more ihan basic laboraiory services, _
the laborafiory is unc�er the direc�ion of - or regular consultation is
avi labte fror,i - a pathologist. � -
�. Raguests and reporfis: signed reporis of laboratory findings a�rs refiurnec� .
prom�tly to the requesting individual and entered into the clien-t's �
medica ! record. � - -
� � C, Safety: proper safety� precautions are maintained agains� �hazards from , � �
tire, exptosions, electrical equipment, volatile chemicals and flar�mable � �
D. Qua t i ty contro I : � , . � ,
. 1 . The laboratory ir�ptenanis en internal quality control program covering
at 1 east the ca 1 i brat i on of equ i pre nt and'�ia l i dat i on of -test res�1 ts. .
2._ Laborafiory personne! participate in .periodic revie:�s and updafies of
procedures and equip�sent. :
If pharmaceutical services are offered directly by the center, they are provided : .
� in accordance with acceoted professional principles and zppropriai-e Federal , �
State and local taws and with the fol lo►,rin� cri ieria: �
A. Personnel : the dispensing of prescription r�edications shculd be done �
only by a licensed pharracisfi op�rating from a pharrracy or by the •
physician in cempiiance �vith htinnesota Sfia�utes which allov;s supervised
interns or nc;rses to dispense drugs.
B. Prescriptions: rr�dicatio�s are dispensed only upcn the ti;rit�en order� of a . .
IicensEd p�actitioner/physician. All r�edications di�pensed r.�ust be preperly ,
la b21ed rrith at least the name of .the client, the nam� ot the prescribing
pract�itioner/physician, the na.:,e of the drug, the directions for use and
the date the drug is disper.sed.
i ' , . .. .. . ... � . .. . . . . ...
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. • T-;iniM�r:. S-Fand3rds �
Pa�� Te•�
C. Patie:�t prof i le: i r' the ce;��e� ti I is r�-�scr;�,-r�o;:; fror:i nor�-center �raci itior,�rs,/
Fhysicans, a medicaiion pro�ile is mointainec in fihe pharmacy. .
Q. Contro t I ed substancts: a f I reco��-E:eep i�g and secur i fiy requ i rer,:enfis o f the
Drug Enforceeient Adr�inistration r�ust be cor�plied a�ith if con�rolled substances
are to be utilized. � � .
STR�1a�R� X - BACF:-UP SERV I CFS � . � .
Prov i s i o.�s a re rEade for ca re not ava i t ab f e at the center i i-se 1 f. �
A. :•iritien ac�reements fvr the procureze�t of necessary cons�ttations, special
ssrvices not available at the centar, an� in-pat�iert care are developsd
with cooperating agencies and instifi utions, psfiodicalfy revieti•red, and � �
a�proved by the center's governing body, and writte� policies and
procedures exi st govern i ng tha provi s ion of such care. - _. �. . � : . . �
3. Tn� agreznants specify the mechanism for transfer o� necessary recards • - .
and i ntorr�at i on. �
, . -
: . . e .� � F� : b .. . . . . .. � . _ ,-VM� V j i �Z����/� ..
Rsv. : 9/,8/T6
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Dat�: January 16, 1980 JA�°� � `' �°�
. MAY4R'S G�
IAR: Thaaas J. Kelley, Director of Depar�ment of Canmunity Services -
gE; Contract among Helping Hand Mealth Center, .,Inc. , the County of Ramsey and the
. City of Saint Paul
.-.._� ...�
executive approval and signature �
� The five 'cam�nity clinics (Face to Face, Family Tree, Help�ir�g Hand, North End
and West Side) have received funding from the City and County since 1976 to
support their activit�es as neighborhood health centers. This contract continues
the financial support through 1980. � ---
:TA�S: .
Council Resolutior�
contract docume�t - �copies �
appendix A - copies
aPPendix B - �#��copies �