274373 M�MI7E - CITV CLERK AA�,,..J��yyy ���,,,yyy��� PINK - FINANCE C F SA I NT PA U L COUACIl �J����� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. M ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and directs the proper City officials to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey and West Side Community Health Center, whereby the City and County will assist in its functioning as a neighborhood health center in caring for the medical-health needs of the citizens of the City and County in the adja- cent geographic area; the City's contribution for the calendar year 1980 being $43,669, and said agreement expiring December 31 , 1980. Funding Code: 03215 COUNCILME[�I Requested b Department of: Yeas.��� Nays /� - � t rvic . v ' r [n Favor � _ - ;� � �`t ' ' ,� �/��l � � Against By • r� /� �. n,, , -- �� � �or Thomas J. Kelley �-?::J=.:�� . � J��`v 3 � ���� Form proved b Ci t rn Adopted by Council:` Date — Certified Yas- a by Co�it Secretary/ BY • f �3;� _ t#ppr v by 1�lavor: Da . t`� _� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY _��"�vl,� � -� L� j '' `"3J�i3�.��f1Ei1 i` L,� ;`'�r. �.. � v • ' . ' ������ ��� ���`�� �:. �' ��c�� ' AGC��Er-��raY APd �G�:EEr4EPlT, Jated thi s day �f December 1979 amono ti�e CITY OF SAI"!T P�1UL, ��linneso�ta, hereinafter called "City" ; t{ie COL�JTY OF 4Jest Side Community R1t��SEY, Itinnesota, hereinafter called "County"; and Health Center, Inc. , located at 179 E. f;obie , Saint Paul , �•linnesota, hereinafter called "Grante2"; � ldITfdESSETH: In consideration of the services of the Grantee functioning as a neigh- borhood h�alth center in caring for the medical-health needs of the citizens of the City and County, the parties i�ereto mutually agree as follows: 1 . Th� City and County ��ill each give to ttie Grantee such sum of mone�� A as is set across from the name of each as reflected on the attached Exhibit A and in tl�e manner set forth herein. 2e The sum of money granted by the City and Count.y is for the Grantee's use during 1°8�?. P�o additional ar future funding or assurances thereof will be provided or honored unless set forth in an amen�ment to this Agreement or a separate aareement approved as the free act of the City and County. 3. The County shall pay to the City its contribution as reflected on Exhibit A in equal installmen�s on January 1 , Apri1 1 , July 1 , and October 1 , »ao. �a The City shall pay to the Grintee its and the County's contribution in installments as follo�•as: (a) 25% of the total contribution of both the City and County on or before January 1 , 193�J; (b) 25� of thp total contribution of both th� City and County on or before A.pr�1 1 , 1980; (c) 25°� of thz total contribution of both the City and County on or before July 1 , 1980; � (d) 25`; of the total contribution of both the City and County on or before October 1 , 1930. 5. The City, acting as the transmittal agent of the contribution of both the City and County, as set forth in Paragraph 4, shall not be liable to pay to the Grantee the County's contribut�on if not received by it from the County pursuant to Paragraph 3. 6. The Grantee shall on �pril 20, July 2�, October 20, 1�80, and January 20, 1921 submit to the City an itemized statement of ali Grantee's expenditures, revenue and report of services on a form or forms to be provided b� the City. The City shall make such reports available to the County upon receipt. Further, the Grantee shall preserve all documentation used by it in complyinq arith the statements and reports required by this paragraph and shall be available to the City and County for its revievr and audit as desired. 7. The Grantee sf�all , t�rith aporoval of the City, develop and enforce a fee schedule for patient char5es. 8. The City shall act as the liaison to the Grantee for such day-to-day ad�inistration as �ay be needed and shall be resnonsible for: (a) Revie�ving and evaluating ti�e program and fiscal activities of the Grantee and disseminating reports thereof; (b) Providing technical assistance to the Grantee in developing and implementing the fee �schedule referenced in Paragraph 7; (c) Coordinating activities common to the Division of Public Health of the City and/or the� Community Health Services Department of the County and the .Grantee; (d) Rendering to the Grantee such otf�er assistance as �vithin the City's resources; -2- 9. The Grantee shall ensure that: (a) Services provided to eligible individuals are furnished without regard to race, color, creed, sex, age, marital status or family size; (b) Services are provided vlith respect for individual privacy and dignity; and (c) Services are nrovided without coercion and shall not be denied on the basis of refusal to participate in research projects or other Y; activities of the Grantee, or on the basis of ability to pay. 10. The Grantee shall obtain and keep in force at its own expense during the term of this Agreement, professional liability insurance in the amount of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000). A certificate evidencing such insurance as being in force during 1980, and co-insuring the City and County, shall be furnished to the City Attorney for review and a�proval on or before January 1 ? 1980. . 11 . The Grantee's organization and activities shall be guided by the format described in the attac�ed Exhibit B. 12. The Grantee shall submit to the City a total operating budget on forms provided by the City and an operational plan of its services to be pro- vided during the ter� of this Agreement on or before February 15, 19�0. 13. 7he Grantee shall submit to the City a total operating budget on forms provided by the City and an onerational plan of its services to be pro- vided during the calendar:_year 1981 on June 1 , 1980. 14. The Grantee shall obtain a financial and program audit for the p�riod of this Agreement by a certified public accountant. This audit shall certify to compliance v�ith the terms of this grant and budget develo�ed for this grant � period. The Grantee shall submit a copy of the audit report to the City. The City shall make said report available to the Count,y upon receipt. -3- 15. The Grantee shall make available relevant background and qualifica- . tion su��aries of both re�ularly employed and volunteer staff to the City and County. lb. The Gran�ee agrees that deviations of ten percent (1�%) or more, uo�•rards or dot•mi-rarcis, fror� its 1980 ac�ency budget, and/or additions or deie- tions fror� its 1980 o�erational plan as approved by the City and County N�ill be transmitted to the City and County in a timely fashion and in a manner to be determine� by the City's Clinic Coordinator. Such information shall be before the fact and shall include pertinent data relative to the planned addi, tion, deletion, or any other modification of programs and the subsequent pro- jected budgetary 7r�pact for the contract year and the follo►a�ing year. 17. The Grantee declares Gary Sande to be the person responsible for co►�pliance with the terms of the Agreement, and its Dr. Luis De Cubas as the person responsible for its medical services. lE. The City declares its Director of the Department of Community Ser- vices or such designee as noted in writing by him as the person responsible for compliance with this Agreement. 19� The County declares its Executive Director or such designee as , noted in ti��riting by him as the person responsible for compliance �vith this Agreement. 20. The Grantee agrees that at all times under this Agreement, it, and its employees, agents, and volunteers are independent contractors as to the, City, and not employees of the City. 21 . The term of this Ac�reement shall be from January 1 , 1930 throuc�h December 31 , 1930. -4- I�! t�tITt�lESS l-1tiEP.EC�F, the parti es have set thei r hands as fol l ovrs: � ��� � Co-� : � ��-'� �0 P.�pro�ied as to Form , CQUt�dTY OF R�t"1S�Y By Assistant County Attorney Board Chairman i3y �lpproved as to Forr.i Executive Director C � Funds are Available Assistant City ttorney P,ccount Plumber(s) Amount . F GRA;JTEE: LJest Side Community gy Budgeting and Accounting Health Center, Inc. ay . Its Director Insurance Approval By Risk Manager , CITY OF SAI��lT P,4UL � � ' �� By hlayor_ � Funds are Available P,ccount t�lumber 03215 � �4 . . Qy _ Director, Departr�ent of Finance F�4anagemei�t Servi ces -5- � � � . . , - � � Exhibit A t�lest Side Community Flealth Center, Inc. Revenue Sources 1980 City of Saint Paul $43,699 County of Ramsey 43,699 Patient Fees/Third Party 90,436 National Nealth Services Gorps. 31 ,320 Grants - Public 16,801 Grants - Private � 73,473 4ther 350 TOTAL $299,773 � , �. � � �� ' �Exh i b i t B ,;1 .'. . . • • • • ' . � , . ' . � �i�I!{('U��i S �l�:;i J��p�`.� • . " • , � FOk TFIE OPERAT I 0��1 Or IvE I G!IE30RNO��p FI�P_s..TH CENTEP.S • , � STA;J7,44D ! - ORGI`,�:I%�1 i 10':�L ST�tJ.�'.TU�tE k. Gcvarnirg body: the center operates under �he �irec�;ior� of an identifi�bte . . board ofi directors. _ . { . This board holds regularly scheduled an� docum��ted neetings. 2. Its mee�in5s are o�en to the public and are ar�no�nced publicly, - ' � at Ieast five days prior to each regularly scheduled r��ea�tina. . � � 3. This body has full legat authority and resp�nsibili�y for o��erall . conduct of the. center. . � 4. The ceni'er i s i ncorporated w i th ;he ass i stance of an atfiarney. � B. Governing body r.�ake-�p: -. , � 1 . The board of d i re�tars i s rr:ade up of at leas-F 51� consumers. 2. The board of directors is reflectivz racially, culfiurally, econo�ically � . and sexualfy of the center's neighborhood and/or service poputation. C. Governing body responsibilities: the board of directors is tF�e policy-making . body. . � . ._ �,� . . . . . ( . It adopts effective c( ienfi care policies and by-laws governing the - operation of the facility in accor�ar.ce with te_c.al requirements and in conjunction with medicat s-taff. Such policies and by-latirs are in � wri ti ng and dated, and i t-�e board of d i rectors e�sures they are � � . operational and reviews them a-t least a;�nual ty. � � � 2. It has a clien-h review committes responsibte for the devetopment of policies relative to the healfh care, safe-ty and �ig,hts of clients. 3. T he gover-ning body hires the chief zdminisirativ� staff person. � 4. It considers and acts or��.budgets, contrac�s, a,reer���s and other . o�erafiion�l r�atters prese�ted to i# by its stafr. . D. Channels of resoonsibility: channe(s of respcnsibility as trell as � � superv i sory re I at i onsh i ps v�i th i n the cen ter are doc�.:m°�ted by r.zzars of an organizational chart or other suitable - . , - . - t . Assignmen� of responsibility and dele�etior. of zuthoriiy r�ithir; th� center's organization a�e specified in jcb d�scriptien of adminis:r�- � tive,� and professional person►�el . � . ��3��,rT��� _ ...: .... T • . . . .`3 . , �' • . • - � . � . :' . , ' ' � , , ' _. F.��:,�i n i strati vc� r�corc�s: admi n i sfirat i �t re�ore� and rzF�rts are m�i nta i��� and used to guide the operation a:�d reflect the procress ofi the center. ( . Fdministrative recerds inclure sfiatis�ical d�ta on nur�bers served. 2. An annua I report i s comp i led �:h Ici� i nc I udes at I eas► a sumr.aary o� . financial operation and of services �rrovided. The report is made . availabte to the pub{ ic. - ��:=.'i�A��7 I I. - PERSOPJt•!Et POLICIES . . ?�rso�nel policies and praciices are esfiabFished, revie:•rad periodica�lty and � � :�vised as necessary. � . �. rerson�e I po! i c i es o.f the ceni-er are wr i i ten ar,d made ava i I ab l e fio a�I 1 � center personnel . . � . �. The center has in effect a viable personnel gr"ievar,ce policy. . C. The written personnet policy covers: ` � � - � :- � I�. Hiring procedure, inctuding an affirmative stafiement af fair ' . . employment in hiring. . � 2. Emptoyee probation. � . �. . 3. Evaluaiion of job perfornance. . � � � 4. Sa I ary ad j ust�:ents � . � 5. Holiday, sick leave, annuat leave and other benefifs. . � ' � - . E. Terminations - votuntary and involuntary. � � . ' . " � . ' � ' . . T:�� c�n�er has a sufficienfi num5er of q�alified personne! to mee-t -the needs of ctients. C. Stafting: staffing is ac�equat� fio .provida the services essenfiial fio implenent . �he stai-ed goals and objecfii�ves of the center. I . AI ! memhers ot the staff are qualified to perform the duties and � � respons i b i ! i t i es ass i gned to fiherr, and r�eefi such Fe�era( , Sta-te � and local professional re�uirer�Pnts as are arplicable. . 2. If the services of health care sfi�dents are u#ilizeC in providing - � ; care, such trainees work under tne direct on-si�e sup�rvision of � appropc-iately qualified professicnal personn�l . � �. I f paraprofess i ona I s ti•:ork a i the cenfier, ti�e i r job �escr i pt ions ' . - • . (and actual funcfiions) reflect fiheir trairirg a.�� s�:ills. , •�a��, Three ' , .. ''- , . + ' , 4. ��r i�tten ';�: de ( i nas ex i st, c i fi i rg r:�s r�i n i��u��n r�c,:••ber� ot pF�rs�:�ne� ' n�cessary for delivaring services during c�nt�r sessions. E. Contin�ing Education: sll cen�er p�rsonnef - pa�� zrd vofur;tee; - are giv�n the oFportunity to par►icipate in on-goin� educa�ionai progr-ar�s retated t� . their activitiES, includir.g orizn�-a�icn, on--th�-job �rainin;, regular in-�e:vice firaining prograras, and pa�ticipatior, i� v;�rkshops, ins�itu�es or cor�tir�uing educatio� courses. � STA�OAP,D f ( l - F 1 PdA�dC I AL h;At�AGEFi�NT . A. Annual budget: a budget related to thp center's objectives is prepared annually. B. Accounting system and records: an accour,ting systen in m.�intained thai- • . pro�uces information reflecfiing the fiscal experience and the c�rren� tinancia[ . posifiion of -the center. � . l. The center `mainfiains records adequa�e to meet i�s operating needs � • and its obligations io clients, fiF►ird-party payors and other � � � � . _i nterested parti es. • 2. Reports of i-he center's 'current financiat position and other per--tirent financial informafiion are subr,ritted to the govErning bcdy at least quarterly. - 3. The center provides for an +ndepe.r,dent cerfiified audit or an . . una ud i ted op i n i on of i ts f i nar,c i a l opera-h i ons fio be ca rr i ed oui- annuat (y. • -�- . C. Insurance: an insuranCe program fihat prbvides for adequate cor�preh�nsivs � _ � liability insurance covering center personnel and for proteciion of the centerts . physical and financial resources is in effect. � . D. The clinic is in compliance rrith Sfate a�d Federal (a�;s regarding financiel reporting. � . . 1 . Tax refiurn is prepared and subr^itte� annua! Iy. � - . . 2. State a�d Federal employ.ee arithl�olding taxes are deposited regularly within legal limits. �� 3. State and Federa I returns for er:�p I oyee rr i thhe I d tar,es are t i 1 ed quarterly. � 4. The center mezts requirements for S�ate U�er�ptoyr:ent Insurance for � its employees. ' • 5. 7he center meels requ i rer�ents for ti•!orkr�en's Cer..per�sat i o� i nsurance for ifis employees. ". � 6. The op�i on i o jo i n the Fed�ra I Soc i a( Secu�i�y- ,pro�ra^� has b��n o`fered to the er.�ployees (pertains to 501 (c) (3) , organi=atio�s) . . , . ' �'�n�rsm S�a�dords ; � . .• r � � • rvGv' �out' � ' • � , . STfi^�nF.nD t V - O�tGA+d l ZAT I OPlAL PLAIJPJ i P�G � � . A. Goals and 05jeci-ives: the bo�;d of �i �ectors h�s dtvalopec! a set of yoals and objecfiives ti•�hich includes: I . The overall philosophy or Mission o� the clir�ic. �, � � � 2. Its projected ouficor�es relative to the scope o` health services available . : to its ctients. 3. The cor:-�mun i iy (bo-th geogra ph i c and cu t tura{) to be served. _ . . � 4. Ofiher projected oui-comes referred to or ir�pl ied by ti:e Mission sfiatenenfi � � such as cost of care, c( ienfi advocacy, efic. . � . _ B. Progran Ptanning: the board annually develops po[ icies and objectives based . on the philosophy and goals of the center. � " ( . The chief adninisfirative officer develops an annual workpfan based on - . the priorities of the board. �Ths workplan addre�ses: : . ' � . ' � a. The number of ctfents fio be served. � b. The scope of services -to be delivered. � � � �. The etfect of the services on the cost of care. . . � . . �_ d. ��The r;�thods of f i nanc i ng the .care to be de 1 i vered. � � : ' � : e, The person pow�r necessary t'o de.liver the services. � . ` f. The space nacessary for delivering the services. .� " g. The relationship wifih other providers �of care. : � . C. Progran Evaluation: fihe director or chief administrative otficer reports �.to the _ governing body annually �egarding the ef�ectiveness of the prograr�. The report � � includes: . I . NumSers of clients served. - 2. The scope of services delivered at fihe center. 3. The average cost of services per client visit. 4. The adequacy of the phys.ical space in which services ware deli,v�red. . 5. Ths nunhers and conpetercies of the s�a`t a:ha delivered the services. 6. Current relation5hips Vrith other provi�ers of care. . -�'�9'�" F i va . � • . .• . . _ � . , . , , _ • . • � � . . . . ' � , 'STP,�JCARD V - FF:YS 1 CA L cP�V I �OIJi r�tv T � � The center site conforros to buildir.g, health and fire rc:�ulatio�s of the city, coun-ty and/or v i 1 I age w,here i n i t i s 1 oca-t�d and cc+•;p i i a��ce i s adec�uafic I y docur.�;;ni�ed. STA.idD11RQ V I - POL I CY A^ID PRC�EDURE � . Policy and .proce�ure are d���elop�d for i�plem�n;ir,g fihe stated goals ar:d o�jectives � of the center. . � � A. k',anuals: poticy and procedure manuats exist havinc been developed with the advi�s of professional personnei , adminisfrai-ion and cfients and are revie�•�ed at least- annually and revised as necessary. The manual (s) incl�c�e guidetires govern i ng the F rov i s i on ot emsrgar�cy a�d non-ar�ergency care �i��a;- nay be g+vzn • at the facilify, and cover a► least The following: � 1 . Protocoi� ►cr emergency procedurzs ;t�ai- r�ay be perrorred in thz cen��r. � � 2. Procedures to be� followed in �eferring a client To ano�her faci{ i-ty � � � for care not avaiiable at the center. . � � 3. Protocot regarding contacfi with coc�municable disease and procedures for infec�ion control at the center. � 4. Pro�ocot for contacting clients when fotlo►r-�up visits are necessary. � . � . . � B. Convenience/Rccessibility: the center has in effect poticies and p�ocedures � . which assure. that center services are c�fered at tires/occasions and in a �ranner thafi i s reasonab I y conven i ent fer the r,.a jor i�y of �he c�i er,ts. . ' . 1 . The avai (aCility ot firansportation and the work/schoo! reGuirerants of clients are taken in-Fo account. ' � 2. A schedute showing the days and ha�rs when the csnter is open is po5fied in a conspicuous place in the center an� nade availabte . � � to possible referral sources. 3. I f I ang�age or cu Itura I barri ers ex i st be-t►•raen cerfier personne t . . � and a s i gn i f i cani- n�r�ber of c I i en ts, arrangemonts shou 1 d be r�ade for i n�erpraters to b� presen�, rru I t i-I anguace s i gns i-o be pos-ted, � or for o�her mechanisr�s to ensure adequate cor-nunicatio�. 4. Procedures are develop�d fio accomr�od�te clients ►�ith physicat handicaps. C. Appo i ntr��er�t sys-i-er�: i f the center sees c I i ents by a�po i n�ment, a t i rr�-spec i f i c appoi ntme�� system i s estab I i shed, w i th adequate t i r�a a t 1 o�•red for sfiaff -to see . nevr cI ients �as vrel I as thos� ma{%ing return visits. I . Average a:a i t i ng t i r�z at fihe center shou I d no-t exceed one hour. 2. 7o the extent possible.efforts are r�a�e tc enable the client to se2 the same provider on each refiurr, visit_ . � � 5�;i Ri i:aJr:� S fandards � � , ,• . � Pag��.5 ix . . . � � . s I 3. Fo, r:�n-�emer�encv c�r�e, c t s en-� sh�:.�!d nave i�c :ra i�� nu I ong�c- •th�n trro ' , heeks for appai n�tr:�ents. , � D. Conti nu i ty ofi cara: the cen�er ad�p.ts a�d i rp i er.^en1s n��chan i sms i�o ensure ! tne co�tinuity and avaitability of care. - - � I . A rr�chzn i sn i s estab I i sh�d for prov i�d i r.g serv i ces -to unschedu�ed � _ . ciients urg�ntty in nee� of care. � � 2. The cl ient is inform�d a� th? fiir�e of ihe initial contact ►�►ifih 1-he . cen�er of the services avai ;a5te at ths center end is given ihe � � opportunity to plan for vrays in �rhich these services can be � - . . integrai-ed inio his/htr totaf care. - 3. Off-hour nedica! coverage is provided by the center or an alfiernative mzchanis^� is .develo�ed to ensure coverage. . � 4. A recorded telephone n�ssage is utitized leaving instructions for � � clienfis cafting during timzs when fihe center is not open. �. . . . � 5. A procedure exists for referring clients �to other facilities for care � ' � not avai labte at fihe center and guidel ines cover at least the tot toti�ing: . � � a. lnforming the client of a{ternative sources ot care and steps . � tha-t nust be taken to ar�ange for the care. � . � b. Transfsrring of information regarding the client with tha - � . client's authorization to the receiving facili-ty. � • c. Transfer.ri ng of i nformaf ion regar¢�ng 1-h.e c! i ent fror� -the � � re�eiving facility to the center for inclusion in the clieni-ts � _ center records. E. Clients' Rights/Responsibilities: the cenfier adopts and makes avai [able to . . _ ciients written policies regarding the rights/responsibili�i-ies ot clients. � � � These policies ensure each client at least that he/she is: = _ � � ( . Fully inforned of these rights and of a{ ( rules and regutafiions � concerning clier�fi cond�ct and responsibilities. � _ 2. tnformed of fihe identity( ies) af the people invotved in hisJher � care. If trainees participate in the care, he/s;:e shalt be so informed. � 3. Inforr�ed of the charges for services involved in the care given and � -that ths charges for atl services provided by the, cen�ec be availabte` ' � , at requast. • 4. Informed of the reasons for and nature of alt exa!;�ina�ions, tesfiine and procedures that are done. . � �F':inir*;drt S�r�;�;Ja�ds ' , pa�e �Seven ' � . ' � . . . • , 5, � lnforrt:e:f ot the natur4 of his/her c��:di;:c;� nnd of alierr�-ifiive � treatrr,en�s, if fhey exis�, providir:g for his par►icipation in the � pl�nning for care. 6. I r�formed of h i s/her �i�ht to re f�se tre�tmsnfi r�:corr,rcc:ndec! ar-�d of , � . thz possible conseque„ces of that refusal , • 7. (nforr��d and assisted to understand a�d exerci�e his/her rigtrts . � - � and may, via an existing m�chanisr�, voice grievances and rzcor�r,�snd . � changes in Folicies and service to cer,ter staff and outside . . representatives of his/her choice. : 8. Assure confidenfiial trea-�mant of his/her disclosures and records, and�r�y approve or- refuse the reiease o� any intormation fio any � � individual not invotved in his/her care at the center except as � � requ i red by I aw or tF►i rd-party payr:�ent confiract. : 9. T�eated with consideration, respect, and full con"siderafiion of � his/her dignity ahd individuality, including privacy in t�eatr�en-t � , and care. . . � . . STAtd DARD V l I - h'EO I CA L RECORDS . I nd i v i dua t c l i ent �ecards and report i ng systerr�s necessary to ca rry oui- program � evaluation and to naei' a( 1 applicable professional , administrafiive, planning and tegal requirements shatl be established and r,►aintained. . A. Individual c} ienfi �ecords: a madical record is mai�h�ained for every clienfi receiving medica! care �provided bylthe s�rvice. . I . A sample of inedical records is revierjed periodically by designated - � administrative and/or professional staff to deternine the quality of t�e records. � 2. Medical records coni-ain all of the fotlor�ing data: . � a. Personal data incl�ding: � - � t . patient_ identification 2. name(s) of person(s) io be notified in case of er,�rger,cy 3. service registration,� or other identifying nurrber 4. identification of ofiher sources of r�dicat care � , 5. source of referral ' b. date of visits . � 7. designation of prirary Fhysiciar� or hEalth worker responsible for client's care. . � � . • h'•hrii,y�un S-tandards . • x - •• , . '„PZ���..cioht • � � . b. Clinical data including: ! . cl ieni history ta inctude h:sto;y of al :c�rc�ies � and previous ilinesses, hospii�lizatior�s, and - ' surgeries and medication used. � � . 2. physical examination report . � .� _ . . _. 3. � client's current problems � � • . . � 4. clinical no�es written by approp�iate center - • personnal , . . � � 5. consulfiation reporfis; if applicable � 6. copy of retevanfi records of care rendered . � � . - by o-ther providers _ . c. Diagnostic da-�a including: � . . - 1. taboratory reports _ � . . � �� 2. radiology reports . . . . 3. oiher reports; as applicable � . � d. Treatment and instructions, inc(uding: . • t . c 1 i ent r:�anagem�nt p I ar.s, i nc(ud i ng to l I o►��-up � action as indicated � 2. notafions of prescriptions wrifiten • . 3. self-care instructions . . . � 4. i nsfiruct i ons rega rd i ng return v i s i ts . ._ • � � ' 5. :signad consent forms an�-signed reteases =-- . � 6. instructions for care given per ;efephor.z � � . B. Confidentialityc •the confidenfiiality of aII ►;edical records is Maintain�d subjeci � to applicable la�s and third-party contracTS requiring disclosure. � I . .The center safeguards the intorr�a�ior� in fihe recor;d against �loss, _� defacer��nt, "�amgering .or unau�horized uss. . � • 2. The center's EmF(oyees receive instruction concerning the preserva�ion of the confiCentiality of the cliEr,;�s ►^edical records. 3. S�lritte� informal consent o� the cliert shatl be requi!-ed for the � release of inedical information. • • " � Pa��-.�d i ne _ � � ' ' � - r• C. F i';! i ng' and ,r�tr;�•�.�a t system: t°e�i c�( re�ords are i�dex�:d and � i l e:d i n a . � � nanner �r-;�ich faci I itates tt�e acquisition of sta�tist�icdl information and . � the retrieval of records for ctient care ,and prograr.� evalu�iior, purposes. - STAi•iDAR� V I I I - LABORATORY SEP.V I CES Laboratory services cor�rr�nsurate tivith the center's nee�s are provided by fihe center itself, by an outside laborato�y which is part of an accredited or certified - hospital , or by an ou►side independent laboratory 4;hich is approved to provide services. If the center providas la5oratory services directly, the folloriing criteria are zPP� icable: � � , � A. Pe�sonr�ef : if the center provides more �han basic laboraiory services, _ the laboratory is under -the direc�ion of - or regular consultation is � avilable fror;i - a pathologist. � - �. Raguests and reporfis: signed reports of laboratory findings a-rs returned . � prorr,ptly to the requesting individual and entered inio the client's medical record. � � � . � C, Safety: proper safety� precautions are maintained aoa�ns� hazards from . . � fire, explosions, electrical equipment, volatile chemicals and fler�ur�able � so{utions. � � : D. Quality control : , . _ . . I . The taboratory ir�pteman►s an inte.rnal quality control program covering at least}he calibration of equipr.,e nt and'validation of test resu(ts. . 2.. Laboratory personnet participate in periodic revie:��s and updates of procedures and equipnent. ` : � _ STP,NDARD I X - PHARMACEI!T I CA L SERV 1 CES . . If pharmaceutical services are offered directly by .the cenfier, they are provided : . � in accordance with acceoted professional principles and appropriate Federat , � Sta�e and local laws and with the follo+,rincr cri�er-ia: A. Personnel : the disFensing of prescription r:�edications should be done � on I y by a 1 i censed pharr^ac i st operat i ng f rom a pharrracy or by the - physician in cemptiance �vith htinnesota Sia�uies which allov;s supervised interns or n�rses to dispense drugs. 8. Prescriptions: m�dicafiions are dispensed only upan the ��rritten order� of a _ . i icer.sed p�actitioner/physician. At I re�ications di�pensed r.wst be pre�er-ty 1 a bz t ed rr i th at I east the na^^.� of .the c I i er�fi, the narr.� of the prescr i b i r.g practitioner/physician, the na:�e of the drug, the �irections for use znd fi he dafie the drug is disper.sed. I . . . ... , - `�:f • . w � � � ' , - ,� t • r � � . , ' . : t'i n i-:.��� Stand3rds Pa�s Te:� C. Patie�t prof i le: i f the ce��e; fi i Is r~�scr;�,-t�o�ts fror.� nor�-center �raci itiorers,/ Fhysicans, a medication Fro�ile is m�intainec in the pharmacy. . D. Contro I i ed subs-rances: a 1 1 reca�C-E:eeF i�� and secur i ty requ i re�:ents of fihe Drug En force�nent Adr�i n i s trat i on ►�ust be cor,�p I i ed w i th i f con i ro I I ed subsfiances are to be utilize�. � � . � S?'P.�dQ�P,� X - BACK-U? SERV I CES � - � Prod i s i ons are r,iade for care not a��a i I ab(e at the center i tse t f. � A. :•irit�en agreemen-ts for fihe procure�e�t of necessary consultations, special . s�rvices not available at the cenfiar, and in-patiert care are devetopsd � kith cooperating agencies and ins�i-�utions, periodically revie�•red, and . - � a�proved by the center's governing body, and writi-en policies and � procedures exist governing tha provision of such care. � .. -. - � . . : . . � : B. Tns agreznants specify the rrechanisr� for transfer o� necessary records � - . and information. . � . . . . �. � - 1 � • �y • � . ' GM O1: Z?./.�,g?3 . ` r Rav. s 9/$/76 ` TIt7l�T 0 ADl�ISTRATIVE 0 . . . SO���O�,�AND RD NAPT _ . ��� � . �t � � � � � ED Dats: ,�nnuary 16, 1980 � JA�a � `-: ��� . M�►�(OR'Sr � TO: MAYOA GEORGE LAT?�lER ' �= T6om�;s: J, Kelley�� Director of Department of Camnmtty Services �= Contract atmong West Side Cc�rnwntty Heal th Center, Inc. , the County of Ramsey and the C�t�r of Saint Paul , � . � . . r ACTICN REQ�IESTED; executi�ve a�pproval and� si�gnature � . , � � :y PURPO$E AND R�A'��ONALE FOR T$IS ACTION: , ���FI��YI Il�rl�l��il�lll l�IlFil M*rl�lll�ili���I��rl��q��� '� Tfie ��ve cc�nity clini.cs� (face to Face, Fam�ly Tree, Helping Hand, Horth End � � ,` and West Stde) hdve received F-�funding from the City a�nd Coun�ty since 1976 to ; �suppprt thei:r acttvities as_ neigFiborhq�od health centers. This ,contract continu�s � y the f�nanc�[al support througf� 1980. � . ATTAC�TS: ,;r Counci1 Resolution � - . . . contra�ct ddcumen � t#��e-coptes � � appendtx A - copies append�x � cop�ies �, �� .